CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 187 The one standing up must be Nice (6000 words long chapter)


"Congratulations to Little Bee for winning the first victory in this qualifying match and ending the match in Figure 1 with a score of 16:10!"

Masisi's tone in the live broadcast room was relatively relaxed.

They thought this game would be very exciting. Although it was the map chosen by Little Bee, Purgatory Town is one of the most classic maps in CSGO. Even if you bring in a second-tier team, you can do something, not to mention having a small town. kennyS with a long name?

In fact, the battle in the first half did not exceed their expectations. G2 played very well on the defensive end. Masisi repeatedly praised G2 for their good discipline today.

Who would have imagined that they would make such a big mistake after changing sides!

The whole game was a back-and-forth game, and G2 obviously had a more stable rhythm.

But since that time without a bag, G2's mentality and play style have become very messy.

They were chased by the Little Bees one after another, and the second half was extremely painful.

When Masisi thought about that scene, she couldn't help but want to laugh, but after all, she had received professional training and suppressed the smile.

[G2, G2! 】

[Shox’s command is just a bunch of excuses, why bother bothering Nice all the time in the second half? Can you beat others? I don’t know how to cut it at that level! 】

[Little Bee has been playing better and better recently, and today RPK actually hit highlights, and I feel like I’m back to before]

[I was expecting G2 to show off its talents on Cato, but it turned out to be like this, speechless]

[I don’t know what to think. The substitution before the Major game can only be called genius! 】

[In terms of disappointment, G2 will never disappoint]

The fans in the live broadcast room were talking a lot, and they all couldn't understand G2's performance today.

If the difference in strength is too big, there's nothing to say.

For example, let's let the current Tianlu and Team A play a BO5. Even if it is 3-0, everyone will think it is normal, and the strength gap is there.

But G2 clearly showed a very good level in the first half, playing methodically and with personal ability.

But in one round without a bag, Little Bee reversed course. It was really a bit abstract, which disappointed their fans.

Fortunately, the second picture is Sha Er chosen by G2. They can only hope that kennyS can perform at the level he deserves in the big sniper picture of Sha Er.

kennyS was slumped in the gaming chair with a ruined expression on his face.

After 26 rounds, his record was 23/2/19, averaging 92 damage per game.

He thought that in this game, he performed as well as a sniper and made almost no mistakes in his position, but he still lost the game.

His performance alone could not withstand the efforts of ZywOo and Nice.

kennyS is still good at playing in small towns, but he doesn't have the dominant strength he once had.

They scored 10 points in the whole process, which was already a big score, but it didn't make them happy because they could have won this game.

Coach Mickey Mouse spoke soothing words in the voice, helping the members of G2 to adjust from the failure, and kennyS was also quietly adjusting.

The French character is always extreme.

Otherwise, it would be like an AI robot with no inner fluctuations like Zaiwu.

Or they are extremely emotional like the French guys like apEX.

G2 likes to get organized before the game and share the joy with everyone.

But when it comes to the actual competition, who would want to lose?

Who wants to disappoint fans?

kennyS adjusts his mood. The best news now is that the second picture is their own choice.

In a BO3 game, they still have a chance to reverse.

Little bee training room.

The bald coach smiled brightly.

According to his analysis, G2 should be stronger than them in this game.

He was quite satisfied with the performance of the team in Figure 1. In the town of Purgatory, almost no one made any mistakes.

Everyone's performance is remarkable.

"Come on guys! Take down the second picture in one go!" XQTZZZ clapped his hands to cheer everyone up.

After taking down a map, the team's morale is now at a high level, so he doesn't need to say anything more.

Although the second picture is G2's choice, he thinks that his side still has a good chance.

Sha 2 is also the most classic map of CSGO. Because the map structure is long, it relies heavily on firearms.

At this time, the frontal firepower of both players is tested.

Although G2’s kennyS has been famous for a long time, XTQZZZ believes that the strength of his sniper rifle is not bad, and the sniper rifle is rarely seen empty.

The only difference compared to kennyS is experience.

Then he turned to look at the slender figure.

Furthermore, they also have a very terrifying firepower here!

Looking at it this way, their chances of winning are really not small!

But as an old e-sports person, he also knows that he can't open champagne at will.

The team's mood is already high, so just keep that attitude.

apEX and NBK also breathed a sigh of relief.

Vitality faces G2, today this is a qualifying match for IEM Sydney.

But in their hearts, this game is also a reconciliation with the past.

Although the breakup with G2 was amicable, how could it be said that they had no resentment in their hearts?

So in this game against G2, they played very seriously!

They are not trying to prove anything, they just want to win!

“Let’s go, Boy!” apEX fist bumped with Xu Beifang when entering the server in Figure 2. “Come on, beat G2, don’t give these losers any chance to breathe!”

