Crow's Paradise

Chapter 269 Chase?

More important, though, is another one.

That's when things separate and merge, things change.

In the next moment, driven by his will, the bodies of the black and white strange crow and the beacon crow merged together.

The beacon crow's body was shattered into countless brick-like thin shells, which were pieced together with the black and white strange crows.

A new crow appeared in his field of vision.

The beacon crow's brick-like hollow body turned into something like armor, tightly fitting on the right side of the black and white strange crow, and fitting on the black body part.

The sharp beak with jagged protrusions was also covered in gray-yellow, earth-like armor.

Only the white part is exposed.

There is a white horn on the head, and the edges of the claws are blunt and not sharp, as if they are not threatening.

No, to be more precise, it cannot be called earth-like armor, but "earth-like earth".

This crow seems to be sealed in clay and cannot escape.

According to his habit, he should call this gesture "Black and White Armored Crow"?

Without hesitation, he directly controlled the Shadow Crow to pounce on the crow.

[Secondary ability: fraud]

[Spiritual Form: Black and White Armored Crow]

【Ability 1:.】

【Ability 2:.】

【Ability 3:.】

【Ability 4:.】

[Ability 5: When the target has not confirmed this ability, it can be used to create a layer of cover before the target receives destructive damage. This cover can reduce the probability of other effects of this ability being discovered. Each ability effect of the unbroken mask layer on the target will add a mark, and when the mask layer is broken, additional damage will be caused to the target based on the number of marks when it is broken. 】

He saw 5 abilities.

Abilities 3 and 4 are the abilities of the Beacon Crow, and abilities 1 and 2 are the abilities of the Black and White Strange Crow.

And ability 5 was something that wasn’t available before.

If you look closely, this new ability is disguised.

If I'm right, the so-called mask layer should be the "armor" like a layer of mud and bricks.

A summary description is that this skill can be used to disguise other abilities of the Black and White Armored Crow. Marks are generated based on the number of abilities that maintain the camouflage state. The more marks, the more damage will be caused when broken.

Yao Yan tried to separate the two crows.

After the beacon crow and the black and white strange crow are separated, this ability itself will disappear and cannot be used.

Well, one cannot say yet whether it is more effective to use them separately or together.

His eyes turned to the other.

The combination of [Deus ex machina] and [Necessity] crow.

Driven by will, the two metal crows, the mechanical crow and the parasitic crow, reunited.

Apart from its size, it is basically impossible to confirm what changes have taken place in the mechanical crow.

But what he looks at is ability:

[Secondary ability: Select divine weapon]

[Spiritual Form: Mechanical Crow]

【Ability 1:.】

【Ability 2:.】

【Ability 3:.】

1 is the ability of deus ex machina, and 23 are inevitable abilities.

And 4

[Ability 4: Convert the core residing in the target's body into a divine seed. When the seed is developed, it will form a divine companion that is consistent with the residing target, but can bring out all the theoretical potential. It is consumed. The Seance Couple can replace the consumption of ability 1 to perform a mechanical seance. The specific outline is determined by the form of the seance companion, but the product of the seance machine can only perform one action. 】


Looking at this ability, Yao Yan fell into a brief silence.

It sounds powerful, but it actually has different effects depending on the object.

For example, if you put it on an ant, the ant can exert all its power, but it will not bring any benefits.

But if you put it on an individual who is "stronger than yourself", you may be able to achieve something, but you can't be sure.

But the most important thing is that the "Devil's Couple" can replace the consumption of the deus ex machina, but the product of this deus ex machina can only perform "one action".

What is the standard for this "one action"?

Can you only perform actions such as waving once and kicking your feet once?

Also, "the specific outline is determined by the séance", this description needs to be explored carefully.

However, it will be carefully determined through experiments later, and the full picture cannot be understood by just looking at the description.

Retrieving the Shadow Crow, he drove all the crows to line up in a row.

Not according to size, but in order of acquisition——

Large-billed crow, black-and-white armored crow, ink crow, shadow crow, backfire crow, one-eyed crow, mechanical crow, spiral crow, and masked crow.

Nine or eleven.

Nine or eleven secondary abilities.

Yao Yan was wondering, could it be possible, or could it be possible to put a few more together?

What can be roughly confirmed is that these abilities themselves have certain similarities and should be able to be combined.

The mechanical crow and the black and white armored crow are automatic.

Speaking of which, it should have been put together when he fished out the stars and swallowed them.

What are the rules in this?

Maybe I should ask Lao Jia.

It's just that Lao Jia is also very mysterious.

After having that conversation with him before, the only thing he said was to let him search for the possible whereabouts of Mr. Almost in various worlds.

"Almost Mr."

It seems that Lao Jia is a subordinate of this Mr. Qian?

As a transaction, the other party can provide all the information he needs.

He asked at that time:

"Oh, are you planning to modify my memory by playing with the information?"

Lao Jia was not surprised by his straightforward inquiry, but responded:

"It's useless to play tricks with you, so I can only use conspiracy."

"Really, so I need to understand history. Will you guide me to those trial spaces with 'Mr. Almost'?"

And the other person’s answer was:

"Maybe it is, maybe it is not. As for which ones are and which are not, I leave it to you to judge for yourself."

After the other party answered like this, he threw him a lot of trial space tokens.

Moreover, the other party did not tell him anything special about the world corresponding to different tokens.

It had to be said that he really had no choice but to accept this kind of conspiracy.

It can't be said that he can only do it, but it doesn't matter whether he accepts it or not.

His purpose is only to understand history, which means that as long as he can understand history, he does not care about the process.

Even if the process would be harmful to him.

However, precisely because of this, he also felt there was a problem.

As he becomes alienated from his own memory and logic, and his self-identity is alienated, why does he still attach so much importance to "history"?

Expressed in terms of a value sequence, then before, from one to ten, list various goals and their weights.

"Life" and self-preservation are often the first in the value sequence.

But now, in the context of self-alienation, these goals have all moved back, and there are no other substitutes in the original positions, which have become blank.

That’s why “anything goes.”

However, "clarifying history" has not moved down the value sequence.

No, it should be said that "clarifying history" in the list of values ​​has been moved down.

However, there may be a similar list hidden somewhere else, and in this list, there is only one item: "Clear History."

After much thought, the most likely possibility was memory.

But as the sense of alienation emerged, he and his memory no longer identified with each other.

If it is hidden in memory, it should also fade away together.

So, it's more likely.


One of his abilities itself has this approximate "impulse" or "instinct".

Generally speaking, the most suspicious thing is the "draft".

But he had two other guesses.

First, this ability is inherently part of "history".

It is attracted to "history".

The second is that he or his ability is "chasing" "history."

Well, just like targets who have been affected by their own abilities, they will actively pursue "rumors".

He has been affected by abilities related to "history".

As for which one it is, he doesn't have any good guesses yet.

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