Crow's Paradise

Chapter 281 Funeral Song, Elegy, Resurrection Poem

Above the mist-shrouded sea, there is no day or night, only the whiteness of dusk or dawn.

There is no light source to guide you.

However, the skull-cracking bone ship was heading straight in one direction.

At this moment, the white bones and bone birds controlled by Black Arm and Split Skull were parked on the edge of the bone ship, as if under martial law.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that they do not move much, only the bone bird appears more agile.

In fact, this is also true. The "Corpse Poet" needs to target his own perception to control corpses.

The bone bird created by the "Sad Bird" already has mobility capabilities close to those of the living dead.

The dead also need to rest——

After the power is consumed, quiet sleep can speed up recovery.

Blackwrist and Splitskull, taking a rest.

The ones responsible for the vigilance are the bone birds and black arms created by the split skull.

Yao Yan didn't rest either. As a "corpse poet", he controlled the living dead skeletons he had obtained before and walked to the edge of the hull, squatting or sitting like this.

As for himself, he quietly stared at the bones he had released as bait.

Above the windless sea of ​​fog, it seemed as if there was nothing else except this ship.

Not far away from him, Black Arm stood there. After looking at him, he picked up the bone instrument that he had been asked to make by Split Skull.

Yao Yan didn't make any movement, he was as quiet as a statue shaped by shadow.

And his strange silence made Black Arm couldn't help but turn his attention to him.

"Do you know music?"

"Music?" Yao Yan glanced at him.

"Yes." When he doesn't talk about his life, this black arm will not show any special reaction.

Looking at Yao Yan, he whispered:

"The 'voice of the heart' is vague, but it is also something that we 'corpse poets' can use."

"No matter which part of the ocean the dead are, they rely on the 'voice of the heart' to identify their direction."

"In this sea, in this world of death, vision is not that important."

He lifted up the bone object that looked like some kind of wind instrument and swayed slightly in the air:

"We have no flesh and blood, no way to play instruments, and we can't really make a sound. We can only rely on the soul in the body and the flame of the soul to stir up the heart and convey the meaning we want."

The air of unknown composition passed through the bone wall, causing a faint strange sound.

"Scavengers fight directly with their bodies, and the same goes for the living dead. The mutes on the other side of the gray sea will be more sensitive to the voices of their hearts."

"Ordinary corpse poets, without guidance, may only use the fire of the soul to stir up their own voices and make their bones resonate."

"But we can do more."

He took off his mask, then slightly raised his bone instrument, and under Yao Yan's gaze, inserted the long tube bone into his skull.

Black Arm then removed the bones.

Yao Yan could feel that the black arm had become a little weaker, but in contrast, a flame ignited inside the bone instrument.

This instrument seems to "come alive".

"The Corpse Bard is not fit to fight alongside others."

He turned his head and looked at Yao Yan:

"Who do you think is better, music or language?"

After hearing this question, Yao Yan thought for a while.

He doesn't know much about sounds, only some simple understanding——

In the long-term evolution process, sound has been a way to transmit information.

In addition to hormones, signals such as emergencies, enemies, crises, and courtship are often initiated through sounds.

In this way, the sound signal will activate the reflex in the brainstem area, causing the biological body to generate feedback.

There may also be effects on balance, as the brainstem itself is a converging pathway connecting areas of the brain such as the cerebellum.

The cerebellum, which affects body balance, and the medulla oblongata and pons, which affect cardiovascular movement, breathing, swallowing and other physiological activities.

Through sound, various organs of a person can be affected.

The so-called "sense of presence", in addition to light and shadow, is also deeply related to environmental sounds.

Compared with language with a clearer meaning, people basically rely on "experience" to make vague judgments about sounds that do not contain certain information and are difficult to accurately distinguish.

The "tone" of language, broadly speaking, is also part of music.

Without these specific judgment mechanisms of the brain.

For example, a skeleton without a brain should not be able to "feel music."

Moreover, because languages ​​have specific reference lists, the meanings may be different in different ethnic groups.

Music, these "arts" formed by using the brain's basic structure of sound signals, can convey generally similar emotions even to speakers of different languages.

But that was only for the world during Yao Yan's lifetime.

These worlds constructed based on the subjective consciousness, subconsciousness and experience of the creators have been decoupled from these "laws".

After thinking for a while, he simply replied:

“The language is more explicit and the music is more ambiguous.”

"A very crude and amateurish answer."

Black Arm's voice seemed to have a hint of sneer:

"Language is narrow, but music can connect all living and dead people."

No, different types of creatures have different judgments. For one creature, the sound of a certain natural enemy will cause alertness, but for another creature, it will be different.

This kind of thinking is just human subjective consciousness.

Even among humans, there are many people who like different types of music.

In addition to aesthetic training, the body's reaction judgment mechanism is also a big factor.

But in this world, you're right.

Yao Yan did not respond.

Black Arm raised his hand:

"Through the flames of the soul that stirs the heart, even the living dead, even the undead, will be affected."

"A funeral song that can be used to attack other people's hearts."

“An elegy that can be used to strengthen the heart.”

"A resurgent poem that can be used to mend one's heart."

His mood seemed a little high:

"We 'Corpse Poets' are the dead most favored by the God of Death in this sea and in this world!"

"Without companions, we can fight against any enemy with this power."


Yao Yan looked at him, but still had no reaction:

"You want to teach me these three types of songs that use your heart's voice?"

"Teach you? Why should I teach you?"

Black Arm suddenly laughed, and a voice came from behind the pure white bone face with no facial features except for the opening of the eye socket:

"Ignorant idiot."

Amidst the laughter, the black arm moved and left his sight.

Yao Yan just watched him disappear in front of his eyes quietly, his eyes did not stay on the other person, and he had no intention of pursuing him to ask.

Silently, he tried to use that "soul flame" to stir his heart.

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