CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 188 G2’s dream is filled with the smoke bomb that can shoot (5,600 words long chapter)

"In the early stage, we should play as usual, with a 3A2B start." apEX explained the play style of the first long gun round. "G2 should have a sniper rifle, so be careful when grabbing the big A point."

"But if you can grab it, don't save on props and help Nice control Big A."

apEX clearly understands how much influence Nice can have on the overall battle situation after gaining control of A University.

This second round of Sha Er is a clear example.

An unexpected advance can give the team an unimaginable advantage.

The wave of attacks organized by the opponent was directly destroyed by him, and Little Bee picked up an AK47. Now he is about to complete the first wave of economic accumulation, and his fault tolerance is quite good.

Xu Beifang holds an AK47. If possible, he would actually prefer the SG553.

It's just that the backward primitive people like G2 don't know how to play SG553, so he can only make do with AK47.

At the beginning, we still snatched control of University A as usual, walked all the way to University A, took out the incendiary bomb in advance, and then threw it into Gate A.

After throwing it away, Xu Beifang did not rush to A University, but waited at the corner for a while.


As the sniper's gunfire rang out, he took a quick glance to make sure his fire was full, and then walked into University A.

The reason for being so cautious is naturally that they are worried about the opponent's big sniper.

Among the snipers of CSGO's first-line teams, G2 is now the second team that likes to use sniper rifles.

The team that likes sniping the most is the CIS team called AVANGAR.

The reason why G2 likes sniper rifles so much is not because they have too much money to spend, but because they trust kennyS's performance.

As a representative of the talented group, kennyS has entered HLTV's TOP20 for five consecutive years. With his strong and stable AWP firepower, he has occupied a place for himself, and has reached the highest personal ranking of TOP7.

The style of sniper rifles is mainly about speed!

You have just fired one shot, and kennyS has already fired a magazine. This is a realistic statement at some times.

Therefore, Xu Beifang is still quite afraid of the sniper rifle kennyS.

When entering the long gun game, even if the opponent's economy may only be a half-armor sniper, he understands that G2 will create conditions for kennyS to get a sniper rifle even if there is no condition, so he is very cautious.

The sound of sniper shots inside Gate A also proved that Xu Beifang's caution was rational.

After successfully entering University A, Xu Beifang once again became a telephone pole in University A, quietly holding the headshot line at the exit of Gate A, waiting for information feedback from other locations.

apEX does not intend to give up.

We already knew that the other party had tried a wave in University A. The flash bombs and sniper rifles just showed that there were at least two people outside the door of A.

"RPK, please move to the middle. I want to clear the B2 floor and get some information."

Xu Beifang's forward play gave Dou a taste of the sweetness, so he didn't want to just passively receive the move.

Call RPK to the middle, and even if there is a loss in area B, at least there will be members in the back pocket.

RPK was on the way to area B. Waiting for the smoke from the B tunnel he had thrown to dissipate, apEX moved forward with NBK.

The two of them walked quietly to the B2 floor little by little, and when they were about to exit the B2 floor, they jumped up and pulled the MP9's apEX in an instant!

Boddy was leaning against the bunker at the entrance to the B2 floor to set up his gun. The long holding position made him a little distracted.

Just as I glanced at the mini map, I came back to my senses and saw someone suddenly popping out. I quickly peeked to the right to find an angle and shoot in pursuit.

But before a shuttle could kill apEX, another AUG from Btong opened fire and killed him with additional shots.

"B2 is laminated!!" bodydy shouted quickly after being killed. He was unprepared for the wave of double attacks from the opposite side.

shox, who was on the spiral staircase on the B1 floor, saw this situation and quickly walked up from the spiral staircase, shooting at apEX who was about to pick up the gun.

The kill that had already been obtained was knocked back.

NBK was naturally unwilling, but when peek came out, he didn't see shox's figure and knew that he was still at the spiral staircase.

If he continues to forcefully seek trouble for B1, he will only make himself passive.

"NBK go back to the pack point, don't go up." apEX said, "RPK put a smoke bomb in the middle, and then make up for it in area B."

Although I didn't expect that there were people on the B1 floor of the opponent, the result of this wave of forward pressure was actually good.

The second time I got a lot of information about the opponent, I knew that there was only one person on the opponent's B1 floor, and a few others might be controlling the map in the middle.

The position information of Little Bee is now in the dark, and the information of G2 has been obtained.

Next is the game between him and shox.

apEX dared to do this, mainly because he felt that shox would bomb B next and would not easily challenge the two big brothers in their team.

If they defend against Double B in advance, as long as they can get even kills, the two brothers in Area A will have a high chance of winning this return defense.

