Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 169 Sacrifice demigods, the darkest hour of Baator hell!

Faced with angry questions.

The arrogance with a pair of goat horns finally appeared in the barren hell level.

Everything happened so suddenly.

So much so that Fury suffered fatal injuries without any preparation.

Rage is surly and extreme.

Although not good at intrigue.

But with his strong body, he still made it stand firm in hell.

Arrogance is strong.

As one of the Seven Demon Lords, his seemingly weak arrogance actually possesses strength that no one dares to underestimate.

Furious has been in contact with each other, and naturally knows arrogance very well.

But this time, what made Fury incomprehensible was that compared to the previous arrogance, the opponent's strength had actually achieved a qualitative improvement.

If it is normal.

Even if he was attacked by a violent attack, his rage would not be as embarrassing as it is now.

But what he did not expect was that the arrogant attack was so terrifying and fierce.

Just one hit.

Rage suffered an unimaginably horrific trauma.

My proud defense, in front of this attack just now, did not even have the slightest defense bonus!

And the most terrifying thing is...

The injured part has not healed until now.

Each Demon Lord has his own area of ​​expertise.

Compared to fighting, the arrogant mental attack is more dazzling.

In contrast.

Rage's Taiju is more powerful.

Before that, Fury had entered the demigod realm.

The powerful body is comparable to the meteorite in the sky, not only that, but the resilience is also like a dragon terrifying.

As long as the heart is not damaged.

Even if it is a broken arm, it will return to its original state in an instant.

But now...

It is obviously just a simple wound, according to the recovery ability before the rage, it can be completely healed in an instant.

But who would have thought?

The torn wound did not heal over time.

On the contrary, like a mortal object eroded by sulfuric acid, it slowly disintegrated and kept corrupting.

And with the spread of the injury, the terrifying feeling of pain extended towards the furious mind.

The most mysterious thing is that there are some dense teeth in the place where the wound is damaged.


The first time I saw the rage of this scene, I even couldn't believe my eyes.

Just a wound.

How do teeth grow?

But in fact.

It's not an illusion at all.

It actually happened!

Dense teeth, diffuse around the wound.

Not only that, but they also chewed, obviously, those teeth took their own flesh and blood as tonic food.

Furious thought of a word.


Only pollution can produce such a strange picture.

Can pollute the energy of demigods?!

This is an ability that only true gods can master.

"It's not your power!"

Although it has reached the point where the fuel is exhausted, the rage has not given up.

Even if exposure to death is unavoidable.

Furious also wants to find out the truth.

At this moment, the fury looked at Arrogance, and a pair of scarlet eyes seemed to want to completely dissect it.

Under this piercing gaze.

Even the eternal strong, the soul will be hurt.

But the arrogant smiled softly, as if seeing the raging and withering life made him feel a lot better.

Arrogantly said:

"Even if you are stupid, do you feel the breath of my lord?"

"My lord?!"

Rampage captured a strange word.

"Who do you believe in?

Furious took a step forward.

It looks like she wants to know the truth.

The terrifying figure continued to rise during the course of the action.

It made the body that was originally like a beast become even more majestic.

It seems that in the next second, it can be completely integrated with the surrounding magma volcano.

Even if he was arrogant, he felt a burning sensation on his face.

"Dangtang demigod, actually willing to be a slave?

"Tell me, who is he?!""

Fury has gone completely insane.

At this moment, He mobilized the few vitality in his body and questioned the arrogance that made him look like this.

But the more so...

The number of teeth in the wound increased.

Not only that, the terrifying and weird facial features slowly appeared on the opponent's skin.

So much so that a large area of ​​his chest has been stained red with blood.

Fermentation over time.

Even the neck, limbs and even the head will be completely eaten by the teeth.

The bloody appearance is chilling!

Where are these teeth, they are simply maggots of the tarsus.

It is conceivable that every minute and every second of the rage is suffering a terrible pain that is unimaginable for ordinary people!

Arrogance seems to be very interested in all this.

In his view, this terrifying scene in front of him is like the most exquisite art performance.

Every frame makes him mesmerized.

"If you don't know each other, don't make a secret conclusion."

"You are nothing but my sacrifice to my lord."

"Don't struggle, please, just die like this!"

Compared to the usual arrogance, in the eyes of rage, today's opponent is a little weird.

Although the appearance has not changed.

But the spirit seems to have suffered a lot.

So much so that even speaking became incoherent.


"My lord?"

"Just die like this?!"

Once upon a time, Fury was the leader of this dimension.

But who would have thought that, in the midst of arrogant words, he turned into a small sacrifice!

As for the pollution he suffered at the moment.

Obviously, it is the most important part of sacrifice.

"Even if you die, I will pull you to die together!" 9

Fury could no longer endure this humiliation.

Knowing that there was no way out of the rage, the blood all over his body began to boil.

A terrifying burning sensation instantly spread from the outside of the body to the surroundings.

The terrifying scorching brilliance, like the scorching sun, evaporated everything wherever it went.

Whether it's a devil lingering on the side, or a strange twisted creature, or a stone at close range.

All melted in an instant at this terrible high temperature.

Arrogant narrowed his eyes.

He knows that rage will not give up resistance.

Therefore, for this trick, arrogance has long been prepared.

The wings behind him slowly unfolded, different from the gray wings that represented depravity in the past.

At this moment, the wings have turned into pitch black without a trace of variegation.

This level of darkness.

It was like a tengu eating the sun, completely engulfing the scorching sun.

It's not just that you can't see your fingers.

Even the surrounding senses are blocked and submerged.

So much so that the terrifying power that rage squeezed the last life erupted, in front of this pure darkness, like a grain of sand falling into the deep sea.

The feeling of lightness, not even a single ripple.

