CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 102 Worst record in career!

"The score reached 16:12, VP won this map!" The excited voice of the on-site commentator spread throughout the venue, leading the audience to cheer and shout together.

"After VP's victory in Hot Sand City, they have already won two maps in this BO5 map and have won the BO3 match point. As long as they win one of the next three maps, they can Won the BO5 victory in this game, won the Zotac Cup trophy, and received a bonus of US$200,000!!"

"And Team Kinguin will face life and death situations in the next three maps. They can no longer afford to lose!!"

The older commentator on the other side smoothed things over:

"But that doesn't mean that Team Kinguin doesn't have any chances. Although they lost the first two maps, their performance in Sha2 is still remarkable. If they can perform at this level in the future, they will still be able to win. I am qualified to fight with VP."

"Although it is difficult for two to chase three, there is still a glimmer of hope."

In the live broadcast room No. 6657 of Seafood Channel.

Playing Machine is also summarizing the performance of both teams in Sha2, but compared to the two commentators on the scene, he focuses more on the players.

"The little penguin couldn't withstand his last breath after all."

"Actually, their tactics were very good in the middle and late waves. As for the last point, after defeating NEO, they knew that there was only one left in Area B, but they did not rush. Instead, they reorganized a wave at the second time. This This style of play is very stable, but VP really doesn’t have any good ideas.”

"But they can't control Nice!"

"Little Penguin knew that he was going to press forward, and he was always on guard against him. He was beaten to death several times in the previous rounds, but because Nice was so skilled at pressing forward, VP got it first. On match point, he can be allowed to make many, many mistakes, but as long as he succeeds once, the game is over."

"A top-notch timing, he got all the information directly! After a wave of detours, a simple double kill ended the game easily."

"On this map, Nice used his own performance to give the team a score of 25-18. Compared with before, this data is not too exaggerated, but combined with his extreme front-end attempt in the second half, death Although he has the most times in the team, no one will blame him."

"Now let's look forward to it. Can VP take away the Little Penguin with a score of 3-0 in this BO5 game?"


In the VP player box, everyone's tense emotions were relieved as Xu Beifang pouted the two bandits, but they still hurriedly walked to Area B, preparing for the 4-on-2 back-defense endgame.

Immediately afterwards, MICHU killed two consecutive enemies in Area B, causing them to take off their earphones and start shouting!

"NIIIIICE!! Guys played well!!!" Pasha's emotion was the most outgoing, and he shouted in the battle room immediately.

Although they got the match point very early, they could not get the last point, and their inability to kill the game made them extremely nervous.

NEO and Pasha have been fighting in CSGO for so many years, making so much money, meeting so many people, and seeing so many dramatic scenes.

They know that once they are overturned, the team's morale may be like a balloon, instantly deflating!

Fortunately, I believed in the playing style of my teammates. Although I was killed several times, I still lived up to their expectations in the end and successfully seized an opportunity - a fatal opportunity!

"Isn't there anyone who praises me?" MICHU said with a smile, "I am also very crucial in the 1V2 in Area B."

Byali touched his chin and fell into deep thought: "The main reason is that I feel that my flash bomb is the most powerful in area B, otherwise you wouldn't be able to get the double kill."

"Your flashbangs are awesome? If I hadn't lowered my head quickly in reaction, I would have been completely wiped out!" After hearing this, MICHU immediately became excited.

The two of them started arguing happily. Boys are like this, they can argue endlessly over such small things.

However, these disputes were not heated. Everyone was in a good mood when they could directly win the second picture.

NEO took off his headphones and walked slowly in the competition room. For these older players, there were too many injuries on his body. Even though he had only played two games, the tight schedule recently had already made his lower back feel... Feeling unwell.

As he walked around, he said in a relaxed tone:

"Now everyone can play the next game as a new BO3, but in this BO3 we only need to win one map."