The formation judged by apEX is a defensive mode.

Xu Beifang, who was in the big pit, quietly waited for the opponent's move.

As the time came to 40 seconds, a high flash suddenly exploded in A. Xu Beifang instantly became blind and hurriedly retreated to hide in the big pit.

After regaining his vision, he could already hear footsteps above his head.

"A University is targeting the encirclement and suppression. They clearly know that there is a Nice in the big pit, so they sealed a corner cigarette to isolate Nice, so that the people at the bunker and the slope can't help!"

Masisi took a breath and said, "This G2 decision-making is very particular!"

This wave is indeed very targeted. It can only be said that G2's adjustment speed is quite fast. Knowing that Xu Beifang is guarding A and likes to stand in big pits, he deliberately used Bai Dakeng's flash bomb.

Then as soon as I got out of University A, I quickly searched for points and went straight to University A. Obviously, the handling method was mentioned in advance.

"Nice caught an airborne soldier, but there was another one on his back. Can he make up for it?"

"A 180-degree turn is really too difficult!"

"In this case, Zaiwu will be very passive. This wave depends on how many players he can replace on platform A. Little A only has one shox."

"Can the load of 3/2/1 be delayed until teammates can return to defense? A platform one-way smoke to protect yourself, and then deal with A's side first... Okay, 3/2/2, this shot of shox It’s really accurate!”

"There is nothing wrong with this wave of preview, but the hand is an AUG, and the shox is an AK. There is nothing we can do about the disadvantage of the firearm."

Two teammates in area A evaporated within 10 seconds. NBK and RPK returned to defense very quickly and have now reached the police house and the sand.

After thinking about it, they decided to give it a try.

NBK takes the small A, and RPK holds the AUG and holds the big policeman A past.

G2 only gave one smoke bomb, and there was a big gap on the right side of the police house, which gave RPK a chance.

He held the AUG and opened the scope to pass. When he saw a bandit jumping over, the AUG pulled the trigger and fired.

"Da da da……"

[RPK used AUG to kill JackZ with a headshot]

RPK continued to set up positions and soon saw the figure of the second enemy.

"Da da."


The gunfire of the AUG stopped suddenly, even though it was a long gun with great advantages in medium and long range.

But when kennyS sniped him, he was executed.

[kennyS used AWP to kill RPK]

After kennyS got the kill, he quickly jumped to platform A.

shox was in Little A. He came to the location of Little Bag A and started to put the bag away.

But while squatting down to enter the password, kennyS saw a kill message pop up in the upper right corner.

[NBK used AUG to kill shox]

"He's so crippled, he lost a drop of blood! He died with one shot from the pistol." shox opened the mic to report the score to kennyS.

When his teammate was suddenly killed, kennyS quickly stopped what he was doing, returned to his bag and ordered a safety bag.

Then the big sniper opens the scope and attacks the little one again.

A police figure was swaying around to investigate and wanted to get a gun, but kennyS threw him away without hesitation.


[kennyS used AWP to kill NBK]

Why don't you hang out with me? Where is your blood bar? kennyS felt a little proud.

However, when he noticed the kill information in the upper right corner, he was a little speechless.

"Where's the promised disabled person?" kennyS looked at shox next to him and gave a death stare.

shox was a little embarrassed: "I obviously felt like I was hit by three shots! Could it be that I was only hit by two shots?"

"You are such a loser!" K Bao was a little helpless, but he was not too harsh. After all, he finally won this endgame.

And shox did a really good job in this point. Little A tore up the load with his hands, which is a great achievement.

The score came to 3:1. G2 took the first score of its own and was in high spirits.

shox also opened his mouth to encourage his teammates: "Come on! Although Vitality says the two newcomers are great, they don't have much experience after all. As long as we target him, they will soon lose their touch."

JackZ on the side also gave full play to the role of the atmosphere team, fist-bumping and encouraging each other with his teammates.

"It's a pity." apEX said in the voice, "kennyS's reaction was indeed a little faster. I feel like there is still a chance."

Xu Beifang echoed: "Actually, it's still acceptable. We still have money to build a spear, but G2's economy is not good."

"Their average economy is about 3,600 yuan. They can play the long gun game by patchwork, but if kennyS wants to buy full armor, they won't be able to get everyone to get AK."

When apEX heard Xu Beifang's analysis, his eyes lit up.

Although they didn't win the last point, they knocked out four of the opponent's spears, which was a heavy blow to G2's economy.

Instead, they became poorer and poorer as they fought, which was good news for Little Bee.

apEX thought about it for a few seconds, looked at the position of the team, and said: "If A is the best, throw a few flash bombs to show off. This position is not easy to grab."

