CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 171 Undecided, A1 pulls it off! (1777)

Entering the first long gun round, except for NBK who was still using a car king, everyone else got a full-armor AK47 or full-armor SG553.

Even if they start practicing very early, not everyone can adapt to the difference between AK47 and SG553.

Just like the League of Legends next door, some people can't train a hero well in a season. If they don't adapt, they just don't adapt.

apEX explained the instructions for this point: "Stick to the plan, the default formation in the sewer, but if you are in your position as a carrier, you can try to grab a shot in the middle."

The birth point of Zaiwu is the closest position to the middle, and if you directly purchase a sniper rifle at this point, you can still be bolder.

The plan remains unchanged and the default formation is because they have already practiced some tactics before the game.

The first long gun game is still in the trial stage. Everyone is exploring each other's habits, so they don't directly call too complicated tactics.

At 1 minute and 48 seconds, Xu Beifang entered the TV room with SG553 and heard a big sniper gunshot in the middle.

[tabseN used AWP to kill ZywOo]

"There is a big sniper in the VIP, he is the fastest." ZywOo explained the situation.

In this wave, there is nothing wrong with him directly grabbing points from the first position, but tabseN is also in the first position, so he is at a disadvantage.

The initial kill was carried out with a load of goods, but the subsequent map control was a bit difficult.

RPK used a flash bomb to send Xu Beifang into the sewer, confirming that no one was pressing forward.

Xu Beifang began to push forward, pressing against the wall on the right side, placing the crosshair on the right side of the sewer, to be on guard against anyone peeking out.

"Can you refill a smoke bomb for VIP?" Xu Beifang asked.

Once Zaiwu dies in the middle, no one in his sewers can synchronize with him.

If the VIP does not refill his cigarette, he will have to beware of trouble from up to three gun positions.

"Okay, do you want to give it now?" apEX asked.

"In two seconds, the opposite side has just given an arch one-way, it doesn't mean much now."

apEX nodded, then counted silently for two seconds, and then gave him a VIP cigarette.

The VIP smoke exploded, and Xu Beifang continued to push forward against the wall on the right.

Xantares leaned on an arch smoke and stood in the sewer for a while. When no one showed up, he placed the target of the firefight on Small B.

Waiting until the Arch Smoke went out, Xantares deliberately took a step back, and then asked his teammates to give him another Arch Smoke.

Xantares also returned to the right side of the arch, using the one-way effect of the smoke bomb to look at the sewers.

Although he is not as strong as NIKO in playing arch, he is still quite skilled.

Xu Beifang, who was in the sewer, did not neglect any search points. He was ready to peek out again in the sewer.

Although the arch one-way cigarette smoke is one-way, due to convention, it often does not achieve such good results.

After seeing the unknown object above the smoke, he immediately squatted down and opened fire.

[Nice used SG553 to kill Xantares with a headshot]

What is the result of good reaction and super positioning ability?

The result is that from Xantares' perspective, Xu Beifang is just like a ghost!

"Xantares went straight into the sewer with a one-way cigarette, but he didn't hit Nice. He was killed with a peek to the head, and the number of people was immediately beaten back!"

"After knocking out the ruthless man in the arch, he directly added a cigarette inside the arch. Now he only needs to add a VIP cigarette to gain control of the middle lane."

The old handsome guy said: "With just one kill, Big lost control of the entire middle."

He could see very clearly that Nice was becoming more and more experienced nowadays, or in other words, this kill was simply to gain control of the middle lane.

The moment he almost defeated the ruthless man, he stepped back and cut out the props, then peeked and threw the smoke from the arch.

The series of movements were so smooth that it was almost impossible to say it was a spur-of-the-moment move.

However, he also noticed that Big didn't seem to be sitting still.

"NBK, come over to area B as a team. We'll fight a wave of B's ​​and B's. You can buy a supermarket cigarette and a white car fire." apEX is undergoing mid-term personnel transfer.

The acquiescence in the middle was sufficient, which also cost them a lot of time. Now there are only 40 seconds of attack time left, and they must hurry up.

NBK followed the tactical instructions and headed straight into the B2 building.

But as soon as he entered the TV room, he saw a CT carrying an AUG in front of him.

He was so frightened that he jumped back, but it was too late.

[tiziaN used AUG to kill NBK with a headshot]

"The front roof has reached the TV room!!" NBK reminded loudly, "Zone B may be air defense now!!"

