Occasionally followed in a low voice.

Xiao Yuling has to learn from the translator every day, and now she has mastered some very basic vocabulary.

Li Lu and Ya Lu had just started teaching, of course, starting from the most basic, Xiao Yuling could just keep up.

of course.

The most important thing is that the flower fairy and the little silkworm girl are too cute, and Xiao Yuling likes to watch them all the time.

Wei Sheng greeted the three and then entered the meditation room.

Continue to practice today!


Night shrouded the entire cave.

Fire emerges.

In the darkness, figures appeared one after another.

The team is mainly composed of strong orcs and gray fog goblins.

With the sound of footsteps, hundreds of figures appeared in the burrow.


A gray fog goblin in a black cloak walked forward.

Several strong orcs approached with torches.

Sweep aside, it's empty.

The gray fog goblin spread his palm.

Under the light of the fire, a cloud of black smoke appeared.

After a while, a wisp of black aura flew out of it, drifting to the left.

"Dig this way."

The Grey Mist Goblin retracted his hand.

This cloud of black smoke came from Lord Shaman.

Specifically used to track marked objects.

Among them, only 313 deformed strong orcs have been marked with a spell, and that guy is unlucky enough to kill anyone, but he has to kill deformed strong orcs!

That is the experiment of Lord Shaman.

Otherwise, they would not have issued a death order, asking them to follow along and find an opportunity to act.

If you can't beat it, then use a harassment strategy and wait for more reinforcements to arrive.

"That guy has a rune base. If he can grab it and dedicate it to Lord Shaman, it will surely quell Lord Shaman's anger and get some rewards."

The gray fog goblin's low voice sounded.

"That rune base is not small."

The leader of the strong orcs who led the team this time rode a giant dire wolf and stepped forward with fierce eyes: "If you kill this guy, you can go to those tree actuaries to settle accounts, and dare to kill my clan!"

"Don't underestimate the tree spirits, they are stronger than we expected, otherwise your clan will not..."

The gray fog goblin said in a sullen voice: "Grab that guy first, since he didn't go with the tree spirit, as long as he catches up, he will surely be taken down."

They didn't know anything about that battle, they were blind, and they mistakenly thought that the main force at that time was the tree spirits.

If you know Wei Sheng's strength, you must be careful and not dare to chase after him.

of course.

They also won't rush in, and the goblins of gray fog will develop strategies. If they find an enemy, they will send a vanguard to test it first.

If the test results are good, will attack. .

Chapter 234

The Awakening Scroll has attracted a lot of attention on World Channel.

Wei Sheng completed a round of meditation.

When he stopped to rest, he opened the private message in the background, and the three giant bloodline owners all sent him messages.

"Boss, can it be cheaper? I don't have a lot of materials here. I can exchange 1000 runes with you, okay?"

"Boss Wei, take a [-]% discount, the price is too high."

"Little brother, is it better to be cheaper~"

Two men and one woman.

Wei Sheng couldn't help but look at the female player's avatar.

Each round of score updates, the player's avatar will also change according to the appearance at that time.

If you click in, you can also view the historical appearance.

The image of the female player when she first entered the burrow, compared with the current one...

From a slender girl, now transformed into a tall and strong King Kong Barbie!

Her voice was still negotiating the price delicately, and Wei Sheng suddenly felt unwell and had goosebumps.

All three asked for a discount.

The main difficulty is in the material.

To this, Wei Sheng responded uniformly: "You can reduce 5 units of material, and the geomagnetic crystal must be more than 17 units."

Now he has 83 geomagnetic crystals, which is exactly 100.

"Boss, you are so ruthless!"

"It's still a lot..."

"Hey, hey, it's okay to have less, people can show you good things~"

The three always pay attention to private messages and reply as soon as possible.

Wei Sheng didn't answer any more.

Love it or not!

After a while, the female player sent a special photo.

Wei Sheng glanced at it out of curiosity.

There is no beauty at all, more like two lumps of muscles!

this is.

Wei Sheng's heart moved.

The Fright Guard has been triggered!

Links the Horror Ward's vision.

Darkness appeared in front of him, followed by firelight and many figures.

"Dare to chase after him, courting death."

Wei Sheng snorted softly.

The next moment, a black shadow flew out of the body.

It is the ability brought by the blood of the Crow God——

Thousand Shadows!

Those shadows flew out of the conference hall and rushed towards the window.

"What is that~"!"

"A lot of shadows came out of the meditation room!"

"Big Brother Wei will be fine, right?"

In the training range, the three leaders found Qianying one after another and were shocked.

Those black shadows like birdmen flashed past them at an extremely fast speed.

They thought it was a crypt creature for the first time, and Xiao Yun saw it flying out of the meditation room a few times.

"The shadow I unleashed."

In the meditation room, Wei Sheng's voice came.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought an enemy had invaded the rune base!

"These shadows...should be new spells?"

"Flyed outside and didn't know what to do."

"Look, there's a fire over there!"

Xiao Yuling came to the window where the shadow flew out, looking into the distance, there were a lot of firelights.

The other two got close.

three minutes ago.

One after another figure appeared.

It was the strong orcs and the gray fog goblins who came to hunt down.


"There is a situation ahead."

"Rune Base!"

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