CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 176 You have the lock and I have the perspective!

Forklift's time passed quickly, and Little Bee finally lost this map with a score of 9:16.

"Why don't you consider releasing the train in the future? We really can't play with this forklift." NBK said with a wry smile.

After a lot of training, their proficiency in this map is actually quite good.

But compared with other first-tier teams, there is still a big gap in their proficiency on this map.

Xu Beifang retorted: "Don't say such depressing words. If you can't beat him now, just try hard to practice him well. We won't only have this level in our lives."

BP's strategy allows them to choose 6 out of 7 service maps for practice.

It’s normal for the team to have differences in map levels when the team has just been established, but this shouldn’t be a reason to back down.

Just like the BP with HR, they could actually take the initiative to choose Sha Er or Maze City, which were just feeling hot, but in the end they chose small towns and amusement parks, just because they wanted to take the initiative to use this game to prove their results.

If it's just to get better grades, you can do it all.

apEX smiled and said: "NBK is just complaining, but Nice is right. Just because we are not playing well now does not mean that we will not play well in the future."

"If the level of the dead city is not good, then just use the time to practice in the future! We just don't have the right to win in the competition, but sooner or later we will be able to let the audience see us on the stage!" apEX waved his fists and looked very happy. yearn for.

NBK shook his head. He didn't really lose his fighting spirit.

It’s just that sometimes, I feel like I’ve worked very hard. I had thought of everything I could think of, and it was hard to accept the feeling that I had tried my best but still failed to win.

For older veterans, this road down the mountain is a bit too rough.

Xu Beifang's tone before was not too serious, he just said it a little seriously.

Although NBK is just complaining unconsciously, it will inevitably affect other people's thoughts.

The forklift was taken down due to poor quality, which put them on the verge of danger.

At this time, it is even more important to stabilize your mentality, and everyone should twist into a rope and slowly chase points.

However, most of the members of Little Bee actually expected that Map 1 would be taken down. After all, they had trained for so long and had some idea of ​​the level of their maps.

"Don't be discouraged, everyone. The next two maps will be our home court. Take advantage of these two minutes to adjust your mentality!" The bald coach clapped his hands to encourage the players, "Stabilize your mentality and think about what it feels like to play Big. !!”

Xu Beifang closed his eyes and began to adjust!

After taking the first picture, woxic excitedly fist-bumped with his teammates in the room to celebrate.

If he was worried about trouble after the game, he now wanted to send a message to Xantares to show off.

Brother, what's your level...?

Look at the buddy coming up and directly crushing the little bee, and Tu Yi takes it down easily and happily!

Then Nice had no chance of survival under his left hand's sniper attack.

Although he did not share the joy with his Turkish brothers immediately, Woxic was not in a hurry.

Because if he could directly put the record 2-0 in front of Xantares, he would definitely curse himself.

Thinking of that scene, woxic felt comfortable all over.

A wave of flies rubbed his hands with great anticipation, and he and the entire team entered the second map.

Little Bee vs. HR.

Figure 2: Purgatory Town.

T: ZywOo, apEX, Nice, NBK, RPK

CT: woxic, ISSAA, Deadfox, Hobbit, ANGE1

The game officially begins!

The pistol round begins.

What apEX called at this point was a tactic that was deployed by default. Only apEX used props, and the others all used half-armor pistols.

Xu Beifang once again got a P250 to use. As usual, he took the P250 and prepared to pick up the CT from A1.

But he struggled for a while and saw no one. Just when he was about to go to the banana lane to help push the load, he heard NBK jumping into the sewer and yelling:

"Pressure from the middle!! Three people just pulled out!!"

RPK heard this information and quickly pulled out of the middle to help.

His marksmanship today was very good. After pulling out horizontally, he quickly positioned and killed a CT with a headshot, and got the first kill of the round.

I thought that this wave of firefights would give them an advantage in killing, but they didn't expect that after a round of fighting, they would be at a numerical disadvantage.

