CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 150 Xiao Xu, what is your ID? NMMDW!

That game ended with an exaggerated score.

Then they found out that Brother Crystal was already waiting for them outside and wanted to join the small convoy.

They roped in an online passerby friend and went on a five-row assembly convoy tour together.

Originally, Xu Beifang was planning to compete with the top players in the division.

But he found that if he really went all out, there would be no suspense in the game. Only in one round did he encounter a pretty good opponent, and he could have another try in terms of marksmanship.

In simple words, Xu Beifang has become super-evolved after this Major!

For the top branch of 5E, he was just serious about dimensionality reduction.

So later Xu Beifang played more in a lively manner.

However, after playing a few games, passers-by went offline, and they couldn't get enough people in the 4th row at the same time.

"What do you say? Team Danking is disbanded?" Xu Beifang asked.

Danking frowned and questioned: "No! How can you sleep at your age??"

Brother Crystal also shouted from the side: "Team Danking will continue for another two hours."

He is still on vacation, and as long as he doesn't touch League of Legends, everything is pleasant.

"Then why don't we play some other games?" Leonkai said, "I think the North is very boring."

Xu Beifang smiled and replied: "Fortunately, I just can't raise the intensity, and I can't lift my spirits. But it's still fun to play games with you."

This was a bit Versailles, but it left them speechless.

Judging from the current situation, at least the community level is worse than domestic and international comparisons.

But it’s still understandable. After all, the domestic open beta has only been less than two years, and foreign CSGO has been played for so many years. It’s normal to have differences. In the future, talented players will have to be slowly emerged, and the overall competitiveness will be improved little by little. The overall community The level of combat will increase.

Only when the strong stay strong can CNCS produce those outstanding e-sports players.

This is the same reason that Crystal Brother and the others like to go to the Korean server for training, because the level there is high and they can get more feedback on various ideas and ideas during the battle.

"Gangzi, will you take us to play League of Legends?" Xu Beifang suggested.

Brother Crystal shook his head: "Goodbye, it's no fun to lead the thugs to kill indiscriminately."

"Why don't we go to PUBG? Four people can form a plane." Danking gave a good suggestion.

It's just a game between friends, and they don't care about winning or losing.

Besides, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is also a phenomenon-level game this year. As Internet-addicted teenagers, they have all been exposed to it more or less.

"Then wait for 10 minutes and I'll download it here."

Xu Beifang had already purchased and played the game when eating chicken was very popular, but he had not downloaded it on his home computer.

So it takes a while to download.

Ten minutes later, Xu Beifang logged into the game.

"Beifang, what's your ID? I'll pull you."

"Your mother's kiss." Xu Beifei replied.

? ? ?

I was scolded suddenly and out of nowhere.

Danking looked confused and asked: "Why are you swearing! What did I do wrong?"

Xu Beifang explained: "It's the abbreviation that starts with your mother's kiss."

"What??" Danking continued to ask, humiliating himself.

"NMMDW!" Xu Beifang explained in English letters this time.

【Laughing to death! ! 】

【Ha ha ha ha】

[Danking also asked specifically]

[Xiao Xu is indeed a loyal fan of Leon Kai]

[Careless mother who lost her mother haha]

Brother Jingshuang and Leon Kai were already laughing so hard in the voicemail that they almost lost their breath. They didn't expect Xu Beifang to have such a ridiculous ID.

Leon Kai even complained: "Your mother's kiss, why are you using my catchphrase as an ID! I'll pull you away."

This was something he didn't even expect. I can only say that the show was very effective.

Amidst laughter and laughter, the foursome started matching and officially entered the game.

After entering the game, as soon as I arrived at the Quality Hall, I heard someone shouting on the microphone:


It would have been a joy to be recognized, but it would have been perfect without the sound of this clip.

Danking leaned back on the gaming chair, sighed, and then ran towards the sea, not wanting to face this fact.

