Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 170: The Fragmented Star Alliance, the corrupted eternal leader!

Sea of ​​Broken Stars.

With the collapse of the coalition.

The name of the deep diver was completely launched.

Occupying this land, the extraordinary people who live by evil and related forces have to admit one thing.

That is...

This new organization is expanding at a rapid rate.

With the passage of time, some extraordinary people who have no foundation will even take the initiative to seek refuge.

so that...

The deep diver forces that occupied the territory of the former Church of the Tide had reached an unprecedented state of terror.

There is no doubt that this level of expansion has attracted the attention of the Fragmentary Star Alliance.

This one occupies the coast.

The alliance composed of nine cities received the corresponding news as early as a few months ago.

And as the news continues to accumulate and ferment.

The Broken Star Alliance had to respond.

At this time, representatives from nine cities gathered at the headquarters of the alliance.

in a conference room.

He Hao sat in the first place.

The amazing aura made the surrounding atmosphere fall into depression.

It's about the life and death of the Fragment Star Alliance.

All the people who can participate in the gathering at this moment are all top-notch existences in a certain field.

There are six epic powerhouses alone, while the rest of them, although lacking in strength, are well-known think tanks.

Unlike the Dawn Alliance.

The Fragmented Star Alliance lives on the sea.

Although the resources are more abundant.

But throughout the ages, where there is a sea, it also means constant disputes.

The tyrannical gods, the church of the tides, and countless evil forces.

If the difficulty level of the Dawn Alliance is just difficult.

Then the pressure that the Fragmentary Star Alliance has to face has already broken through the hell mode.

But even so, this force still stands to this day, it can be seen that there is not a general generation of "three five three" that can be called a think tank.

And He Hao, who was on the guard, was an eternal powerhouse.

The other party was imposing, sitting there like a dragon entrenched.

The third generation ruler of the Broken Star Alliance.

The most notable difference between the Broken Star Alliance and the rest of the forces is...

It has been passed down from generation to generation here.

For hundreds of years, it was all in charge of the He family.

In each generation, the most talented heirs will be selected, and all the resources of the nine cities will be used to create a strong person in the world.

Often the successor, in his early thirties, has already entered a realm that is envied by the world.

And in the three generations of grandparents.

He Hao's talent is the most terrifying.

At the age of twenty-seven, he has entered the realm of eternity.

At its peak, the Fragment Star Alliance had a total of two eternal powerhouses.

At that time, the Star Fragment Alliance was in the limelight for a while.

Fighting again and again, the Star Fragment Alliance's status is unprecedented.

However, He Hao also completely took over the burden when his father was attacked to death by a deep-sea monster during a mission.

Become the only king in this alliance.


He Hao is already forty-three.

More than ten years in power, coupled with his resolute and resolute character, made his position extremely stable.

compared to the league.

The eyes that everyone looked at He Hao were more like looking at an emperor, and they were extremely respectful.

And at this moment, he is even more silent, listening to the suggestions of his subordinates.

"That force is growing too fast, and it won't take long to threaten our alliance.

"Liu Liu, are you still dreaming about the Spring and Autumn Period? Those guys' hands are too long, they have reached the sky above the Alliance! They have reached out to you and me!"

"I agree with the old man's rhetoric. After defeating several forces one after another, the other party has a great appetite. It is no longer as simple as reaching out, but to the point of encroaching on the alliance."

"If you want me to say, just hit it by surprise, and kill the spearhead of the threat in the bud!""

Several people chatted.

But the purpose of the discussions was the same.

That is the Legion of Deep Divers that has grown up, and it has already made them feel terrible pressure.

And at this moment, a long voice reached everyone's ears:

"What if it fails?"

"That force, but one after another, destroyed several forces that even we have no confidence to restrain.""

"Up to now, the other party has not caused any substantial harm to us.

"But once we choose to go to war, it means that we are on the opposite side of the other side."

"If it fails, millions of people in the entire alliance will be wiped out in an instant."

It was a woman speaking.

