CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 175 Going further and further on the road of King Juan

Chapter 175 Going further and further on the road of King Juan...

"Congratulations to Little Bee for defeating Big with a score of 2-0 and entering the second round!"

"In these two maps today, Little Bee performed very well. In the end, they defeated Big with scores of 16:5 and 16:6 respectively. The opponent did not even have the chance to score consecutively on them."

Masisi said: "I used a machine to analyze Little Bee's playing style before, and I also looked at it carefully that time. It was really bad."

"But in today's BO3, we can clearly see some changes they have made. With this performance, we can look forward to their performance in subsequent games..."

[I’m going, Masisi has done his job]

[It’s okay, at least it didn’t roll 3000]

[These two maps were indeed played well today. I didn’t even see the two-player endgame between Xiao Xu and Xiao Pang]

[Shouldn’t it be Big? 】

[Are you kidding me? Big can’t do it? Where is Germany’s No. 1 team?]


Inside Big's base.

The moment they lost the game, not only did they not feel pain, but they were somewhat relieved.

This mentality makes them blame themselves a little, because as professional players, they must always maintain a strong desire to win.

This somewhat dishonest thought made them feel a strong sense of guilt.

But this is also their true thoughts - they were beaten violently throughout the BO3, and they had no game experience at all, so how could they still maintain such a good mentality.

Xantares wiped the sweat on his hands with toilet paper, and after adjusting his mentality, he encouraged each other with his teammates, "Come on, adjust your mentality, we have another BO3 today? If we can win it smoothly later, we still have a chance to enter the finals and make a comeback!"

Although he did not play well in the first BO3, as the most ruthless player in Turkey, he still hopes to seize this opportunity to stay in Big and strive for good results.

Several others in Big also nodded, each adjusting the impact of this game on them.

Especially tabseN, who is a gun man, he still can't figure out why Nice's frontal marksmanship is so exaggerated, showing half of his head and killing him for a second, as if he was hanging.

But the matter has come to this, and they can only try their best to compete in the loser group and strive to avenge the Bees in the follow-up.

He was convinced of today's BO3, but it didn't mean that he had no other thoughts in his mind.

Next time we meet again, he believes that he will be able to perform as well as he should!

"The most perfect episode!!" Xu Beifang raised his hands in celebration loudly in the training room.

apEX sitting on the right has turned on the dance mode again, and RPK on the left is not so dancing, but there is obvious joy on his face after taking off the headphones.

The opponent in today's BO3 is definitely not weak, and even the opponent's own map selection has a very good reputation among the entire first-line team.

Coupled with the previous quarrel in Katowice, Little Bee naturally had a layer of pressure on her heart before the game started.

But these days of hard work, various disputes in training, and discomfort with various positions and playing styles have finally paid off in a short period of time.

XTQZZZ suppressed the smile on his face, and then said seriously: "Don't take it lightly, there is still a BO3 to play today, don't get carried away because of the victory in this game."

Many times, the coach is the person who fills this role.

Xu Beifang leaned on the gaming chair, stretched out his entire arm, and then shook his fist.

The bald coach looked at this scene with a helpless smile on his face.

He was adjusting everyone's mood when Xu Beifang came to do it again.

But he still couldn't bring himself to blame him, so he bumped into him with his fist.

The entire team performed very well today. As the core of the team, it seemed that only the wave in Lost City where he saved the world with the hero Famas and the endgame in Area B were very beautiful.

But for a professional team, XTQZZZ understands very well that highlights and data cannot explain everything.

Xu Beifang played a huge hidden role in the entire team!

Now he is completely appreciative of the Chinese boy in front of him, so how can he feel any blame?

Feeling the intensity of the coach's fist, Xu Beifang lay quite leisurely on the e-sports chair.

He pretended to close his eyes and rest, but in fact he was checking two new suggested tasks in the system.

【drop! 】

[Suggested task: Be more proactive in the game. The task has been completed and the rewards are being distributed...]

