CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 130 Question, Understand, Become! (477)

"Congratulations to Team A for winning this BO1 game with a score of 16:6 and successfully entering the 2-0 group."

Masisi's congratulatory voice was so standard, so mechanical, and so ruthless.

There was no way, he also wanted to express his happy emotions, but he really couldn't be happy.

In this game between VP and Team A, VP, who had high hopes, was crushed by Team A by a huge score.

After winning the pistol round in the first half, they only scored 6 points in the whole game. This performance was simply disastrous.

"No way, the strength gap is still a bit too big." The old handsome guy echoed from the side, "The current VP only has a single core, which is completely unable to withstand the efforts of Team A. It is already quite good to get 6 points."

The game has been lost, and they can only comfort themselves in this way.

[The overall gap is too big. Although Xiao Xu played very well, the rest of the VP did not fight to the end]

[I just took away C9 at 16:3, and then I was taken away by Team A at 16:6. The state of the game fluctuated too much. 】

[One part father's love, one part mother's love, one part the old man's respect, and the remaining three parts are Lu Bu's struggle on the White Gate Tower]

[Actually, they are in pretty good shape. They are just pure C9 players. If it weren’t for Boston’s championship position, it would be difficult for them to even get a spot this time]

[Xiao Xu’s record of 16-15 is acceptable, and his performance is not bad. He also had a good back-and-forth with Demon Man during the game]

[It’s really hard for Xiao Xu to stand alone. NEO, MICHU and Pasha all have single-digit records. How is this going to work? 】

[I feel like I really have become the dean]

The final map of this BO1 is Purgatory Town. C9 may think that VP's town is very strong.

But the town where Team A just won NAVI is feeling hot.

After BP determined that they were in Purgatory Town, Team A relied on teamwork and tactical suppression to beat VP out of breath.

NEO finally understood the terrifying strength of the world's number one commander.

Team A can always find areas where their defense is weak. Just how he played with god b a few days ago, gla1ve played with him today.

All NEO’s thoughts have been read!

This also makes it difficult for them to have a good gun-fighting environment in front of them. Even if a few A-Teams attack and break into crowded areas, the Danes are still fighting head-on.

When a demon man faces his big brother, he will call him ruthless!

The entire game ended with a score of 22-12, with a rating of 1.90.

However, this time when he faced the big brother, he still did not apply for interaction. The VP fans in the live broadcast room were looking forward to that scene.

When the team faced difficulties, Xu Beifang's performance in Banana Road also successfully helped the team find some opportunities and successfully scored a few points.

But Team A's banana path control process is so proficient. Under the attack of various props, he often has half of his health left after the first round of prop exchange.

In the end, it still didn’t produce too amazing an effect.

The moment he lost the game, Xu Beifang took off his headphones and covered his face with his hands to deal with the emotions in his heart.

This game made him feel too powerless. In the past, he could perform no matter which team he faced, even if it was NIP, but today he was really passive, being led by Team A.

Although S1mple and Electronic Brother failed to win the game as a dual-core player, how should he perform as a single-core player to help the team win? This was a question that Xu Beifang thought about for a long time after learning that the opponent was Team A yesterday.

Now the answer is out, there is no way to win!

The score of this game is actually similar to that of NIP, but in comparison, the pressure on Team A is greater.

In the game with NIP, he at least had some opportunities to shoot, but more likely he would collapse due to being replenished or losing head-on.

In this match with Team A, they were purely targeted by props.

Either he starts with half health, or his room for movement is suppressed by various props.

Otherwise, a wave of explosive bombs would rush directly into the package point, and Xu Beifang would take out his transformer and transform into Diga.

This gives people such a sense of frustration!

After gathering his emotions, he heard footsteps coming from next door. A handsome young man walked towards him and held his right hand.

"You played very well today!" device praised. "I was beaten to death by you for several rounds. Your smoke mixing skills are awesome."

device's praise comes from the heart. In today's game, only Nice can give them some resistance.

He even used his sand eagle hand to tear apart his own sniper once, and he was so depressed during the game that he almost attacked the monitor.

One thing to say, the marksmanship is indeed top notch!

Atang's sincere praise made Xu Beifang feel better, and then he replied:

"The art of mixing smoke is learned from Danish players like you. You can call me an outside member of Team A."

Device was stunned for a moment, then a handsome smile appeared on his face, and he hugged Xu Beifang gently: "I like the way you talk. I heard that you are very good at playing. Let's play badminton together when we have time."

