CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 115 My grandma can push a wheelchair through this!

The time of Sha Er's nightmare is fleeting.

Due to the disparity in strength, VP finally lost this Big map selection.

Before Xu Beifang was reborn, even though Big had the nickname of senior, seniors at this period were still beyond the reach of a young brother like VP.

Although the 65% map win rate is quite impressive due to frequent battles with second- and third-tier teams, it is still much better than VP's Sha Er.

Even if Xu Beifang later took up the sniper rifle and became the team's deputy sniper, it still failed to have much effect.

When the opponent does not have a front-line sniper, he can rely on his good positioning ability and slightly immature sniper skills to perform reasonably well.

But Smooya, as a talented sniper from the Great Empire who debuted this year, is not weak at all. Even with the top snipers from Gua Dian, he can still have a good fight.

Although he was ridiculed by S1mple as a T4-level sniper, his true strength is that of a stable T1, but his bad mouth prevented him from realizing his strength.

Glancing at the screen, the score was fixed at 8:16, and Xu Beifang was a little irritated.

It's not because Figure 1 failed, it's because the smooya in the battle room next door was too noisy! !

As soon as there was a highlight, the guy started shouting, making people feel uneasy.

The key is that they don't have much chance to fight back in Shaer, and VP's performance on this map is really bad.

"It's okay, Picture 2 will arrive at our home court!" Byali said, "Wait until we use our strength to kill them!"

Although Byali's various encouragements appear to be very irritating in the first picture, in fact, the gap in strength is too big.

Now there is really nothing wrong with this encouragement.

They have always been nicknamed Leeroy, and even though VP's overall state has declined, they still have a 54% winning rate.

The winning rate of Big's train is only 51%.

Moreover, the recent train win rate is extremely high. This is their own map selection, and they have full confidence in this map.

"come on! Come on!!"

During the intermission, VP quickly adjusted and bumped fists to encourage each other, hoping to perform better in the next picture two.

Otherwise, if they lose this map again, they will be eliminated and enter the 2-2 group.

Then it will really be a life and death situation. For old guys like VP, the pressure will be too much.

None of them would want to compete in that high-pressure environment if they could help it.

At the end of halftime, ten players from both sides entered the server in Figure 2.

Train is VP's own map selection, so they start on the offensive side first.

NEO began to lay out tactics: "Let's fight a red staircase and a double-team of the gangsters this minute."

"You three will buy a half-armor red staircase later. Pasha will drop a police smoke at the beginning, and then give them two flash bombs above the red staircase to send them out."

"I will give Rokudoo smoke bombs, and then burn the sniper position and the chartered vehicle. Then I will attack the packaged area head-on with guns blazing."

After the tactics were explained, several people discussed the details.

The countdown ended, leaving two bombardiers at the bandits' entrance, and the other three went straight to the red staircase.

"Okay, everyone is welcome to watch the second picture of VP vs. Big! I am playing the machine."

Picture 2 announced the start, and Play Machine also made an opening statement as usual, drawing everyone's attention into the game.

"In the last map, VP failed to win on Sha2. Nice's performance today was also a bit unsatisfactory. He got a rating of 1.12 on map one. I hope he can get better on this map."

[The explanation of Playing Machine is too biased, and it is still a neutral explanation]

Noticing this barrage, Wanjie quickly explained: "It's indeed true. The anchor is the commentator of China's position, which is referred to as a neutral commentator."

Ignore the barrage in the live broadcast room and focus on the game while playing the machine.

"Let's take a look at the ammunition distribution of both sides. First of all, the attacker's side has two smokes, two flashes and one fire. Pasha dropped a police smoke when he came up, so the other smoke should be thrown. It’s here at Rokudouo.”

"On the defender's side there are only smoke and thunder pincers."

There was no time to give any more narrative explanation, because the two sides were about to come into contact, so he spoke faster with the machine:

"After Pasha threw the smoke bomb, he used two red staircase flash bombs to send Nice directly out of the red staircase!"

