CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 170 Xantares: Let the little bee feel the innocence of fucking!

It was a sunny day in Paris on Thursday, February 7, 2019.

The sun finally came out in winter, and more and more pedestrians were visible on the streets.

"After today's game, let's go out and bask in the sun." RPK suggested.

Zaiwu drank a can of milk and nodded with a smile, "Actually, I just want to go out and bask in the sun now."

"That won't work." Xu Beifei joked with a smile, "If you go out to bask in the sun now, the Superman energy in the server will be full later, and you won't be able to play on the other side!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone in Little Bee chuckled.

The person being praised scratched his head in a somewhat naive manner.

It has been almost half a month since I qualified for the Major.

Little Bee has not had any large-scale events to participate in recently, but they have completed the auditions for various competitions very early, and today this is still a preliminary event for a competition.

A game from one of the top CSGO competitions - IEM Sydney.

Today, Little Bee will obtain a spot in the main draw among the eight teams in the IEM Sydney European Qualifiers.

Just from this competition system, you can feel the smell of blood in it.

Most of their opponents are old acquaintances on the front line. Except for a team called 3DMAX, which is not well-known, the other participating teams are OPTIC, G2, HR, Northern Lions, Big, and FORZE, which are regulars in first-line competitions.

Little Bee will face the quarterfinals of the London Major today - German tank Big!

Although it is a qualifier, this event is very meaningful for today's Little Bees because it is in the European qualifiers.

Except for the 3DMAX team, which is ranked 30th in the world, other teams are generally ranked 11-20 in the world.

Little Bee is currently ranked 19th in the world. Judging from the paper strength, everyone else is better than them, but their strength is limited.

So this qualifier just allows them to see the results of their recent training.

[Suggested mission: Be more proactive in the game, the difficulty is 4 stars, and you can get a C-level treasure chest after completing it...]

[Suggested task: Create some novel props in the competition to impress everyone. The difficulty is 3 stars. After completion, you can get a D-level treasure box...]

This was the advice provided to Xu Beifang by fans that day. If nothing unexpected happens, he is ready to complete the IEM Sydney qualifiers.

And after accommodating Hampus's understanding, he was also curious about what he could do if he was fully fired up in the game.

In the CSBOY live broadcast room.

After Masisi and the old handsome guy finished the ladder, they found that the game was about to start, so they adjusted their state and entered the commentary.

"Okay, the game between Little Bee and Big is about to begin. This game is still very interesting." Masisi took advantage of the game not starting to introduce the matchup between the two sides to the audience.

"Although the lineup of Little Bee is still the same, I learned through the grapevine that Little Bee is in very good shape recently, and Xiao Xu has also recently reached the top of FPL. He is still as self-disciplined as ever, and he also showed great performance in the qualifiers. The performance of these two brothers is enough to make this game interesting."

As a neutral commentator, the old handsome guy should step on Little Bee quickly, otherwise if he doesn't perform well, Xiao Xu will definitely have to memorize a lot of rhythms after the game.

"But Big is not weak either. Xantares, the eldest brother of the SS team, joined Big and sold the pressure monster Smooya to the Cowboys. Now the entire team is in a honeymoon period and its strength is quite terrifying."

"Is Xantares a good player? A Xantares peek will tell you the answer!"

Masisi nodded and replied: "IEM Sydney, this is the event where our CNCS rises. In Sydney last year, Tianlu once won a map against Peak FAZE. It was also that time that we saw the rise of CNCS. hope."

"I hope Xiao Xu can bring us some surprises today."

Inside Big's German base.

Xantares was quickly practicing his gun in the deathmatch map to make final preparations before the game, and then he heard the message.

S1mple: Are you hunting bees today? Can you do it?

S1mple: I just had a breakfast bet with a hot guy.

So who bets on me to win? Xantares was a little curious.

S1mple: We didn’t start the bet because we both thought you would lose!

Xantares was so angry that he typed a reply: Damn you, don’t disgust me!

S1mple::), I can't help it. I just made statistics. Recently, when I was with Nice, I won 5 games and lost 3 games when I was with you.

S1mple: The hot guy has a good relationship with Nice, and they all beat Nice to win, so naturally this bet cannot be started.

Xantares: Angry! I will show you my true strength today!

After the reply, Xantares closed the chat software.

I was originally in a good mood, but after being disturbed by S1mple, I became inexplicably irritable.

