CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 103 What is Leeroy! (1179)

The train is the map chosen by VP themselves, and they will drive it first as bandits.

As soon as it came up, NEO arranged a second wave of speed increases in Area B.

However, after first defeating an enemy in the red staircase, a wave of speed increases in Area B failed to have a very good effect.

Taz and reatz cooperated with each other on the three tails and the package point coil, and successfully completed the feat of 1 for 3.

In the end, although VP successfully put down the mine bag, he failed to win the pistol round.

"You all can't afford it, so I'll just buy a flashbang. Don't go out later, waste their props, and quickly enter the long gun round." NEO gave the order.

If you successfully put down a mine bag in the pistol round, each person will receive an extra 800 yuan, plus the 1,400 you will get if you fail in the pistol round.

The current average economy is around 2,200, which means nothing. In the third round, they can have an economy of 4,200 and above.

Coupled with the kill economy of the pistol round, it is not impossible to directly perform a firearms reversal in the third round.

As for playing the pistol game at home, it is a strategy to consume the opponent's props.

Everyone was jumping around at home and on the second floor of the gang, waiting for time to pass.

It wasn't until about 20 seconds that they relied on a flash bomb from NEO, and a group of people rushed directly to the lower slope to find trouble in Area B.

"With a flash bomb, we rushed down the low slope in a group, and the VP really knocked out the reatz and put down the mine pack!" I had fun playing with the machine, "Then this wave of VP will make a lot of money!"

Everyone was unarmored, and in the end they only got this one kill, but it didn't matter because the mine pack was put down.

In the next round, VP will be fully armed!

The unexpected joy also made everyone in VP feel a little better.

"Full armor and full ammunition, three people will take the green pass this minute, Pasha will stay at the bandit entrance, and MICHU will take the red stairs and go to the B2 floor." NEO gave the early map control instructions.

"Wait a minute for the green channel. When it's almost in place, Nice, you'll have your back the whole time, and Byali will be the first to get the information."

Xu Beifang's poor condition in the previous point did not affect NEO's judgment.

It's normal to lose records occasionally. Even top-level players don't have C-level records all the time.

And having played with Xu Beifang for so many days, he clearly knows the stability of his teammates.

The three people walked to Lingtong as planned, preparing to collect their own information.

"This VP started with 3 green passes. Nice was dodging throughout the whole process to prevent the opponent from catching and counter-clearing. Is this preparing him to gradually regain his touch in the replenishing position?" Wanmai speculated.

"But Mouz pushed it out with a supplementary gun, and hit Byali with two headshots!!"

"NEO wanted to replenish their guns, but MINISE's flash bomb forced them back!"

Xu Beifang and NEO put the flash away and turned around again to find that Lutong had exploded the smoke bomb.

The opponent's unconventional attack knocked Byali away and put them into a passive position.

Xu Beifang tried a few shots at the smoke grenade, but he didn't hear any sound of the opponent being hit, or a kill message appearing in the upper right corner.

"Wait until the smoke clears and then slowly push forward." Xu Beifang said helplessly.

This smoke blocked their way forward and forced their map control speed to slow down.

"Mouz stood up to the opponent's gun and used his personal ability to get the first kill for the team. I can only say that the amusement park just now brought back the little penguin's state."

"The VP of this shot cannot be compensated by Green Pass at all now, because their default formation at the beginning is relatively scattered and cannot effectively put pressure on Green Pass. They can only wait for the second time to reorganize."

After summarizing the game, I saw that the live broadcast perspective was given to the gangster hall.

I saw rallen holding the M4 for the second time and carefully pressing towards the gangster hall. After gaining the numerical advantage, CT not only failed to stabilize, but wanted to further expand the advantage!

"The second time is to see if Pasha can kill Rallen and bring back the number of people... Ouch!!!" The robot was dumbfounded. The moment Rallen took it out, Pasha suddenly cut the gun.

Pasha was also frightened to death by this timing. He was shot directly in the head, and his blood volume turned red.

He quickly retreated a gun position, then peeked out and hit the opponent with one shot.

"There was no near miss, but the problem of cutting the gun really needs to be corrected. Fortunately, the opponent also made some mistakes, otherwise it would be difficult to fight VP once he dies."

Pasha himself broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn't expect that the other party would seize this opportunity to touch it.

He quickly retreated a dozen steps back to avoid being hit by a grenade from the opponent.

"What a gun!" The others didn't know what happened to the gangsters. They only saw Pasha getting a head, and they praised it out of habit.

Pasha did not respond with a guilty conscience. He made a mistake in his operation and almost fell ill.

The number of people on both sides returned to 4 versus 4, Lvtong's smoke bombs also dissipated, and Xu Beifang and NEO began to advance forward from left to right.

