CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 123 Captured a wild big sweet potato!

After Xu Beifang finished the interview, he went directly back to the backstage lounge and gathered with the VP crowd.

Seeing that the big brother was ready and waiting for him alone, Xu Beifang waved his hand: "Let's go, let's have a British-style barbecue today! I'm treating you today!!"

"This is simply the best news I heard today." Byali stood up immediately and walked out happily.

MICHU turned around and said in confusion: "Shouldn't the best news be to enter the legendary group?"

"No, no, no, compared to entering the legendary group, it is more practical to have a free meal." Byali said with a funny look.

Xu Beifang smiled, knowing that Byali was joking.

But he had wanted to treat him to this meal for a long time, but he never found a good time.

Before, I either had no money, or I was always treated by the big brother.

Although he enjoyed eating, he actually felt a little burdened inside. This is the most basic sense of shame for a normal person.

So after his salary was paid last month, he also has some money on hand, and he just qualified for the Major today, which is a day worth celebrating.

"Let's go, we have enough barbecue today!"

After winning the game, a group of people were in a pretty good mood.

Pack your belongings and start driving back to the hotel provided by the competition team, put down your peripherals, change into your daily casual clothes and go out.

Otherwise, if they wear VP uniforms and go out to eat, they might just hold an autograph session for themselves.

Although VP's current strength is not too strong, as a veteran team, VP's fans are very exaggerated in Europe.

Fans who wore G2 team uniforms before may be their fans. Even if they meet fans of Team A later, it is not surprising at all to come to them and ask for autographs.

So in order to have a pleasant dinner time, it is a good choice to take a shower and change clothes before going out.

Xu Beifang took a shower and then walked out of the bathroom wearing underwear.

Seeing himself in the mirror, several months of systematic training in the gym have given him some muscle definition.

And because I haven’t had much time to move recently, I focus more on my abdominal muscles.

Before, I only listened to Pasha's nonsense, saying that just deadlifting is all you need to get abdominal muscles, but now after a few days of practice, the layering of the abdominal muscles is immediately apparent.

I think if I continue to train my abdominal muscles for a while, I should be able to complete the previous task of eight-pack abs.

It's so difficult... Xu Beifang complained in his heart.

However, this is because he did not focus on training. After all, his main occupation is a professional player, and he is currently on the rise in his career. It is wise to spend more time on training and review.

Putting on a pair of black jeans, a pure white T, and a brown jacket, Xu Beifang walked out of the room.

The group of people agreed to meet in the lobby on the first floor and walked directly towards the elevator.

As he walked towards the elevator, he found that the door to the room on the right front was opened.

A heavyweight appeared in his field of vision.

"Oh!! Zaiwu!!" Xu Beifang looked at the little fat man in front of him in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Zaiwu walked out of the room a little embarrassed and a little shy.

"Hi! Nice."

Then I saw him taking out his mobile phone, working on it for a long time, and then handed it to Xu Beifang to read:

"You won the game today. I'm so happy for you. I was invited to participate in this Major exhibition match. I just got here yesterday and now I'm going downstairs to eat."

Xu Beifang also realized at this time that Zaiwu's English proficiency was not ideal, it was at a level that was shocking.

"Okay, let's play FPL or play ball together when we have time." Xu Beifang typed on the translation software on his mobile phone and converted it into French for Zaiwu to read.

Zaiwu nodded, smiled with his gums exposed, pointed to the elevator, and signaled that he was leaving.

But Xu Beifang grabbed him and took a photo. This is a gift. The chosen son of CSGO, taking a photo today can be regarded as a stamp collection.

He did not rashly invite Zaiwu to have dinner with them. Since the two parties were not very familiar with each other, it would be too abrupt to directly invite the other party.

Secondly, today is their team's dinner party, and it will definitely be awkward for Zaiwu to be there.

After taking the photo, Xu Beifang opened Xiaopozhan and other social software, uploaded the photo, and then edited the text.

"Catch the big wild sweet potato. This little fat guy named Zaiwu must not know how to play CSGO."

After becoming a professional player, more of his fans now come from abroad.

