CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 129 That light stays in Boston

"Congratulations to VP, they finally won the second day of the group stage with a score of 16:2. This was also their first BO1 in the legendary group. They got off to a great start!" Aihua sent out congratulations in the live broadcast room.

His voice was full and clear, with a little joy at the same time.

As a commentator, he is looking forward to more twists and turns in the game, because the more exciting the game, the better they can display their commentary skills.

But in this game of VP, he hopes to see a good result.

I was still a little nervous before the game started, but it was very surprising to see such a huge score difference.


Muscle Stick raised his head, "Huh?"

"I played pretty well today, and I finally enjoyed the feeling of winning on the spot." Xu Beifang stretched out his hand, "It seems that Big Brother was also very strong in the past."

Xu Beifang was indeed a little surprised today. After all, Pasha's performance in the team has always been low or high, not at the bottom, but there has never been a Carry game.

Pasha used a little strength and slapped the stretched out palm, "Of course, I was once a top 3 player."

When Pasha was at his peak in 2014, he defeated a series of current star players such as kennyS, JW, shox, Adu, Tom, etc., and won the honor of TOP3, but time is not forgiving.

"Actually, Nice is hurting you." NEO took off his earphones and answered the conversation next to him, "He said you were good at playing before?"

Xu Beifang didn't mean that, but he pretended to chuckle when he heard NEO's words.

Pasha pretended to be angry and came over to show Xu Beifang a good look.

Everyone was very happy to win the game, but they were not too excited emotionally because their opponents really didn't put much pressure on them in this game.

The overall strength of C9 is still too poor, and they cannot build an effective offense against them. This is the real reason why they can win with such an exaggerated score today.

But it was precisely because the score was too large that VP's mood was very dull. Judging from the direction of the entire game, it was natural for them to win.

Everyone played around in the battle room for a while, and then headed to the next door under the guidance of Kuben to enter the post-game handshake session.

The camera followed VP and his party to C9.

Six months ago, they upset the Boston Major, igniting the attention of global audiences and finally winning the championship.

Dudou and Automatic Brother showed everyone what it means to be young, vigorous and high-spirited.

But six months later, C9, which once appeared in people's eyes as a dark horse, quietly fell.

It was like a beautiful shooting star, leaving a deep memory in people's minds and staying in that night in Boston.

After losing the game with such a huge score difference, C9 was not in a good mood and had no intention of chatting.

VP shook hands with them and went through the process, then returned to his player seat, packed up his peripherals, and started to return to the lounge;.

Byali simply lay down today. He was feeling relaxed at the moment and was opening a piece of chocolate to replenish energy. "How was the score in the first round? Did anyone count it?"

"What kind of statistics do you need? Can't you just go to HLTV and take a look?" MICHU retorted.

NEO took out his mobile phone and checked it on HLTV:

"There were five games played yesterday, and G2, Liquid, Big, COL, and Tianlu won..."

"What about today's two games?"

"The first game was the mice versus NIP, and NIP won."

Byali swallowed the chocolate in his mouth and asked, "What happened? Snax didn't exert its strength?"

Their old teammate Snax now plays for Mouz, so they are quite concerned about the Mouz team.

After all, compared to Taz's conflicts, Snax left peacefully for the sake of his own future. There was no dispute. In private, the relationship between the group was quite good. Byali had played pool with Snax the day before yesterday.

"Snax is okay. Although he is down, he is not too hip. This time the rats were completely crushed, and no big brother stepped forward. ropz's data is 23-20, but he only has a rating of 1.11. Obviously there is something wrong with it. Important heads.”

NEO commented: "This young man still has too little experience, and he is a little bit old at playing."

"ropz is a good player, but he still needs to play more games to gain experience."

There is no way around this. Playing the libero position means playing solo and platooning, which not only depends on the overall strength of the team, but also depends on the player's personal ability and competition experience.

There is often only one thought difference between a free man and an old man.

Although ropz is a talented boy hand-picked by NIKO, he still needs time to grow in the game.

Xu Beifang smiled and said: "Fortunately, I didn't choose the position of a free man at the beginning, otherwise I would have spent a few years in jail."

