
It's all pretty useful.

All the materials were taken away by Wei Sheng, and the rest was all useless garbage.

Seeing that Wei Sheng was able to collect items out of thin air, the sand murlocs were even more convinced of Wei Sheng's identity.

The body on the ground was also taken away by Wei Sheng.

Wei Sheng paced to the altar and leaned over to take away the silver treasure chest.

Save first.

If there is a blessing BUFF tomorrow, you can open the box together.

Wei Sheng ignored the sand murlocs and prepared to go to the next burrow.

Check out tips for five directions.

[Continue to dig backwards, and you will enter a large mass grave. There is a silver treasure chest waiting to be opened. If you dig the tomb, you may find some good things. Be careful of the Skeleton King nearby, use the holy light to dispel the corpse aura, and be careful of being polluted! 】

[In the burrow on the right, the most valuable things are some stones. 】

[In the burrow on the left, you will enter a poison room, wear a gas mask, and everything will be worry-free. 】

[Dig up, there are two copper treasure chests and some resources. 】

[Dig down, the entire cave is full of sewage, you may be able to survive, most of the two pets will die in it. 】

Wei Sheng pulled out the illustrated book to check the Skeleton King.

The Pokédex did not show results.

"Holy Light? Do you mean Flashing?"

Flashing not only can cause dazzling effects, but also has the ability to restrain evil.

Wei Sheng pondered for a moment and decided to continue digging backwards.

At that time, the rune lamp will also be ready.

If the flash spell doesn't work, use the rune lamp.

No matter how bad it is, you can use the flame.

"By the way, you can also bring some coolies. If there are too many graves later, it will be easier for them to dig."

Wei Sheng had an idea.

Call back all the murlocs.

Ask them to dig a passage first.

After seeing the black mask, Wei Sheng gave an order with a blank expression: "Go in."


"Lord God, there is the Skeleton King's territory, and we don't usually provoke him!"

The murloc hesitated.

The black film is right in front of you, and I dare not go further.

"With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Wei Sheng smiled but did not smile.

If he doesn't obey, don't blame him for turning his face.

The sand murloc thought carefully, yes, Lord God was present, and the Skeleton King counted the ball.

You can also show off your power in front of the Skeleton King!

One by one, they suddenly became energetic, and they happily passed through the black film.

Wei Sheng, Xiaohu and Xiaofeng entered at the end.

As soon as we arrived at the brand new burrow, there was already some blood in the air.

There are several murloc bodies on the ground.

The rest of the sand murlocs...

All hidden under the sand.

"It's not worth it."

Wei Sheng pouted.

Looking up, he saw many skeletons walking towards him.

More skeletons crawled out of the tombs, with emerald green light glowing in their eye sockets! .

Chapter 116

"Who is the Skeleton King?"

Wei Sheng's eyes fell on the skeletons.

The number has reached hundreds.

Densely packed.

Appearances vary.

Some walk upright.

Some are skeleton racks for reptiles.

In their eye sockets, a dark green light flashed like two ghost fires.

Wei Sheng took out a flash bomb.

This kind of little monster, try it with a flashbang first~Water!

Wei Sheng threw forward.

The flash bomb exploded for an instant, and the palm of the hand blocked the line of sight.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng have a tacit understanding, and when they see the flash bomb, they also cover their eyes.


Intense light spreads out.

The group of skeletons rushing in front raised their arms to cover them.


Skeletons emit white smoke.

The ghost fire in the eye socket, flickered, and finally disappeared completely.


The skeletons seemed to be out of control, all scattered to the ground.

"So simple?"

Wei Sheng frowned.

If that's the case, then use the flash technique to annihilate them all!

Just as he was about to start, the underground sand murlocs appeared one after another.

"The Lord Gods shelter!"

"Kill these stinky skeletons!"

They scrambled and rushed forward.

Holding a knife and fork stick.

Engage with the remaining Skeletons.

"Fox fake tiger might."

Wei Sheng sneered.

Perhaps, this is the way of survival of the sand murlocs.

Hide if you can't fight.

If someone supports you, go up!

Wei Sheng watched the play silently.

The sand murlocs thought that Wei Sheng was relying on their backs, and each one was more brave than before.

A quarter of the skeletons were killed by a flash bomb just now, and the remaining number is not as good as the sand murlocs.

"For physical attacks, there is a certain immunity, after all, there are only hard bones."

"Hey, it's not all the same. A few are broken when touched, because the bones have been buried for too long?"

"Also, killing the skeleton, I didn't get the soul..."

Wei Sheng narrowed his eyes.

The skeletons that had been scattered suddenly climbed up one by one again, and a dim light flickered in their eye sockets again.

Wei Sheng suddenly realized.

"No wonder there is no soul!"

"Because, the manipulator behind it is the Skeleton King, and these skeletons are equivalent to puppets."

That is to say, if the Skeleton King behind the scenes is not eliminated, as long as the opponent has enough blue bars, the skeletons will continue to die and come back to life.

Unless you can crush all the skeletons.

It would take a lot of time for Wei Sheng to smash so many skeletons.

"Do you think I can't find it if I hide?"

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