Wanmai quickly explained in the live broadcast room: "I won the mystery of the dead city in Figure 1. HR played very fiercely in the pistol round. At the beginning of 4A, I went directly to the front and middle to fight with you!"

"This wave of bold decisions really gave them a numerical advantage. ISSAA, who had a bad touch in the first picture, had two in a row. Although he was killed by a follow-up shot, he still gained a numerical advantage."

"The mine bag has been shot down, and the bandits' information has been taken away. This wave of little bees is a bit embarrassing!!"

His teammates were having trouble exchanging fire in the middle, and Xu Beifang quickly came over to help.

According to the information from his teammates, he controlled his gun angle and placed the P250 directly in the area below the VIP.

The moment he saw someone coming out, Xu Beifei pulled a little space to the left, then aimed the P250 and fired.

"Pah! Pah!"

[Nice used P250 to kill ANGE1 with a headshot]

"Link and A1 each have one." RPK reminded.

When he pulled out just now, he saw four people. He hastily killed one of the opponents without cover. He had done his best.

After hearing the prompts from his teammates, Xu Beifang crouched down and moved back, quietly returning to the bandit's mouth.

Then he adjusted the position of the crosshair and stood up instantly.


A P250 bullet passed through the middle and instantly hit a policeman who was standing straight on A1. His mind was blown!

[Nice used P250 to kill Deadfox with a headshot]

"Nice's P250 is still as accurate as ever. If you dare to confront him, he will be killed. The opponent is very brave and is actively peeking for people to shoot. But if the opponent is Nice, this decision is unreasonable."

Playing Machine continued to analyze, "3 vs. 4 has now become 3 vs. 2. For a while, Little Bee has a numerical advantage. Now, no matter how to choose, whether it is to play A or B, it is a good decision."

After getting a wave of three kills in Area A, Xu Beifang didn't worry. He picked up the thunder bag in the middle and followed the main force to the Banana Road.

It has been determined that the opponent has one remaining link, and Hobbit is a guy who guards B.

Then just concentrate on attacking one point now.

After the three Little Bees gathered together, Hobbit handed over a smoke bomb directly to the police house to delay time.

"Just jump out of the cigarette to find him, he's alone!"

After seeing the smoke bomb, apEX quickly gave instructions and took the lead to jump out.

"Bottom, he was so crazy that he flew out of the smoke bomb! Hobbit's positioning ability was very good, and he was instantly killed with a headshot in the apEX air! But facing enemies with smoke bursting from both sides at the same time, there was nothing he could do .”

"It's a 2-on-1 endgame, but in the end Woxic has already defended the police house. Do you know this information?"

"But Zaiwu searched the police's house, and two Glock bullets were directly given to Woxic to instantly kill him. This time, he didn't even need to put down the mine bag."

"When Little Bee returns to Purgatory Town, it feels like returning home."

【I’m back, I’m back! 】

[Everything is getting better, little bee rush]

[Image 1 is really bad, I hope Nice map can rise to prominence! 】


Xu Beifang bumped fists with Doudou, and smiled at each other with Zaiwu in the distance. They had successfully won the pistol round without any danger, which made their morale slowly return.

Entering the second round, Little Bee was still careful.

This is Purgatory Town, the map with the highest probability of ECO coming back, so they must be more cautious.

Xu Beifang held the SG553 to control the map in the banana lane. He ignored the yellow wall flash thrown by the opponent and began to push forward.

"Move Zaiwu forward, and let's clear out the nearby areas together." Xu Beifang called the bandit's Zaiwu over to help.

The load enters the banana lane and moves forward quietly.

Just when the two of them were about to launch a wave of flash coordination, Xu Beifang saw two grenades thrown out from the second and third boxes in Area B and exploded above the wooden board.

"Let's go! Turn A, turn A!" Xu Beifang said loudly, "There are at least 3 people in area B."