NEO gave a smoke bomb on the right side of the T-intersection, and Xu Beifang began to search for the nearest left hand.

Pulling the peek horizontally allowed him to see the other side, but the other side's reaction was also very fast, and they directly exchanged blows with him.

[Nice used AK47 to kill MINISE with a headshot]

Fortunately, Xu Beifang's firearms were more advantageous, and he killed the opponent with one shot.

After knocking out the CT guarding the green pass, NEO immediately began to issue the next offensive order: "The gangster hall and our green pass will cooperate. We will attack with the package points between them."

The number of people has reached 4 vs. 3, but for 40 seconds, they are still on the green pass, which is basically a clear sign.

So next we have to consider the launch of the general offensive.

"Nice, please hold me up for a moment, and I'll get the information on package A." NEO said to Xu Beifei.

There is a smoke bomb that I sealed in front of me, so I don’t dare to smoke suddenly for the time being.

So he was going to jump on the double box of Lvtong and take a look at the information in the infield.

Moreover, he still had the idea of ​​​​stealing the opponent's back. After all, there were smoke bombs on the Lvtong side, so the CT area was relatively safe.

But just as NEO jumped on, gunshots rang out from the end of Rokudo.

[Mouz used M4A4 to kill NEO]

"Mouz's consciousness was very good. He did not neglect because there was smoke behind him. Now CT knows that there is another person in Lutong. After all, there has been a firefight before, and this position cannot be reached by one person."

"Mouz is not in a hurry. He is waiting for his teammates to make up the defense. As long as his teammates are in place, the two of them can eat up the bandits in the green pass!"

"But Nice took the initiative to refill the cigarette at the bottom line, and then went out to cause trouble for Mouz!"

"You really dare to fight with such a weak HP!!" Wandimai said in surprise, "And he actually killed Mouz with a headshot."

Xu Beifang had no choice. The other party didn't take the initiative to come over to clear him. They definitely didn't naively think that there was no one left in Lutong. Their double fight just now was so obvious.

Knowing that he might fall into passivity next, and the thunder bag is still on him, he must take the initiative to break the situation.

Otherwise, transferring some time simply won’t be enough!

Xu Beifang got a kill and quickly came to the other side of the double box.

The bottom line smoke bomb is not a wall and cannot guarantee his absolute safety.

Sure enough, as soon as he got behind the bunker, bullets came from behind. Fortunately, he moved quickly and the other party did not hit him with the gun.

"Help!! My position is locked!!" Xu Beifei shouted.

If he was alone at ordinary times, he would just look for the other person to shoot at him.

But if there is a thunder bag on the body, the nature is different.

Moreover, in the 3-on-2 endgame, they have the advantage, and they have a great chance of winning by this point.

"Dodge!!" Pasha shouted.

A flash bomb exploded in the green tunnel. Xu Beifang pulled him out, only to see the other party covering his eyes and retreating.

Xu Beifang was not in a hurry to confront him and quickly retreated to the vicinity of the chartered car.

After Taz regained his vision, he immediately peeked out to intercept him.

He found that there were already people standing on the sixth carriage.

[MICHU used AK47 to kill Taz with a headshot]

"There are still 16 seconds left, and the last reatz is hiding near the chartered car. He should be preparing to take advantage of the moment when the bag is released to come out and pack the gangster."

"But before the action even started, MICHU shot him down!"

"Beautiful!" Playing Machine praised, "In this case, VP played well in the mid-to-late game on the green pass, and Nice stepped up and tore apart the opponent's formation."

"It's very important, Nice. I used the thunder bag to fight my way through Lutong. I feel like my condition is getting better!"

After getting the first spear round, VP immediately organized a wave of regular explosions in the infield.

This wave of pasha in the bandit's mouth climbed up to the six-lane carriage, and killed all three CTs under the third floor, on the red stairs, and at the bunker by himself, helping VP successfully score another point.

After the firefight in Area A ended, Reatz, who was looking for an opportunity, just showed up and was beaten to single-digit health.

He was so frightened that he quickly ran to the gangster's resurrection point and entered the gun-saving phase.

Taz was also a little helpless. Their firearms and props were not sufficient at this point. Facing the bandits' powerful explosive bombs, the frontal effect was not very good.

He understands that the next game will enter the rhythm of VP. After all, there is not much economy, and he can only rely on the M4 that reatz saved to operate.

Just when he was thinking about how to use the M4 in the next round, he saw the gun-protecting reatz being shot by Nice, and the round ended.

Well... this time it can only be an unarmored pistol.

Their wave of unarmored pistols did not cause any trouble to VP. Fortunately, they saved up enough money and began to enter the long gun game.

"MINISE, just use big snipers to defend. This map still needs big snipers to use force." Taz said.

The score has reached 3:2, and the continuous loss of points put them under a little pressure.

