The followers of the Matchlock Sect went, and they were all destroyed.

"Ten launches in total, just right."

Wei Sheng's soul power consumption is not large.

The opponent's ability is really not good, and there is no need to use full horsepower.

"These stumps and broken arms are not easy to deal with..."

Wei Sheng murmured, and immediately recited the magic formula, and the wind blew on the ground.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a water column!

The combination of wind and water quickly clears the ground.

Those stumps, broken arms, and some scraps were all collected by him into the rune base.

In this wave, a lot of souls have been harvested, which is a whole massacre of more than [-] believers!

The arquebusiers were not completely distributed in the upper city.

There is still a part of the lower city.

But most are peripheral believers.

Wei Sheng has now eliminated the core believers, and the peripheral believers can take other methods to deal with it.

There is no need for him to work hard, and it is not difficult to throw it to the three major families to deal with.

The plaza was restored to cleanliness.

It's just that there is still some blood in the air.

Wei Sheng waved to Arnoby.

Arnobie ran forward.

This time, let alone Anobi, the patriarchs of the remaining two families were even more in awe of Wei Sheng.

"Call everyone back, I still have something to explain."

Wei Sheng said lazily.


Arnoby left and organized people to convene the onlookers to return to their places.

Soon after, the city owner's speech continued.

This time, without Wei Sheng speaking, everyone was surprisingly quiet.

The previous battle had buried absolute awe in their hearts!

Wei Sheng mentioned that the major forces should hand over materials, and the leaders of those forces could only nod their heads in agreement.

With lessons learned, no one dares to shake their heads!

Although Wei Sheng's rhetoric was to exchange equipment, the heads of the major forces were thinking: "You give it, we don't dare to ask for it..."

The end of the arquebus taught them a truth—

Obediently obey the new city master and you're done!

The speech did not last long.

Seeing that Wei Sheng did not demand too much from ordinary city residents, they all left in relief.

Wei Sheng didn't want to stay here for a long time, and was about to fly away when he heard a few shouts from below.

"Boss Wei!"

"Boss! Don't go!"

Wei Sheng stopped and looked at the sound.

If you can call him that, most of them are players.

"It really is……"

Wei Sheng saw the two of them, thought about it, and flew back to the square.

When the two saw Wei Sheng fall, they quickly greeted him with a smile.

Wei Sheng glanced around and said, "It's not convenient to communicate here, can you fly? Follow me to the City Lord's Mansion."


"The boss is slow, our speed is not fast."

The two quickly activated the aircraft behind them.


Wei Sheng flapped his Lingguang wings and flew into the air first.

The flight of the two was really slow, Wei Sheng could only reduce the speed, lost his patience at the back, directly gave them directions, and flew back to the City Lord's Mansion first.

Before the two of them arrived, Wei Sheng first made a batch of rare rune equipment.

The materials of the major forces will be delivered later, and the equipment will be traded at that time.

Wei Sheng built the equipment, and Wang Sheng and Song Zhong also flew into the City Lord's Mansion.

"When did you arrive?"

"This morning."

"Isn't it the same regional channel as me?"

"No, the administrator of our channel is Xiao Yilong."


After a while of communication, the two sides quickly became familiar with each other.

"What do you have to do with me?"

"We want to live in Donglin City..."

"Want a residence permit? It's easy, I'll let someone do it later."

"Thank you boss! If the boss doesn't dislike it, we can help you manage Donglin City, you see..."

The two quickly talked about the real purpose.

In fact, relying on trading and manufacturing channels, they can live a prosperous life in Donglin City.

But they also have ambitions. They are not willing to be just ordinary citizens, and they also want rights. .

Chapter 351

Players take the initiative to apply for a job, and Wei Sheng is naturally willing to give opportunities.

For now, players can be trusted, but beware.

People are separated from each other and cannot be completely relieved.

Wei Sheng thought about relying on the player to control the dungeon, provided that the player is familiar enough with him.

If it was Xiao Yun or Rogers, Wei Sheng might directly give the position of the deputy city lord, Song Zhong and Wang Sheng just knew each other, so naturally it is impossible to give the important position at once.

"I'm not familiar with Donglin now, so let's go, I'll arrange for you to go to Chengling's side as assistants, and he will arrange the positions."

"After you are familiar with Donglin City, I will give you a promotion."

Wei Sheng said some scenes.

Neither let them down nor talk too much.

Going back depends on their performance.

Perhaps, they are not suited to handle government affairs.

If it is pushed up forcibly, it may cause dissatisfaction from all parties.

Wang Sheng and Song Zhong are also smart people and readily agree.

They secretly made up their minds to get things done.

The city decree of Donglin City is the confidant of Emperor Maru and Emperor Yun.

As soon as Wei Sheng came to power, he immediately replaced the city order.

And after consulting the patriarchs of the four major families, an official with good ability and reputation was promoted to the city commander.

The original patriarch of the blood werewolf was killed by Wei Sheng, and after a major meeting within their clan, the confidants and close relatives of the original patriarch were cleaned up.

The remaining blood werewolves all surrendered to Wei Sheng and selected a new patriarch.

Like the other three major families, the blood werewolves were also required to declare to the enslaved crystal nucleus.

There is no choice.

Otherwise, they will not survive today, and they will definitely be cut down!

After the blood werewolf thing was settled, the major forces sent the materials to the door one by one.

They were also somewhat resentful.

As soon as the new city lord ascended the throne, he immediately scraped away a layer of flesh from them, distressed!

Fortunately, Wei Sheng gathered them together again and threw out nearly [-] pieces of rare equipment at one time.

When the heads of the major forces left, they felt very different from when they came.

Wei Sheng's material library was enriched again, and he used the material to build a wormhole shuttle again.

Mainly because of distrust of Wang Sheng and Song Zhong.

If the two have a close relationship with Wei Sheng, they can also use the method of trading to travel between the two dungeons.

Wormhole shuttles are epic devices.

If the two have disagreements, and they run away with the shuttle directly after the transaction, it will be difficult for Wei Sheng to recover.

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