"In the beginning, VP will directly hit a wave of outfield! Nice, who was pulled out from the red staircase, knocked the leader of the five tails on the head until he was bloody, but smooya defeated MICHU in the police."

“The two sides came into direct contact very quickly, and the number of people was also exchanged quickly!!”

After Xu Beifang knocked the CT on the head behind the fifth carriage, he immediately signaled Byali to hold the police center for him, and then he pushed forward to refill the gun.

The head of state still didn't leave. He set up his gun behind Wudao, hoping to kill Xu Beifei by relying on his head and reaction.

The more important reason is that he can't leave at all this time.

Even with a drop of blood, the gangster's mouth still made a sound, so he could only fight with the opponent on the spot to react.

But to his helplessness, the opponent was pulled out while squatting, avoiding his pre-sight.

When he went to adjust again, he had already been replenished by the opponent.

[Nice used Glock to kill tabseN with a headshot]

Xu Beifang succeeded in making up the shot, and the two sides fought one for one.

Smooya, who was next to Police Zhongyan, pulled out to refill the head of state's gun.

Xu Beifang kept swaying and firing at close range, playing a game of movement and reaction with Smooya.

But he was already near the chartered car, which was within a killing distance of a Glock.

With a "pop" sound, Smooya was hit in the face by a Glock bullet, and his mind was blown!

[Nice used Glock to kill smooya with a headshot]

"Smooya's timing was good. He wanted to come over to cover up the defense with smoke, but was killed. Nice took two people in a row in this wave and completely cleared the entire A bag point. The mine package was planted accordingly. After knowing that someone was in the police, smoke, I chose to buy a red staircase bag.”

"Now that the two have been discovered by the police, they choose to go to the police's house to get around the bottom line. Lvtong's nex is still looking for opportunities."

"But I got mixed up in the smoke bomb and was instantly killed by Pasha! It's a 4-on-2 endgame!"

Playing Machine explained the endgame from Big’s perspective: “Now that nex is dead, it will be very difficult for the bottom two to return to defense. Although they have cigarettes and pliers, there are too many positions for them to count, and there are not many positions. Easy to expand.”

"god b chose to clear the third floor first. He guessed that there was someone standing at the corner. Nice was shot away, but Byali pulled out from the chartered car and directly shot out tiziaN behind!"

"Byali made up for it without missing a beat, now let's see how God B handles this 1v3 endgame! He must hurry up, otherwise pasha and NEO will come to help!"

"But Byali pulled him out again and killed him instantly without even needing the help of his teammates. God b, he can't handle this endgame at all!!"

Xu Beifang was very excited under the camera. After Byali's double kill, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly, and even clenched his right fist. Obviously, he was not that relaxed after losing in Figure 1.

"Hiss~" Playing Machine took a breath, and then made a summary of the pistol round, "The defense at the back of this wave did not have the desired effect. The VP props just divided the Big outfield position. In this situation It's a bit too aggressive to pull out the smooya and then refill the gun. The most important thing is that we haven't won yet."

"I can only say that Nice is indeed the best offensive player in the qualifiers. He is like a sharp knife in the front, piercing his opponent hard."

Smooya took a sip of water. He finally knew why the Northern Lions lost to VP.

Although he won VP on the last map, he could still feel whether the opponent was good or not.

The guy named Nice opposite him is a player who can compete with him.

And because of Nice's outrageous resource consumption and performance in the game, smooya felt that he might not be able to stabilize the opponent's head.

As a talented player who debuted this year, smooya was also aroused in this competition and was eager to win.

Entering the strong start, Big tried to solve this problem with half-armor CZ and unarmored Sand Eagle.

But as soon as the two members of Big tried on the green pass, they were knocked out by the opponent with AK47, accelerating the defeat at this point.

Later, Big chose to place a bet in area B, but in the end it turned out to be a gun-safe.

In the third round, during VP's wave of speed boost in area B, smooya hit the opponent four times with a bird sniper.

Two shots to the head and two to the body, and he cooperated with his teammates to complete the comeback.

Then smooya couldn't help it anymore, stood up and shouted to the next door: "VP, are you asking me to practice shooting??"