Also present, one of the few legendary powerhouses.

The other party is the daughter of a third-level city lord.

Only twenty-one years old this year.

All along, she has been cultivated by the former old city owner as the heir.

But the sudden pollution turned the old city lord into a monster.

The woman named Qiu Shuang killed her father with her own hands at the last conscience of the city lord.

The other party is the new lord of the third-tier city.

But the terrifying sudden change had some impact on the spirit of the other party.

As if the sunny weather was corroded by the haze, the originally beautiful face also began to become dull and gloomy.

Compared to the rest of the people who are ready to go.

Qiu Shuang's remarks undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water on everyone's heads.

Everyone frowned and looked at the little girl who was "stinky" in front of her.

His eyes narrowed with an angry look.

But more than anger, there is panic that has to be admitted.

Qiu Shuang's remarks were like a cruel scalpel, which directly tore the so-called shame-covering skin on their bodies.

Let them appear in front of everyone in a bloody posture.

The righteous words before, but it was a kind of bravery.

All the while, no matter how much danger they face, they have always been the antithesis of evil.

And this is also an important proof that the Broken Star Alliance can exist today.

They have a morale in their hearts to fight evil to the end.

But who would have thought...

The appearance of the deep diver out of thin air made everyone stick to the heart of justice all the time, and a crack appeared.

The inexplicable power has an impact, not just occupying the sea area, not allowing any power to set foot.

It is also not in a sudden thunderous trend, which has destroyed many forces one after another.

At the end of the day.

The strength of the opponent caused a crack in the rule of the Fragment Star Alliance.

As time fermented, more and more people began to panic, and by that time, the so-called Fragmented Star Alliance had reached a point of no return!

Nobody is a fool.

But no one followed Qiu Shuang's position.

Because they are the last insistence of ordinary people.

People can be afraid.

But they can't.

This is a disguised rule.

Although this will bear some not-so-good reviews.

But from the moment they became city lords, they had to bear the burden that ordinary people could not bear.

Qiu Shuang did not realize this.

From the moment the title of Father Killing was carried on his back, the calm successor of the past underwent a strange change.

And just when the surrounding atmosphere became more and more strange.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a sound of tapping on the table.

Everyone looked to the first place in unison.

There was no emotion on He Hao's expressionless face.

When you reach the realm of the other party, you can already achieve happiness and anger.

No one knows what the other person thinks.

No matter how fierce the discussion is.

The person who really finalizes the result is still the other party.

He Hao's eyes flashed on the faces of several people, and then he said silently:

"I agree with Qiu Shuang's suggestion.

"Don't take the lead in attacking this force.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Many people frowned and looked at He Hao.

The other party followed his father to conquer the world, and at a young age, he was already known as the title of Jagged Blood.

The pinnacle of combat power.

At the age of twenty-one, he destroyed an evil god force by himself.

For a long time, He Hao gave everyone the feeling that he was strong and arrogant.

There are rules everywhere.

This land is no exception.

For a long time, the rules set by the Star Sea Alliance for many forces are just one point...

It is the tiger's den and the dragon's coil.

And now, the newly-rising forces clearly have the ambition to dominate the Sea of ​​Broken Stars.

The blockade of the sea area is the best proof.

The channel is the foundation for a force to prosper. Many people believe that this force has shaken the foundation of the alliance.

as the ruler.

He Hao would attack without hesitation.

Control this force with your own hands.

But who would have thought that in front of all the city masters...

The former iron-blooded overlord has been cowardly!

Not only did they not attack and mobilize the deep diver, but they even promised themselves that they would not take the initiative to attack each other.

For a time, everyone had mixed tastes.

I don't even know how to describe how I feel at the moment.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

The evil god's power that was destroyed was the best proof of the opponent's strength.

On the one hand, they avoided conflict, which also amounted to fewer deaths.

But on the other hand, the road where tigers are infested cannot be understood by the city lord present.

Some were hesitant to speak.

They really want to express their thoughts and let this matter develop, once that force becomes a giant beast.

