CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 122 “No one in China plays this game”

Chapter 122 "No one in China plays this game..."

"After a wave of advancement, the number of people came to 5 versus 2!!" Playing Machine said in a very expectant tone, "Now as long as VP holds on to this endgame, the game can be declared over!!"

"And the remaining two guys from Big don't have a good feel... they're testing in the middle, what can I say about this wave?"

"Byali knocked out one!! Two!!!"

"The game is over!!!"

The playing machine hammered the table excitedly. At this moment, he could no longer maintain his unexplained neutrality.

The live broadcast was filled with deafening "NICE!!" from the VP crowd.

They saw the tall and thin young man who had once been there, now shouting loudly with a ferocious expression:

"Damn it!! I've released stickers!! I'm so awesome!!"

The friendly national curse caused the live broadcast room to boil.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! Nice, Xiao Xu entered the main competition! ! 】

[Fuck Xiao Xu, you’re awesome! ! 】

[Xiao Xu is really awesome, this kind of national curse haha! 】

[I got goosebumps watching this, Lu Bu is so fierce, Hulaoguan Construction Group sent condolences! 】

[Crying, we can also say from now on that one of our players has reached the main draw of the Major! 】

[The legendary group is here! ! 】

Playing Machine shouted with a cry: "From the qualifiers all the way, Nice has passed five levels and defeated six generals. She performed brilliantly throughout the whole process, and finally entered the stage of the Major Legendary Group!!"

Ayu heard her boyfriend's cry and came over to check on his status.

"Why are you still crying?"

Playing Machine turned around and explained: "Ayu, no one in China plays this game, but one of our players has entered the Major!"

I was playing with the machine and explaining to my girlfriend, and then turned around to see the barrage frantically flooding the screen in the live broadcast room:

【I am playing! 】

【I am playing! 】

【I am playing! 】

【I am here……】


These spectators were extremely excited at the moment. Even after their players performed well, they could only share it with netizens - because CSGO is so niche, there is no one around them to play this game with.

But because of this, they are even more excited, because even in the minority, there are still people who love and persist.

Like the people playing with machines in front of them, like them posting comments on their mobile phones, or like Nice and Tianlu, a group of teenagers who are working hard for their dreams.

When I was playing the machine and saw the barrage "I am playing" that was flooding the screen, my eyes turned red again, then I adjusted my mood and shouted loudly:

"The stickers were printed by Nice themselves, not given by V Club rules! Now we can finally say that we have world-class players!!"

At the beginning of 2018, Valve changed the Major sticker rules so that teams in the qualifying stage can have stickers.

For these players and players, the release of stickers is a consolation for their persistence over the years, but it is not very satisfying if they are not achieved by their own strength.

But now, Nice relied on his own strength to win the game and led VP into the Major.

This time they can openly say that the stickers of their players are produced based on their strength, not based on V Club rules!

While playing with the machine, I discovered that at some point, the thin back in front of the camera gradually became wider.


After Xu Beifang cursed a few classic curse words, his emotions were still not fully released, and he shouted meaninglessly in the battle room with his mouth open.

But at this moment, everyone in VP had no time to think about anything else. They were all in a state of complete madness. They were all crying like ghosts and howling like wolves. The main theme was a cross-strait ape that could not stop crying.

Pasha rushed over and kissed Xu Beifang on the forehead, shouting loudly: "Nice, you are so awesome!! 3-1, we will directly enter the finals!!!"

As he spoke, Pasha's eyes became red, and she cried on Xu Beifang's shoulder.

For esports players, does the ending of a story matter?

Pasha thought about his ending countless times in his mind.

He once made his debut in Katowice and made his name.

So when his youth was gone and his condition declined significantly, he initially planned to end his story in Katowice in 2019.

Starting from Cato and ending with Cato - this may be the most happy ending an e-sports player can think of.

But there are always setbacks to the story, and the world doesn't revolve around him.

Performance dropped, the team split, and my own level became worse day by day.

Pasha didn't want to suddenly disappear from everyone's sight as her grades gradually deteriorated.

After countless brilliance, he wanted a happy ending and a complete end to his story.

Because the level of VP fluctuates too much, netizens always like to call themselves the spinach king and eat more if it makes them feel good.

Pasha has not participated in gambling many times in his life, but before retiring, he made a huge gamble based on intuition!

He also didn't expect that this big gamble would bring vitality to the entire team and everything would get better.

