The openings below have spewed warm spring water.

Waiting for the water to be almost full, Wei Sheng stripped down and entered.


Wei Sheng leaned against the rock behind and narrowed his eyes.

"You two don't come down yet, go get the towels."

He waved away Xiaohu and Xiaofeng.

The two little things were ordered and flew away.

Not long after, he came back with three towels in his mouth.

With Wei Sheng's permission, they came down to take a bath together!

Wei Sheng just sent a message to the three vassals.

They don't need Awakening Scrolls.

Wei Sheng turned on the World Channel.

Search for blood of giants.

"Fuck, I dug out the blood of a giant!"

"What's the use of giant blood?"

"There is only one small speaker a day, and the brother couldn't answer just now. Let me tell you, a friend in our regional channel also dug it up! After absorbing it, the body will become stronger and have great strength..."

"Haha, the blood of the giant is awesome, I blasted a powerful crypt creature today, relying only on brute force..."

Scroll down one by one.

Chat history is not concentrated on the same day.

The last few records talking about the blood of the giants were more than ten minutes and 4.9 minutes ago.

"The blood of the spell can learn spells, but the blood of the giant?"

"The blood of the giant is not bad, although it is not as good as the blood of the spell..."

"Haha, with the blood of a giant, you don't need to learn spells, you can still blast hammer spells!"

Obviously, no one has opened the awakening scroll of giant blood for the time being.

Wei Sheng searches for the Awakening Scroll.

no result.

Wei Sheng switched to the trading channel.

Hang the Bronze Skin Awakening Scroll.

The price requirement is 500 runes and 50 units of rare materials, which can be geomagnetic crystal, purple gold, earth essence, rune paper...

Among them, geomagnetic crystal requires at least 20 units!

Goods also have special settings.

Within 10 minutes of listing, it will only be displayed on regional channels.

After Wei Sheng finished everything, he ran to the regional channel and roared to see if there were any group members in need. .

Chapter 233

Wei Sheng sent the information of the Awakening Scroll to the regional channel.

A group of people bubbling.

"Need a giant bloodline?"

"Novelty Item!"

"A scroll that I have never seen before actually requires the blood of a giant to learn..."

"It looks like a passive skill. I heard that the starting point of the giant bloodline is better than the spell bloodline."

"No one in the group has the blood of a giant, right? Among all the players, there are not many."

Everyone was talking.

No one needs it.

Some people want to buy it and keep it as a rare commodity.

But when I saw the price, I immediately gave up the idea.

The runes are okay to say, some high-level games are acceptable.

Another 50 units of materials are too difficult to collect.

There are also on the market, but the price is not cheap.

Ten minutes later, the Bronze Skin Awakening Scroll opened to the outside world.

Players recognized the first item on the shelves, which immediately attracted a large number of onlookers.

By the time you see it's a novelty, the World Channel has already talked a lot about it.

"The blood of a giant can actually learn abilities, I love it~"

"Fuck, it seems that it feels similar to the bloodline of a spell?"

"Maybe some abilities can only be mastered by a unique bloodline. I feel that 20 spells are better."

"Didn't you read the description on the scroll? That's a passive ability. It can make the skin hard without consuming soul power."

"It's a bit like a bronze giant. Will there be other awakening scrolls? Players can master the abilities of all giants little by little?"

"If you say that, the possibility is not small, maybe you can turn into a giant in the end!"

"Only Mr. Wei can come up with this kind of new stuff, no one else has it."

"The price is a bit high, I can't afford it!"

Looking at just one reel, players give many kinds of guesses.

Wei Sheng is also watching everyone's reactions at the moment.

Some messages can also bring him some thoughts.

He lowered his head, letting the warm water vapor hit his face, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Learning and awakening are not the same meaning."

"Learning means absorbing new knowledge from outside."

"Awakening, the ability that should already exist in the bloodline, it just needs to be activated!"

"It's just that the names of the props are different, is the essence the same?"

"Also, is the bronze skin related to the bronze giant?"

"Can the blood of the giants also awaken the abilities of other giants, such as the destructive light of the Cyclops!"

Wei Sheng recalled the crypt creatures he encountered along the way——

Often there are distant relatives of such and such creatures!

In the illustrated book, only giants are searched, including bronze giants, silver giants, cyclops, six-armed giants...

If you have the blood of giants, the ability to awaken all giant species is still quite large.

The hot springs only lasted for half an hour.

Wei Sheng walked out of the checkered room feeling comfortable.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng also followed lazily behind, yawning, a little sleepy.

Come to the fifth floor of the base.

Little Black and White came forward.


"Take the towel and wash it, and hang it up to dry later."

Wei Sheng's eyes swept from top to bottom.

Today, Little Black and White put on the JK uniform, combed into a pair of ponytails, matched with white socks, and was full of youthful breath.

"Wait later, go to the planting shed on the first floor and bring up the packed fruits."

"According to the method I taught you last night, classify and put them away, squeeze the milk fruit, black juice fruit and white juice fruit partially, and then classify them and put them in the refrigerator."

"Okay, sir."

Little Black and White took three towels and left.

After the intelligence enchantment, the housework was thrown to the little black and white, and even the underwear this morning was instructed to hand wash the little black and white...

In the blink of an eye, it was after dinner.

Wei Sheng came to the conference hall.

I heard a chatter from inside.

He walked closer and saw the little silkworm girl and the flower spirit.

According to Wei Sheng's instructions, Li Lu and Ya Lu are teaching the little silkworm girl to learn the common underground language.

On the big round table in the center, the little silkworm girls sat down carefully, most of them looked serious.

Occasionally there are a few, distracted in class, or lazy to sleep.

Lilu and Yalu are teaching seriously.

If you find a lazy student, he immediately turns into a stern teacher, lifts the student's ears, and beats the palm of his hand with a twig.

Xiao Yun and Rogers practice at the training range.

Xiao Yuling supported her chin and watched with relish.

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