He has actually considered this. Compared with frontal breakthroughs and snipers, free agents cannot have a huge impact on the game.

On the offensive end, a good free agent can make the team's offense easier.

But it is difficult for him to affect the entire battle alone.

Xu Beifang is older and unlike ropz who debuted so early, he is naturally more practical in playing head-on.

"The Kobolds are still going strong. They are still carrying at the age of 28. I don't know how NIP can maintain their condition." NEO was a little envious.

He is now 31 years old. He is only 3 years older than the kobold, but their status is not at the same level.

"What about the other game? I remember it was NAVI playing Team A." Xu Beifang also took a piece of chocolate on the table and ate it.

Others were also curious.

This game is also very popular on the Internet. After all, it is the battle between the world's number one and the world's number two. It can be called Mars hitting the earth.

The star players in the team, device and S1mple, are both capable of competing for the top 1 spot this year.

Moreover, Zeus and gla1ve are also T0 level commanders at this stage.

Everyone is looking forward to the fight between the two favorites to win the championship.

"Team A won NAVI 16:14!"

"It hurts..." Byali was a little surprised. In the game between NAVI and Team A, it's not surprising who wins and who loses, but it's interesting that the gap is so small.

S1mple was so angry after losing the game by two points.

"What's the specific situation?"

When NEO heard his teammates asking, he also clicked on the record to check the situation. He smiled when he saw it:

"As for the star players, both sides are actually about the same, and can even be said to be the same. S1mple plus Electro killed 46, and Demon and Tom also killed 46 together."

"But it's a pity that Edward is not a human being. Today, the eldest brother Xuan Ming withstood the pressure, but the second brother did not. The data of 6-21 is just short of 521 for NAVI fans."

Byali’s eyes widened: “Single digits!!”

NEO nodded: "So even if S1mple is furious, I think it's normal. The other four guys have exerted their strength, and they don't ask you to explode C. Just give it a little strength. This one only got 6 kills. It's really... Some of them are unjustifiable.”

Even for a guy like him, he has never had an outrageous stat like 6 kills all year, so NEO still has the confidence to smile.

Kuben went out to get the match list and still didn't come back, so NEO simply invited everyone to chat about the match just now.

"To be honest, in fact, I think everyone handled the game very well."

As soon as NEO came up, he explained his thoughts.

MICHU and others nodded, they actually felt this.

The overall situation is very comfortable, everyone communicates frequently, and then according to on-the-spot processing and some information feedback from teammates, the game can be easily won.


"Huh?" Xu Beifei responded.

NEO took the pen and paper from the table in the break room, and then drew ideas on the paper and pen.

"I think our rhythm today is very good, and we can follow this rhythm in the future. When the team's frontal pressure is not great, you can just press forward to A1 and free up Pasha."

Xu Beifang nodded: "Of course that's no problem. I don't necessarily have to press forward, but many times pressing forward can get opportunities for the team... Pressing forward is just a way for me to get kills."

"Of course, that doesn't mean you have to stick to the back. If the front can be defended, you can follow today's rhythm and get the information slightly further forward." NEO couldn't help laughing again. He said, "Actually, it's still the same problem. If we can win the frontal battle, then our focus of firepower will shift to the frontal battle, and you don't have to be so aggressive."

"The main reason is that Pasha's performance is unstable and his status fluctuates too much."

Xu Beifang shrugged. This is the key issue why he likes to press forward in the game.

If he doesn't look for opportunities, his teammates will often be defeated one by one. He himself is not good at the endgame, so he can only make the opponent enter the endgame state in advance.

"But if Pasha can play back and forth with the opponent in the middle, then you can still press to a position similar to A1, and occasionally go out to find others."

"Use your forward thrust to disrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm."

NEO's way of looking at problems is to look at the overall situation.

There is nothing wrong with Xu Beifang being able to get the kill from the front point.

But when he is not pressing forward, he still hopes that Xu Beifang's position can make the opponent afraid.

That is, if you don't let people come to see A1, then we will definitely press forward and force the other party to focus on A1.

