Crow's Paradise

Chapter 268 Parasitism

There is nothing special about this crow's body, it looks just like an ordinary shadow crow.

It's just that the mask it wears on its head is a bit special.

Viewed from different angles, the mask on this crow's face will appear differently.


If you look at the same crow, no matter which direction it moves, it will remain the same as when you first saw it.

Obviously if you look from different directions, you will see different things.

The Shadow Crow pounced on the crow.

Then, words appeared on the black page:

[Secondary ability: Prejudice]

[Spiritual Form: Masked Crow]

[Ability 1: Can be used when the target has not observed the user from other angles before. This goal obtains other information about the user from other perspectives]

[Ability 2: When the affected target obtains other information that is inconsistent with the existing information, it will have a blinding effect on the information. 】

So, no wonder he felt that this ability was very similar to that of the Backfire Crow. It turned out to be related to "prejudice".

The ability effect also matches the noun.

But why are you wearing a mask?

Yao Yan thought for a moment.

His core ability [Rumor] is a crow made of shadows.


The ability absorbed and assimilated by him will appear in the form of another crow. Why?

Because his image is that of a crow, does a part of him also look like a crow?

It sounds like a very simple and normal logic, but this is the biggest problem.

Why is it “normal”?

Because he has gradually become alienated from "Yao Yan's memory and logic", he has questioned many "natural" things.

Maybe later he will become a skeptic or even a nihilist.

But it doesn't matter whether it is.

Immediately, his eyes wandered among the crows.

Speaking of which, he should have fished out four stars.

However, one is missing.

【Crow's Mouth】The big-billed crow.

The black and white strange crow in "Wolf Is Coming".

[Rumor] Mo Crow.

[Draft]'s Shadow Crow.

The fire crow of [Backfire].

[Behind the scenes] The one-eyed crow.

[Deus Ex Machina]'s mechanical crow

Well, wait a minute.

His eyes fell on the mechanical crow.

The original mechanical crow was not very big, and there were still some defects.

However, now the mechanical crow's body has become much larger, and there are many more parts in the details, making it more sophisticated.

After a brief silence, his will floated.

Immediately, pieces of shadow-like mechanical parts flew out of the body of the mechanical crow and reassembled into a mechanical crow on the outside.

The original mechanical crow was brass-colored, but this one is a strange gray-green color.

Like some kind of dried leaves.

Moreover, it does not have the smooth metallic feel of the mechanical crow, but instead looks like rusty metal.

You'll know after you see it.

Driven by his will, the Shadow Crow pounced on the crow.


At this moment, he noticed that the Shadow Crow seemed to be intertwined with this crow.

On the black page, words in a familiar style flashed by:

[Secondary ability: inevitable]

[Spiritual form: Parasitic crow, produces different images and structures depending on the object it is attached to]

[Ability 1: Can be used when in direct contact with the target. After use, a core will be formed in the target's body. 】

[Ability 2: When inside the target's body, all behaviors of the target can be precisely controlled through the core. 】

At this moment, he could also feel that he could accurately control every detail of the Shadow Crow.

People cannot control every detail of their bodies.

After all, not every part is controllable, and not all parts are connected to the control center.

However, with this ability, you can do this kind of thing.

However, his eyes swept over the faint gray marks on the black pages.

This ability, like the Shadow Crow and "Draft", is continuously attached.

The ability of Beacon Fire Beacon Crow can be described as "sacrifice".

Although the vicious cycle can be said to be attached, in terms of effect, it should be said to be a "curse" or "poison".

According to his feeling, this vicious cycle is actually attached to the negative state of the target, which can only be relieved by eliminating the corresponding negative state.

Then, it is better to choose some negative states as targets that cannot be eradicated.

Or this negative state is an important part of the target's body.

Such as the brain and heart.

However, spiritual creatures do not have these critical points. Facing spiritual creatures, the effect will be compromised.

The effect of Masked Crow [Prejudice] seems to be quite useful.

And can make some special achievements in intelligence warfare.

As for [Necessity], this parasitic crow sounds pretty easy to use, but it takes a lot of energy to control every detail precisely.

In practice, it shouldn't be as useful as in theory.



Part of mechanical determinism? Or is it part of the mechanics? Or maybe some other part of determinism?

Most people may not be familiar with the term "mechanism" or "mechanical determinism", but if you change it to "fatalism", you may be able to understand the general situation at once.

Although these three words represent different things, they all have the element of "inevitability".

But why do they come together?

The core of the concepts of the beacon crow and the black and white strange crow are highly consistent, and they will be put together, which is not "surprising" logically.

But why does [Deus Ex Machina] merge with [Necessity]?

Because deus ex machina

Oh, by the way, speaking of God, there are several types of divine determinism, predestination, and omniscience and omnipotence.

All three have a premise: God is omniscient and omnipotent and can decide everything.

Divine determinism can be said to be a type of fatalism. The gods determine and dominate all a person's actions. What a person's life will be like has been determined by the gods.

The theory of predestination is that although God is omniscient and omnipotent and decides everything, he leaves people with free will. The theory of predestination of a certain divine religion says that he knows everything and decides everything, but he gave the ancestors of mankind free will to change their actions. direction, but the ancestors of man chose to disobey God, and thus received original sin, but God was very merciful and gave him a chance for redemption.

The theory of omniscience and omnipotence is that God is omniscient and omnipotent and determines everything, but he can also change everything and make everything coexist, so he sets up "salvation."

Speaking of which, omniscience and nihilism both “conflict” with logic.

For example, the famous joke is that he is omniscient and omnipotent, so can he create a stone that he cannot lift?

And the response of this omniscience and omnipotence is——

"Logic" has no meaning for omniscience and omnipotence. It is contradictory in your words, but it is not contradictory for God.

"Can be lifted up" and "cannot be lifted up" can coexist for God, and logic cannot limit God.

It's just a trick that I think is right.

On the other hand, nihilism believes that there is no truth and truth is meaningless.

But someone asked you, isn’t your insistence that “truth is meaningless” itself a “truth”?

However, the response from the nihilist side is "You first presuppose through logic that 'what is certain is the truth, what is uncertain is not the truth' and 'truth must be certain', you are refuting us through the presupposed truth."

This self-contained discourse model is irrefutable.

[Deus Ex Machina] and [Necessity] do have a certain degree of similarity from this perspective.

So, as long as there is a certain degree of commonality, it can be combined?

What kind of standard is this “certain degree”?

Or. There is no standard?

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