Two thunder explosions at the same time, plus the previous eaves flash.

Because of the distance, these two props could not be given by the same person in just two seconds, so Xu Beifang immediately judged the opponent's idea of ​​heavy defense in area B.

apEX immediately made a move to A, and the result was as expected. In the end, NBK killed one with a hair dryer, and they easily won the point.

The score reached 3:0 smoothly, and the first long shot of the second half began.

Xu Beifang's position is good and he has moved to a relatively forward position again.

"Ignore the middle lane in the early stage. Control the map around the banana lane and A2 floor. Later, NBK will be more careful in the middle lane. The opponent is still playing very aggressively." apEX reminded, "And they have a sniper to deal with this point. .”

The countdown ended and everyone set off.

After communicating with Zaiwu, Xu Beifang chose to explode a wave of double thunder on the wooden board.

It's just a pity that woxic didn't take the first shot at Banana Road.

Xu Beifang successfully gained control of the tree position and stood on it with a yellow wall to collect all the information.

"There's no pressure on the Banana Road across the way. You guys in Zone A should be careful and be careful about the set menus on Floor A2."

After hearing Xu Beifang's reminder, apEX and NBK became more cautious in their map control process.

They cooperated with each other to search the entire A2 floor, but did not find any package offensive by HR.

apEX came to the boiler room and moved around to investigate, intending to get some information on A1.


White smoke emitted from the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and the bullet easily killed apEX.

Woxic put away his gun and jumped back to the pack point. He had already obtained the first kill, so there was no need to worry about the rest, just a steady and steady defense.

When his teammates were blocked from advancing in area A, Xu Beifang took SG553 and started to put pressure on the banana lane with his teammates.

Zaiwu flashed a stone slab, and combined with RPK's sandbag fire, the two quickly and smoothly took control of the near point.

"I also have a flash bomb that can help you dodge the police. Do you want to take a look?" Zaiwu asked from behind.


RPK nodded, but before he could wait for the flash bomb, he was greeted with two pineapple buns.

"Boom! Boom!"

[hobbit used grenade + ANGE1 to kill RPK]

RPK covered his face. He didn't expect that he would become the familiar unlucky guy again.

The most outrageously unlucky guy in today's first-tier arena is undoubtedly electronic from the NAVI team.

But moving forward in time, the man spurned by Lady Luck was RPK.

"Doudou, give me some ideas, a wave of explosive bombs or tactics?" Xu Beifang asked.

apEX replied speechlessly: "It's just a 3 vs. 5 endgame. There are only three cigarettes left in the props in hand. There is a shitty tactic that can be used."

There were bursts of chuckles in Little Bee's voice, although the Long Gun Bureau fell into passivity.

But their atmosphere is pretty good.

After laughing, they also became serious.

apEX also gave them an instruction: "Just hit B in one wave, you can hit silent contact."

"Nice and Zaiwu are looking for opportunities in front to see if they can kill one of them first, and then follow up with a wave of explosive bombs."

Xu Beifang and ZywOo hugged each other, one on the left and one on the right, and began to advance forward quietly.

But the other party didn't give them a chance. They had just advanced a little distance when a smoke bomb exploded in front of them.

"Feng Yan is stalling for time. At this time, we can only rely on our personal abilities."

"The heavy defense in area 3B includes three spears, three boxes, flower beds, and coffins. This point is not easy to defeat!"

By the time the B-channel smoke dissipated, the time had reached 40 seconds.

After discussion in Little Bee's voice chat, they finally chose a regular explosive bomb speed boost.

Zaiwu was given a cigarette by the policeman, Xu Beifang knocked a flash bomb on the wall on the right side of Channel B, and charged directly down the stage.

NBK added coffin smoke and three boxes of fire and immediately followed the main force.

Xu Beifang began to break through in the first position. He stayed close to the wall on the right and walked all the way down the stage.