Picture 1 has been taken, will Picture 2 be far behind?

apEX is already looking forward to the scene where he condolences to G2 after the game.

The short intermission ended.

Both parties enter the server in Figure 2.

During the halftime break, the bald coach had already given a general idea for the early part of the second half.

Xu Beifang followed the plan and came to seize control of University A as usual.

There is an RPK behind him, who can help him recharge at any time.

In the pistol round, G2 did not have any special desire for Big A. No one even came to try. Xu Beifang easily entered the big pit of Big A.

The old handsome guy said: "The crucial pistol round, let's see who can get the early rhythm of the game!"

"We didn't blindly test A at the beginning. G2 left a kennyS behind and after the A door was broken, they were ready to seal an xbox cigarette and hit A with small A."

In the pistol round, it is also a classic tactic to directly hit A and small A. The old handsome guy did not intend to make any comments.

But from the director's perspective, he saw the smoke bomb falling under the Xbox, "Isn't the G2 Xbox smoke sealed properly?"

He was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was normal.

Hearing the smoke bomb explode in the middle, Zaiwu immediately peeked out to check the situation.

The opponent's smoke bomb surprised him a little.

But Zaiwu would not miss this opportunity.

Control your body position so that only half of your body is exposed to the opponent, and shoot at the bandit who passes through.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff..."

[ZywOo used usp to kill shox with a headshot]

[ZywOo used usp to kill Lucky with a headshot]

[boddy used Glock to kill ZywOo with a headshot]

Although G2's replenishment gun is very fast, relying on the advantage of long-distance firearms, the loader still completes a one-for-two change in the middle.

"You may have to go to Primary School A on the opposite side, so be careful." Zaiwu reminded.

After a series of duels with him, the number of both sides came to 4 versus 3, with Little Bee being the dominant side.

apEX did not act rashly in this situation, "Nice, just keep the A team and let them play the middle lane."

"Nice, just hold on to A. Don't let anyone hit me sideways. I'll hold A up and pass." RPK explained his playing style to Xu Beifang.

As soon as Xu Beifang responded, he heard a flash bomb explode from Little A.

A small speed lift? Or is it a double attack between A and A?

Xu Beifang had no way of judging what the other party was thinking. He couldn't help RPK for the time being, so he could only try his best to keep an eye on Gate A.

[RPK used the usp pistol to kill bodydy with a headshot]

[JackZ used P250 to kill RPK with a headshot]

His teammates had already started a round of firefights with each other, and Xu Beifang also saw the location of the thunder bag on the small map.

Just when he was about to intercept the CT on platform A, footsteps came from door A.

"Da da!"

Xu Beifang briefly exchanged fire with kennyS in Gate A, but no kills occurred.

"kennyS ran back! There is only one platform A, can we eat him quickly?" Xu Beifang asked in the voice message.

apEX, the fastest to return to defense, has reached the bottom of platform A.

apEX jumped up and took a look, but did not see the opponent's field of vision behind the package point and the second box.

"You should hide in the ninja position and prepare to fight us with A packet."

NBK's return defense got stuck in the sand and was cut off for a while.

In the 3 versus 2 endgame, you can only rely on frontal output.

After confirming that kennyS is still near the oil barrel in the middle, Xu Beifang will be liberated.

He quickly came to the vicinity of Channel A, and then placed the crosshair on the ninja position, "Doudou, you can touch his face, I will help you from a distance."

apEX nodded and started playing this little collaboration with Xu Beifei.

NBK knew what his teammates were thinking and frantically looked for kennyS in the middle to fight and hold him down.

"apEX has touched his face, JakcZ's position is locked, and JakcZ directly pulls him over!"

"But there was a mistake in the preview!! The first two shots didn't kill anyone, so JackZ quickly moved in a small area, and Bean was about to be killed!!"

Seeing the loud gunshots near the ninja position, Xu Beifang felt anxious, but his crosshair did not move.

The moment he saw the opponent peeking out, USP immediately opened fire.


[Nice used usp+apEX to kill JakcZ with a headshot]

Bean's splashing technique caused a lot of damage to Jack, but it was not ideal in the pistol round.

"This is small package A. Come to the platform and help me set up small package A. I will unpack it directly," apEX said.

In the endgame of 3 versus 1, the opponent can only come from A.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the kill information displayed on the screen in the upper right corner.

[NBK used usp to kill kennyS with a headshot]

"A USP without armor will tear kennyS apart. I don't even dare to think about what will happen if you buy half-armor later." Xu Beifang joked in the voice.

RPK and Zaiwu were also amused by Xu Beifang's statement and chuckled in their voices.

NBK breathed a sigh of relief. This time, he leaned against the mid-gate bunker and peeked back and forth, seducing like crazy.