At that time, if you want to kill the other party, I am afraid that it will be dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

At this moment, there was only one idea in everyone's mind.

short-lived peace.

Does it have meaning?

He Hao seemed to have discovered what everyone was thinking, and his cold voice seemed to come from the Nine Heavens, and he said to himself:

"Do you think that I gave the other party enough time to reserve?

"Or do you think I'm scared?"

"So much so that you don't even have the courage to deal with an evil force? 95

An understatement, like an avalanche, made everyone feel ups and downs...

Even the face of Qiu Shuang, whose grief was greater than the death of her heart, became extremely ugly at this moment.

Nobody is perfect.

But no doubt.

It is precisely because of the possession of He Hao that the Star Sea Alliance has been able to get to where it is today.

Only millions of people can live in peace and will not be completely eroded by darkness.

Almost in an instant, everyone opened the mouth and said:

"My subordinates dare not.

"Don't you dare?

He Hao laughed to himself:

"Don't say anything, you're right, I'm really scared.

"I am afraid that as an enemy, the entire Star Sea Alliance will collapse in an instant.

He Hao's voice just fell.

The people who were still stunned just now seemed to be in a dream state, and they couldn't believe their ears.


in the eyes of ordinary people.

The city lords with extremely high status seemed to have dementia at this time, and they couldn't even believe their hearing.

What was He Hao saying just now?

He actually admitted his cowardice?!

But He Hao didn't give everyone too much time to think, but continued to say:

"Do you know what those monsters built on the island of the Church of the Tides in the past?"

"A statue of a god.

He Hao smiled:

"Idols are not surprising. 35

"Everyone present here has participated in the task of destroying the Church of the Heretic God, and naturally knows that each church will establish its own source of belief.

"When I first heard the news, I didn't think it was anything special. 99

"But the instinctive trend still makes me feel that I can better know myself and the enemy by going there in person and seeing it with my own eyes."

"So, I went to that island without telling everyone the truth."5

Everyone frowned.

No one knew that the power-holder of the alliance had gone into danger alone, and had already explored that new force in advance.

But no one spoke at the moment, just listened quietly, out of instinct, they thought they would hear a shocking news.

Because if you guessed correctly...

It is precisely because of this exploration that He Hao's mood has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He Hao spoke slowly:

"I saw those monsters. 99

"Half-human, half-fish, each one is the darling of the sea, with an incomparably terrifying affinity for the sea."5

"In sea water, they're almost undefeated."

"But if you gather all the combat power of the alliance, you still have the possibility of defeating the opponent."

"At that time, I was even ready to fight. 99

"But until, I saw the 0.4 statue.

He Hao's eyes seemed to be caught in some kind of reminiscence.

"It's just spying on the statue, it's happened before.

"But you know what I saw?"

Everyone was so concentrated that they didn't even dare to breathe too heavily.

For fear of disturbing He Hao's story.


"Endless darkness. 35

He Hao narrowed his eyes:

"In the darkness, there is an extremely terrifying giant beast.

"As big as the whole world."

"Humans are nothing more than extremely small ants in the eyes of others. 39

"I know that you are suspecting that I have been involved in an illusion, and my cognition has gone wrong, but what I want to say is..."

"It's all true. 35


As He Hao spoke, he stretched out his right arm that was hidden below.

He slowly rolled up his sleeves, and in the next second, the scene that appeared in front of everyone caused everyone to take a deep breath.

what did they see?

Under He Hao's right arm, there was a scarlet scorpion.

"how is this possible?"

"How can the eyes grow on the arms?"

"That eye seems to be looking at me! 35

Everyone panicked, some couldn't believe what they saw.

On the other hand, He Hao had a twisted and weird smile on his face, it seemed that hiding this secret had already affected his spirit.

At this moment, being able to express it is already a long-awaited thing for him.

He Hao spoke slowly:

"I'm afraid because of one thing. 39

"Just one look at the statue.

His eyes blurred and he fell into recollection:

"My body and spirit are permanently polluted"

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