"Anyway, I have offended many gods, so this time is not lacking!"

"Dare to shoot at me, how can I not reciprocate you?"

Wei Sheng's heart fluttered, and the shattered eye between his eyebrows flashed away.

Scarlet and gray light flashed and condensed into a shattering light.


The air vibrates.

The light of destruction swept across the twisted souls.


Those souls were scattered all at once.

There was a roar in the bronze coffin, and the surrounding black gas gradually disappeared.

At this moment, if Wei Sheng closed the Eye of Destruction, he could already see the bronze coffin with only his own eyes.


The Light of Destruction swept towards the bronze coffin again.

She only shivered slightly, but didn't respond much.

Wei Sheng shot many times, but still couldn't destroy the bronze coffin.

"It doesn't seem to work..."

He stopped shooting.

Then I tried many ways, but can't destroy it.

Trying to take away the bronze coffin didn't work either.

"If this burrow is blocked and other creatures are not allowed to approach..."

Wei Sheng thought of another way.

Since the bronze coffin needs to absorb souls, it is also a good way to isolate it from foreign creatures.

Wei Sheng just wanted to find a way to block it, but the bronze coffin shook lightly, escaped into the void, and disappeared from above! .

Chapter 336

Can't deal with you, can't run away?

This is probably the reason why the bronze coffin escaped.

Also alert enough.

"Run fast enough, or you will have to find a way to seal you in the burrow!"

Wei Sheng snorted coldly.

The Eye of Destruction continued to scan the burrow, but did not find the location of the bronze coffin, and indeed disappeared from the local burrow.

"I don't know if I left the underground world completely, or went elsewhere?"

"If I had known it was going to run, I should have marked the secret method in advance..."

Wei Sheng slapped his head and regretted it.

It's not that he was negligent, but that he didn't expect it at all.

Originally thought the bronze coffin would not move.

The reason why Wei Sheng judged like this is that the bronze coffin needs to absorb the soul——

If it is him, if you want to absorb the soul faster, you should walk around, not stay here!

Unless, the cost of moving is relatively large.

"In any case, I have already offended this guy, so be careful in the future."

"If you encounter it again in the future, you must mark it first and detain it completely."

Wei Sheng took out the route map, glanced at it, and continued the journey.

The distance between Kaiser and Donglin City is relatively close. A normal caravan would take more than a month to reach it. If Kaiser goes to the floating island or Xuecheng, the caravan would take two months.

Therefore, the commercial activities between the two dungeons are relatively intensive.

Today Wei Sheng came across two caravans one after another. They didn't know Wei Sheng's identity, they just thought he was a passerby.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Wei Sheng finally met the player.

Two members!

When Wei Sheng came in, they were still resting, and when they heard the movement, they quickly got up to guard.

"Boss Wei!"


When the two saw Wei Sheng's face clearly, they couldn't help exclaiming.

surprise, surprise...

They never imagined that they would meet in the wild.

The news in the group claimed that Wei Sheng was in the underground city.

Wei Sheng thought about it for a moment before he remembered the names of the two.

Simply greeted the two of them.

"Is the dungeon nearby?"

"Great! We can also go to the dungeon and live a stable life!"

The two players almost burst into tears.

They were all messed up and unkempt, and it seemed that it was difficult to guarantee a basic life. It was no wonder that they were very excited because they thought they were about to reach the dungeon.

When Wei Sheng told the truth, the two of them burst into tears.

A long way to go!

They begged Wei Sheng to take them to the dungeon, but Wei Sheng didn't want to waste time.

However, Wei Sheng, for the sake of everyone being in a group, came from another planet, and helped them too.

Instead of giving them a geomagnetic crystal ball or a map crystal, they recorded a video and passed it to them.

In the video, Wei Sheng unfolded the map crystal ball and scanned the map of the route from here to Kaiser.

Compared with the map crystal, it cannot be marked, and it is more troublesome to use. Once you remember a wrong step, you will make a mistake.

Even so, they are still grateful to Dade.

Wei Sheng didn't stay with them for long, and continued to leave in the opposite direction.

Even at night, Wei Sheng was still on his way, and he encountered some crypt creatures along the way, but all of them were not worth mentioning.

After eight o'clock in the evening, Wei Sheng arrived at the fire dwarf tribe!

The entire tribe was lit by fire, and the singing of the fire dwarves could be heard in the distance.

As soon as Wei Sheng appeared, he immediately attracted the fire dwarves on duty in the nearby tower.

"Clang clang-"

The bell struck.

This represents the arrival of alien creatures.

If the bell rings again, it means there is danger, and the fire dwarves in the village will quickly come to support.


"This is the fire dwarf tribe, who are you!"

Across the distance, the sentry fire dwarves shouted loudly.

Wei Sheng quickly approached on the unicorn.

A light came.

The fire dwarves could already see Wei Sheng's face clearly.

"It's Wei Sheng!"

"Haha, the old friend is back!"

Although they secretly drank some magma wine, they were still conscious. After seeing that it was Wei Sheng, they went to ring another big bell.

"Clang clang-"

It is completely different from the previous bell, and it is more crisp.

This is telling the fire dwarves in the tribe: there are old friends visiting, don't be nervous!

"Old friend, long time no see..."

The two fire dwarves who were standing guard came forward to hug.

Although they were small, Wei Sheng couldn't hold back their enthusiasm, so he could only crouch down helplessly.

Not long after, more fire dwarves arrived.

When it became clear that it was Wei Sheng, everyone shouted.

News quickly spread throughout the tribe.

Wei Sheng was crowded into the square where he usually entertained.

There is a grand bonfire dinner going on here, and Wei Sheng's arrival is just in time.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

"Old friend, miss me!"

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