The head of state had a headache when he saw Smooya like this.

Here we go again, the new sniper in the team is really strong, but it’s a bit unbearable to have nine people under pressure from one person.

The shouts from next door made Xu Beifang dumbfounded.

In some ways, smooya's ridicule made them feel better.

After all, he knew that as one of the major pressure monsters in the CSGO profession, the other party did not have any malicious intentions and simply regarded ridicule as a hobby.

"You have to pay a little more attention to the details. The police smoke is not crooked. Smooya has no chance." Xu Beifang has a good attitude, but these old men are a little bit stressed.

Fortunately, they had won two rounds in a row before, and now their economy is pretty good. They can still get Nice an AK47 by working together.

But the situation has not improved yet.

The train was a big police map. Even if Xu Beifang wanted to find an opportunity, it would still be difficult, not to mention that Smooya directly took out a big sniper.

The game began to enter Big's scoring rhythm.

It wasn't until the 8th round that VP relied on Pasha's big sniper to kill two members of Area A, and successfully won a point with a wave of speed-boosting bombs.

"Come on, come on! We have already scored the third point!" Byali shouted, encouraging his teammates around him.

The score on the screen is now 3:5. The overall pressure is not great for VP. After all, this is a big police picture.

As an attacker, it is relatively difficult to score.

"Basic attack defaults to 212. Let's start to get information first, and then decide where to attack." Although the attack in the previous round went smoothly, it was still based on Pasha's two kills.

NEO did not fully understand Big's defensive habits.

This is the difference between a strong team and a weak team. The defense of a strong team is very variable, and it is difficult for you to accurately grasp their position and overall defensive habits.

As this year's strongest dark horse, Big's defense has many layers and is difficult to deal with.

NEO needs to spend some time thinking about the opponent's position and habits.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang also followed MICHU to the B2 floor, carefully holding the B2 floor in case someone might press forward on the B2 floor.

Today, Big is not a calm player. In the previous rounds, he also tried a forward pressure play, and in that round, VP was severely damaged.

But before the opponent's B2 floor could counterattack, a sniper's gunshot sounded from the other side of the map.

[smooya used AWP to kill pashaBicePs]

Pasha's big sniper was stolen, and Byali immediately went out to replenish the shot, but Smooya's position control was so good that after the attack, he pulled directly behind the bunker. He didn't even see a single figure.

The start of the game was disappointing, which made everyone in VP feel depressed. The game became quiet again, which made people feel the pressure even more.

"The details of this wave of smooya, he threw the fire on the right side before the smoke cleared, and confirmed that there was no one on the right side."

"Then he set up the left side at a very small angle, radically and rationally, allowing him to get the first kill for the team."

"The second time, he didn't plan to stay in Lvtong anymore. He called his teammates over, then turned around and ran towards Area B. Smooya, the sniper rifle, had been running back and forth on the map as his opponent. , it’s difficult to target such players.”

"Now the offensive team is in a 4-on-5 endgame. Nice and MICHU are carefully clearing the B2 floor and beware of areas where the opponent is standing."

"Are we going to hit B directly with bombs this time? But is 3B's defense really easy to beat?"

Together with MICHU, they silently walked around the B2 floor, and then made sure that no one was standing near the lower slope. Xu Beifang walked to the higher slope alone.

Next, prepare a wave of explosive bombs, and he will open the line of fire for the team.

After reaching the high slope, Xu Beifang's preview was very cautious because the information about the high slope was unknown.

"Smooya's big sniper has arrived at the high-slope coil. He is directly facing Nice. It seems that no one is throwing dodges for Nice this time. He needs to operate by himself. Can Smooya's shot hit?"

Smooya's big sniper stood on a high slope and glanced at the small map from the corner of his eye. There was no feedback from the team, which made him a little worried.

Because it is now a defense of Double A. Once the A zone starts to play, if they drop people too quickly, they will be under great pressure to return to defense. Moreover, he has a big sniper in his hand, which is not convenient for returning to defense.

After thinking about it, Smooya still didn't change positions, and continued to ride the high slope with increased concentration. After all, the time was still 1 minute, which was relatively early.

