[In the cave above, there is a copper treasure chest. If you search carefully, you will find a few sand fish eggs. 】

[In the burrow below, the air is accompanied by yellow sand. 】

[Continue to dig to the right, there are many wild vegetables, collect enough for you to eat several meals. 】

[Digging back, you can find an iron treasure chest, as well as a nest of magma worms, and there is a multi-faceted beast nearby, go blind its eyes. 】

[Digging forward, you will enter the gas chamber, which contains an iron treasure chest. 】

There are iron treasure chests in both directions.

Among them, because of the gas mask, there is no danger of digging upwards.

Wei Sheng pondered for a moment and decided to dig back.

Regarding the magma worm, he had seen someone sell it on the trading channel before.

One only needs one rune.

Magma worms work relatively simple.

Used to determine whether there is magma in the next burrow.

The little one has a lifespan of one year, eats lava, and can feed on any plant.

Even, many days without food, still alive and kicking.

Magma worms can smell magma even through the black membrane.

Players can take out magma worms when digging to the black membrane.

If they keep flashing red light, it means that the next burrow will be magma.

At present, the market is in short supply.

A price of at least 1 rune.

If there is a litter, even if there is no iron treasure chest, Wei Sheng can earn it.

As for the multi-eyed behemoth...

Wei Sheng opened the illustrated book search.


230 [Many-faced behemoth: A huge crypt creature with a circle of eyes around its head. It has four legs, eight arms, four mouths, and four noses. No matter which direction you look at it, it will always be frontal. It can also be viewed from the front. Travel in any direction without slowing down.Grumpy, dislikes strange creatures, and possesses great power. 】

[Ability: Meat Bomb Chariot]

[Weakness: fragile eyes]

[Danger factor: 54]


View capability details.

[Meat Bomb Chariot: curl up into a ball, roll forward, can easily smash hard rocks, lasts 5 minutes, cooldown 60 minutes. 】


The multi-faceted beast is a big fat man with a body and head like a gourd.

There are many hands, feet and organs.

Very awkward to put together.

Wei Sheng rotates the 3D image on the illustrated book horizontally, no matter which direction it is viewed from, it is indeed the front.

"With so many eyes, if you use a single flash, the front will be blinded at most."

"At first glance, the skin is rough and blood is thick. I don't know if a few elemental missiles can be removed?"

"You can let Xiaofeng change the terrain underneath, limiting the ability of the multi-faceted beast."

Wei Sheng had already thought of a plan.

Take out the shovel.


Black film appeared.

Wei Sheng put away the shovel and wanted to explain a few words to Xiaofeng and Xiaohu, but considering the existence of the Responder, he swallowed half of the words.

Relying on everyone's tacit understanding, when I encounter a multi-faceted beast, I can't go wrong with a temporary explanation.

"Wei Sheng!"

Just as he was about to enter, he heard a call again.

Wei Sheng had been relaxed for nearly ten minutes when he suddenly called out and almost got hit.

Look at Xiaohu and Xiaofeng, the same is true.

The little fox was okay, his head turned fast, and he responded immediately.

Xiaofeng's mouth was about to open, Wei Sheng grabbed its mouth, and then it reacted and widened its eyes.

"so close."

"Damn, this guy is really insidious, and he has to smack us at this time."

Wei Sheng didn't know whether the Respondent Monster would follow him when he passed by.

If you are followed all the way, there will be no peace in the future.


Wei Sheng muttered.

Step in first.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng followed closely.

The fifty-eighth burrow.

As soon as Wei Sheng entered the cave, he was the first to see the multi-faceted beast.

This guy is sitting on the ground, four meters high, holding a handful of sand in his hand, tasting it with relish.

Seeing Wei Sheng coming, he roared and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Wei Sheng was suspended in the air and turned around immediately.

If other creatures follow, the space will fluctuate!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

There are no fluctuations.

"Didn't come?"

Wei Sheng couldn't guess the reason.

Compared with the enemy in front of him, it is the key to determine whether the echo monster follows.

In just a few seconds, the multi-faceted giant beast had stood up, and it kept beating its belly with its palms, making a drum-like sound.

It seems that he wants to persuade Wei Sheng to retreat, and does not want Wei Sheng to disturb it to eat.

Seeing Wei Sheng and the two beasts standing still, he was immediately angry.

Wei Sheng turned his head at this moment and stretched his right hand forward.

A burst of light blooms!

The multi-faceted behemoth raised its palm to cover it.

But the response was a little slow, and several eyes on the front had been hit by flashing.

The multi-faceted beast tried to turn around.

Wei Sheng took the opportunity to take out the electric crossbow and aimed an arrow at its fat belly.

At the same time, draw a circle with the other hand and use the elemental missile.



Crossbow bolts and fire elemental missiles arrived in tandem.

With the blessing of the casting gloves, Wei Sheng fired more than a dozen fire elemental missiles on the face of the multi-faceted behemoth, and the eyes, nose, etc. on this side were all rotten.

The crossbow arrow also pierced the belly of the multi-faceted beast!

The multi-faceted behemoth let out a whimper, and when it turned around, Wei Sheng raised his hand again and fired a flash.


After the violent flash, the multi-faceted behemoth lost its vision in another eyeball.

This time, the multi-faceted behemoth did not turn around, but hugged his hands and feet together, curled up into a roller shape, and crushed them!

The speed cannot be said to be particularly fast, but it is aggressive.

A big meat ball with a height of three or four meters, if it is crushed, it will either die or be disabled.

"Little wind, go underground to change the terrain and trap it."

"Little fox, dodge yourself, wait to guide its rolling direction!"

Wei Sheng just explained.

Although Xiaofeng and Xiaohu didn't respond, they did.

Wei Sheng was suspended in the air and would not be affected.

A small wind can escape, and nothing will happen.

Only the little fox must run on the ground and will be the only target of attack.

Wei Sheng just compared the speed of Xiaohu when he was weak. He thought he could handle it, so he didn't take it to the sky.

call out!

The little fox ran fast.

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