The Twitter account I opened after coming to the Major has been gaining followers at a lightning speed.

After a delay, Xu Beifang took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor, only to find that he was not the latest.

After waiting for a while, they went to a nearby barbecue restaurant with a good reputation at the suggestion of the front desk staff.

Everyone sat down and began to enjoy today's barbecue feast. The roast beef was cut into slices with the help of the staff. The juice on it was dripping down. The smell of several spices stimulated the appetite of a bunch of rough guys. Big move.

Xu Beifang stuffed the meat slices into his mouth with a fork. The outside was crispy, but the meat inside was full. Juice burst out between the collision of teeth, making people unable to help but speed up chewing.

"The taste is quite good!" Pasha gave a thumbs up and said to Xu Beifang, "It seems that your life experience is not bad. You can find such a good place just by asking."

"We are not familiar with the place here, so naturally we have to ask the locals. When I checked in before, I thought the front desk person should be a local. The London accent is too strong." Xu Beifang explained while eating A mouthful of garlic buns.

To him, the taste was a bit strange, but still within the acceptable range.

"Come on, have a drink!" Pasha took the initiative, and a group of people raised their glasses to celebrate the success of today's game.

Today is the fourth day of Major qualifiers, September 8th.

The legendary group started on September 12th. They had a four-day rest day and did not have to worry about the trouble caused by alcohol for the time being.

And the team members are all over 20 years old, so there is no need to worry about drinking.

A few people clinked glasses, took a sip of wine, and started chatting over barbecue.

"To be honest, the process of this Major was really a dream. I didn't expect to win like this now." Byali took a sip of wine and talked more.

"I used to think that we just have to do our best in this Major qualifier. No matter where we go, as long as we try our best, then this trip to the Major will be a success."

"But actually I'm still a little worried inside. I'm worried that we will be defeated 0-3 and leave."

Byali took a sip of wine and then looked at Xu Beifang: "Thanks to you this time, brother, you performed so well! We were able to qualify, and you have at least half of the credit."

MICHU also nodded on the side. As a guy who wants to take credit, he just likes to liven up the atmosphere.

But he also understands the importance of Xu Beifang in the game.

"Thanks to you for daring to believe in me and raising me to fight in this way." Xu Beifang asked, "Do you know what the Chinese fans have given me now?"

NEO and Pasha were eating barbecue and were a little curious.

"Brother on the list!"

"Just like being the number one subscriber on Mouse Channel, I have become the top brother on VP's list. Everyone is willing to use whatever moves they have for me, and they are completely supportive of me."

"Haha." The VP group did not expect such an interesting description.

Xu Beifang is not modest either. Although his performance this time is indeed good, the rest of VP are willing to use this method of giving up resources to win the game and support him to play.

Naturally, he also wants to give feedback to his teammates and achieve results.

"And you also played very well in the next two games." He praised, "On the map just now, NEO's command completely destroyed the opponent's God B! Let's not win the game too easily."

NEO elbowed Pasha: "Did you see that? Young people are discerning and dislike me every day just like you."

Pasha rolled her eyes at him, then took a piece of meat from NEO's plate: "Nonsense, I never dislike you."

Then he took another cubit.

Xu Beifang was very happy to watch the battle of wits and courage among the old men.

MICHU on the other side turned on his mobile phone and started browsing the CSGO forum.

The news that they had just won sparked a lot of discussion on the forum.

At the same time, he also saw the video of Xu Beifang's post-match interview just now.

MICHU watched with interest through the small window, while scrolling through the comments below, and then found that everyone was discussing Nice's previous story.

"What the hell is Nice's last interview? From big silver to professional brother in a few months? Zundu fake O.o?"

"I was also shocked. The level has exploded so quickly in a few months. Nice is an epiphany genius??"

A fan of Xu Beifang explained below:

“Nice was just a recreational player four months ago, and his official game was almost at the level of Silver.

Then one day he posted a video on the Internet where he thought he was playing well, and was scolded by a CSGO blogger. He thought that if he wanted to play professionally, he should practice hard instead of just dreaming, and gave him some advice. .