[C-level treasure chests are being distributed. Do you want to open them? 】


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the halo-props research and development expert. Description: When the host is developing props, the host's sense of smell for props can be improved, making it easier to find suitable props. PS: Stop rolling! Stop rolling it! I can't throw away your props! 】

Prop development? ?

This thing is interesting!

When Xu Beifang was a social animal in his previous life, he had watched many exciting games, but it was still difficult to replicate some special props.

For example, as the king of scrolls, ropz used to throw monster-level smoke bombs.

What kind of xbox cigarettes are placed at the birth point, what kind of cigarettes are thrown away by the gangsters in the lost city on the B2 floor...

6 ways to throw cigarettes hanging on the door...

After CSGO entered the online era, some of these terrifying scroll props are not something ordinary people can learn.

Just like a few props developed by that guy ropz, you may not be able to learn them even if he teaches you face to face.

There was still a lot of time before the next game, so Xu Beifang simply opened the running map server and began to try to replicate the smoke bomb ropz threw on the B2 floor.

Zaiwu was munching on a banana on the side to replenish his energy and prevent the next game from affecting his fat memory.

"What are you trying?" Zaiwu was very curious.

They knew Xu Beifang's tactical sense, and the VIP smoke at the spawn point that he had made during training had shocked their eyes.

Xu Beifang suddenly opened the map server, and Zaiwu was a little curious about what good ideas he had.

"Just have an idea? Do you think the bandits can throw the props into Area B?"

"Of course you can. Adjust the B vape a little and it should be able to explode in area B." Doudou also heard the discussion here and answered the conversation from the side.

"I mean, throw the props into the B2 building at the gangster's house."

"What the hell, this kind of distance shouldn't be possible." NBK simulated the angle in his mind and found that it was basically difficult to form.

Xu Beifang randomly found an aiming point in the gangster's house and threw the props towards the B2 building, and then flew directly...

At this time, he finally understood the power of this 'props research and development expert' aura.

The props were still flying in the sky, but Xu Beifang could already predict in his mind where the final landing point would be according to this parabola.

Then under divergent thinking, I got a lot of different parabolic situations in my mind.

Xu Beifang slowly started his own experiment.

The props were very difficult, and even though there was a final result, he didn't try it out directly.

After watching apEX for a while, I found it quite boring and started to do their own things.

apEX was scrolling through cute pet videos on Twitter, while Zaiwu was thinking about what to eat tonight.

Everyone is waiting for the second BO3 game to start today.

After an unknown amount of time, they heard applause in the training room.

They heard the sound and looked over.

"Brothers, come and see, I got that prop out!!"


"You really got him out!"

Everyone in Little Bee was a little curious and stopped what they were doing.

Because they don’t know when the next game will start, they are currently playing games that can be stopped at any time to pass the time, such as Plants vs. Zombies played by RPK.

"Show me." apEX said anxiously.

I didn't expect it before, but if this smoke bomb is really produced, the tactical significance will be quite great.

Create a fake attack tactic around this smoke bomb, and it can definitely be used as a tactical ultimate move in the Major.

Xu Beifei nodded, then took out the smoke bomb and started taking action.

Little Bee and the others also looked at it curiously.

I saw Xu Beifang operating the character to the position where he would normally throw B cigarettes, and then pulled the crosshair upwards...

Where to adjust next? ...Little Bee and everyone are a little curious.

But then they saw Xu Beifang take two steps forward, and a smoke bomb flew directly out from the platform.

Xu Beifang pressed the flight angle and followed the trajectory of the props in the air.

The smoke bomb kept flying, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and then finally hit the edge of the window of the B2 building and bounced into the interior of the B2 building.


Everyone in Little Bee was confused. They obviously didn't miss anything, so why did the smoke bomb fly into the B2 building?

"So where is your reference line?" the bald coach asked very curiously.

They just saw the crosshair aiming in the air, and then they immediately took a running jump shot.

ZywOo speculated, "Is it the intersection of the eaves on the left and the extension of this black stain?"

Xu Beifang shook his head: "It's very simple. Have you seen this piece of wood on the eaves under the antenna? This is a reference."

