CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 114 Have stickers been released? ? (asking for monthly ticket)

After single-handedly knocking out a Liquid player, Xu Beifang and his teammates returned to the training room.

The coach and NEO reviewed the desert game that just ended from their respective perspectives.

"Actually, we can be a little more conservative in subsequent games." NEO calculated the data of Lost City. Among the 15 rounds of VP's defensive end in this game, only 5 rounds were defended honestly.

I spent the rest of the round pressing forward, too often.

Byali gnawed on an apple and asked with some confusion: "Didn't I say before that I would cooperate with Nice throughout the fight?"

Last night Byali was a little resistant to this style of play, perhaps because of the unknown nature of the changes.

But after today's game, he found that this idea of ​​protecting Nice was quite easy to win the game.

For a legendary player, other teams value his experience. As long as he can win games and have good results, he can easily find a job after the next Major, so he doesn't care much about his data.

NEO added: "It's not that we don't cooperate with him, but I think maybe we should adjust the number and depth of our forward pressure."

"For example, on this map, if you cooperate with Nice to take control of A1 at the beginning, you may be able to leave him directly in A1, and others can defend area B or the middle."

Kuben nodded beside him and explained: "The risk of pressing forward is indeed too high. Nice's style of play can bring good benefits to the team, but if we use it too frequently, the next opponents should be wary." I’m getting up, so I have to consider whether I should be more restrained.”

"We need to find a balance between pressing forward and being conservative, otherwise it will be too easy for our opponents to target us."

The more complex your overall tactical defense is, the harder it will be for the opponent to judge you, and the more attention you will have to devote to guarding against it.

The simpler and more rigid your tactical defense is, the more likely the opponent will be able to make targeted decisions based on your position and choices in different economic rounds.

Although they won this game against the Northern Lions, they still saw many problems.

But they are just looking for ideas to solve the problem and making an idea in their minds.

After all, no one is playing training matches with them at this stage, so VP can only run the map and try on their own.

It took nearly 2 hours to finally finish the review.

After this review, we were more discussing the tactical possibilities for the next game, and not much about personal positions.

In front of the computer, Xu Beifang opened the game between them and NIP on the first day of the Major qualifiers.

This game made him a little bit upset. In some ways, he was single-handedly defended by REZ.

Even if he has a higher winning rate in a head-to-head fight with REZ, often after he gets the kill, he doesn't have the time or state to do more.

After the previous game, he reviewed it from his own perspective.

But this time, Xu Beifang had a sudden idea and planned to use REZ's perspective to think about how to deal with a guy who likes to press forward crazily.

Which gun position and what method can be used in certain rounds to better deal with the opponent pressing forward, or even the opponent's double pressing.

This feeling is quite strange, and I am competing head-on with myself.

However, he didn't know each of REZ's position selection habits, the thoughts in his mind, and NIP's tactical thinking at the time.

We can only think about REZ’s thoughts at that time based on partial judgment and deduction.

Even so, Xu Beifang felt that the review was interesting.

He first turned off the X-ray from the perspective of REZ, and chose a position to set up the gun, or the subsequent counter-pressure method.

Then wait for yourself to press forward in the perspective, and then use your own preview and gun position advantages and disadvantages to judge whether you will win if you press forward or if you set the gun.

More than an hour of deductions made him more familiar with some special points of CT forward pressure, and he also knew what methods the bandits used to make forward pressure very uncomfortable for him.

He found many ways to deal with and break the situation during this review.

It greatly strengthens your forward pressing skills, allowing you to be more prepared for the opponent's possible position, and your subsequent previews and sways can be more targeted.

It also enhanced his anti-pressure skills to a certain extent.

This is the difference between self-review and team review.

Self-review focuses more on individual skills and playing styles, while team review is based on the tactics of both sides in the game to correct the players' playing styles, which is too limiting.

Xu Beifang's review is too time-consuming, but it is very necessary if you are not talented enough and want to become stronger.

After finishing this review, he washed up, went to bed, and entered the [Dungeon-Unlimited Deathmatch Space] to start practicing.