"Nice, go and protect the A-boy, and see if you can cooperate with the A-boy to get a wave of kills."

Xu Beifang and Zaiwu are both closer to area B, and RPK's position is not very good either.

This means that if we want to forcefully grab A University for this point, we have to either change the area, or we have to accept the problem that A University cannot connect.

Once the opponent forcibly snatches A, a large number of props will be wasted in the early stage.

So after thinking about it, apEX chose to give up the fight for control of Big A and turned to Small A to look for opportunities.

In the early stage, between A and A, you have to gain control of one place.

Since there is no need to snatch the A-big, Xu Beifang discussed with RPK, and he was directly placed on the A-small at the beginning.

Being assigned to primary school A, Xu Beifang had to take advantage of this opportunity to find some opportunities.

As soon as he walked around the corner, he saw a smoke bomb flying from the direction of the gangster's house, and finally landed on the Xbox box.

Want to mention A child?

Xu Beifang was instantly vigilant, but he did not stop and walked directly towards the middle.

The opponent wants to hit A quickly and catch one by surprise.

But Xu Beifang’s location is also very mysterious!

He pulled directly to the middle, and saw several people in G2 were blinded by his own flash bombs, half-covering their eyes and walking towards A.

The AUG quickly searches for the enemy and fires a wave of gunfire.

The two opponents are quite close to each other, almost standing on the same line. Don't be too easy when strafing and switching fire.

[Nice used AUG to kill JackZ with a headshot]

[Nice used AUG to kill Lucky]

"G2's wave of flash bombs is like Aladdin. They all dodge their own people. They have been defeated since they came out of the secret passage."

"Nice was pulled out of the trail and was not affected at all."

Masisi said: "Now G2 dies before it takes off. If two of them are killed in battle, how can they fight later?"

The three people still alive in G2 looked at the kill information in the upper right corner and quickly exchanged their subsequent thoughts.

shox directly entered the A building and did not find anyone guarding him. He gradually understood the opponent's positioning arrangement.

But after thinking about it, he chose to go back and hug his teammates.

In the endgame of 3 vs. 5, shox still prefers to stay together and concentrate on one point, rather than fighting individually to regain the disadvantage.

Boddy unknowingly touched the Xbox box and jumped onto it silently. At this moment, he lowered his head and waited for the opportunity.

After the shox was ready, a flash bomb was thrown.

Boddy looked up instantly and saw a figure jumping back.

[Boddy used AK47+shox flash bomb to kill Nice]

"Nice was a bit greedy and got two kills. He could have just retreated to the back point to defend, but he still went to the front point."

Masisi commented and then added: "But how should I put it? Nice is a player like this. His overall playing style is so radical, and his various position selections are full of doubts about the opponent's aiming ability."

“But when we encounter some experienced teams, we still suffer a bit from time to time.”

Xu Beifang looked at the kill information in the upper right corner, "Boddy's A is small, and then there is shox near the oil barrel in the middle. I don't know where kennyS's sniper rifle is at the moment."

He didn't react to this wave of instantaneous explosions, and was beaten back with one head. The only good news was that he got a lot of information.

The starting 5-on-3 became 4-on-3, and the numerical advantage was no longer so clear.

apEX heard the feedback from his teammates on the mid lane information and called RPK back again.

He took NBK out of the B channel.

"There is no one on the B2 floor, so we have to fight A on the opposite side."

When RPK heard this information, they quickly went to Area A from the police station on the middle road to make up the defense.

"Little Bee is taking the information, but G2 has silently touched Little A. They heard the sound of the police returning to defense before, so now they don't hesitate and start fighting!"

“One passing cigarette, followed by a pack fire, and even a slope fire!”

"The flash bombs provide enough pressure! This wave of carriers is on the slope alone. How many can he kill?"

Zaiwu's big sniper was originally fighting against Big A, but this wave of apEX's judgment actually made him passive to a certain extent.

Now there is definitely someone in Little A, but the situation of Big A is unknown, and it is impossible to let him go directly.

No one came out of the straight frame A, and A was the first to attack, which turned the load into a serious mode.

"You still have one cigarette." Xu Beifang reminded, worried about overloading.

Zaiwu's Melaleuca tapped his chin lightly to show that he understood.

Then throw a smoke bomb towards the package point to extinguish the fire and create a little cover for yourself.

Then the big sniper opened his scope and touched the edge of the smoke bomb.

"Zaiwu pushed a one-way cigarette by himself. He didn't dare to stay on the slope and could only walk to the side of the sniper position."

"But One Direction Smoke really allowed him to catch a careless shox and take him away with one shot."

