Crow's Paradise

Chapter 91 Escape

[Poor Miss Karina didn't find her brother]

[Sad Miss Karina did not kill her brother]

[The terrible Miss Karina cannot flood the town. ]

[The hateful Miss Karina cannot burn the witch to death. ]


In a repetitive sentence pattern, the information he had learned was overlaid on the page.

However, Yao Yan's purpose has nothing to do with these.

What he wants is an item directly related to Karina, an item that can affect Karina through the Shadow Crow.

Stretching out his hand, Yao Yan began to write.

Unlike before, he did not change the content, but wrote it down.

[The castle has an exit]

The moment the last word fell, Shattered Shadow Crow's eyes had already closed.

And almost at the same time, in his field of vision, a crack that was different from the surrounding scene suddenly appeared.

Moreover, it is still gradually expanding outward, vaguely forming the outline of the door, but at the same time,

When the Shadow Crow closed its eyes and completely lost its movement, the door that had not yet been formed began to collapse.

"If you don't do it, you'll die."

Yao Yan didn't hesitate at all and rushed towards the crack.

In an instant, a falling feeling enveloped his body.

When falling downward, Yao Yan looked upward.

There is no small town, no city or mountain, only a lonely castle hanging in the sky in the hazy fog.

And the crack like a door that he saved quickly disappeared in the blazing flames.

"The repairs are really fast. A castle forms a trial space?"

Yao Yan's question was not answered, and he lost consciousness in the feeling of falling.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already between the starry sky and the water.

Silver stars condensed in the sky.

The water reflects the stars.

Yao said that strange giant crows with mixed physical features floated in the sky.

He looked overhead.

He did not expose the world view, but simply used the ability of the Shadow Crow to escape from the trial space.

The extremely close position to the water also proves this point.


He still had a few guesses.

The first one is that according to my early clues, the dead Karina Winter, who was either slandered as a witch or a real witch, "returned" in some way. Taking the "present" Karina as the target of return and occupying her existence.

The reason why Karina, whom he possessed, was targeted was that, apart from her name, it was most likely related to her two brothers.

The strange black thing that appeared from the house can also prove it sideways.

The second one is the other way around.

The witch is not Karina Winter, but Karina, the body he occupies, is the witch.

It was Karina who invaded Karina Winter's body.

And directly related to this Karina is the "flooded town".

The clue to this matter lies in the small town.

He saw the town being flooded that time.

It was not the same time as the town where Karina lived.

So, which time is the right time?

Or, both.

From this conjecture, a third conjecture was derived.

The third one is that the two Karinas are witches from different eras.

In that castle, in that trial space, there are two intertwined time and spaces.

One is the time and space where Karina Winter is located, which is related to fire.

One is the time and space where Karina is located, which is related to water.

The flooded town is related to the ash-like traces.

The fourth one is the classic speculation that the two Karinas are one person and have two sides.


Yaoyan still prefers to be related to "fire".

After all, while he was escaping, the castle was on fire.

Unfortunately, we didn't collect enough clues, so we were just speculating based on our imagination.

If you can successfully crack the worldview, you may be able to get a good piece of spiritual residue.

Yao Yan's pair of crow eyes scanned the water, and there were only a few tiny stars beside him.

Even if it is a good thing, its effectiveness is obviously extremely limited.

It’s just that there is no way. If you don’t crack the world view, it won’t have a big enough impact on the world, and the harvest will be small.

But there is nothing we can do.

Crows are entities, and unlike before, they can be killed easily.

Flapping his wings helplessly, Yao Yan flew towards the nearest reflected star.

Compared with the previous reflection of Mo Crow's star, the smile is much smaller, but

In Yao Yan's opinion, this reflected star is closest to the type of stars that account for the largest proportion of other stars under the starry sky.

In other words, this piece is one of the fragments of the main body of the trial space-related abilities?

He couldn't be sure, after all, whether there were other mental residues further away, and he couldn't go there.

Without stopping, he directly picked up the stars in the water, submerged them into the water, and disappeared into the boundless starry sky with the feeling of falling.

A familiar scene emerged, and Yao Yan returned to the earth.

At his feet, beneath his paws, pieces fell to the ground.

Gaming helmet.

At this time, what Yao Yan did was to separate the body.

Strange black and white crows, ink-black crows, grotesque shadow crows, large-billed crows with thick beaks, small shadow crows, and

A fire crow less than half the size of a palm.

The whole body of this crow is composed of dark flames that are constantly squirming and swaying.

When it flaps its wings, flames surround it.

After feeling its ability carefully, Yao Yan couldn't help but laugh.

So that's it.

The figure is petite, two times smaller than the shadow crow.

The body was like a burning flame, showing no signs of extinguishing.

This kind of thing, which would have been beaten by scientists if he said it in his lifetime, was right in front of him.


It’s just talk.

It was just hard to accept at that time.

Think about it, empirical judges always call their own experience science. If it conforms to their empirical judgment, it is science, and if it does not conform to their experience, it is not science.

"Science" is just a banner he carries.

After being distracted for a while, Yao Yan asked the crows to pick up the pieces.

I have to carry these helmet fragments with me all the time.

However, why can I enter the trial space through the helmet?

He thought of that encounter in "Hell".

The polluted body that "died" in that trial space and merged with that trial space was the source of the Abnormal Shadow Crow.

Is the "trial space" formed naturally?

At least, not if the intelligence gained in "Hell" is true.

So, what exactly happened?

Maybe Lao Jia can have news?

After thinking briefly, the crows flapped their wings and flew away.

ps: It’s an old habit. I’m not sure about future changes, so I skip the trial and error stage of finding the main line and go directly to the main line.

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