If they lose this long game, VP will really have a dominant performance in the first half.

You must know that this is a big warning picture. If you lose too many points, you will not be able to play in the second half.

"MINISE started the unarmored sniper game. He found that the outfield still needs a sniper rifle to perform well." Wanmai said, "Otherwise, the opponent's map control speed would be too fast and they would not be able to withstand the pressure at all."

Xu Beifang's position was very good. He came directly to the gangster hall at the beginning. He originally planned to jump directly into Olaf's position to look for opportunities.

But in the process of jumping, he saw a fire stick among the other police officers.

"A sniper rifle has been fired from the opposite side!!" Xu Beifang quickly jumped back.

The opponent has a sniper rifle, and his activities in Olaf's position alone are too limited. It is better to come back and consider the long term.

Xu Beifang withdrew to the gangster hall and prepared to walk to Lutong alone.

Pasha, who was a big sniper in the gang hall, was fighting with Byali.

Pasha is holding a sniper rifle and aiming in the direction of Lutong. If someone moves accidentally, he will tell the other person what cruelty is!

But when the gang hall was sealed, there was a "ding" sound, and the flash bomb turned them both white.

Their hearts suddenly sank, knowing that someone was rebelling against the Qing Dynasty!

But once their vision was restored, they were happy.

[Byali used AK47+Mouz flash bomb to kill reatz]

"Byali was all white and knocked down the counter-clearing reatz in seconds! The little penguin did a good job of counter-clearing, but he was just a bit unlucky!"

"This initial wave of well-organized counter-purges was directly wiped out in vain. This is really hurtful."

"But the next time MINISE used a sniper rifle to kill Pasha on the six lanes and brought back the number of people, it felt a little uncomfortable now."

NEO and MICHU were already heading towards Lutong, and another person was killed in the bandit's mouth. Xu Beifang looked at the situation and chose to stay in the bandit's mouth.

NEO still sealed the smoke bombs of Liudouwei, and then gradually gained the view of the bottom line.

"CT is now a single-B defensive position, with rallen, Mouz, and MINISE standing at the bottom line, sixth lane, and charter positions respectively."

"This wave of green pass exploration points will be greatly restricted."

"NEO and rallen had a series of duels, but NEO had never fought against anyone who was still walking!"

MICHU immediately helped with the cigarettes and did not keep up with the guns.

After seeing NEO being knocked out, he quietly advanced towards the bottom line and tried to find a way to make up for it.

When NEO was knocked out, Xu Beifang also walked over here with a thunder bag.

Byali went to the top of the red staircase, preparing to cooperate with them later to fight a double-team between the red staircase and the green pass.

"rallen is really brave and not afraid at all, but he was immediately replaced by MICHU!"

"MICHU turned around and started smoking again, but Mouz reacted very quickly and knocked out MICHU with one shot after another."

MICHU actually thought of a follow-up shot from Rokudōo's side, but he never fired this wave, and the first shot failed to hit the opponent's head.

Xu Beifang had already arrived at Lutong. When he heard his teammates' announcement, he immediately moved forward to pursue.

But the other party heard his footsteps and ran away immediately.

"There is one bottom line, and he should have left one in Area B, which may be in the police." Xu Beifang speculated on the opponent's location, "There is another uncertainty, it should be the sniper rifle."

"There is a high probability that he will be at the spot, and we will find a way to reveal his position later," Byali said.

The two of them talked for a few words, sorting out their thoughts in their minds.

Xu Beifang was at the end of the six paths and began to sway, spin and jump.

MINISE finally couldn't hold it back and shot him.

After hearing the shot, Xu Beifang saw a figure jump out of the chartered car and immediately pursued him with an AK47.

His small body swayed with the other party, but he saw the other party's feet from the chartered car.

Transform into a pedicure master and attack MINISE’s paronychia! !

[Nice used AK47 to kill MINISE]

He killed the opponent's sniper with one shot, and Byali, who came out of the Lutong peek, also shot down a bandit who was leaning against the chartered car straight up the Lutong.

The situation suddenly became clear.

"There is still one disabled person on the opposite side!!" MICHU reminded, "The one who was just on the bottom line."

Mouz, who was still low on health, chose to go around the world to fight the endgame when his teammates suffered a heavy blow. However, with Byali's back turned to him, he was directly counter-killed with a single stroke.


If this point is lost, the Little Penguin's economy will suffer again.

Several consecutive numerical reversals have completely restored VP's feel.

In the following first half, the scores of both sides spiraled upward.

In the end, as the VP of the offensive side, he scored 10 points!

Playing Machine lamented in the live broadcast room that the VP of the first two maps was back.

The monthly ticket is over 2000, +1 update.

I know the rhythm well, but this final is BO5 after all, and the next chapter is almost over.

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