When the B2 floor has been penetrated, in the endgame of 4 versus 4, it is impossible for the opponent to stand in the package point, because it is basically meaningless.

Hearing this, Xu Beifang also entered Area B with a gun in hand. After a quick search, he found that it was indeed the case - Area B was empty.

[It’s hard to beat this endgame]

[3 vs. 4, but I only have one flash bomb in my hand, I feel like I have to send it]

[If you throw Doudou this flash bomb, you still have a chance]

[Let’s see how Xiao Xu operates, he can still operate in this endgame]

Although the minefield was put down, the situation on the field was still passive. Friends in the live broadcast room generally felt that this endgame was very difficult.

First of all, Big has a numerical advantage and returns to defense very early, so they have too much room to deal with.

Secondly, Big also has a lot of props, which can be easily deployed from the front.

However, the Bees performed well in several early rounds, which still gave them a lot of expectations for this endgame.

After quickly searching the bag spots, Xu Beifang directly entered the entrance on the right side of the supermarket and waited for the timing here.

"I also have a flash bomb that can help you fight back." After apEX put down the mine bag, he noticed the prop in his hand and proactively reminded Xu Beifei.

Xu Beifang took a look and saw that apEX placed a mine bag that could be placed on the supermarket or sofa. After downloading the bag, it returned to the default position and placed it on the B2 floor.

"No need to worry for now, but you should need to dodge." Xu Beifang communicated quickly before hearing the footsteps, "If you can't dodge later, you must tell me."

apEX said "Hmm", and the only sound in his voice was everyone's breathing.

C4 is ticking in the package point, urging all surviving members to enter the package point to fight.

Xu Beifang keenly heard the footsteps in the supermarket, adjusted his posture and directly pulled back.

Gob b also clearly saw him pulling out. He quickly adjusted the muzzle of the gun, but the bandit in his field of vision quickly squatted down again.

gob b adjusts the muzzle again. At this time, the entire rhythm of following the gun is already a mess.

[Nice used SG553 to kill gob b with a headshot]

"Nice took the initiative to look for someone, and one fell out instantly. The number of people on both sides came to 3 versus 3!"

"3 vs. 3, what do you say about this wave? tabseN and nex both sneaked into the supermarket, and tabseN's sniper even killed Nice's position." Masisi's tone was a little depressed, but he was still waiting for a miracle to happen.

A flash bomb flew from the packaging point into the supermarket window.

tabseN saw a flash of light coming from the corner of his eye and knew instantly that something was about to happen!

He quickly turned his head to the left, but in his haste, it was too late.


Xu Beifang pulled out immediately after the flash exploded and saw two CTs covering their eyes and running away.

"Da da da……"

With one sweep and transfer, apEX's flash effect was excellent, and he did not miss this opportunity.

"Good cooperation!!" Masisi shouted in the live broadcast room, "What a quick match with good people, the timing of this wave is great!"

"nex and tabseN chose to push forward quietly, while Little Bee's strategy was to use the only flash bomb to counter-clear the supermarket information at the second time. The timing was just right, and Nice's stable shooting skills killed all two people in the supermarket. "

After throwing away the flash, apEX's back was stolen by tiziaN who came out from the B2 floor.

It's just that he just got the kill, and the small RPK on the sofa frame B immediately turned his gun and completed the shot.

"Beautiful!!!" Zaiwu and NBK shouted excitedly in the voicemail at the moment when they hit the last kill.

This endgame made them very nervous in the spectator seats. They wished they could buy a resurrection armor and return to the battlefield. Unfortunately, there was no resurrection in CSGO.

They can only expect their teammates to perform miracles on the court.

Then they looked at the excellent choices and communication of their teammates in the end game, and steadily won this 3V4.

Although apEX was killed, it could not suppress his mood.

He gave Xu Beifang an excited high-five: "Brother, how do you like my flash bomb? It's awesome!"

Xu Beifang had nothing to say about this: "It's absolutely amazing. Big is going to see an ophthalmologist."

"Ha ha!"


Xantares, who was killed early, looked at the endgame speechlessly.

"The opponent's timing is too good, there's nothing we can do about it," tabseN said, "The flash bomb explodes instantly and there's no way to avoid it."

As the Big commander, gob b also frowned. He recalled the situation where the opponent just pulled out, and the continuous adjustments during movement made him feel a little embarrassed to say anything.