Because JackZ who was holding the package was killed, kennyS was anxious to make up for the A small guard package, but he was caught by him and dropped it sideways.

It was very thrilling to survive with only a trace of blood left.

apEX removed the thunder bag and the score reached 1:0. Looking at the team's economy, he had some ideas in his mind.

"According to G2's character, it should be strong immediately. The economy of the cargo is good, so it will be a full armor AUG directly."

"Nice, buy Famas and equip it with some props, go grab the A team, and then NBK, let's get MP9 and equip it with props, and we'll delay the fight in area B later."

Xu Beifang nodded: "No problem."

With that said, he prepared a full-armor Famas, and bought a fire and a cigarette.

At the beginning, with the help of teammates' props, he successfully gained control of A. The opponent still did not dare to test A. He did not even lose a prop.

"Xiao Xu has once again become a telegraph pole of A. The overall economy of G2 is insufficient and he has no idea about A."

Masisi looked at the economy and fell into thinking again, "But if you want to say that he has no plans for this round, that is impossible."

"kennyS used a sniper to make a fuss in the middle, while shox and JackZ, with the help of their teammates, got full armor AK47. At least three of them have sufficient combat effectiveness."

G2's gameplay in a strong start is indeed quite interesting.

In Masisi's view, the balance of victory was a little overturned at this moment, and G2, which should have been lagging behind, suddenly had the ability to make a comeback.

"kennyS didn't find a chance in the middle. The first wave of anti-rush props passed by at point B. Is G2 planning to directly explode the bombs to test it?"

"NBK shot Lucky ahead of time and beat Lucky to a drop of blood. G2 quickly ran away from the trio in the B pass. This wave of B zone feels unclear."

Obtaining information from NBK, Xu Beifang compiled the information and found that the opponent's overall position may be biased towards area B.

So he took Famas and took the initiative to approach door A.

"Doudou, I feel like there may be no one in Gate A. Can I push forward?" Xu Beifang asked the conductor what he thought.

Doudou glanced at the small map, and it seemed that he was indeed too conservative.

In the early stage, control of all maps except A was released, and now the time has come to about 1 minute. If the opponent wants to launch a general attack, it is now in the organization stage.

They really have to take the initiative to get some information.

"Okay, but don't go alone, let RPK cooperate with you." apEX said.

"Okay, RPK, just make up for it. When I die later, someone will still be able to tell the truth." Xu Beifang said and walked towards door A.

He carefully used his half-body position to search for points, but kennyS's sniper rifle in the middle L position was still firing out shots, disturbing his mind.

"There is no one in Gate A." Xu Beifang said while starting his regular operation.

He fired an incendiary bomb directly behind him, as if to cut off his retreat, then waited quietly for a few seconds in Gate A, and began to move forward.

boddy gave his teammates an AK47 at the beginning, and only had an unarmored Sand Eagle in his hand.

Knowing that Nice has a more aggressive personality, they defaulted to doing a very good job. He squatted on the box outside door A from the beginning and stood upright at the door.

The teammates tried in area B to no avail. Shox issued the command for a general attack in the voice message: "Come over to A, let's directly blast the opponent with a wave of bombs and substitute players in A, and then find a way to win in the end game."

Boddy started to move, but the crosshair was always on door A.

At this time, I heard an incendiary bomb explode at Gate A, so I walked quietly to Platform A with confidence.

"After putting pressure on the middle, G2 then turned around and came to A. This was a conspiracy. They used props to retain the CT in area B, and then played a partial 5-on-3."

"They have a fire, a smoke and two flash bombs in their hands. Although the attack may be a little cramped, it is barely enough. Then it depends on how the gun battle goes."

Masisi, who was explaining, suddenly saw the blue dot inside Gate A on the mini-map heading out.

"But Nice walked out of door A quietly. Did she see anyone? She saw body's arm!!"

The old handsome guy's tone became excited: "Nice knows that this wave of opponents is going to hit A small!! This wave of top-level timing, the bold choice made him eat up all the information about G2!!"

"G2 never imagined that their attack had just been organized and was actually surrounded!!"

Xu Beifang looked at the two figures of A Xiaojingbu. He was not in a hurry!

For timing players, calmness is the best weapon to help them win!

This time he didn't just want a kill, he wanted to end the round directly.

"The opponent wants to hit A in a wave, and the front can put pressure on the props!" Xu Beifei reminded, "Next, I will directly touch forward and hit them inside!"

After hearing Xu Beifang's judgment, he set up the AUG's load on the slope and directly stuffed a mine into the A cell.

The grenade flew and exploded on the small slope A, causing a huge amount of damage to G2.

Xu Beifang entered directly. Three bandits appeared in his field of vision, two of them were throwing flashes.

And after one of them threw the flash, he turned around and saw Xu Beifei.