The team's performance has improved again, and Byali and MICHU's status has been stimulated.

NEO has also taken over the command rights again, and everything is developing for the better.

But after entering the Major, they were still nervous. After all, this is not another competition!

This is the Major that all CSGO players value most! !

They were once just one step away from that trophy, but they missed it.

A competition of this level leaves Pasha with countless regrets.

This causes them to worry that newcomers will not adapt when entering the Major qualifiers.

Finally, everything proved.

He chose the right person, Nice is a true genius.

At the end of his career, Pasha also relied on his own efforts to earn the last sticker in his career.

"What are you doing?" NEO punched Pasha. He was originally in a good mood, but when he cried, he felt like crying.

As comrades walking side by side, they know the hardships and sadness along the way.

The way down the mountain is too difficult.

You can feel the obvious frustration when playing against those young players.

In the process of being shot countless times, they all had doubts about life.

The final result is good, and their persistence has the answer.

Just like what the young man in front of them said, they finally relied on their own skills to produce stickers.

NEO hugged Nice and Pasha together. This is why he likes this young man!

Always positive, arrogant and capable. If you want to get something, you will work hard to get it!

Seeing this, Byali and MICHU also came over, and the five of them hugged each other.

NEO's mood improved a lot. He sniffed and said with a smile, "Now everyone can think about how to design the stickers!"

Kuben came over and patted the team members: "Okay, it's time to shake hands with the opponent. We can mock each other during the game, but we can't lose the e-sports spirit after the game."

As a coach, he is very happy when his players can perform well.

But there is also some disappointment in my heart. After all, after this Major, everyone will disperse.

Both veterans and newcomers will leave the team.

‘Ask him again later at dinner. ’ Kuben sighed, but he still had some extravagant hopes in his heart.

Only then did the VP group gather their emotions, and Kuben led them to the next door battle room.

The camera guy followed VP's footsteps and pushed the camera to Big's side.

After losing the game, Smooya couldn't help but say "Fake" in his mouth.

But after scolding a few times, he adjusted his emotions, and he did not lose this game unjustly.

Except for Figure 1, VP's overall performance in the subsequent two maps was good.

And as a core player, his head is not much different from Nice.

But the effect Nice played a few times was much greater than him. There is no way to refute this, otherwise it would be just plain embarrassing and brainless.

tabseN is not in a good mood either.

According to predictions before this game, they believed that they were generally stronger than their opponents.

But in the end, even the old man VP couldn't win, which was a big blow to them.

And after losing this game, they will have to fight in the 2-2 nightmare copy tomorrow. This is the most painful thing.

After sorting out their emotions, they still couldn't hide the disappointment on their faces.

Xu Beifang suppressed the smile on his face and shook hands with Big everyone one by one.

Stretching out his hand and passing it over, Smooya took it and whispered in English:

"Next time we fight, I won't behave like this!"

Xu Beifang opened his arms and hugged Smooya:

"We contributed a very wonderful performance, and you have played very well. I hope to play against each other again next time."

Smooya was stunned for a moment, and then found that Xu Beifang's face was very sincere. He was silent for a while and then said:

"If we have the opportunity to play FPL together, I will definitely win the next game."

"Then let's look forward to our next meeting."

This BO3 made Xu Beifang very happy.

Whether it’s the final victory or the twists and turns in the game that lead to emotional agitation.

Or maybe it’s the most basic competition in the game!

Big is actually much stronger than his opponents from the previous two days.

Xu Beifang's data today is much worse than before. This is also because Big's players are doing well enough by default. In many cases, he is not allowed to press forward to achieve such a good effect. The overall data is not very good. good.

But CSGO has never been a simple game of frying fish. Its joy lies in the constant game between the two sides in the confrontation.

You use your own thinking, tactics, props, and marksmanship to solve the problems given by the other party. This kind of competition with the other party can bring them the pleasure of breaking through their limits.

After every player tastes this feeling, he will be deeply fascinated by it.

Big is a very strong team, whether on the offensive or defensive end, they have endless routines.

Xu Beifang also suffered defeats from smooya and tabseN many times, but then he used a series of methods to reversely sanction the opponent. This is the most interesting!

Encountering stronger opponents may be a huge pressure on the entire team.

But for Xu Beifang, it may also be a treat!

After shaking hands with Big and everyone else, VP returned to his battle room and began to pack up his peripherals and prepare to leave.

