The fire dwarf Sol squeezed the clansmen away, staggered forward, and smelled of alcohol.

"Sol, your beard is full of drinks, don't come and hug me."

Wei Sheng smiled away.

The fire dwarves burst out laughing.

"Hey, I'm happy today!"

Sol rubbed his red nose and showed off, "I'm holding a beautiful girl today, let's drink more wine to celebrate!"

"Oh? You and Sophia..."

Wei Sheng swept his gaze and quickly found Sophia, who was shy at the back.

It's just that Sophia's eyes are now on Wei Sheng, seemingly ignoring Sol.

"Hahaha, I'm going to marry Sophia in a few days, you can come to attend then."

Thor pulled Sophia from behind and kissed Sophia hard on the face.

... 0

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I have something urgent to do, so I'm afraid I won't be able to attend."

Wei Sheng couldn't help but fall on Sophia's wine barrel waist.

The belly seems to be bulging a bit.

[A pregnant female fire dwarf, still a mixed race. 】

Gold words flashed over Sophia's head.


Wei Sheng shouted in his heart.

Mixed-breed, pregnant...

It means that it is not the son of Sol, it is likely that Wang Ting has done a good job!

You must know that Sophia is not interested in Sol, but now she is uncharacteristically. Isn't this a clear sign that Sol will take over.

"It's a bit inappropriate."

Wei Sheng frowned slightly.

Sol must be told privately.

If Wei Sheng remembers correctly, Sophie and Wang Ting were actually married, and now it's like a second marriage.

It's also possible that Sol didn't care whether Sophia was pregnant or not!

"Hey, Your Excellency Wei Sheng, if you hadn't left then, my husband should have been you..."

Sophia's eyes were blurred and she said, "Seeing you again, you are still so handsome and handsome, but unfortunately we have no fate."


Wei Sheng laughed dryly and shuddered.

Still miss him!

Sol was drunk and didn't care what Sophia said, so he insisted on dragging Wei Sheng to dance.

"Get out of the way! Your Excellency Wei Sheng must be tired, how can he dance!"

Noah rushed out and slapped Sol on the back of the head, arranged for Wei Sheng to sit down and rest, and served good wine and good food.

Even though Thor married Sophia, Noah still didn't like Thor very much.Where.

Chapter 337

Wei Sheng's visit made the fire dwarf tribe's bonfire party more lively.

Good wine and good food are on the table, Wei Sheng only needs to eat and drink, and the show will naturally have fire dwarf performances.

The songs of the fire dwarf tribe are mostly rough wind.

But tonight there are three special songs added.

Wei Sheng once sang the three songs——

"Goodbye", "Sweet Honey", and "Men Be Self-improvement" are imitated [-]% to [-]% in pitch, and the lyrics have been completely changed.

When Wei Sheng said something casually, whether or not the fire dwarf had a recording device, he could only piece it together from memory.

Later, the lyrics could not be all matched, so they could only be localized, and the lyrics were more suitable for the fire dwarf tribe.

Transformer is a fire dwarf with the best musical talent, with a unique fire dwarf breath, it is a good song.

"Old friend, come, let's have a drink!"

After Sol finished a dance, he was much more awake.

As soon as he came back, he poured wine for Wei Sheng.

The two clink glasses and drink with their heads raised.

"I said Sol, didn't you see the difference in Sophia?"

Wei Sheng asked in a normal voice.

There is a lot of noise around, and I am not afraid that others will hear it.


Sol turned his head, looked at Sophia, who was dancing with other fire dwarves, and wondered, "What's the difference?"

"Sofia is pregnant."

Wei Sheng pointed to his abdomen.


Sol waved his hands nonchalantly and said, "If you love her, you must tolerate everything about her. What's wrong with having children."


Wei Sheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This dude has such a big heart, it's no wonder that his wife dances next to others and doesn't care at all!

"I suspect you were a tauren in your last life."

Wei Sheng spoke earnestly.

"What do you mean?"

Sol's face was stunned, and he obviously couldn't understand the connotation.

"It's nothing."

Wei Sheng sighed again and said, "If the child is born, you may be criticized."

"It doesn't matter, as long as Sophia is happy."

Sol smiled: "By the way, Wang Ting is of the same race as you, and the child born should have the talent of a spellcaster, right?"

"That's hard to say."

Wei Sheng's expression was weird. Could it be because of this that Sol was willing to endure it?

Even if the blood of the spell can be inherited, Wang Ting did not have it at the beginning.

"Come on, let's keep drinking!"

Sol continued to pour wine for Wei Sheng.

Not only Sol, but other fire dwarves also came to toast.

Earlier, Wei Sheng had an average drinking capacity.

As the strength grows, especially the body becomes stronger, the amount of alcohol also increases day by day.

A thousand cups are not poured, no exaggeration!

The fire dwarves came to toast, Wei Sheng was like drinking boiled water, and his stomach would not bloat.

Wei Sheng found a space, and after a song ended, he came to the center.

"Everyone be quiet."

Wei Sheng raised his hand to signal.

The fire dwarves were full of respect for Wei Sheng, closed their mouths one by one, and looked at each other.

"I came to your tribe this time for two reasons."

"First, to visit old friends."

"Second, I happened to pass by here, and I have to leave here early tomorrow morning."

Wei Sheng's voice fell, and the fire dwarves spoke out, hoping that Wei Sheng could stay for two more days.

"Sorry, I do have something urgent to do, so I can't stay too long."

"However, if everyone misses me, you can go to Kaiser Dungeon to find me."

Wei Sheng paused and glanced at the faces of the fire dwarves.

Fire dwarves are good at forging weapons as well as making tools, and they are happy to innovate if there is a stable environment.

In addition, magma wine is also a must.

If they are willing to live in the dungeon, Wei Sheng will agree to it because of their affection.

Provided they are willing to relocate.

Although the fire dwarf tribe may encounter some troubles from time to time, they are generally safe, and they are not necessarily willing to move out.

The forest elves were different. That time when the gray fog goblins invaded and almost encountered extinction, their mentality was different.

"Ha, old friend, do you live in Kaiser City now?"

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