CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 149 Danking: Am I really a sniper? (1077)

【Danking! Danking! Which team is Xiao Xu going to join? 】

[Does Tianlu buy the North? 】

[Ask Xiao Xu if he will go to G2, I really want to see kennyS win the championship again]

[I want to see Xiao Xu and NIKO fighting together, two bulldozers, directly beating the opponent from the front]

During the National Day holiday, Danking finally took a few days off to take a rest. During the day, he traveled with friends, and in the evening he broadcasted live at home to brag with netizens.

But not long after the broadcast started, I saw the barrage in the live broadcast room asking about Xu Beifang's transfer.

He did know about Tianlu's situation.

Boss Tianlu wants to buy Xu Beifang. Even if he is given Xu Beifang's salary as a professional brother, if he can buy it, he is willing to spend the money. After all, Xu Beifang has proven that he has the ability to play.

But after the final discussion, they still didn't take action because the Tianlu home team is in pretty good shape now.

Although the overall strength is not ridiculously high, we have now seen hope. The morale of Tianlu's entire team is very high. A sudden substitution at this time may not push the entire team to the bottom.

So in the end they did not issue a contract to Xu Beifang.

As for the other teams, Danking sighed: “How many times have I told you, I really don’t know this thing!!”

"I'm Lao Xu's housekeeper, I'm not the roundworm in his stomach!!"

[Then what does your room manager do for food? 】

[Who is a VIP? F11 tickets are given to Danking to fly! 】

[It’s just that, as a house manager, you don’t have any gossip, so what role do you have as a house manager? 】

Facing the questioning voices that filled the screen in the live broadcast room, I just needed a CF member to kick me.

When Danking saw this, he said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll call Lao Xu directly. You don't believe me after I told you."

"Du~du... Hey, what's wrong with Dandan?" Xu Beifang's voice rang from the other end of the phone.

Danking didn't expect Xu Beifang to actually answer the phone, and was a little embarrassed.

"I'm live streaming."

He first reminded Xu Beifang, and then continued: "Right now, fans are asking, where will you go after the transfer? Let me tell you some gossip."

"Didn't you receive the gossip?" Xu Beifang's voice on the other end of the phone was surprised, as if he had really released some gossip.

"Did you really spread the rumor? Where are you going?" Danking was really curious about this matter. Because of the outstanding results, the entire CNCS circle, both professional players and ordinary players, were very curious about this matter.

"I just signed the contract yesterday and will report to the Lakers in a month. I just had dinner with Kobe."

【grass! ! 】

[Don’t tell me, Xiao Xu can still play a dozen point guards at his height]

[God damn, go play with the Lakers and Kobe. This is even more outrageous than SKT created by NIKO]

[So Xiao Xu already has a new family? 】

"You!!" Danking knew Xu Beifang was talking nonsense when he heard the word "lake".

"Isn't it convenient to tell?" Danking expected it, and then he asked in a different way, "Since it's hard to say which team to sign with, how many teams have contacted you this offseason? Let's talk about this. .”

There have been several times when teams have contacted each other. This is just a number and will not reveal the specific team’s choice.

"This is nothing, we can talk about it." Xu Beifang said, "Actually, it's not too many. Not counting the teams ranked above 100 in the world, there are only 11 teams."

"11?" Danking felt like he had heard wrongly.

"Well, there are only 11." Xu Beifang replied with a smile, "But I refused. After thinking about it, I realized that it would be fun to play brother CSGO with Danking."

[There are only 11 teams, and they are all among the top 100 teams in the world. Is this Xiao Xu’s Versailles? 】

[Let Xiao Xu pretend to be here! grass】

[Let me go, is Nice so popular abroad? 】

[It feels like G2 is in trouble! 】


Danking pretended to be moved, and then shouted: "If nothing else, it's all in the game, CSGO starts!"

Xu Beifang didn't refuse. He had been busy with transfer matters before, but now he is almost done with it.

Among the many teams, he finally chose Little Bee as his second stop.

Although the French team has always had a competitive atmosphere, his impression of Apex and Zaiwu was pretty good.

Apart from anything else, if he joins Little Bee, at least he will have something to protect him from.

Moreover, Xu Beifang has analyzed their current lineup and found that although Doudou's command is not among the best in the world, it can still be regarded as first-rate.