He finally understood why the heads of state and the others would log out of social software early before the game. It was because of such bitches!

He admits Nice's level. After all, it is impossible to achieve such a high reputation in FPL without strength.

And where are the results of last year's TOP9?

But as both riflemen, who will trust whom?

Xantares glanced at the cameras that were required for online competitions and was speechless.

That is to say, you can't smoke under the camera, otherwise he will give the little bees an innocent fuck to let them feel the power from Turkey!

Because of the picks from the audition, Little Bee became the first player in this game.

They still canceled the train directly.

Big removed Nuke after careful consideration. Their strength on this map is also weak. It is not yet clear what the level of Little Bee is and they dare not release it at will.

After discussion, Little Bee chose Desert City. Although they had recently lost to ENCE once on this map, the gap was not big at that time. They would not doubt their level due to this slight setback.

Big's choice is still the same as before, winning their beloved Hot Sand City. I can only say that the senior girl is still the same senior girl.

Each side removed another card, and finally Big chose to keep Purgatory Town.

"The final BO3 map is determined to be the third one!"

Masisi's eyes lit up, "These three maps are considered the basic skills of all professional teams. Whether the tactics are excellent, whether the snipers are powerful, and whether some props are used well can all be reflected in them."

“There are really many things to watch in this BO3!”

In CSBOY's analysis, the two sides began to enter the server and began the duel in Figure 1.

Map: Lost City in the Desert

Little Bee vs. Big

T: apEX, NBK, RPK, ZywOo, Nice

CT: gob b, tabseN, tiziaN, nex, Xantares

Fans of both teams cheered them on the barrage.

Xu Beifang also adjusted his condition and entered the game.

Little Bee's own map selection, they will be the offensive side first.

"For the pistol round, I will pick up a set of props myself, and everyone else will pick up half-armor. Nice, you pick up a P250, and the gangster will hang it at the beginning."

"I'll go and kill A1 by myself later. The next time we go to the arch as a group in the sewer, a wave of 4 arches to coordinate with A1 sandwiching area A."

apEX added: "If nothing else happens, let's fight like this. Nice, you place orders alone and pay attention. If someone comes to attack you, the sewers will speed up to help."

This is a tactic extracted from NAVI's video. It mainly focuses on fighting for control of the middle lane and crushing the general trend.

They made some slight changes, played a few times in scrims, and now they're ready to take the field.

The countdown started. Xu Beifang picked up the P250 and went directly to the fake door of the bandit's mouth. Only half of his body was exposed and he stood straight in the middle.

There was no movement in the middle for the first time, and the teammates in the sewer were slowly advancing forward.

"The sewer is under pressure!" RPK's voice of announcing the location had not even finished when he saw the CT in front of him suddenly died suddenly, "What a loaded weapon!"

[ZywOo used Glock to kill tabseN with a headshot]

Xu Beifang glanced at the kill information in the upper right corner and knew that the opponent's center might be in a pressing formation, and he had to cooperate with his teammates.

He pulled him out of the gangster's mouth and immediately looked at B and CT.

"Little B! Little B!"

While reporting the point, Xu Beifang fired wildly at the CT named B with his P250!

However, B, the CT, was very agile and had no intention of confronting Xu Beifei. He only took three shots from Xu Beifei and safely retreated behind the bunker.

"My dear B, please pay attention, I am helping you hold the VIP position." Xu Beifang said.

The bandits put pressure on the middle lane. Xantares and nex in area A quickly looked towards the arch. The front attack in the middle lane was not smooth, so they had to take the initiative to kill them.

Xantares stood next to the diving platform and straightened up the sewer, with his crosshair positioned and advanced to guard against the possibility of the opponent pulling too hard.

Soon, a bandit rushed out of the field of vision, and the shadow behind him told Xantares that there was a second enemy to replenish his fire.


[ZywOo used the usp pistol to kill Xantares with a headshot]

He just fired the first shot, and the opponent killed him instantly with one shot from the USP he picked up.

"There are at least two arches!!" the ruthless person quickly reminded in his voice.

Zaiwu continued to move forward with the usp in hand. He originally just wanted to get information in the arch, but the other party's vigilance was already full, and the crosshairs were placed on the headshot line of the arch.

As soon as he poked his head out, he was killed with a direct headshot.

[nex used usp to kill ZywOo with a headshot]

"There is one left in the long box in area A!" After Zaiwu was killed, he quickly passed on the information so that his teammates could make better judgments.