"Withdraw the smoke bomb, will Zaiwu have a chance to steal another one?" Masisi said with a somewhat expectant tone. They didn't pay much attention to Zaiwu, but after watching the game for so many days, they also knew that Zaiwu was a very good player. A trustworthy sniper.

The load was mixed in the smoke grenade, escaped the opponent's round of penetration, and peeked out from the right side of the smoke grenade again.

From the edge of the smoke, I saw half an arm next to the ninja position, and the big sniper was swinging his gun.


Zaiwu was highly focused at the moment. The shot did not hit bodydy's arm, but it successfully penetrated the box and caused a lot of damage to him.

Xu Beifang noticed that RPK had returned to the audience, and immediately reminded him: "There is a seriously disabled ninja!"

RPK took out the grenade and threw it directly towards the ninja position.


[RPK used grenade + ZywOo to kill bodydy]

At the same time, a small sniper gunshot sounded.

kennyS seems to have seen something, but the dynamic vision is too fast. Sometimes he just relies on muscle memory to throw it, and the hit rate is relatively low.

kennyS missed a shot, and Zaiwu also knew that the last person was in A, so he immediately jumped back to the slope from the smoke bomb, and then opened the camera to push.


kennyS was in a very helpless position. In the middle of the small channel A, after one shot, he faced RPK's point-blank shot from the audience, and he didn't have time to change positions.

[ZywOo used AWP to kill kennyS]

"NICE, Zaiwu!!" Xu Beifang shouted excitedly as he watched Zaiwu's operation.

Facing the opponent's A small speed increase, the carrier was quite passive at first, but with a smoke bomb, he sniped all the opponents to death.

From the front, the view of the vehicle is simple and even a bit plain.

From being mixed in the smoke bombs, and then seeing someone, he quickly searched for the enemy and fired.

Then mix the smoke again and find someone to open fire.

In the end, I cooperated with my teammates to complete the endgame.

But it is precisely this simple operation that can make professional players like them feel amazed.

Because it is so easy to operate the load, this is the scary part.

When apEX and NBK took the back road, they saw Zaowu killing everyone with a sniper rifle.

Xu Beifang received a passionate left punch from apEX, while Zaiwu received a passionate right palm.

Bean expressed his happiness with his actions.

NBK had a faint smile on his face. He gradually accepted the fact that his teammates regularly refreshed the screen and enjoyed this feeling.

"Come on guys!" apEX shouted excitedly, "While the G2 economy is exploding, let's try to get as many points as possible to support the economy!"

On the other side, G2 once again fell into economic crisis, losing one win and one loss.

As a conductor, shox is a bit weak.

He made a good judgment, heard the opponent's defensive sound, and immediately launched a wave of A-small explosive bombs.

They know that there is a high probability that there will only be one member in Zone A, and they will engage in a 3-on-1 frontal attack. They believe that they can win the package points and enter the endgame stage.

After all, the big brother on the opposite side has been caught to death by them. With a 3-on-1 frontal push, the props cover the pressure.

It's just a load, it can't cause any trouble.

This wave of attacks was just as shox expected. They covered it with props and put enough pressure on the opponent immediately.

While the cargo used smoke bombs to protect itself, it also exposed its position.

In this case, as long as they go together as a group and quickly replenish their guns, the opponent will not be able to make any trouble.

Later, kennyS had a sniper rifle in hand, and the 2V3 endgame was still very easy to beat.

The script and shox were all designed, but in the end, the carrier used a sniper rifle at the edge of the smoke bomb, destroying them all one by one.

Even after the beating, they didn't see Zaowu's entire body.

It was like the smoke bomb was shooting, and everyone was dumbfounded!

Are all young people so fierce these days? shox felt helpless.

After finally getting a point, he was immediately chased back, and the economy exploded.

In shox's heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses roared past, but as a conductor, he could only calm the team's emotions.

But after the adjustment of the economic bureau, G2's offense is still not very ideal.

Although the kennyS sniper rifle is always firing, the area A of Little Bee is like an iron bucket.

Nice and Zaiwu continued to play, smashing their heads.

It wasn't until the second half of the first half that they came to their senses. They chose to pretend to play A a few times, but actually switched to B from the middle, and only managed to score a few points.

At the end of the first half, the score was fixed at 10:5.

This is not in line with G2's pre-game assumptions, but 5 points is not completely without a chance.

"Stay calm!" Coach Mickey Mouse said comfortingly, "We only scored 5 points in the first half. This is not an advantageous score, but at least it gives us a chance to stand."

"The two Little Bee players did perform well, but they are newcomers after all. As long as we can continue to delay the game, their mentality will not be as good as ours!"

"And we have no shortage of personal abilities. As long as kennyS gets his touch back, everything will be fine!"

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