"how can that be?!

Furious can't even believe his eyes.

Just now, He even burned his own Divine Core!

In order to make arrogance pay the price!

What he couldn't believe was that his final counterattack did not cause any harm to arrogance at all!

And what's even more unacceptable is that...

In that pure darkness, He seemed to see what the other party called "My Lord"

A series of kaleidoscopic visions appeared before the furious eyes.

Then all of this gradually dissolves into an unfathomable vast darkness.

Countless black worlds spin and spread in the abyss.

The Chaos Royal Court that lives outside the universe, with numerous invisible gods surrounding his throne.

Those twisted and weird gods surround a terrifying existence.

In front of the other side, there is one tiny world after another.

Among them, in addition to the so-called human world, there are bottomless abyss and Baator hell.

Suddenly, a strange thought occurred to him.

That is a supreme god overlooking the whole universe.

What makes the rage even more unimaginable is the moment of witnessing the other party's true face.

There was a sense of devotion in his heart.

It seems that sacrificing one's life to the other party is not the end, but a new beginning.

Even, this is an honor!

And it was at this moment that the consciousness of rage was completely corroded.

Instead of blindly attacking arrogance, He slowly walked forward like a puppet being pulled by a string.

Without any resistance, He stepped into that eternal darkness.

It's like cotton candy in water.

The so-called body, godhead, and god core disappeared without a trace.

Like it never happened.

In the barren universe, a strange figure slowly appeared.

Eclipse in the crib is dreaming.

He was still just a child.

Naturally need long-term sleep to grow the body.

hazy room.

The lunar eclipse has come to the core of the universe that was originally loyal to Chen Feng.

He will never forget that day, he had a godfather.

And the so-called divine power has also undergone a sudden change.

From a scarlet blood moon to a terrifying planet full of magma.

The barren universe is full of extreme coldness.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・・

Except for the creatures entrenched around the Lord God, there is no life here at all.

But today, the surrounding atmosphere is a little different.

The lunar eclipse seems to have captured some kind of affinity energy, and that energy is also full of terrifying scorching power.

The one eye on the planet slowly narrowed.

Immediately, the lunar eclipse locked its gaze on the place where the energy appeared.

A fury that has shrunk countless times is hiding in the corner.

The other party looked so weak.

The body is a flame.

And in the core.

It is a strange baby with a red body and a pair of goat horns.

There was no whiteness in the other's eyes, but a heart-pounding pitch black.

"A baby?

Lunar eclipses are close to each other.

And the other party didn't even dodge, the burning aura of Lunar Eclipse seemed to make him feel a rare peace of mind.

So much so that the tense expression gradually loosened, and he even grinned.

The lunar eclipse is close to the other party and puts a touch of energy in front of the other party.

And at this moment, the baby actually stretched out his arm to hold it in the palm of his hand, and then swallowed it up.

And it was at this moment that the lunar eclipse discovered some aberrations again.

The palm of the baby in front of him is also very different from that of ordinary creatures.

That palm was unusually wide, like a grinding disc.

Although it is only a baby, but when waving it, it is full of tens of thousands of powers.


In the desolate core of the universe, a small creature was born.

Weird appearance, with one sentence written all over his face...

"I'm not human! 35

"So, what the hell are you?"

When the moon eclipsed his thoughts, the baby in front of him had already devoured the flames in his palm.

And without food, the other party even cried immediately.

It's just that the other party's eyes are not tears, but the magma in the volcano.

The lunar eclipse once again divided a part of the energy and entrusted it to the palm of the other party.

In the next second, the baby stopped crying and ate the food transformed by flames again.

Eclipse was a little distressed.

He is clearly just a baby.

But now...

But it seems to take on the work of feeding.

For a time, the entire head of the lunar eclipse was big.

Barto hell.

Looking at the rage annihilated in the darkness, Arrogance slowly knelt on the ground.

His pious hands are folded.

Who would have imagined that the Demon Lord, who has always been known for his tricks, would show such a state like a humble believer.

What happened in the labyrinth cave, for Arrogance, is still a terrible nightmare to this day.

He will never forget being eroded by darkness, what a terrifying experience it was.

Taking a deep breath, he said arrogantly and slowly:

"Respected my lord, believers offer sacrifices for you. 55

"I beg you to be forgiven."

The figure in the barren universe turned over, and he seemed to hear prayers in hell.

Between the whispers of the mouth.

A touch of energy appeared immediately, and then gathered on the arrogant body.

This time, not only the wings behind him, but also the color of the goat horns on his forehead began to turn into extreme darkness.

And the strength of arrogance that has been stagnant for countless years is actually a little loose at this moment.

Arrogance seemed a little unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Although the body was corroded again.

But from the moment of allegiance, arrogance has accepted everything.

His guess was right.

Only demigod offerings can gain the favor of the other party.

If we say that the original intention of looking for sacrifices is only to atone for sins and gain forgiveness.

So now...

After receiving additional rewards, the arrogant mind becomes more and more evil.

"As long as I sacrifice enough sacrifices, my strength can continue to improve, and it is not impossible to even enter the real god realm!

Thinking of this, he arrogantly kowtowed on the ground.

In arrogance.

This is simply an opportunity of its own.

Taking a deep breath, he arrogantly warned himself that he could not give up the only way to spirituality!

He is ready.

Sooner or later, he will pass the test of the Lord and reach the long-awaited other side of the divine realm.

He is not concerned that there is no suitable object of sacrifice.

Because, like rage, the arrogant and familiar Demon Lord is a demigod.

Five more goals...

"Sacrifice them, and I will have true eternal life!

Arrogant narrowed his eyes.

Kill Bloom!

Near future.

Bato Hell will usher in the most terrifying darkest hour! IV.

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