Nice began to follow those suggestions, practice day after day, and his level improved rapidly, and then he became a professional player smoothly and suddenly.

On Chinese video websites, there is even a record of Nice relying on these suggestions to become a professional brother step by step. "

Seeing this answer, netizens on the Internet said that people were stupid.


"Nice's rank was the same as mine four months ago?? Then can I become a professional player if I work hard for four months??"

"Is there anyone! Is there anyone who can share Nice's training methods? I also want to become stronger!!"

"Becoming a professional through hard work in 4 months?? Nice experience is so cool!!"

In this Major, VP's explosive power attracted many people's attention to this legendary team.

Xu Beifang's powerful explosiveness in the game made many passerby fans notice this Chinese player.

They just felt a little strange why there was a Chinese in VP's Polish lineup.

But he didn't think about some of the stories behind Xu Beifang.

Today's interview has successfully aroused the curiosity of fans on the Internet.

And with the help of experts, they successfully transferred some of Xu Beifang's gun training methods in China, as well as training records that had been posted on the news.

Looking at Xu Beifang, who is making progress as a flying man, I recall that four months ago this person might have been a player like them who was charging happily with a P90.

Viewers on the Internet called this a scam!

That's outrageous!

After a full meal, Xu Beifang also started to pick up his mobile phone.

I casually scrolled through Twitter and saw a few tweets from people I followed.

apex: Congratulations to Nice for successfully qualifying for the Major! You are one of the best newcomers this year. You won the game with this style. I never expected it. Come on! !

NAVI-Flamie: I promise, Nice is probably one of the most fearless breakers in the entire Major. Of course, I still love Elektronic more!

FallenCS: I discovered this guy's power last time in the Zotac Cup. He seems to have magic power and is always able to seize opportunities. People are amazed by his terrifying timing. Even if he is beaten to death, he will always be on the aggressive path. I hope Nice can maintain this style. It will be very interesting in the game!

Flamez: I want to run to Nice's bed right now and listen to what he says in his sexy voice...

The last pass!

Xu Beifang covered his head and was speechless. Huo Zai, an old gay man, is so perverted!

"It suddenly occurred to me that Nice, you should be the player with the best statistics in this qualifier." Byali said, touching his round belly.

If he remembers correctly, his eldest brother basically had a rating of 1.2 or 1.3 or above in every game.

"This is not clear yet, I didn't pay attention to this." Xu Beifei replied.

MICHU opened HLTV next to him and took a look at the data rankings of this qualifying round.

"Huo, my dear, there are so many monsters in this qualifier!" MICHU sighed with emotion.

“Nice what data??”

NEO and Pasha are also a little curious. They just know that their eldest brother has good data, but they really don't know to what extent the data is.

MICHU didn't show off and said directly: "There are 6 maps with an average rating of 1.40, ranking behind Tom Cruise."

"Second place in the qualifiers?" Byali smiled, "That's actually not bad."

Several others also nodded. Being able to produce the same data as last year's TOP2, Xu Beifang, as a newcomer, really performed well.

"Where!" MICHU retorted, "If we were only ranked second in the qualifiers, I wouldn't say there were monsters gathering."

"Nice ranks 5th in the qualifiers with a data of 1.40! There are 4 more perverted guys in front of him!"


Everyone in VP was a little dumbfounded. They thought that their eldest brother's strength had already been greatly compared.

But I didn’t expect that there would be 4 other equally outrageous players in the qualifiers!

"The first is NIP's lekr0. He averaged a rating of 1.49 in three maps, but NIP's overall strength is overwhelming. This data is actually a bit watery."

The greater the competition between the two sides, the more you can see the true strength of the players.

In such a crushing game, the data may be inflated.

"The second ranked player is Adu from Team A. They played 4 maps and had a rating of 1.47."

"Then third and fourth are actually tied. Tom Cruise and the director both got 1.44 data, but the director only played three maps."

Hearing this, VP couldn't help but take a breath.

They knew that there would definitely be tough guys in the qualifiers, but they didn't expect that there would be so many tough guys!

The Legend Group game has not even started yet, but they are already feeling the intensity!

Still working hard

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