"I refuse." Xu Beifang rolled his eyes at the device. Unexpectedly, the sunny and handsome boy's cut was black, "Who doesn't know that you are a professional badminton player! If you have the ability, go play football with the Fallen guys."

device raised his eyebrows, with a hearty smile on his face: "Don't worry, I'll let you go, we're just having fun together."

"That's pretty much it."

Before device left, he turned around and added: "Also, you have very good taste!"

Xu Beifang was speechless. He didn't expect device to be so narcissistic.

Tom complimented him on his good taste, and he didn't mean on his attire.

But it refers to the ‘Boom’ (AWP skin) with a counter that he gave himself yesterday, and the lens has the device gold sticker that was issued that day.

Tom Cruise is praising himself.

Xu Beifang continued to shake hands with other players of Team A.

He also received a comment from Adu: "Your cigarette mixing skills are as perverted as gla1ve's" and "We will have a chance to fight against each other next time" from Demon Man.

The demon man also took Pasha and the others to chat for a while before leaving with the peripherals.

Team A ended the first two rounds with a 2-0 record and was in a pretty good mood. As long as they win another BO1, they can directly advance to the quarterfinals!

As for VP, the record is 1-1. They only need to win two BO1s in the subsequent group stage games, and they can also advance to the quarterfinals.

The results in the first two rounds were actually pretty good, but the sharp contrast between the ease of the previous games and the ruthless suppression by Team A this time shocked them a bit.

After Team A left, everyone packed up their peripherals and felt a little depressed.

NEO took a look at the scoreboard before leaving. It clearly read 7-17.

Yesterday, I laughed at Edward for his 6-21 record, but he didn't expect that today he would only have one more kill than him.

After packing his peripherals, he sighed.

Sure enough, life is like this. You question Edward before the game, understand Edward during the game, and become Edward after the game.

The game against Team A is over. Today's two BO1s have been played. There will be no VP games next.

Everyone packed up their belongings and drove back to the hotel.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent along the way, as everyone was digesting the negative emotions caused by being beaten by Team A.

This feeling of being crushed in all directions is really not good.

It's so uncomfortable.

"Let's go exercise for a while." Pasha noticed Xu Beifang's bad mood and took the initiative to invite him.

Xu Beifang did not refuse this time and nodded in agreement.

I'm not in a good mood now, and I don't really want to go back to the computer again.

NEO didn't say anything. Although this game will be reviewed, everyone's emotions have not been dealt with yet, and the review effect will be very poor. It is more important to calm down and deal with the mood for the time being.

Xu Beifang returned to the room, changed clothes, and followed Pasha to the gym.

At a glance, he saw someone sticking out his butt in front of the gantry.

"HI, NIKO!" Pasha said hello to the perky butt, "Is there no competition today?"

NIKO stood up and waved to the two of them. When he saw Xu Beifang, his eyes lit up: "I know you, Nice, the most radical man in the qualifiers!"

"Your ID is very similar to mine!"

Although Xu Beifang was in a bad mood, NIKO's smile infected him and made him feel better: "NIKO, HELLO!"

NIKO looked at Xu Beifang's face, frowned and speculated: "Today's match was not going well??"

"1-1, I was just beaten violently by Team A."

"I knew it." NIKO smiled, "You want to ask me why I know it? Your expression is so similar to mine when I was young."

The strong Bosnian man in front of him smiled happily.

He picked up the kettle from the ground and took a sip, and then continued to Xu Beifang: "Actually, I think you are very smart and did not hang yourself on the Tianlu tree. I only realized this after working professionally for several years. I didn’t expect you to realize it at the beginning of your career, I can only say that you are awesome!”

"If you have the ability, an international player still needs to make a career plan. If you start early, it may make up for your disadvantage of being older."

Xu Beifang received a lot of attention throughout the Major due to his outstanding performance in the qualifiers.

Some of his experiences have also been revealed. He chose a VP from a foreign country for his first professional stage. It was very bold. Anyway, NIKO admired him quite a lot.

In the early days of his career, he was in a team called Aimface, which was a team from his hometown. He originally planned to use his own strength to lead the entire team to make a name for themselves.

But after persisting for a year or two, he found that it was unrealistic and even considered quitting the professional stage. Finally, with the help of Mouz, he returned to the professional stage.

It took him many years to figure out something. The guy in front of him figured it out right after he debuted. This makes NIKO not surprised.