He then pointed to the colon on the right side of the FPS at the bottom of the screen: "Then you use: face the upper left corner of this wooden bar, run up to the antenna and shoot a jump shot, it's that simple!"

"You call this simple??" apEX was a little stunned.

RPK was also shaking his head and lamenting that in this game, due to the special nature of the props, everyone has used crosshairs to aim, and they have used gloves to aim.

But this was the first time they saw someone using the FPS ‘:’ to aim at a close point.

It can only be said to be a genius idea!

"This prop will definitely surprise other first-tier teams in the Major!!" Baldhead is very confident about this!

With 83 kills in three maps, woxic finally won the first round of BO3 with a rating of 1.43.

The feat of letting one chase two made him feel happy, and he excitedly discussed the content of the game with his teammates around him.

The excitement of his teammates was slowly fading, while Woxic thought of his hometown Xantares and didn't know what his situation was like in Big.

So he turned on HLTV and checked. The moment he saw the score, he suspected that he had seen it wrong.

"What happened? Big was hanged?"

woxic quickly took a look at the results. Fortunately, his fellow players performed well. Although they only got 35 kills in the two maps, they were ranked first in Big.

"Is Big in such bad shape recently?" ISSAA was also a little surprised. In their impression, BIG should be one of the strongest teams in this qualifier.

I took a look at the schedule and found that Big's game wouldn't start for a while.

woxic immediately sent a message of condolences to Xantares, "What are you doing, brother? Why did you only get this few points?"

Sure enough, within two seconds, Xantares sent a message back: "I can't beat him. Little Bee's hands are too hot. He was stepped on his head and beaten violently. He didn't have a chance to fight back."

"Everyone is stunned. The opposite is Brother Chunchun."

woxic joked, "That's because you are in poor condition and don't have a good sniper. If I were here, the result would be different."

Xantares: "On the other side, one person is not accurate. Today, everyone on the other side is online. I don't even feel that Nice has exerted its strength."

He was also beaten very badly in that BO3, and now he has to remind his fellow Turkish players to be careful.

When woxic heard Xantares say this, he felt some pressure in his heart.

But he doesn't think that he is weaker than Nice.

As the Rookie of the Year in 2018, Nice was able to achieve TOP9 results. He believes that a large part of the reason was due to VP's outrageous 4-guarantee-1 play style, which led to inflated data and eventually entered the TOP20 ranks. .

Otherwise, he and Nice would just be on the same level.

Even if he is placed in an environment where 4 guarantees 1, woxic believes that he can produce a data of more than 1.3, reaching the level of S1mple!

He thinks Nice is very capable, and it is really amazing that he dares to play so aggressively in the professional arena.

But to say that he has the level of a world-class rifleman, woxic only thinks that HLTV is trying to please the Chinese market.

Soon the team leader walked into the training room and informed the players: "The last game is over, and the competition team informed us to get ready. The game against the Bees will start in 10 minutes."

Woxic entered the deathmatch map and used the mouse with his left hand to continuously kill in order to maintain his hot touch.

So Nice, let me see if you have that level!

Xantares was beaten violently, so let me protect the glory of Turkey!

Little Bee is ready to face HR, and the game has entered the BP stage.

HR took the initiative from BP.

They came up and banned nuke first.

Little Bee still removed the train as usual.

HR directly locked the forklift in the first choice. This decision made XTQZZZ frown. The map pool of Little Bee is still too shallow now. Even if they don't play a train regularly, the forklift is the weak point of the team. They have to hurry up. It makes up for the forklift proficiency.

As for the Forklift map, the gap between them and these teams with similar levels is still a bit big.

When it came to Little Bee's picture selection, after thinking about it, XTQZZZ said: "Take Purgatory Town."

Although qualifying for IEM Sydney this time is important, for Little Bee, this event is more about proving your own practice results, so you have to play against the opponent on different maps as much as possible. At least you have to understand the specific map. Above, what strength range is Little Bee in?

After both parties removed Sha Er and Maze respectively, they were finally left with a Death Amusement Park.

The little bees frowned and began to enter the server of Figure 1 The Mystery of the Dead City.

Let’s have a takeaway first, there will be more later...

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