"Danking~~Danking~~turn back~"

[I live in Bengbu, what kind of old lady? ? 】

[As a fan of Danking, let me clarify here, this is what our egg powder looks like! 】

【Ni Datian】

[Why can I watch so many shows in one night? 】

[It’s so magical, I admit that I couldn’t stop thinking about it for three days after watching it]

[I originally thought that broadcasting PUBG was not interesting, but it turns out that the interesting people are everywhere in the program's effect]

[The expression on Dandan’s face is so hopeless that it makes me laugh to death]

"If this were a human being, I would eat the screen directly." Gangzi said confidently.

Some passers-by in the quality hall also asked: "Is Danking also in this round?"

With the popularity brought by the recent achievements of CSGO, players such as Danking and Eggplant have gradually become out of the circle due to their excellent live broadcast style.

Now Danking is still very well-known on the Internet.

A group of people quickly started a chase, but after the countdown reached zero, they still got on the plane.

"Where to jump, punctuate it."

Danking chose the airport with confidence. Everyone watched the route being put in place and jumped out of the airport.

It was fine when it flew down, and then Xu Beifang controlled his perspective and looked up.

"I go!!"

The sky was so dense that I couldn't even count the number of people in a short time, but it was definitely more than 30.

"Kill brothers!!"

"Test! There aren't enough people for me to kill." Gangzi's mouth worked steadily as always.

Team Danking scattered after landing, but within 20 seconds, they had all turned into boxes.

"This game is very fast-paced!" Xu Beifang laughed, "One game takes two minutes, and you can dance 30 games in one hour."

The audience in the live broadcast room was also very happy to watch. The professional players in their eyes turned out to be completely different when they came to PUBG.

"This one will definitely take the first place. Let me show you what it means to be a true FPS genius. Even if you change the project, you are still a true master!" Danking also shouted.

Everyone clicked to match, but the match was successful again after a while.

This time I met a sniper fan again.

In fact, most CSGO players also want to snipe, but the problem is that CSGO is more of a ranking mechanism. If you don’t have enough points, you won’t be able to match.

The current matching mechanism of PUBG is region random. If you click match at the same time, you are likely to be matched to the same game. In the quality hall, Danking and Xu Beifang have been squeezed in the middle by enthusiastic fans.

After getting on the plane, Danking continued to open the microphone and said: "As I said before, the airport is a big stage. If you have the guts, come on."

Two seconds after he finished speaking, Danking quickly said in the YY voice: "Don't jump, I lied to them. Let's find a place to go jungle."

The game just now had no gaming experience at all. It took 2 minutes to play a game, which was even faster than a CSGO round. He didn't want to continue like that.

They landed near Y City, but saw someone parachuting faster than them, so Gangzi flew to the side of the road, "Let's go, the other side is faster, drive to another place."

The others didn't doubt his presence, so they all flew towards Gangzi.

Four men and a car started heading towards the wild.

Then I drove into the wild for a while, and saw what seemed to be fans not far away, driving a car and following them, honking the horn from time to time, looking very arrogant.

Danking couldn't stand it when he saw this scene: "Diao Mao in front, if you have the ability, come down and use your fists 4V4."

The other party honked the horn twice again, then accelerated and drove the jeep in front of them, drifting in front of them.

The jeep hit and was forced to stop.

"Oh, stop the car! Do it with them!"

"Fuck them! You're so arrogant!"

Danking and Gangzi were shouting in their voices.

Xu Beifang also got out of the car, but as soon as he jumped off, he saw someone on the other side holding a pistol.

"Damn it, brothers, hurry up, there's a gun on the other side."

"Get in the car and run away!"

The other side had guns in their hands, but they were just using their bare hands, so there was no chance to operate them.

Fortunately, the opponent was only a small pistol. Xu Beifang quickly returned to the jeep and started to fire it.

Danking also got on the bus. He thought he was safe, but he found that his teammate's cursor was getting further and further away from him.

Something bad is happening!

"Hey!! I got on the wrong bus!! Wait for me!! Take me away!!" Danking shouted at the top of his lungs.

When Xu Beifei heard this, he quickly stopped the car and fell back: "Get in the car, hurry up!"

No one expected that a simple boxing championship would have such twists and turns.

Fortunately, the shooting method on the other side was also a human body stroke, and all the bullets were fired without being able to kill any of them.

The group finally began to breathe a sigh of relief as they were far away from the ending of falling into boxes, and then they laughed mercilessly at Danking:

"How could you still get on the wrong bus??"