There was a "呲" sound. Xu Beifang followed the sound and saw three boxes of smoke bombs exploding on the left side.

But Xu Beifang came to the right corner and saw half of the policeman's body in the three boxes.

"Da da da……"

[Nice used SG553 to kill ANGE1]

"Nice defeated ANGE1 who had poor body control, but there was a Hobbit in the double position in the flower bed. Xiao Xu's back may suffer!!" Playing Machine said in a nervous tone.

"With a single movement from behind, this wave of... load!! He made up for Xiao Xu!! His discipline is full!"

"Woxic's big sniper in the coffin was blocked from sight, and he could only wait for his teammates to return to defense. This wave of 3 on 3 really allowed the little bee to enter the target without any damage!"

"We won't really let them play 3 against 5!" The voice of the playing machine was full of expectation.

Because in his opinion, both Xiaoxu and Zaiwu are choices that can create miracles.

Although Nice only has one drop of blood, sometimes one drop of blood can do a lot in the endgame!

NBK entered the bag point to release the bag, and Xu Beifang, who was still alive, returned to the banana lane.

With his health level, he would probably eat pineapple buns no matter if it was three boxes or dead center.

Banana Road is actually the safest area.

He squatted directly under the wooden board, waiting for the other side to come over.

NBK and Zaiwu on the front stood in the three boxes and under the stage respectively, each guarding their own position.

"HR's return to defense has left the police. As the police smoke clears, they will start their own actions."

"A B-channel smoke bomb was used to block the performance, and then another one was used to fire off the stage. This wave completely hit the little bee's seven inches, limiting the performance of both members at once."

"NBK had no choice but to come out from the stage. He coordinated with the load and pulled horizontally at the same time. NBK directly knocked out woxic."

"But ISSAA at the coffin seized the opportunity and came out, knocked out NBK in the audience, pulled the load out to replenish the shot, ISSAA turned around and shot directly, and he started spinning!!!"

"Now only Nice is left with residual health, and his vision is blocked. He can't play this game anymore!"

Xu Beifang frowned, feeling heavy.

All his teammates were killed. In the 2-on-1 endgame, he also lost his vision. The situation was quite passive.

He quietly moved to the right side of B Tongyan, leaning against the wall on the right, looking for a possible bunker for himself.

There are not many opportunities left for him now, he must seize that moment of opportunity.

Little Bee's voice was silent. Everyone who spoke was afraid that it would affect Xu Beifang's judgment.

The "beep" sound was so loud at this moment. Xu Beifang had already adjusted his preview and started shooting immediately when he heard the sound.

The bullet passed through the smoke and directly hit Feitou, who was squatting to unpack.

[Nice used SG553 to kill Deadfox with a headshot through smoke]

"HR chose to dismantle one aircraft in the endgame of 2 vs. 1. They were not in a hurry since they had the tongs in their hands. The initiative was in their hands."

"The Jordanian gunman who has already spun around is holding a smoke grenade, waiting for Xiao Xu to take action."

"But Xiao Xu directly killed the unpacked Deadfox. Although you have a lock, I also have perspective. What kind of fight is this with gods!!" Playing Machine breathed heavily in the live broadcast room, "But this endgame is The result is still unknown, is there any suspense??”

"Hide!! Hide!!" Seeing the kill message in the upper right corner, Little Bee shouted excitedly in his voice.

"If you delay it for a second or two, he won't be able to dismantle it!!"

The moment Xu Beifang got the kill, he quickly cut his knife and evaded behind the groove on the left.

He didn't ask to kill the other party, he just hid inside and died.

The B-pass smoke grenade dissipated, and Xu Beifang was shot away by ISSAA in advance.

But everyone in the Little Bee training room raised their arms and shouted excitedly.

Although the members of HR had the last laugh, Little Bee was the final winner of this round!

4:0, after entering the town of Purgatory, Little Bee returned to a familiar rhythm!

No more updates today, a bit stuck...

Go home.

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