In this way, the pressure on zone A can be reduced from the formation point of view.

Xu Beifang is also thinking: "If I are sent to A1, then Byali can go to the middle to help?"

"What about Building A2?" MICHU asked.

"I think we can just let him go." Xu Beifang explained his thoughts. "Since I have already stood at the superior gun position at the front point, the most he can do in the police house is to observe the A2 building."

"Under normal circumstances, there will be no single player on the A2 floor. Even if the other party wants to leave the A2 floor, there is a high probability that they will make a sound. If I can hear it, I will tell you to return to defense."

Pasha thinks Byali can be liberated, but there is another question: "What if you haven't been shot before?"

If Xu Beifang hadn't played in A1, then the subsequent defense in area A would be basically empty.

"I can basically switch people in A1. I'm very strong in that position!" Xu Beifang is somewhat confident about this. "Let's assume that if I don't switch people, then there will be a wave of speed boosts from the opposite side. At this time, Byali stands alone in the police house and only plays the role of protecting the police house."

"So I thought, if after the first exchange of fire, Pasha directly defends the police from VIP, it will also play a role in protecting the police."

The VP guys thought about it and found that this was indeed the case.

Byali is also thinking about the various situations he will face after switching to the Arch. "If I were in the Arch, the jungle area would be guaranteed for the first time."

Previously, Pasha guarded the VIP area alone. Once the opponent gave him link smoke and platform smoke, he could only go to the police house to supplement defense and help Byali.

Now he has a rifle that can play a certain role in the jumping platform and ensure control of this area.

As for the police, Pasha's sniper rifle is actually very reliable.

"So we only need to pay the price of a silent single touch on the A2 floor, so that we can have more firepower in the middle?" NEO asked.

Xu Beifang nodded, and inspiration came to him.

"And it seems that you can fight like this in Purgatory Town. After grabbing the banana lane at the beginning, I will be left alone with a sniper rifle, or stand in a tricky position like the stone slab. Once I see someone, I will kill them. One runs directly back. Then zone A comes over to defend."

When NEO heard this, his scalp suddenly felt numb.

"Nice, where did you get these ideas? You are simply a genius."

As a conductor, he will often analyze the systems and ideas of other teams.

In the past, in some similar defensive games, I would only think that the opponent's play style was very beautiful, but I did not have a specific concept. I thought more that the opponent's mid-term choices were good.

But Xu Beizhong's words allowed him to directly connect these things.

He looked at the teammate in front of him again, his eyes were a little different.

"Let's put it backwards." Xu Beifang replied, "You know I like to watch the videos of those players. Sometimes when I see some games where their offense cannot win, I will think about the reason."

"I ignore the concept of marksmanship when watching videos. Most of the inference is about tactical things."

"It's like that time we played the Northern Lions. At the beginning, everyone pressed forward in area A and got all the information. Later, even if I got stuck in front of A1 and couldn't press forward, you bet on a 4B heavy defense. It wouldn't be a big problem. .”

"Because we have too much information on the map, the opponent doesn't have many options in our field of vision."

The VP group took a deep breath.

They know that Xu Beifang works hard and trains diligently every day. Except for special circumstances, he never falls behind.

Day after day, I was doing boring study like game review and professional demo.

But I didn't expect that he had such a keen sense of tactics.

MICHU's jaw almost dropped in shock. You are also an idiot with a gun. Why did you secretly grow a brain by yourself?

However, the ideas put forward by Xu Beifang cheered them up and they all believed that it was very feasible.

Naturally, Xu Beifang would not say that this was a style of play that came from later generations and was simply improved by him.

The VP team discussed this idea on different maps. They felt that if they played according to this style of play, then the next game would be promising.

It's just that NEO is a little regretful and thinks Nice should have expressed his thoughts earlier.

This way they can have more time to train and try.

Just when their fighting spirit was high, coach Kuben finally walked in from outside the lounge.

Then he brought some bad news: "The opponent in the next BO1 match is Team A!"

The smiles of everyone in the lounge suddenly stopped.

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