"No matter from which aspect, the pressure is on the opponent. We just need to follow the steps and win a map, and we can win the trophy."

When NEO said this, there was some longing and nostalgia in NEO's eyes.

Since Snax left, VP has never won a single offline event championship. They haven't experienced that feeling for a long time.

"The next map is Death Amusement Park. Although the performance on this map has not been good recently, everyone can clearly feel that the opponent is not as powerful as NRG, so we still have to stay confident."

"The opponent's style of play is mostly tactical, but it's difficult for them to deal with Nice. Even if they target Nice, they can't get too many advantages over him."

"If possible, we will try to end the game 3-0." NEO smiled, "Don't worry even if the opponent keeps chasing points. I believe our team's strength is higher than the opponent's."

"Anyway, I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

When pasha heard this, he immediately shouted: "Let's go VP!!"

The group of people burst into laughter, and Xu Beifang also shouted a few words to cheer up.

The third map of BO5 is the Death Amusement Park actively chosen by Team Kinguin.

VP plays the defensive role first on the opponent's map.

"Let's start with a regular 14. Byali will play alone at point A, and Nice will follow us and bet on a heavy defense in area B."

The structure of Death Amusement Park is very different from other maps. The defensive pressure in area B of this map is much greater than that of other areas. The conventional defensive position is 3B2A, which explains a lot.

Xu Beifang bought a semi-armor and followed the team to area B.

But not long after, they heard Byali shouting: "An A!! There are so many people in the sewers!!"

At this time, they noticed that at some point, Byali touched the sewer opening to get the information.

After the two sides collided, Byali tried to escape, but was still chased and attacked by his opponents, unable to replace any of them.

Xu Beifang was the fastest in returning to defense. He came directly to the front of the car and wanted to cut off the bandit.

But there were continuous flashes of light, and by the time he regained his vision, he had been killed.

The opponent's attack was a bit too swift and violent, and VP couldn't withstand it at all.

They lost the pistol round without much struggle.

NEO touched his chin and said with some doubt: "Team A's offensive strategy??"

They haven't played against Team A for a long time, but this kind of prop coverage is obviously prepared.

After all, he saw from the corner of his eye that Xu Beifang's screen was not normal, it was all white light!

This speculation made his heart sink. He didn't think that the opponent was on his map selection, and he only learned Team A's pistol round tactics.

In the second round, he used his gun, but in the end he only lost one head.

The little penguin began to re-evolve into the emperor penguin, taking all the early game rhythm into his hands.

The score reached 0:3, and the fourth round of this game began.

"Nice, come to area B this time. We will take the initiative to clear the construction site and see if we can directly take control of the construction site."

In fact, the proficiency of VP in this map is not much. The original VP was a team that relied on marksmanship, and their tactics were far less complex than the Danes.

In a more tactical map like an amusement park, their adjustments rely more on their personal abilities.

Xu Beifang carried the M4 and according to NEO's instructions, he went straight to the construction site at the beginning.

Stepping on the sandbag fire on the opposite side and pulling him out, NEO's flash bomb was very powerful, leaving him with two completely white bandits.

With one sweep, he successfully got a double kill and took control of the construction site.

Immediately afterwards, the pasha in area A also seized the opportunity, took out the balloon, and stole the bandit from area A.

MICHU, who was in the long pipe, also fought with the bandits outside the long pipe after the smoke cleared, and successfully won the gun battle.

There is only one MINISE left alive, so we can only save the beloved sniper to prepare for the next point.

Everyone in VP thought that one point would be the beginning of the team's improvement, but they did not expect that the situation would take a turn for the worse.

According to NEO's idea, Xu Beifang then launched forward pressing actions in various areas of the map, but his opponent seemed to continue the frenzied pursuit of points at the end of Figure 2.

Except for forcibly killing the opponent a few times, the rest were all first kills, making the situation more difficult.

The final score in the first half was fixed at 4:11.

