Wei Sheng also kept reminding in his heart that he was almost ready to explore forward.

"There are a lot of stones and moss here. I hope you don't come out and kill yourself, otherwise you have to remove everything before you leave."

He suspected that the environment here was specially created in response to the noise, in order to create a special atmosphere.

Since it is currently impossible to deal with the response monster, it is not impossible to move something to retaliate.

There are many stones in the cave, which can easily block the sight.

Wei Sheng searched for a while, and saw a treasure chest behind a stone.

Translucent crystal case.

Can't see anything inside.

Unless the items inside are all transparent!

"Could it be an empty box~"?"

Wei Sheng stepped forward quickly and checked the box.

[A non-toxic and harmless crystal box will definitely be able to open good things. 】

[Crystal Treasure Box: A special treasure box, which can be called a lucky treasure box, each lucky treasure box is tailor-made for the opener, and there will be good things. 】

"It turns out that it is not one level higher than the golden treasure chest, but a special treasure chest that is outside the level of the treasure chest!"


"Will it meet the needs of openers?"

"Or an idea?"

Wei Sheng was shocked, and many thoughts flashed in his mind quickly.

All are his needs.

Such as spell scrolls, equipment, a large number of runes and so on.

Just don't know if it works.

"Open the box."

Wei Sheng was about to open the box.

Suddenly, a faint voice appeared in my ear.

"Hello there!"

Not the underground common language, but the Mandarin that Wei Sheng is familiar with.


Wei Sheng froze in his heart, knowing that the guy finally couldn't help but attack.

"How can you actually speak Mandarin? No, maybe it's through the transmission of thoughts, it's just like someone is calling me in my ear."

He lowered his head slightly and looked at Xiaohu and Xiaofeng.

The two little guys are also like enemies, and their behavior is a bit unnatural.

Explain that the response monster operates in three lines.

Wei Sheng lowered his eyelids and continued to open the box.

[System reminder: Crystal treasure chest +1]

[System Reminder: Wind Rune +3]

[System Reminder: Earth Rune +3]

[System Reminder: Water Rune +3]

[System Reminder: Fire Rune +3]

【System Reminder: Silk +10】

[System Reminder: Exquisite Combat Skills Learning Scroll +1]

[System Reminder: Full Moon Meditation Study Scroll +1]

[System Reminder: Rare Condenser Manufacturing Diagram +1]

Two kinds of learning scrolls, one for making diagrams!

Wei Sheng checked the scroll first.

Among them, the combat skills learning scroll, looking at the name, has already guessed most of it.

This is also one of the items Wei Sheng has always needed.

Too bad it came a little late.

Now that he can use spells, his reliance on melee combat has dropped a lot.

[Exquisite combat skills learning scroll: One-click learning, mastering superb combat skills, proficient in eighteen weapons, all kinds of fighting skills, and become an experienced driver in seconds. 】

[Full Moon Meditation Study Scroll: After learning, meditate every day, imagining that you are a full moon, you can continuously improve your soul power, and be careful to become addicted. 】

"Learn all."

Wei Sheng saw that there was no need to consume runes, and immediately learned.

Both scrolls take effect immediately.

Ash melted into Wei Sheng's body.

An influx of information.

Wei Sheng closed his eyes and digested slowly.

"Wei Sheng!"

At this time, another voice sounded.

Wei Sheng's eyes twitched.

This response is really annoying, disturbing him to digest knowledge points!

"¨'Forget it, collect the things first, and hurry up to the next burrow."

Wei Sheng disassembled the crystal treasure chest.

Get 4 crystals.

Wei Sheng stood up silently.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng lowered their heads and followed him.

"Move the stone first."

Wei Sheng took it away in the same way.

Followed by the collection of other supplies on the ground.

During this period, the respondent was obviously anxious.

The frequency of calling him keeps increasing.

"Wei Sheng!"

"Xiao Wei!"

"Xiao Shengsheng!"

Wei Sheng's ears kept ringing.

At a certain moment, he almost couldn't hold back his foul language, he wanted to scold him so badly!

It's even more disgusting than the Deathrattle.

It sounds strange too.

Even if Wei Sheng turned his head inadvertently, he couldn't see the so-called Responder.

When he faced Xiaohu and Xiaofeng face to face, he still couldn't find the answer.

About as described in the picture book, only the places that cannot be seen from the field of vision will have a strange voice!

[System reminder: sand algae +1]

[System reminder: sand algae +1]

[System reminder: sand algae seeds +1]


Wei Sheng swept away the sand and algae on the ground and walls.

[Sand algae: A kind of algae that grows on sandy soil, edible, slightly sweet in taste, rich in trace elements, fast growing, often planted seeds, and one will grow the next day. 】

"Yes, at least you can eat."

"It's like adding a bite to the variety of vegetables."

Wei Sheng looked around, there was nothing else to collect.

The voices in my ears had been silent for several minutes.

"It should be because I didn't respond and gave up."

Wei Sheng took out the shovel and the geomagnetic crystal ball and prepared to go to the next burrow.

The arrow in the geomagnetic crystal ball points diagonally to the right.

Wei Sheng put away the crystal ball and checked the five directions one by one.

The choice of excavation will be affected by the crystal ball, but how to choose depends on whether there are good things in the burrow.

If there is a golden treasure chest in the opposite direction, he will dig in the opposite direction without hesitation, no need to think about it.

The crystal ball points are for reference only. .

Chapter 95

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