"1A2B, there may be one left near the supermarket VIP, who can fill in for both sides at any time." Xu Beifang said the information he had speculated and compiled.

apEX thought for a while, "I'll give Link Smoke and High Flash in Area A, and then we'll hit Area B."

Now that they have a 4-on-3 numerical advantage, as long as they don't let the opponent succeed in betting, a frontal attack will be very smooth.

"Also pay attention to the B2 building and the sewers." Xu Beifang reminded, "The people on the opposite side are at a disadvantage, and there is a possibility of being directly suppressed."

Team A's outstanding performance on the field has gradually popularized many concepts among professional teams.

One of them is to fight less and stay steady, and to fight less and take the initiative to find people is one of them.

RPK, who was under the arch, heard this and took the initiative to push the sewer.

"There really is one!" RPK was not in a hurry in the first wave, but gave up its gun position.

The forward-pressing tiziaN felt very uncomfortable at this time, because the distance to the sewer was too long.

He is in this position now. It is difficult to push forward and it will take a certain amount of time to retreat.

We can only forcefully peek with RPK at the sewer entrance.


[RPK used Glock to kill tiziaN with a headshot]

tiziaN was in a panic. He was in a relatively passive position, but he still couldn't find an opportunity.

"4 vs. 2, you can directly speed up B!" Xu Beifang said, "There is a person in area B who was shot 3 times by me at P250. Now he doesn't have much health left."

As he spoke, he began to push in the small direction B.

In the CSBOY live broadcast room, after seeing the result of a fierce battle between the two sides in the middle, Masisi praised: "Okay, little bee, today's pistol round is very structured, and the marksmanship is also very hard. I hit two of them directly with the load, RPK Fight back and kill a tiziaN who is pressing in front of the sewer."

"Now that they know there's one in AB and one in Area B, they come directly to find someone."

"Nex is still holding the long box straight and the small B. This wave of Nice is too good. Whether he can knock it out will be the key to this endgame."

"The first shot missed the head, so Nex turned around and continued to pull, huh?!"

Xu Beifang's sight was originally in the VIP. After the exchange of fire in the sewer, he thought that the other party would approach Area B.

Although I didn't expect that the opponent was still binding the spirit in the long box, the P250 gave me enough confidence.

Turning to face the long box, two slow bursts were fired.

[Nice used P250 to kill nex with a headshot]

"This aiming ability and reaction are too fast!" The old handsome guy was a little surprised.

Judging from nex's position and Nice's preview, they thought nex had an advantage, but they didn't expect that Nice would strike from behind and kill nex instantly with one shot.

"Little Bee won the pistol round relatively easily. He is in pretty good shape today!"

"This sewer is really awesome!" The head of state was speechless.

He originally planned to use an unconventional way to steal one from the sewer, but he didn't expect that he was instantly killed by a headshot from the Zaiwu after just a glance.

Xantares was also a little helpless, "I was also killed instantly by one bullet. This thing is really not human."

nex added: "It's almost the same, but I was defeated by P250 in seconds."

Several guys who had been beaten for seconds were exchanging their inner thoughts. Gob B's expression froze as he watched this scene.

The easy victory in the pistol round made Little Bee feel happy.

apEX reminded: "The opponent should be strong at this point, so be careful when controlling the map later. Nice, I will directly send you into the sandbag at the beginning and hang on. The others will slowly control the map on both sides and hold their own for a while. Let’s talk about it later.”

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang picked up his spear and came to the middle, and then with the help of apEX's passing cigarette, he tried to jump to the sandbag.

But when people were in the air, they heard a "bang".

The sandbags came over, but there were only bodies.

[tabseN used SSG 08 to kill Nice with a headshot through smoke]

opened? ?

Xu Beifang was a little speechless. Sometimes your opponent feels hot, and this bird snipers through the smoke and kills him with a headshot. If you are unlucky, there is nothing you can do.

However, his side delivered the first kill. NBK in the A2 building, holding a car king, killed both nex and Xantares who were pressing forward.

Little Bee immediately decided to quickly launch a wave of arches. After a wave of battles that were not difficult, he easily won this strong start.

The score also reached 3:0 smoothly.

There is another chapter later, so let’s have some takeout first. There is a girl next door who is watching Tian Tian You Xi in the Internet cafe, which really distracts me.

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