Boddy was filled with shock at this moment. He didn’t know where the policeman behind him appeared from, and he immediately shouted in his voice: “There’s someone coming from behind!!”

But the time was too hasty, and before his teammates could react, the gunfire rang out!

Xu Beifang was carrying Famas and had already aimed at the head of a bandit.

After knowing that he was exposed, he immediately pulled the trigger.

After knocking out the first one, follow up with strafing and transfer!

Day after day of training, and hundreds of hours of deliberate practice in death matches, the gap between him and players like Brother Ji has narrowed a lot.

Although it is still not perfect, it is enough for this situation!

"Nice went around and no one noticed. After throwing the prop, Boddy turned around and finally saw it, but Nice also took action!

"Kill one with a headshot, and move with strafing!!"

"One, two, three, four!!!" Masisi shouted excitedly, "He got it all!!"

Masisi was actually a bit arrogant, because the game was not over yet, and Xu Beifang's Farmas had its limits after all.

Even with the help of cargo, a grenade destroyed several people in G2.

But Famas's damage is still a bit hard to describe. After knocking out four of the opponent's enemies in one shot, there was no more bullets.

Xu Beifang wanted to cut his pistol and continue shooting, but Shox did not give him this chance.

But looking at the kill information in the upper right corner, everyone knows that his mission has been completed!

shox had already organized the attack, but suddenly he was left alone.

The ground was full of corpses of teammates and fallen firearms. Shox knew there was nothing he could do about this attack.

He walked quickly toward the gangster's house, intending to keep the AK47, but the gunfire from the B1 floor still made him fall into despair.

The old handsome guy added next to him:

"Shox has finally completed the refill. I can only say that this nice gun has made a great contribution."

"His timing was just right, just as G2 was about to organize a wave of attacks. Nice was also very good at timing this."

Masisi smiled at the side and said: "And have you noticed that Nice didn't intend to shoot at the first moment? He was still seeking stability, and even wanted to wait for the moment when G2 launched the attack to cooperate with the load."

"It's indeed smart, because if the first wave was just about stealing, the other party might only be able to hit one or two if they found out."

"But once G2 started fighting, G2 was too passive in the A lane ninja position, and was completely trapped. It's a pity that Boddy glanced behind, and Nice was forced to shoot and kill them all."

[Forced to kill 23333 four times]

[I’m so wet watching this wave of shooting transfers]

[He can always catch this kind of timing. Is this the luck of the strong? 】

[Didn’t anyone notice the A door fire? This timing was created by Nice herself! 】

[Why is no one looking at the way out? I took G2]


The moment the round ends.

The excited shouts of a group of people rang out from Little Bee's voice.


After apEX stood up and shouted, with an excited smile on his face, he looked at Xu Beifang in disbelief:

"You are the god of timing. Nice is too exaggerated."

Although they did not see Xu Beifang's main perspective this time, the kill information in the upper right corner could tell them what happened.

RPK's expression was even more astonishing. After following Xu Beifang, he realized that it was not a matter of luck, but that he used details to mislead the other party to create timing.

It can only be said to be terrifying.

Zaiwu was as excited as ever, and the round ended with only one grenade thrown. I was so happy! !

Although NBK was happy, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

If your teammates are too weak, it will be uncomfortable to play. If your teammates are too fierce, it will make you feel unreal and hypocritical. What the hell is that?

The different expressions of the members of the Little Bee Team inspired many viewers.

[NBK: Is it really good to raise the parameters so high? 】

[The one standing up must be Nice, she is just like me, really aggressive]

[apEX has gradually become accustomed to it]

[VP: I was obviously the one who came first! 】


In G2's voice, shox asked in confusion: "Why is there someone coming from behind?"

"Isn't the body of University A watching?"

Boddy also had an innocent look on his face, "He has already become famous. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly! Is this guy the Flash?"

It stands to reason that if the door A fire is lost, when the flames are extinguished, they can only run to their position with large steps, which is enough time.

But body didn't hear any footsteps at all, which was very strange.

Seeing that the confusion on bodydy's face didn't look fake, the anger in shox's heart also subsided a little.

"Next, be more solid by default, improve your discipline, and don't make such avoidable mistakes again."

In this wave of two AKs breaking out from the front, the chances of winning are not too great, but if the marksmanship is good, there is still hope for a comeback.

But Nice used Famas to steal four of them, and the offense collapsed.

Seeing the Nice score of 5/1 on the scoreboard, shox could only issue the ECO command and start adjusting the economy.

At the same time, he is also preparing to win back a victory in the next long gun round.

My headache finally stopped hurting today, and I have a 6,000-word chapter left tonight.

Then I felt a little emotional. I started playing CSGO after graduating from high school. Yesterday, I suddenly entered the era of CS2. I finally understood why so many people miss 1.6.

It’s finally three days until the end of the month. Please vote for me.

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