In fact, this endgame has become somewhat difficult to deal with since he was defeated in the first wave.

During the London Major, Big faced Nice once. What I felt the last time was that the opponent could always catch the timing.

Now is it so fierce even from the front?

gob b felt like they had encountered a tough problem in just the first game.

His concerns were very correct, and the Bees' attack was as fast as ever.

That 3V4 endgame directly ignited the opponent's emotions.

The Little Bees put a lot of pressure on them on the offensive end, but they didn't play in a hurry.

No one in the Little Bees played very well today, but they were very average.

The opponent's Zaiwu, Nice and RPK have always been about one head apart in data.

But this situation made Big very anxious.

Because they discovered that Little Bee's weakness seemed to have been hidden suddenly, and the opponent no longer had any special points to stretch his hips!

Their defense was very difficult in the next few rounds. It was not until Xantares' three kills in Zone A that they successfully helped them get the first score, and the situation gradually showed signs of improvement.

The 10th round of the first half.

Xu Beifang glanced at the score "7:2" above his head and was in a pretty good mood.

The team has been training for so long, but Big can no longer resist Wei Wei's attack.

They don't even need to use VIP Smoke to coordinate with Xu Beifang's exclusive speed-increasing move.

"Everyone played really well today!" The bald coach bumped fists with the players excitedly. He was also very satisfied with the result.

He is not the kind of coach who likes to work hard. Since a new team has come and the team has the potential to improve, it is natural to go all out to move forward.

Now that the team is getting better little by little, he looks at the smiles on the faces of these children and feels quite happy himself.

The opponent struggled and started to fight back. apEX almost figured out their defensive thinking and began to deploy targeted tactics.

He looked around at the spawn points of his teammates and noticed that Xu Beifang's position was closest to A1.

"Just hit A1 to speed up. I'll light up a cigarette in the middle to harass you at the beginning. The rest of you will cooperate with Nice, just like we do in training."

"Understood," the others replied.

The countdown ended, and Xu Beifang rushed towards A1 non-stop.

"The opponent usually starts with double A. In the beginning, gob b will stand at the police house, and then the Turkish ruthless guy will play one-way smoke in the arch. Just go out and pay attention to the police house." apEX reminded.

Xu Beifang rushed directly to A1, facing the fire of A1 thrown by the opponent, and did not care about pulling back.

He had just received the first burning damage from the incendiary bomb. With a "pop" sound, RPK's smoke bomb had extinguished the fire.

gob b stood on the long box. After throwing the A1 fire, he was going to give COSCO flash bombs to his teammates.

When I heard the sound of A1 putting out the fire, I quickly flicked a flash bomb behind me and peeked out to check the situation.

"Da da da!"

As soon as gob b got his sight, he saw A1 squatting down simultaneously, and he instantly fell to the ground on his back.

[Nice used SG553 to kill gob b]

"A1 was pulled out immediately!! Area A is about to be lifted!!" If gob b couldn't respond to the other party's thoughts at this time, his command would be in vain.

Xantares, who was in the arch, had just extinguished the opponent's arch fire, and then realized that the opponent's center was pretending to harass.

Hurry to area A to replenish your defense.

But just as he took a few steps forward, a flash bomb exploded, making his vision completely white.

He jumped back quickly, but Xu Beifang saw the field of vision, and was in a position to find an angle to pursue him.

"Nice killed the first person in the A bag, but Zaiwu helped him throw away, and he rushed over to catch the ruthless person! Who is the ruthless person today!"

"The ruthless man was killed, but tabseN stepped on the fire and replenished Nice. However, RPK completed the replenishment, and area A fell instantly!"

"apEX is unwilling to leave in the middle. Do you also want to become a top libero? But it turns out that you don't have this talent. How can there be a libero standing in the middle of the road with a gun!"

"What was left for Big was a 2-on-3 endgame, but they chose to directly save their guns. It was too difficult to defend in this endgame."

The numerical disadvantage, lack of props, and lack of information are all the reasons why Big chose to save his gun in this 2V3 endgame.

The audience in the live broadcast room praised this wave of attacks in the connection process in Area A.

After taking a look at the score above, they suddenly discovered——

Unknowingly, Little Bee already had a huge 6-point gap with Big!

Today's Little Bee seems to be exceptionally good on the offensive end!

Go home, go home! Internet cafes are almost making me smell like Huazi.

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