Relying on the relationship of the forest elves, the war soul clan can also give a very high degree of trust, which can be tied with the bear clan and arakkoa clan.

After staying here for more than an hour, everyone returned to the upper city.

Wei Sheng made an excuse to leave and went to a hotel.

The rest of the Charming Monsters didn't even know that Wei Sheng spent the night in Galadriel's room last night, let alone that Galadriel and Wei Sheng had reached an agreement.

After they saw Wei Sheng, they talked a lot, and asked how Wei Sheng became the city lord, and how he knew everyone was staying in the hotel...

Lots of questions.

of course.

During this period, the temptation of Charming Monster is indispensable.

Wei Sheng refused all righteousness.

Galadriel is the best among the charm monsters. After tasting Galadriel, the rest of the charm monsters are not in his eyes at all.

Wei Sheng brought Charming Monster to the west district of Shangcheng.

There are some vacant buildings over there.

Compared with the huge number of forest elves, the total number of charm monsters is not many, and they can be arranged to live in the same building.

The cost of eating and drinking is self-arranged.

Inside the building, there are also open spaces.

Wei Sheng built a planting field here, and gave Charm Yao a batch of good seeds, so he was not afraid of doing nothing in the future.

"Galandriel, you will live in this room from now on."

Wei Sheng pushed open the door.

The room inside is bigger and well equipped.

"Where's the bed?"

Galadriel asked back.

Wei Sheng had already closed the door.

"I'm not satisfied with the original bed, and I'm going to replace you with a big bed."

The voice fell, and a large soft bed appeared out of thin air.

"Come on, go up and try."

Wei Sheng held Galadriel and did not give her a chance to escape.



Leisurely afternoon.

Inside the study.

There are basically thick books on the table, and they have all been read.

The books are all about spells.

Or theoretical knowledge, or a specific spell.

With the increase in reading books in the past two days, Wei Sheng's theory on spells has become more solid.

The origin of talisman is also known roughly.

"I always think that spells and various bloodline abilities are just good in form, and there is no difference in essence..."

"It now appears that it is."

Wei Sheng was holding an ancient book in his hand.

On the cover is written a large line of words "On the relationship between ability bloodline and spells".

Just like the title of the book, the author of the book, through some information and some data research, has expounded a point of view from beginning to end——

The bloodline ability is a variant of the spell spell, or vice versa.

The two have many things in common:

Casting requires soul power...

The amount of soul power determines the utility...

Depends on blood to use...

Bloodline abilities can also be divided into various types like spells...

Bloodlines that fall off other creatures, after being absorbed, can inherit spells and abilities...

There are many differences.

The biggest difference is where the power comes from.

Spellcraft mainly comes from learning.

The source of bloodline power is only one way, and that is awakening!

Either rely on the Awakening Scroll, or wake up after a long training session.

Generally speaking, the upper limit of the spell bloodline cannot be seen, but it is difficult to continuously improve it.

The rest of the bloodline has an upper limit, and the improvement is relatively simple, but to break through the upper limit is more difficult than the spell bloodline!

"¨'The blood of the talisman is like a hot pot. You can put any ingredients in it. The taste is varied, and whether it tastes good or not is all up to you."

"Other bloodlines are more like a dish with a specific process. At most, there are some tricks in the heat and seasoning. They are basically fixed and cannot create more tricks."

Wei Sheng has a spell bloodline in his body, as well as other bloodlines, so it is easy to understand the content of the book.

"There are two sources of blood."

"One is that the blood of the spell is born first, and then it is gradually transformed into the other types, which is equivalent to a father-son relationship."

"One is that all bloodlines are equal and belong to the brotherhood theory..."

Wei Sheng closed the book and fell into deep thought.

Most scholars believe in the doctrine of brotherhood.

The book even recognizes the father-son theory, but it is not necessarily that the blood of the talisman is the father, the blood of the talisman may also be the son!

Wei Sheng did not continue reading.

Instead, take out the secret tower and practice unlocking.

In the process of unlocking, it can also enhance the soul power, which is comparable to practicing meditation.

So, unlocking is not a waste of time.

Wei Sheng's consciousness entered the secret tower.

Unlock starts...

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen layers have been unlocked.

It was not until the fifty chain locks were opened that the consciousness was shaken and the secret tower was expelled.

Wei Sheng tried again and again.

When you are tired, stop to rest and flip through the book.

Recovery is almost, and then continue to unlock the column.

By the middle of the night, I was able to unlock sixty-three locks in one breath!

It's a big step forward from unlocking the secret tower. .

Chapter 330

Kaiser City is brightly lit.

Xiao Yuling snuggled in Wei Sheng's arms, enjoying the night view of Kaiser City.

The two of them just finished their work, somewhat lazy.

"Why did you suddenly say you are going to Donglin City? I heard that it is quite far from Kaiser, and it will take a month's journey."

"They travel slowly, it only takes a month. If everything goes well, I can go to Donglin in a week at most."

Wei Sheng's tutorials on soil separation and unicorns come and go like wind, even for the longest route, a week is enough.

"What are you doing there?"

"Seize Donglin."

"Will this... be dangerous?"

"Don't worry, I always do things when I'm sure. For the time being, I'm just going to inquire about the situation. If I really want to take Kaiser, I might need some help from you."

"How to help?"

"Establish a teleportation point, etc., it may be necessary to transmit a group of thugs."

Wei Sheng kept it a secret from the outside world and only confessed to Xiao Yuling.

If you want to control Donglin City at that time, you will have to send troops from Kaiser's side.

Kaiser and Donglin said that the distance is not too close, and the distance is not too far, and the scope of action of the wormhole shuttle is not small, enough to open the wormhole at two points.

"Okay, you have to be careful!"

"When I'm away from 357, help me take care of Kaiser. If there is any danger, send me a message and I can come back through the wormhole shuttle."

Wei Sheng will carry the wormhole shuttle with him. As long as Xiao Yuling informs him, he can set the anchor point in place, and then trade the wormhole shuttle to Xiao Yuling.

It can also be reversed.

However, the wormhole shuttle opportunity falls on the other side, which is prone to errors and relatively unstable.

The two chatted for half an hour.

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