As his marksmanship continued to improve these days, and his understanding of some games improved, he found that his level was improving by leaps and bounds.

Before the Zotac Cup, Xu Beifang was almost able to gain a foothold in LV6 in this deathmatch space.

Now he can reach one of the top 5 states in the LV7 death match.

Although the number of kills in death matches cannot tell everything, combined with his recent games, he can probably understand where his level lies.

There is only one BO3 game left and we can advance to the Major.

By then I will be able to have my own sticker... Xu Beifang was looking forward to putting his fourth company on the red line, and he also started training for a death duel.

On the 4th day of the Major qualifiers, the first batch of teams that have advanced were announced.

As expected, both NIP and Liquid rushed into the main match with a 3-0 score.

"No wonder Liquid was in the mood to play with you there yesterday." NEO complained as he looked at yesterday's battle.

The Liquid guys also said that they performed very well this time, but they didn't expect that they were the real Versailles and had advanced to the Major without making any noise. Maybe the Director's guys were already thinking about how to design the stickers. .

"Come on, come on, we have a PK with the Germans today. If we win the BO3, we can also design stickers!" Pasha sat in the car heading to the venue and said to Xu Beifei, "So you have to come on today, we all have stickers, now It’s just you, you have to work hard for your own stickers!”

Student MICHU raised his hand: "Is it possible? I didn't issue stickers either."

Kuben added: "This year it seems that we can design stickers after completing the qualifiers, which means that no matter whether we advance or are eliminated, we will be able to produce stickers."

At this time, everyone realized that this was a new rule introduced by Valve this year. The teams that advanced from the Minor on each continent were automatically classified into the challenger group, and the 9-16th place in the previous Major became the legendary group. , and 1-8th place is the championship group.

Before this event, stickers could only be issued by entering at least the top 16 in the Major and entering the main draw of the Major.

Xu Beifang shook his head: "It's not because of my own ability. At least you have qualified for the Major qualifiers through hard work. I am completely lucky, so there is nothing to be happy about."

Pasha patted Xu Beifang on the shoulder: "Young people are ambitious, so let us defeat Big today and successfully enter the main draw, so that this sticker will be worthy of its name!"

Everyone at VP is also very satisfied with Xu Beifang's attitude. This is what young people should be like.

It's time for today's game, and everyone at VP took their seats and started debugging equipment and warming up.

After yesterday's world ranking update, the world ranking of this strong German team has reached 11th, while VP's own world ranking is 18th.

Compared with yesterday's Northern Lions, Big's world ranking is indeed not impressive.

The Northern Lions, ranked 4th in the world, were crushed by them. Against the 11th ranked team, there seemed to be no pressure.

But sometimes it doesn't work that way. After all, their confrontation with the Northern Lions is a BO1. In this kind of game, neither side has much room for error, and one player's peak condition can affect the entire game.

Today is a BO3 game, which is a huge test for the status of all players on both sides and the depth of the team’s map pool.

So playing against this German team, which is ranked 11th, is no easier than yesterday's game.

The two sides entered the BP stage. Due to the partial mechanism, Big chose the map first.

"It's better to ban their maze." god b said with some worry, "VP's recent maze is really a bit evil."

After yesterday's game, they also knew that their next opponent was VP, and then analyzed VP's recent game videos.

It’s true that I can’t understand what level VP is at.

Let’s not talk about the game where NIP was beaten by NIP, because NIP’s level is too high and they are not the one they should compare with.

In the other two games of Maze, if VP played well, they could win against a team like the Northern Lions, but if they played poorly, they could almost lose to OPTIC.

This level is really a bit metaphysical. They didn't dare to bet on the opponent's condition today, so they simply banned Maze City.

"What are you afraid of? I'll just blow them up!!" Smooya only felt that the team's idea was too "cowardly". It didn't matter if the opponent was strong. Can it be as strong as him?

But he still didn't say it out loud, after all, the big head of state was not comparable to him, a guy who french fries.

In this regard, he said that he is not a coward, but has retained the most basic qualities of a CSGO star player (confident).