Then a half-figure suddenly appeared in the lens...


The pilot scene is like seeing a ghost, a bandit comes out and shoots.

[Nice used AK47 to kill smooya with a headshot]

"Oh!! Nice just sniped him with his hands. This time, he used Smooya's preview to kill him!!" Playing Machine exclaimed in surprise, "Smooya was already setting up a high slope, but this kind of instant kill is impossible. I really have no choice but to shoot it as soon as possible."

The kill in the upper right corner instantly affected the situation on the field.

VP's ready explosive bombs are deployed directly!

The police were hit by smoke, smoke bombs between the second and third lines, plus incendiary bombs and a large number of flash bombs in the middle of the three lines.

The VP army immediately started charging.

The nex near the front of a car originally had its crosshair pointed at a high slope.

But Nice in Gaopo stopped making any movement after killing people, which made him complain, but he could only turn his head and look in the direction of Lowpo.

In the first wave of fire, he did not hit the bandit who came out horizontally. The bandit immediately walked directly towards the police center without letting him catch him.

However, the two bandits who subsequently rushed into the package point were directly shot and killed by nex.

But just when he was about to take a gun position, the bullet above his head killed him directly!

"Nice knocked out nex with a follow-up shot. God B in the police pulled out and tried to make a follow-up shot, but was knocked out by Nice at a single point from a long distance. Area B was completely broken through by him alone!"

"This 3B defensive position was completely defeated by Xiao Xu on the high platform! Now the number of the two sides has reached 3 versus 2, and the head of state who returned to the defense force was hit by a thunderbolt."

"The head of state chooses... Oh, no fight, just a bail! I can't fight this endgame!"

"No one knows what the defenders in Area B have just experienced. The shot that ripped apart the sniper, plus the shot he took to hit the baseline, were all extremely exaggerated. Just two bullets killed the person. "

"Without looking at the ID, I really thought it was NIKO competing with this style of play."

The game entered garbage time, and the director knew it very well and cut out the kill shot just now.

In the picture, Xu Beifang previewed several points in succession and then looked directly at the high slope in the distance.

Fine tune the fire.


[From the perspective of smooya, there is no difference between Nice and Open]

[I got up, and the shot was dead in seconds. What’s there to say? 】

[The smooya gun cannot be fired, this is the scariest thing]

[What suspect’s perspective]

[From the perspective of the victim, it really looks like running and fighting]

[This kind of killing destroys the confidence of the shooter]

【Escaped like a ghost】

It might not be much from the main perspective, but just now they could clearly see Smooya's victim's perspective.

Xu Beifang walked out as if very casually, and then tore Gao Po's big sniper apart with one hand. The perspective effect was very exaggerated.

In the VP battle room, Byali, who had already been killed, saw Xu Beifang's subsequent two kills, and was also shocked by his subsequent kill that hit the bottom line with one shot.

"Are you really going to practice shooting on the other side?"

These words also reminded Xu Beifang that he had never found a chance before and was ridiculed so many times by that smooya guy.

Now that we have finally made such a brilliant performance, we cannot let it pass like this.

He stood up, took off his soundproof earmuffs, and shouted to the next door: "Smooya, are you really a sniper?"

"My grandma can push a wheelchair through your frame!!"

This taunt did not make Big feel embarrassed. Instead, he found it very interesting.

After all, our own sniper has taunted him countless times, and it is very normal for the opponent to taunt him back.

And the guy opposite didn't mean to use the map cannon, he just aimed at smooya.

If the other party dares to interact with them, it can even stimulate smooya's state, allowing smooya to focus on the other party instead of constantly pressuring them.

There are still many good players in the professional circle!

Furthermore, in professional competitions, as long as it is not an insulting taunt, this kind of interaction is quite exciting.

"Both sides are playing very energetically, but they have to interact with each other to make the game exciting, right?" Playing with the machine also felt that the game became more interesting today.

There should be another chapter in the evening, but the state is really not good. It took me 3 hours to write this chapter...please recover slowly.

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