Moreover, his marksmanship can sometimes explode during command, which is quite good.

Although the two brothers NBK and RPK are older, they are in pretty good shape now, at least better than NEO and pasha.

If the running-in goes smoothly, this lineup can still compete in various competitions.

So even though the salary was slightly lower, only 12,000 euros per month, apex's sincerity and the team's future possibilities moved him, and he finally chose to board the newly formed wooden boat Little Bee.

The details of the contract have been carefully communicated in the past few days, and now the contract negotiations between the two parties are almost complete. It is just before the end of the offseason that he flies to Paris to sign a contract with the Bees.

There is another episode here. If Xu Beifang hadn't repeatedly stated that he would not run away, Apex would have wanted to fly over with the contract for Xu Beifang to sign.

Xu Beifang turned on the computer, found their daily channel in YY Voice, and hung up the phone.

"Hey, hey, hey, do you want to play 5E?" After entering the voice, he asked.

"You just need to sign up, why are there so many things?"

Regarding Danking's bad words, Xu Beifang just smiled.

After logging into 5E, Xu Beifang also saw that Leonkai had just finished playing, so he directly pulled him into the room, and then sent Leonkai the YY channel number on WeChat.

"Huo! Isn't this Nice? Aren't you going to join SKT?" Leon Kai also teased the transfer as soon as he came in.

It is outrageous to find SKT.Nice in NIKO's screenshot. There are no games to discuss during the offseason. Xu Beifang, SKT.Nice, instantly became a joke in the circle.

Many LOL players were a little confused at first when they saw this meme, wondering where there is a player named Nice in SKT.

"Okay, let me tell you a little bit." Xu Beifang also understood everyone's curiosity and wanted to see who he would end up with.

"Due to team announcement issues, I can only reveal one thing. There is a very enthusiastic leader in the team."

A very enthusiastic conductor? Zeus? Or nexa?

Xu Beifang's words were very subtle. After all, how many conductors would be cold-faced to others?

Under the speculation of the audience, the three began their journey to score higher in CSGO.

The map is still the desert city that Chinese people love and hate the most.

If they don't work hard at fighting, the gangsters are brothers, and the trio came to the offensive side to fight.

"How many points are there?" Xu Beifang asked. Because of the trivial matters in life and work, he hasn't played much recently. He turns off the computer every day just for basic training, and his hands are really itchy for a while.

"5E is the top division. This season is not over yet. We are both around 100, and Leonkai is not far behind." Danking replied.

Although Xu Beifang hasn't played 5E for more than a month, his score is still very high.

Xu Beifang rubbed his hands and began to take the game seriously.

Then he saw a P250 thrown on the ground. Leonkai said: "You have been given the gun. If you don't perform as well as in the Major, I will spray you hard!"

"I don't even know how to lose!"

"I'm in great condition today. I'll show you a ten-game winning streak and hit 2,800!"

Dong Guaqiang patted her chest in the live broadcast room, full of confidence.

The match soon showed that the match was successful. Looking at the ten players on both sides, Eggplant in the team said with some worry:

"It's so spicy! I met Danking again, Donggua, your mouth is really poisonous!!"

As a scoring machine in the top division of 5E, you can question Danking's level in professional games. After all, he is still a youth training player.

But don’t question Danking’s dominance in the ladder. Anyway, as former professional players, Eggplant and Wintermelon have lost a lot of points.

"It's okay!" Although Dong Guaqiang felt guilty, she still said harshly, "Isn't it just Danking? I often take his share in the ladder."

He said it very casually, but his actual actions proved Donggua Qiang's thoughts, and he became serious immediately.

If he loses this one, Danking will have to mock him for at least a week.

As a defender, he went directly to the A-package point, with A1 on his crosshair, ready for action.

【Our game is booming! Use P250 to kill young man qz with a headshot...]

【Our game is booming! Killed with a headshot using P250...】


Continuous kill messages appeared in the upper right corner, and Area B was breached so easily.

"Eggplant, what are you doing?!" Dongguaqiang asked in confusion, "All three people in area B were killed. You are playing Gou 8."

Eggplant sighed: "What can I do? This B will kill me as soon as it comes up. What can I do?"

They were impressed by the ID on the other side. It was Nice's ID in the Chinese server.

But they didn't care at first. After all, after Nice's success abroad, there were already too many pirates.

