Crow's Paradise

Chapter 90 The Inescapable Castle

Can't escape?

Looking at the black and gray wall and floor tiles around him, Yao Yan took another look around and tried to leave the castle again.

Once again, without any hindrance, Yao Yan once again tried to walk out of the castle.

However, this time, he slowly walked out of the castle, and when he went out, his eyes did not shift at all.


The moment he walked out of the door, in the light of the lantern, what caught his sight were the black and gray walls and floor tiles of the castle.

He tried several other methods, including finding a good position to jump from the broken window on the second floor, but he still returned to the third floor.

Such a situation forced Yao Yan to temporarily give up the idea of ​​leaving through the castle gate.


Can we use the Shadow Crow to figure out the reason?

Staring at the black and gray ground and walls, Yao Yan did not hold out hope.

Moreover, the limitations and costs of rewriting the content of Shattered Shadow Crow are not small.

More importantly, the worldview of this world

He glanced at the Shadow Crow. At this moment, the Shadow Crow looked very sleepy, as if he might fall asleep at any time.

The other two crows did not behave this way, and he himself did not feel sleepy.

But here's why.

It stands to reason that these three crows are not only a part of him, but also himself.

The Shadow Crow is affected, and his overall will, even if it won't

Under normal circumstances, his mental power quota should be shared.

But now it seems, at least in this world, that the different abilities, the blue bars of these crows, are separate.

Will this happen to the crow that becomes materialized and fixed?

Without waiting any longer, Yao Yan walked to the second floor and the previous room.

Moving all the way, he came to the corridor of the weird room before.

The town he saw before was flooded, and the castle was partially submerged in the water.

This is the room.

Before, he thought this was the trigger point for a trap.

However, the scenery he saw after leaving the room and the situation of "Karina Winter" invading Karina's body may be the most useful clues he can access now.

No, not just this, the third floor, the location where he came to his senses every time, was also something he needed to pay attention to.

If there is no other way to go, we can only go back and try the third floor.

Yao Yan came to the room while thinking.

Just like before, he looked into the room.

However, this time, the same situation as before did not happen.


Standing in front of the corridor, no matter how he turned his eyes, the unknown situation was not triggered like before.


After thinking briefly, he walked into the room.

Still nothing happened


After walking around the room, he made an unexpected discovery.

Water damage.

His eyes were fixed on the corner.

There should be a puddle of water stains where there shouldn't be.

This location is not close to the window, and there is no water leakage above. There is no water seepage in other locations in the room, and judging from the location, it should not be the lowest point. There is no possibility that water from other places in the room will flow here and collect here.

So, where did such a large pool of water come from?

Yao Yan tentatively stretched out his hand to touch the water.

And the moment his hand touched the water stain, a burning sensation suddenly emerged.

The burning sensation of his skin enveloped his whole body at this moment.

Flames seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

Soon, this feeling completely dragged him into the scorching abyss.

"Miss Karina?"

The familiar voice sounded again.

When Yao Yan's vision recovered, Sheriff Stebol appeared in front of him again and questioned him:

"Why are you acting alone again?"

Recalling the previous situation where Sheriff Stabler disappeared after issuing an inquiry.

Could it be said that after directly talking about Karina Winter or matters related to this castle, Sheriff Stabler will disappear?

Thinking of this possibility, he swallowed the question he was going to ask again and responded:

"It's just because of what happened yesterday. I'm too tired. I need to take a rest."

"What happened yesterday."

Sheriff Stabler had a puzzled expression on his face:

"What happened yesterday?"

However, then he shook his head:

"No matter what, let's find the missing Foster first. That bastard is really troublesome."

After saying that, Sheriff Stabler stood up and looked at other rooms in the light of the lantern.

However, his words certainly attracted Yao Yan’s attention:

"Has Mr. Macbiak been found?"

"Mabiak? Who is that? Who else is Foster here with?"

However, Stebol's answer made him frown, but he still kept his tone unchanged:

"Foster came here after going to the bar and stealing some alcohol."


"Bar? He also went outside? Did he come back after stealing alcohol outside?"

Sheriff Stabler's response made Yao Yan more certain of one thing.

Then, in Karina's tone, he said loudly:

"Mr. Sheriff, where are my two brothers?"

After his words, when this question came up, the Sheriff in front of him responded again:

"your brother?"

He looked at Yao Yan:

"Witch, do you have any brothers?"

The next moment, the Sheriff Stebol in front of him disappeared very suddenly.

His field of vision also returned to the third floor where the black and gray walls and ground were originally.


Yao Yan, who gradually determined the reason, stood up and picked up the lantern beside him.

Taking steps forward, Yao Yan walked towards the stairs again.

The core of the problem is really this castle.

This castle was not destroyed.

He looked in the direction of the town.

The two are different.

Walking down the stairs, what Yao Yan saw was still the darkness submerged in silence.

This time, he did not immediately go to the first floor, nor to the previous room, but thought about finding other rooms.

By the light of the fire, Yao Yan searched through the empty rooms one after another, and finally found a photo among a pile of broken stones at the edge of the second floor.

It was a picture of a woman.

This woman is sitting in front of the castle, holding a white porcelain cup in her hand. She is wearing a long black dress with ruffled lace embellishments on the edges.

With a smile, her long dark chestnut hair was tied into a bundle.

Karina Winter?

Such photos made Yao Yan think about it.

But maybe it works?

If his conjecture is correct, anything directly related to Karina can be used as a breakthrough.

But therein lies the key.

Hope he has the right idea.

Don't do it backwards.

Seizing the photo, Yao Yan drove the shabby crow, who looked exhausted, to seize the photo.

On the page, words appeared one after another.

ps: There is a saying that is quite right, go to the hospital less often

The above sentence is just a joke and a sentiment.

Sometimes not knowing is a good thing.

I will try my best to finish this book.

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