"Is the mother not charming enough? Or is my daughter not cute enough?"

Chia raised her chin and straightened her waist to make the lines more conspicuous.


Wei Sheng sighed: "Don't make trouble, Mrs. Alice and I are not together, and you are not my daughter."

"Then...what if we were together?"

Chia heard the meaning behind her words.

Not only does it not contradict, it seems that he can accept his mother!

"What about being together, do you want me to be in chaos and abandon it?"

"Well, also..."

Chia rolled her eyes and was about to open her mouth when she heard footsteps coming from behind, and quickly shut up.

Alice, Battle Spirit, Britney and others were present one after another.

Wei Sheng simply greeted them, and then led them to the lower city.

There are also many residents in Midtown, and there are many factories, which are not suitable for forest elves to live in.

And the meat garden is down town too!

They came to the meat garden.

Have seen large meat fields.

All the dragons that Wei Sheng brought back were turned into meat fields.

Thanks to the effect of the meat garden, the meat field occupies a huge area.

There is only one meat field that combines epic xenomorphs and snow smoke dragons. As long as it is watered, the daily output can be eaten by tens of thousands of adults. The output is very exaggerated.

The epic-level xenogeneic even enhances the meat quality of Snow Mist Dragon to be incomparably delicious. After taking it, it can greatly improve the body and slowly increase the soul power.

In addition to the Snow Smoke Dragon Meat Field, the other two meat fields are also quite good.

The Meat Garden is currently run by the servants of the City Lord's Mansion.

Cutting and shipping are outsourced to the Huoji'an family.

They have excellent rune devices for harvesting meat fields, they are relatively efficient, and have experience in delivery and insurance.

The Huo Ji'an family could not get paid, Wei Sheng insisted on giving them some dragon meat, and the right should be to buy people's hearts.

Even if the wealthy Ji'an family is like fire, they couldn't be late for a large number of dragon meat before, let alone a high-level snow smoke dragon.

Even if only a little is given every day, the Huo Ji'an family should be grateful to Dade and work harder.

Not everyone can approach the meat fields here.

There are demon caves and element wells nearby. The demons and element elves have been instructed by Wei Sheng that only those with identity tokens are allowed to approach, otherwise they will be arrogantly expelled!

"The meat fields here are so big..."

Soul Shadow is the first time to come here.

Although I heard the bears brag before, but seeing it with my own eyes, I was shocked.

The major forces have meat fields, but the scale is not worth mentioning compared to the meat fields!

Besides, it's full of dragon meat...

But Anthony told everyone that the strength of the younger generation in the next two days is because of the dragon meat.

The Huo Ji'an family picked up a good job, and other powerful leaders would be envious.

"Accurately, this is the meat garden."

Wei Sheng pointed to the other side and said, "This large area will be assigned to you forest elves in the future."

There is a large plain there.

"it is good."

Alice observed the surrounding environment and said: "If you can get a batch of tree species, it will take a long time to grow into a forest. If possible, it is better to transplant from the outside."

"It's simple."

As Wei Sheng spoke, he opened the trading channel.

There are many tree species that no one cares about.

Compared with fruits and vegetables, 357 tree species, flower and grass seeds, few people want.

unless it can be used to make medicines.

Over time, the price keeps falling, and it can be exchanged with some basic materials.

Wei Sheng scanned the trading channel and exchanged for [-] seeds of flowers, plants and trees.

Raise your hand.

All the seeds flew out.

The ground wriggled, and many small pits appeared.

The seeds fell one by one and were then covered with sand.

Wei Sheng raised his hand again.

A lot of rain fell from above, quickly infiltrating the sand.


A huge amount of epic fertilizer flew out.

The epic fertilizer was extracted from the Purple Treasure Chest earlier, and the required materials are about ten times that of rare materials.

The effect is dozens of times that of rare materials!

Therefore, Wei Sheng did not transform this place into a planting field, and just added the epic materials directly.

Fertilizer falls to the ground.

Quickly washed into sand by rain.

After a few seconds, colorful young sprouts appeared in the open space and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Such a miracle, even if the soul shadow is well-informed, it is still stunned.


"What a fast growth rate!"

"What did you just release? Talisman?"

"It's more exaggerated than the rapid growth spells I've ever seen!"

"As expected of the city owner!"

They all exclaimed.

A vast forest seems to be rapidly forming under their witness. .

Chapter 329

Half an hour before and after, a small forest had formed in the open space in front of him.

Give it some time and a dense forest can be made!

"You don't have to make a fuss, it's just a fertilizer issue, not a spell."

Although Wei Sheng explained it to them, they were still surprised.

Even for some species that are close to plants, it is difficult to do so, so they are surprised.

"City Lord, you really have a lot of goodies! If there is a lot of this kind of fertilizer in the underground world, no one will be hungry."

Soul Shadow's voice changed and said: "If the city owner is going to sell fertilizer, our family can do it for you."

"tell you later."

If Wei Sheng wants to sell fertilizers, it is also a rare level.

Kaiser has a lot of plants. If he uses all epic fertilizers, the inventory will not be enough to use it on a large scale.

Although the rare fertilizer is far inferior to the epic level, it is worse than the synthetic material, and the effect is also good, suitable for large-scale spreading.

This time, it is to allow the forest to form quickly, otherwise it would be reluctant to use it.

"Mrs. Alice, the forest will be formed soon, you can go back as soon as possible and relocate here."

Wei Sheng glanced at Soul Shadow and smiled, "Perhaps Soul Shadow is willing to help."

The whole journey is not too short, if there are stronger bodyguards along the way, Wei Sheng will feel more at ease.

The War Soul Clan are all powerful and powerful, and with their guards, it is difficult for problems to arise during this section of the journey.

"I will arrange some clansmen."

Soul Shadow made a statement immediately.

I used to be able to ignore this relationship, but now I can't. The forest elves are more familiar with the city lord.

"It won't let your clansmen work in vain, and the dragon meat that will go out from here will also be shared with you."

"Thank you City Lord!"

Soul Shadow was overjoyed.

He could understand that as long as he worked diligently for the city lord, the city lord would not treat anyone badly.

At least an equivalent deal!

Soul Shadow is obviously more satisfied with Wei Sheng being the city lord than the gold and silver clan being the city lord.

"Go for a walk over there~".

Wei Sheng smiled slightly.

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