Now there are two impulse shuttle machines, one device can be used to shuttle between the two cities, the anchor point can be set in Donglin City, and the main body of the machine is placed in Kaiser.

The other one is carried with you, and it is also convenient to return to the dungeon when you go elsewhere in the future.

After Wei Sheng had dealt with everything, it was time for lunch.

Only at this time did Xiao Yuling and Song Yun learn that Donglin City was taken down!

They are busy all day, and only have time to open the chat channel at noon to take a look.

If it weren't for the hot chat in the group, they might miss the news.

After Xiao Yuling learned about this, he immediately sent a message to ask.

"You won't say a word to Donglin City!"

She was somewhat resentful.

"I thought you already knew."

Wei Sheng saw the World Channel before, and saw that everyone was talking hot, and he had a lot of things on his side, so he forgot to announce the good news for a while.

"I want to go see you now!"

"Okay, you don't need to use the wormhole shuttle, I'll just set this up as a conference hall."

"Okay, let's get ready and go right away!"

Every time you open at least a thousand souls, you can save as much as you can.

Wei Sheng has also bound a lord contract with Song Yun, and Song Yun can also come from his own rune base.

At present, Wei Sheng still has a lot of lord contracts in hand.

In some boxes, several copies have been opened, and each lord contract can be bound to five players.

Wei Sheng set up Donglin City as a conference hall.

Not long after, Xiao Yuling and Song Yun and their mother and daughter walked out of the black film and came to the City Lord's Mansion in Donglin City.

"Wow, it's bigger than the City Lord's Mansion on Kaiser's side!"

"I feel the same, the architectural style is a bit different."

"Look here..."

As soon as the mother and daughter arrived here, they immediately threw Wei Sheng down and watched everywhere in the City Lord's Mansion.

After visiting the City Lord's Mansion, Wei Sheng flew around with the two of them.

During this period, Wei Sheng proposed that Song Yun be the deputy city owner of Donglin City, but Song Yun declined.

It's hard to get together with her daughter, and she prefers to stay by her side.

In this way, Wei Sheng would not force it, it was just a whim.

After the mother and daughter wandered around for a while, they returned to Kaiser.

· 0 for flowers · 0

Wei Sheng can't leave Donglin City for the time being, and needs to stay here for a while.

However, the news of winning Donglin City can already be announced to the citizens of Kaiser City!

Kaiser City, the City Lord's Mansion.

"Vice City Lord, they are all here."

"Well, I see."

Xiao Yuling heard the subordinate's report, put down the document in his hand, and got up and left the room.

Half an hour ago, she issued a call for the heads of the major forces to gather in the City Lord's Mansion, and there was a major event to be announced.

Xiao Yuling came to the conference hall.

After entering, chat with the heads of the major forces, and immediately get to the point.

"Suddenly summoned you all today, there is an important thing to announce, which has something to do with the city owner."

...... 0

Xiao Yuling sat in the first seat, looked at the leaders, and smiled.

"Vice City Lord, please speak!"

"What happened to the city lord?"

Most were dumbfounded.

Wei Sheng disappeared from Kaiser for a while, and few people knew what Wei Sheng did.

Like a soul shadow, I only knew that Wei Sheng and Alice left together, and thought that Wei Sheng was going to help with the relocation.

Anthony knows a little more, because he just spoke to Wei Sheng on the phone yesterday.

But it was only known that Wei Sheng went to Donglin City.

As for what to do, it is not clear at all.

"The city owner went to Donglin City."

Xiao Yuling paused and continued: "This morning, Donglin City has been taken down. From now on, we, Kaiser and Donglin, will be brother dungeons. The city owner said that there will be some special policies between the two dungeons in the future. For example, in business, there will be some support policies..."


"Donglin City was also taken by the city owner?"


Anthony, Soul Shadow, Conman, Huolie, etc., were all stunned.

Not long after he left, not only did he arrive at Donglin City, but he also succeeded in seizing power. This city owner is really crazy!

Pushing it forward for a while, Kaiser City has only been occupied for less than half a month...

It's so efficient!

"In short, this is the way it is. After you go back, you will be responsible for passing on this matter to the citizens. Tonight, the City Lord's Mansion will host a dinner party to celebrate with the people."

Xiao Yuling issued several more orders, and many heads of forces responded one by one.

They left the City Lord's Mansion in a hurry, and the news quickly spread to Kaiser!towel.

Chapter 352

News quickly spread around Kaiser.

The townspeople were shocked!

Everyone wondered why they had not seen the city lord recently, so they went to Donglin City.

Not only that, but he also took down Donglin City along the way, which was a real accident.

The business traveler from Donglin City was also stunned when they heard the news.


As soon as he left Donglin City, his home was stolen?

Some of them are close to Temaru, and they can't help but feel uneasy.

Will my family be implicated?

So do everything possible to inquire about the news.

Not long after, the City Lord's Mansion sent another message briefly introducing the changes in Donglin City.

Some business travelers in Donglin City breathed a sigh of relief.

That night, Cather started a special dinner party.

Held by the City Lord's Mansion to celebrate with the people.

In a blink of an eye, it's been half a month.

The nearest underground city to Donglin is Snow City.

   Because the cave where it is located is covered with snow all year round, it is called the Snow City.

The normal trip from Kaiser to Syracuse is a month and a half.

From Donglin City to Xuecheng, it takes about twenty days.

Wei Sheng's feet were relatively fast, and it only took a few days to reach Xuecheng from Donglin City.

Before the news of Donglin City's change of ownership was passed to Xuecheng, he rushed to Xuecheng.

And this afternoon, we officially won Syracuse!

This is already the third dungeon Wei Sheng has won.

The speed can not be called fast.

The original city lord of Xuecheng was a man of red gold, and his strength was only average, far inferior to Temaru.

He can be called "tyrant" in Syracuse.

Robbery of women is a routine operation.

Excessive and miscellaneous taxes are so numerous that the development of Syracuse has not been successful, and the business has been depressed.

In short, the reputation is very bad.

If it weren't for the fact that the backer behind him was very powerful and he mastered the core of the dungeon, he would have been slashed by a thousand swords.

Wei Sheng came as a caravan of Donglin City.

This caravan has close ties with Moss, the Redstone man.

Wei Sheng pretended to be a member of the caravan and suddenly launched an offensive. Moss was caught off guard and the body was separated on the spot.

Moss's subordinates were also cut off by Wei Sheng, and they were settled in two or three.

Because of Moss' reputation, Syracuse's resistance was extremely low, and the City Lord's Mansion surrendered first, and after summoning the heads of major forces, the situation was temporarily stabilized.

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