"That's awesome!!" Wanmai still sighed in the live broadcast room.

He opened the HLTV record himself and checked the record of today's BO3:

"With these data, there is no doubt that Xiao Xu is the ultimate trump card in today's BO3! Let's rely on his strength to chase two, but the other VPs are also very powerful. It is also very critical that no one loses the chain. "

I played with the machine and looked at the data:


KAD (kills/assists/deaths): 77/16/59

Not giving for free rate: 72.2%

Average damage per round: 94.2

rating: 1.37

【Today is another fish fry day】

[I originally thought the data was very flat, but it turned out that there was still 1.37]

[If you are interested, let me tell you, what is this if you don’t give it for free? 】

[If in a round, you didn’t deal even the damage of an assist, or you were killed because of an assist with a prop, it’s all for nothing. You’ll understand if you think about it]

[I thought the data would converge a bit today, but the result is still so exaggerated]

【Stickers are out! I hope that if some players perform well, more people in China will play CSGO]


At this time, the player also noticed other people's data, and was stunned when he saw smooya.

I saw smooya as the first loser.

He posted data of 74/13/57, with an average rating of 1.34.

"Hiss..." Playing with the machine sucked in a breath of cold air, making a huge contribution to global warming.

"This smooya is such an inhumane person! He still posted such data after losing the game. He averaged 92.3 injuries in each round. This is really the same as Xiao Xu."

"I just wanted to say that Xiao Xu ranked first in the qualifiers, but now it seems that is not necessarily the case!"

[smooya: I'll sit straight through the jail! 】

【It hurts so much! ! Ha ha】

[Looking at it, VP’s victory today is really high]

[Anyway, the competition is over, stickers are out! 】

[I hope Tianlu can take advantage of Xiao Xu’s good luck to bring us the second good news! 】

This BO3 game has ended, but the audience still has not left the live broadcast room.

Some people are waiting for today's Tianlu game, and some people are waiting for the following post-game interview.

After the game, Xu Beifang was stopped by the official host of the London Major, a male host with long hair, and entered the post-game interview session.

"Hello, audience friends. I am now interviewing Nice from the VP team." The host smiled at the camera and said, "Along the way in the qualifiers, you have played against teams such as NIP, OPTic, North, and Big. In the end, you defeated Big and entered the next stage of Mjaor. After you won this game, everyone got excited. How do you feel now?"

"I'm proud of myself. As a CSGO enthusiast, I relied on my own efforts to get stickers. Now I can only say I'm so happy!" Xu Beifang smiled brightly.

The host nodded and continued to ask: "In these four games, you have encountered different opponents. Who do you think puts the most pressure on you?"

"Let's just say Big today." Xu Beifang thought for a while and then replied.

The host was a little strange: "Why not NIP? That was the only game you lost?"

"The gap is too big. I lost without feeling much pressure." Xu Beifang said with some embarrassment.

[The gap is so big that it made me laugh]

[Indeed, today’s BO3 is full of intensity and pressure]

[I was taken away after three strikes with the guys from NIP. How do I feel about that?]

[laughing to death]

"You won this stage of the game with a score of 3-1. Will this give you better motivation after entering the legendary group?"

"I think." Xu Beifang smiled as he faced the camera, "I can stay motivated no matter what the competition is."

"But it is undeniable that this game gave us a lot of confidence, and I also expect us to perform well in subsequent games."

The host smiled when he heard this. The youthful spirit is always endearing.

"So what do you want to say to your fans?"

Xu Beifang thought about it seriously, and then said solemnly:

"Thanks to them for always looking forward to me, and also to everyone for the advice that I have given me when I seriously embark on this path. Without their support, I might be a big silver now..."

"Wait?" the host asked with some confusion, "Is there a story in this?"

Xu Beifang explained: "I initially prepared to play this game seriously. It was just a coincidence on the Internet. With the suggestions of fans, I began to work hard to practice shooting, slowly improved my level, and finally became a master in a few months. I started on this career path.”

"I am now very grateful for their kindness and harshness at that time, otherwise I would not be able to stand here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart..."

At this moment, in the live broadcast room of the English stream, the screen has been filled with WTF.

This chapter was revised and revised, and several thousand words were wasted. I apologize for the late update.

But there are still two chapters left today.

Then "No one plays this game..." This sentence specifically comes from the commentator Aihua. Because of the perspective problem, he still said it with the mouth of a machine.

Well, let’s continue coding the next chapter.

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