They seem to think that with the same ID, they can have the same strength as Nice.

And because Xiao Xu plays aggressively, these passers-by in the national server also play aggressively.

You said that some players who don't even know how to make an emergency stop just press forward like crazy, can they beat them?

You can’t fight, you don’t have the ability, you know!

So now, Xiao Xu's reputation in China is at two extremes. Because of his ability, he has competed well in international competitions and has a lot of fans. His personality outside the competition is also very popular.

But these fans who follow the trend are disgusting. Even Xu Beifang's fans have already evolved to the same level as Qie Xiaojiang.

Donggua Qiang himself likes Xu Beifang's playing style, so he still hates this kind of influence on Xu Beifang. With the USP in hand, he prepared to return to the defense from the supermarket.

But before returning to the supermarket, I saw a figure coming out of the entrance of the supermarket.


【Our game is booming! Killed DG with a headshot using P250]

"I'll go!! Is it so accurate?"

Donggua sat up straight and planned to get serious.

But in the next few rounds, the sound of headshots echoed in his mind.

He was already numbed instantly by the other party.

Looking at the opponent's booming record of 11/2/0, Dong Guaqiang only felt that it was exaggerated.

Could it be that it's really Nice? Is Winter Melon Qiang a little suspicious?

Then he clicked on the profile picture of 'Zhengshengshang' opposite, but only saw a service medal for 2018.

"This is not me! He must be cheating!"

Dong Guaqiang had doubts in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the operations he had just performed were beyond human ability, so he typed on the public screen:

"What's going on with Danking? Are your Xiao Xu fans over there excited? Are you so exaggerated?"

[Players-Our game is booming! Exited the server...]

The game also entered a pause time.

Seeing this scene, Dong Guaqiang's heart skipped a beat: "You won't just go out and drive, right? It's my tenth consecutive victory!!"

But soon they saw 'Zhizhili' rejoining the room.

Danking: Look at his information again.

Hearing this, Dong Guaqiang clicked on the avatar of 'Zhengzhengshang'.

There were a few more badges than when he looked at them before.

The first one on the list is the 2018 London Majo Betting Diamond Coin!

Let me go, does this guy really know CSGO?

Can you get diamond coins in such an unexpected environment?

Then he saw a medal with the number 4 on the right. Only then did Dong Guaqiang realize that they had met a real guy!

Move the mouse over -

London Major 2018 Quarterfinalists

The following is an introduction to the medal: This item is used to commemorate the 2018 London Major CSGO Championship.

This tournament medal is awarded to the quarter-finalists of the London 2018 Major CSGO Championship.

[I’ll go and add a modifier to the auto-aim! ! 】

[The cards are full! These are also our players]

[What the hell modifier, this is the living Xiao Xu! 】

[Winter Melon quickly asks Nice for a friend spot]

[Has Xiao Xu returned to China? 】

[I asked why it was so accurate before. It turned out to be Major-level gun fighting strength. It was too exaggerated]

[This winter melon is full of luck. It feels like a Major game after retirement]

Danking knew that under his wise control, Donggua’s doubts would definitely be dispelled, but he was still a little unhappy: “Why!! Why would he question you for cheating? It’s not that he’s questioning me for cheating. It’s because my strength hasn’t reached that level yet. To the point?"

Xu Beifang comforted: "It's okay, in my heart you are already a Yayi sniper!"

Hearing this, Danking couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, but in front of the live camera, he still had to restrain himself:

"Northern, you are the only one who is my good brother. Come back and comfort me like this."

"But I know in my heart, bro, I'm not. Stop doing this."

Xu Beifang immediately retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, you are the Yayi Sniper in my heart!"

"I really am not!!" Danking grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

"I really am not!"

"You are it!" Xu Beifang started playing with Danking, "In my mind, we are on the same level. I am Yayi Tu, aren't you Yayi Sniper?"

"Am I really?" Danking seemed to accept the answer, "Am I Yayi Sniper?"

Xu Beifang nodded and replied: "You are..."

A passerby next to him answered: "You are a sand dollar!"

Danking's face turned green, his crosshairs were instantly focused on the passerby's head, and he was already murderous!

It’s a bit late, but with everyone’s help, I’ve reached the top 100 monthly tickets without realizing it. I’m really happy!

Thank you all for your support, good night brothers!

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