Crow's Paradise

Chapter 282 Evolutionary Psychology is a Good Thing

Why did Black Arm treat him like this?

According to his current observations, "showing off" is the most logical explanation.

And it’s “showing off to someone you hate.”

Gain a sense of superiority and achieve an attack effect by showing what you have but what the other party does not have?


He didn't know the reason for the initial "conflict".

Before he started talking about Black Arm's life experiences, Black Arm had already been quite obviously repelled by him.

In subsequent conversations, this rejection gradually deepened.

The reason for the deepening may be that he "made up" his life experience, as a "person from the future" or a "person with magical experiences."

This situation was very common. During his lifetime, some people in school would have feelings of rejection and even conflict with those who had better grades than themselves.

Yao Yan's memory shows that he had similar behavior during his lifetime.

In society and in the workplace, similar situations will occur.

Roughly speaking, this kind of psychology arises in two ways. One is rooted in genes, which creates extra competitiveness and vigilance against outstanding and powerful individuals.

In the society during his lifetime, the concepts of "powerful" and "excellent" were generally deflected towards "smart" and "learning ability".

Human cognition can be shaped. Some are easy to change, some are difficult to change, and some can be strengthened by subsequent cognition and become more stable.

This kind of vigilance, competitiveness, and aggression towards "excellence" vary in strength and weakness among different people.

However, in other cognitive judgments, these impulses may be suppressed, disappear silently, or form opposing judgments after being counteracted by other cognitions.

It may also be further strengthened and even find a reason for "I am right".

Then, maybe you comfort yourself with "this is inevitable" and don't do it, but you won't leave any negative self-deprecating comments, just let it go.

Or perhaps it is to establish a new supporting point, and to establish other "arguments" as another point of view for the correctness of this point of view, and gradually establish interconnected arguments and arguments.

Most of these were personally experienced by Yao Yan during his lifetime.

Yao Yan had no and no reason to resolve the other party's rejection of him.

The easier way to succeed is to follow the other party's point of view, admit your mistake and adopt a "submissive" posture.

To express obedience like some animals showing their belly or lowering their heads to expose their weak spots.

This kind of emotion that continues to increase and expand after being intensified is close to the generation and development mechanism of the backfire effect. He himself may not be aware of his mistakes, but in his knowledge logic system, he can find a "I am wrong" "The self-protection mechanism creates a "loophole" that drives people to fill this loophole.

Whether it is self-deception, forgetfulness, or disintegration, this loophole appears, and the "error" that is "pierced" by this loophole, as long as this problem is solved, the self-protection mechanism will stop outputting power.

As for why the other party rejected him in the first place?

He really didn't know this question, there were many possibilities.

For example, his behavior pattern or some other characteristics overlap to a certain extent with the person the other person hates.

Although people know that this person is not the same person as the person they hate, the physiological judgment mechanism and the mechanism of information classification will classify things with certain identical or even similar characteristics into the same category.

When making associative judgments, some non-shared features may be cross-referenced unconsciously.

This is a rough physiological explanation of the "halo effect".

Another flaw caused by the "simplified" mechanism.

Of course, it may also be based on "security" and self-protection.

Because there is already a "corpse poet" like him in the team of Split Skull, and the new corpse poet may cause his status to decline.

It may even be that the judgment that "as the number of crew members increases, one's status will decline" is not because of "there is a new corpse poet", but because of "there are new members."

As for which one it is, Yao Yan does not have enough information to make a judgment, and it is even possible that these conjectures have been overturned now.

However, the problem comes again.

Why did Yao Yan's thinking logic move in the direction of "analyzing the reasons"?

Curiosity driven?


Carefully analyzing this kind of behavior, we can find from similar memories that when Yao Yan analyzed the reasons for other people's behavior, his original curiosity and even resentment and hatred will be dispelled.

In this act of analysis, Yao Yan seemed to have gained some pleasure and a sense of superiority during his lifetime.

From a physiological logic point of view, the original source of "looking for causes" may be that organisms are being eliminated in survival, and individuals with "clearing damage behaviors" will be more likely to survive.

Then, this kind of screening and elimination gradually formed the immune mechanism.

At a more macro level, individuals who can self-remove damage have once again been eliminated in the competition for survival.

Similarly, individuals who have the awareness to actively carry out this behavior are more likely to survive.

This kind of concept is a relatively basic concept in evolutionary psychology.

Unfortunately, the research level of this theory is only a rough discussion, and its scope of application is uncertain. It is difficult to judge whether it is correct or not, but it makes sense logically.

By analyzing why the enemy behaves in such a way, humans have an effect close to "cleaning the injured area" at the psychological level, which can inhibit the continued generation of emotional impulses such as hostility, attack, and counterattack.

When he made the judgment that "Black Arm is hostile to him", the inertia of his thinking that he himself was not aware of made him think in this direction.

However, substantive acts of revenge have also lost part of their motivation.

It turned into a "spiritual victory."

According to "normal people's logic" and "basic concepts of gains and losses" and "retaliation concepts", when attacked, one should at least return equivalent retaliation.

Depending on different people's understanding of "equivalence", this revenge may be a verbal counterattack, a physical violent attack, or other ways of harming the other party's interests.

for example

Black Arm, who walked to the side of the ship, did not realize that the undead had approached the bone ship and would soon be attacked. Instead, he should choose to ignore or even laugh at him and wait for the other party to be killed, at least to let the other party "suffer some pain." .

As for what Yao Yan planned to do?

Well, I didn’t plan to do anything.

He is not hostile to the other party, does not hate the other party, and does not intend to let the other party die.

However, he really didn't intend to do anything.

So, this time.

Should we talk about the heart or the deeds?

Did he do something wrong or not?

However, this question is meaningless.

Wrong and right have no meaning to Yao Yan now.

ps: When many people discuss right and wrong, they often don’t realize the “why”.

What concepts are based on to judge right and wrong.

And is this concept itself correct?

As for freedom of thought and all that?

Boundaries exist because of society. There is no bottom line in freedom. There are probably many "cool characters" like Yao Yan who are indifferent to human nature.

Oh, to be precise, there are many characters who make themselves look "emotionless".

The anti-human elements under the banner of internationalism can all be seen now, and there is nothing else that cannot be used as a disguise.

Oh, evolutionary psychology is a good thing, but it also has its scope of application. Human subjective initiative, emotions and cognition that can be shaped cannot be ignored.

Of course, this sentence is an explanation of the fact that those who do not understand evolutionary psychology may lead to unnecessary misunderstandings among some book friends because of literal interpretation.

If you have time, you can read relevant books and papers on evolutionary psychology, which is quite interesting.

Some of these views have similarities with the philosophical concepts of some schools.

The most important thing to say is that the relevant concepts involved in my book are relatively superficial, and the issues of expression ability and understanding direction lead to different understandings. Please give priority to credible documents in related disciplines.

As an author, I have come into contact with too much broad and complex knowledge when reviewing various materials, but at best, I am just a clown showing off knowledge.

Even those classified as "science popularizers" are not qualified. Science popularization must also be rigorous. No, science popularization must be even more rigorous.

Moreover, many of the viewpoints covered in my book are not of a school in themselves.

To use an example that is simple but not accurate enough and can only roughly convey the meaning, the words printed with a sharp tool and the words printed with ink, paint, or electronic display may look "the same", but the difference is too big.

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