With this score, anyone with a discerning eye can see how poorly VP performed in the first half.

During the halftime break, Taz also seized this opportunity and worked hard to encourage his teammates in the game room:

"Don't worry, the opponent's newcomer really likes to press forward, but now we have figured out his habits. As long as there are multiple guns, he won't get many kills, and he won't be able to lead the rhythm!"

"The other players in VP play in a normal way and cannot affect the overall situation!"

"In a BO5 game, the one who gets the match point first is not necessarily the best. The one who wins the first three maps in the end is the real champion!"

In fact, these words were not very inspiring, but Team Kinguin was still infected because they also wanted to win!

It is very difficult for two to chase three, but they finally reached the final. Who would want to be the opponent's backdrop?

In eSports, no one will remember the runner-up!

The opponent's late default play style really made Xu Beifang irritated.

But there is no way, if he doesn't press forward, there is a high probability that he will have to face a back defense, and the team will have to rely on him to break the situation.

But in the pistol round, when he hit two first, he was still beaten back by the opponent in the end game.

VP's proficiency in this map is really low. Now that I think about it, they should have left the forklift behind.

But because the overall details of the forklift in recent competitions were not enough, Pasha and others thought they could try the Death Amusement Park.

In the end, this resulted in some problems with BP.

After losing the pistol round, VP had little influence on the subsequent games.

In the long gun round, MICHU's breakthrough in Area B forced them to survive, but they were beaten back by the little penguin in the next round.

In the final picture of Death Amusement Park, the score was fixed at 5:16.

VP lost this map by a huge score, and their performance was even worse than the game against NRG.

In the VP player booth.

Although I was there at the beginning of Figure 3, I was mentally prepared.

But actually losing the game is still uncomfortable.

Fortunately, most of them only expected NEO to shave their heads in 3-0, as NEO said before, and they did not insist on 3-0.

"Relax." Pasha noticed the mood of the team and took the initiative to open the mic and said, "Isn't it just that we lost a map? We are still at the match point. The next train is our own map selection, don't have any mentality. pressure."

"We are Leeroy!"

In fact, the VP group does not have much psychological pressure.

After all, in a BO5 game, they never expected to not lose a game before the game started.

Now it's just a normal feeling of frustration after losing the game.

Xu Beifang fell into deep thought as he looked at the results in Figure 3. This Death Amusement Park produced the worst data since his debut.

9/2/13, average damage per game: 59.

His aggressive playing style was greatly restricted on this map, which made Xu Beifang consider making some changes to his playing style.

Of course, he kept in mind the reminders given to him by Pasha and others - to maintain his own style.

Now I am able to frequently dominate in professional competitions mainly because of this aggressive and life-threatening style of play.

It is impossible for him to change his characteristics and become an average player who can defend in spots.

He wanted to take a closer look at teams like Team A, which did well by default, after this event, to analyze their default post-break situation.

Then adjust the preview of your forward pressure and the timing of your forward pressure based on the defaults of these teams.

Identifying his own shortcomings and constantly correcting them is the way for him to continue to become stronger.

This is just like the advice he received. It was always a bit nonsense at first, but gradually it will become more professional. Xu Beifang will also adjust it to his own needs instead of rigidly following the public.

He is not trying to write a CSGO textbook and learn the most reasonable way to play.

He needs to learn and summarize based on his own strengths and weaknesses, make modifications based on his poor performance, get feedback from the game, and then summarize and repeat, so that he can embark on a stronger path.

Therefore, the CSGO profession is really like a traditional sports competition.

During the halftime break, everyone in VP was adjusting themselves as quickly as possible.

The loss of one game did not defeat them. They are still waiting to eat NEO's feast.

And there is only one step away from winning the trophy, and it is impossible for the little penguin to defeat them all in just one game!

After sorting out their emotions, the two sides entered the game again.

This time it is the map chosen by VP himself - the train station!

There is another chapter tonight

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