Wei Sheng raised his hand and threw out the Fire Elemental Missile, and then swung his hand again, and another shot of frost shot at him.

In the blink of an eye, the seven sand murlocs rushing in front were either bombed into pieces or frozen into ice cubes.

[System reminder: Soul +3]

[System reminder: Soul +3]


Wei Sheng brushed 21 souls in one go.

"So easy to kill?"

Wei Sheng saw it easy to kill, and suddenly had the idea of ​​​​harvesting all the sand murlocs.

The sand murlocs are too weak, and they must be sent to their souls!

Wei Sheng raised his hand and fired a few more elemental missiles, once again harvesting the lives of a group of murlocs.

Seeing the fierceness of the enemy, the remaining sand murlocs left their weapons behind and fled, or burrowed into the sand, revealing only a pair of eyes to observe the enemy secretly.

The sand murloc who led the sacrifice was stunned.

I don't know if I was scared or something else. .

Chapter 115

[System reminder: Soul +3]

[System reminder: Soul +3]


Wei Sheng didn't use the spell technique, he directly swung the wind and fire knife and killed him easily.

The sand murlocs escaped fast.

Seeing that the situation is not good, most of them burrow into the sand.

Only the sand murloc who led the sacrifice stood dumbfounded.

Wei Sheng was about to kill the sand murloc when he saw the other party knelt down with a plop.

The sand murloc shouted.


Wei Sheng didn't understand anyway.

"God! You are God!"

This time, the other party changed the world language.

Wei Sheng was stunned.

This is……

Mistaken for a god?

Isn't that a bit too much.

Is he considered a god because he killed some sand murlocs?

Wei Sheng looked at the statue on the altar.

There is no resemblance at all between the statues.

"Because of ability?"

Wei Sheng just had some guesses.


One murloc took the lead, and the rest of the sand murlocs took the lead and fell to their knees.

Wei Sheng narrowed his eyes.


A line of prompts popped out above the sand murloc's head.

[Don't trust the sand murlocs, they are cheating. 】

240 Wei Sheng was startled.

That's it!

I'm afraid that he thinks he can't beat him, but this guy has an idea and wants to play a conspiracy.

Since Wei Sheng sensed something was wrong, he simply decided to do it.

All the murlocs crawl to the ground, chanting for the gods.

Among them, most of them knelt down with the patriarch.

The patriarch called Wei Sheng a god, and they naturally regarded Wei Sheng as a god, and dared not have any objection.

"God, please accept my apology from the believers."

The murloc patriarch raised his head with a flattering smile.

Compared to mermaids, sand murlocs are really ugly.

There are fish scales on his body, his face is wrinkled, laughing is uglier than crying!

"You should know the price of offending the gods."

Wei Sheng quickly entered the role.

"God, I am willing to offer all my treasures in exchange for your forgiveness."

The murloc patriarch said tremblingly.

"Treasure? No, I just want your head."

Wei Sheng fell with a knife, beheading the head of the murloc patriarch.

Stealing and cheating, don't stay!

[System reminder: Soul +3]

Wei Sheng suddenly attacked again, terrifying the surrounding sand murlocs.

One by one, they were all terrified.

I wanted to run away, but I thought that Wei Sheng was a god, and immediately gave up the idea.

   They have absolute faith and fear of gods.

I don't dare to resist any more.

With their limited intelligence, they could never have imagined that the patriarch was cheating in the first place.

Not because of the tragic death of the patriarch, so loudly questioned.

Among them, there are also sand murlocs who would be puzzled, but they dare not speak due to bullying.

Moreover, the blind conformity mentality quickly dilutes this doubt.

Everyone thought it was a god, so Wei Sheng was a god!

"Offering the treasures of your murlocs is a clear sin."

Wei Sheng held his tone and held his head high.

He didn't know what treasures there were, so he said it casually.

If there is really good stuff, consider letting this group of guys go.

If not, then kill the fun.

"Lord God, let's go back and get it now!"

The murlocs ran back to the cabin one after another.

Wei Sheng killed the murloc patriarch.

It is equivalent to the identity of a real god.

Unless the murloc patriarch comes alive and tells everyone that it was just a delay.

This guy is clever but is mistaken by cleverness!

of course.

If Wei Sheng hadn't been able to see the prompt, he might have been confused by this guy.

All the cabins heard the movement of rummaging boxes.

Wei Sheng waited for a few minutes.

All sand murlocs are back.

Moreover, they have packages on them and a pile of items on their hands.

The murlocs piled up all the items and continued to crawl on the ground, waiting for Wei Sheng to fall.

"Stupid guy with a big head but no intelligence."

Wei Sheng sneered in his heart, reaching out to look at the items piled up in front of him.

There are no good things, but there are some supplies that Wei Sheng needs.

[System Reminder: Cloth +5]

[System reminder: cotton thread +5]

[System reminder: Sponge +2]

[System reminder: Chalcedony +2]


Zero and zero total search down.

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