"Maze is banned? Then let's ban the amusement park." Kuben said. In the two recent confrontations in the amusement park, they were beaten to a pulp. It is basically difficult for this map to appear in their map selection in the future.

The first round of bans between the two sides ended. Big was also very fast and directly won Sha2.

"What do we say? Get a train?" NEO asked.

The other people thought about each other and nodded: "Let's just train. We have won this picture several times in the past, and it feels very good."

After the first round of map selection, both sides quickly banned one map each.

In the end, VP left a picture of Purgatory Town as picture three.

Everyone in VP fist bumped each other to encourage each other, and started to enter the server at the referee's reminder.

Map: Hot Sand City

T:tabseN、nex、tiziaN、god b、smooya

CT: PashabicePs, NEO, MICHU, Byali, Nice

The game officially begins!

Big's Sha2 is one of their strongest maps. Their historical winning rate is 65.2%, which is a quite exaggerated statistic.

Xu Beifang has always known the strength of the Germans on this map.

S1mple once played a BO3 with over 100 kills and still lost the map. His opponent was Big.

But they still stopped Sha Er before they came up.

There is no way, compared to Sha Er, their amusement park is more crotch-stretching.

Sha Er's recent performance is pretty good, and at least he still has some opportunities to compete with Big.

The performance of the amusement park can only be described as a disaster movie.

Byali seemed to be aware of the bad atmosphere in the team and actively shouted: "Think about our performance in the Zotac Cup finals, didn't Sha Er also play decently? So even if Big's level is higher, and The little penguin should not be far behind..."

Then Byali paid the price for this confidence.

As soon as the pistol round started, Big launched an attack on their beloved A University. In this wave of firefights in A University, Byali was instantly killed by a shot as soon as he saw someone. Xu Beifang replaced another one and was also hit by the opponent's follow-up shot. Lose.

Pasha at the package point was even killed by two bullets from Smooya who picked up USP from A.

A wave of flat pushes in Area A made them feel the intensity of their senior.

The opponent's A-big marksmanship and replenishment efficiency put Byali under great pressure. Big's strength is a bit exaggerated! Is this the kind of pressure someone ranked 11th can give?

"It's okay. We will enter the long gun round later. We have long guns and can engage in long-distance firefights. The other side can't be so rampant." Byali didn't know what was going on. He was in a bit of excitement. He thought that as long as he entered the long gun round, he and Nice would be able to fight with each other. Working together, the two of them can definitely kill each other!

After entering the spear round, he and Xu Beifang came together to compete for control of A University at the beginning.

Big is in a good position, and he also doesn't want to give up control of Big A.

VP and Big held a joint press conference at University A. Out of five people from University A, only one opened his eyes.

After the final wave of intense firefights, they only managed 2.9.

But for VP, there is no overall gain. After all, although the exchange of people in this wave is okay, they also know that one of the other parties will be knocked on the head.

But in this wave of A-big exchanges, they spent too many props, and the subsequent defensive pressure was too great.

Then Big also played a wave of tricks, going directly from the gangster's house to area B to fight.

MICHU replaced two.

Then the opponent's smooya placed a mine pack in area B and easily won the 1V2 with a big sniper.

"Come on, come on! When the double sniper comes next, everything will be..."

Seeing Byali and wanting to say something, MICHU quickly shouted:

"Brother! Brother! Stop talking. Let's play the game well. First try to get the first point, and then we can discuss the issue of getting better."

After adjusting the economy, they finally relied on Pasha's big sniper double kill on platform A and Xu Beifang's counter-clearance to successfully score their first point.

But the subsequent situation was not optimistic. Big's rhythm on this map was too skilled, and their tactical skills were very detailed.

Most of the time, even the competition for A is a problem for them, and Xu Beifang cannot enter the forward pressing stage.

And it has to be said that McDonald's God of War is still very strong, and that big sniper often limits his performance.

The situation is not optimistic...

After a good night's sleep, I feel a little better, and I'm going to get back into shape today.

In the end, I am still about 250 short of the 4,000 monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. In the last chapter today, I will tally up the arrears.

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