Danking boasted there: "I really deserve to be a professional player. If I react slower, I won't have a chance to jump off the car later."

"We were almost about to start our third life." Xu Beifang laughed, "I was so stupid. I got out of the car and saw one of them holding a pistol. It was so disgusting. These people just raced with us. Don’t shoot for a long time.”

"Why is there still Lao Liu in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!"

Everyone lamented the aftermath of the disaster, and then found an uninhabited area and began to search for supplies.

"I have more than a handful of 98K here. Which of you wants it?" Xu Beifang asked.

Danking immediately answered: "Give it to me, I am a sniper rifle thief 6!"

"Really?" Danking's previous abstract operation made Gangzi doubt his level of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

"That's for sure. Do you know what a legendary sniper is? Yesterday I played Baili Keep and killed 10 of them!"

"I'm going to pay 100 knives for 10 minutes to play policewoman." Gangzi said he was speechless.

After searching a small area of ​​the house, everyone was already armed.

Back on the jeep, Danking said firmly, "A good sniper is excellent in any game!"

The car ran out of gas after entering the circle, so everyone had to rush forward on foot.

Then after seeing a two-story building with a garage, Danking suddenly became suspicious: "There seemed to be something flashing past that room, be careful of someone!"

"But the doors and windows are closed, so I must have made a mistake." Leonkai replied.

Xu Beifang added: "Why don't we pour some props into them, and then we'll blast them first."

"Okay, I have two mines. I'll blow them up. You guys set up your guns and break through." Leonkai looked very presentable.

Then he took out the grenade and pulled the ring to adjust the parabola.

Seeing the unbroken windows, he seemed to have returned to the town of Purgatory. He cut the grenade that had been stretched out from his hips back, took out his pistol and opened the glass window. He seemed to be worried that if the glass window was not broken, it would affect the impact of the thrown objects. trajectory.

Then he cut out the grenade ring and planned to throw it.

But Leon Kai didn’t know that in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, if you pull the grenade ring and then cut the gun, it will fall on the spot!


With the sound of grenades exploding and the flying smoke and dust, Leonkai was already kneeling on the ground and crawling, and he was so anxious that he could speak Sichuan dialect.

He was confused, but when he looked at the "you blew yourself up" in the picture, he felt he understood everything.

Gangzi has been playing PUBG the longest. He was played with Wei Shen for many times. At this moment, he explained: "The grenade will explode if you hold it for a long time."

"God, let me save another one!" Danking said the movie lines while walking towards Leon Kai, intending to help him up from the falling state.

But he didn't see a grenade quietly placed on the ground to the left of Leonkai.


"What??" Danking was dumbfounded.

Leonkai also reacted and was so stupid by his own operation that he kept laughing.

Xu Beifang happily came over to lick the bag, and then said with a murderous heart: "After all, Cai Angkai, the name is correct, haha."

"I wanted to blow up that building, but I don't know why I dropped two bombs at my feet." Leonkai laughed and said his stomach hurt. He was still wondering why Danking came to help him and died.

In the joyful atmosphere, they still did not enter the top 10, and they were quickly beaten by passers-by.

But no one cares about the final result. After all, everyone is just friends playing together and having fun.

And they don’t want to play PUBG professionally, what kind of results do they want?

For the audience in the live broadcast room, this night was even more happy. The four-person team was constantly laughing and the show was very effective.

Xu Beifang finally understood why VP old men like to play chicken so much.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has a real ability to become a phenomenon-level game. Apart from the poor positive feedback, it is a game suitable for friends to play blackmail.

But he himself also understands that this is just entertainment with friends during the offseason.

His focus will still be on CSGO, and in almost half a month, he will fly to Paris to start his new journey.

Although there are many wonderful memories in this professional journey with VP, in real games, he is often the powerless member.

As for the Little Bee stage, the team has the firepower to support it. Then it will be qualified to challenge for those trophies in various large-scale competitions.

Xu Beifang is looking forward to it.

This kind of content about other games will only be mentioned briefly in daily leisure, and will not occupy a large space. Next, we will start to carry out the diary!

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