"There was no way, only VP was willing to ask for me at first." Xu Beifang replied helplessly.

NIKO raised his eyebrows and asked again: "Then do you have any idea to come to Faze? Galaxy Battleship!!"

Pasha slapped NIKO on the butt, causing NIKO to turn into Tom and scream, "You are really not afraid that the Alliance will cause trouble for you!"

The alliance Pasha is talking about is an organization similar to the CSPAA led by Jiu Ye. He is mainly responsible for providing advice on player transfer contracts and other legal matters.

This organization stipulates that players cannot discuss contracts and other matters privately during the contract period.

"I was just joking!" NIKO grinned and touched his butt.

Pasha on the side was lost in thought: "It seems that it is not impossible to let Nice go to Faze."

NIKO's eyes widened instantly: "What's going on? Are you really ready to sell him!!"

Since Pasha dares to say this, it means that the VP team has no intention of renewing the contract.

Even if you don't look at the performance of the legendary group, Nice's performance of dragging four with VP will be taken out by a lot of teams.

What is the VP thinking about?

This boss is so awesome!

But when he thought that the former VP golden five were destroyed by the boss with a Mercedes-Benz, he suddenly didn't feel strange anymore.

NIKO didn't expect that he would eat such a big thing just because he had nothing to do and went out to exercise.

"But I was just joking, Faze really can't eat you." NIKO said to Xu Beifang.

The current Faze team structure is pretty good. Guadian, Big Cousin, NIKO, and Olaf are all online.

There is also a behind-the-scenes barometer who saved the boss's life and cannot be replaced.

Even though this news is very tempting, Faze has no place and there is no need to buy Xu Beifei.

Their entire team has sufficient combat effectiveness, they just need to adjust their status and adjust.

NIKO turned around and asked: "Is there any team you want to join? I can help you contact them."

He is considered a top social butterfly in the professional circle. He has friends in any team and has a wide network of contacts.

"No need for now, I still have about a month on my contract." Xu Beifang didn't expect that Pasha would suddenly chat with NIKO about his next transfer.

But he really doesn't have this idea for the time being. After all, no matter what, the Legend Group game is not over yet.

He is still a member of VP, and his next task is to perform well in the Major, and he does not need to pay too much attention to other things.

"Your VP is so interesting." After hearing Xu Beifang's answer, NIKO's attitude became even better.

Pasha added: "Don't tell anyone. This is what NEO and I asked him privately not to stay in VP. There are too few talents in Poland now, and it doesn't make much sense to stay here. The results this time are not good enough." He is on a second-tier team, and as long as his teammates are not good enough, he can slowly make a name for himself, and it won't be a problem to transfer to a first-tier team like NAVI or G2 in two years."

NIKO glanced at Pasha suspiciously: "Do you really think so or are you just joking?"

"You underestimate him too! He is fifth in the qualifying group. Who are the people in front of him? Top-level players like Adu, Director, and Tang. You really think that top players are worthless."

"Even if your legendary group is in the first round, there will definitely be a first-tier team looking for him. Then it will be the Nice challenge team, you know? There may even be a second-tier team to build a team around him. Don't underestimate your teammates. ah!"

As an outsider, NIKO sees these things more clearly.

"So you're cursing us for the first round, right?" Pasha noticed the details in NIKO's words, "It's just you who play well, right?"

NIKO was stunned when he heard this: "What a good fight. I was crushed by the Germans yesterday at 5:16. I just found some touch and the game was over."

As the runner-up of the last Major and a member of the old legends, FAZE does not need to play the qualifiers and starts directly from the group stage.

It feels good to not have to fight fiercely in the qualifiers, but the price is that the feel will not be as hot as the new legend.

Yesterday’s game, use a paragraph to describe it——

The scorching sand city is cloudless, and the galactic battleship returns without fuel.

smooya vented the anger he felt in the qualifiers on Faze, posting a 1.93 rating, which sent Faze into the 0-1 group.

"So you are still so happy?" Xu Beifang asked strangely.

NIKO waved his hand: "I felt quite uncomfortable after the fight yesterday, but I drank some wine afterwards and it was fine when I woke up."

"So, do you want to go have some drinks together after practice? I drank a beer yesterday and thought it tasted very good."

Xu Beifang: "..."

pasha: "Drink? Give me more practice!!"

Team A in 2018 is at the level of the Big Devil, and has no ability to compete with them for the time being...

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