Crow's Paradise

Chapter 243 Who are humans?

The ruler of the new city, the king of the new city, chose the "spring" as the symbol of the second-generation ancestral dragon, and led a group of dragons who were also the second-generation ancestral dragon to build her royal city on the other side of the mountain range. .

She is the new king.

However, she is not the only new king.

Queen Thiele bred twice and had forty-three children.

The second breeding, that is, the children born after she became the ancestral dragon, all became the new king.

These dragon kings took their mother's orders and moved toward the west and north along the map drawn by the wise dragons.

They did not extend southward.

Because they know what kind of destructive power the seemingly weak demons in the south have.

And every dragon king will bring forward the second-generation ancestral dragons who are also descendants of other ancestral dragons.

The wise dragons will draw and record everything they encounter and everything they collect.

Shadow dragons hunt the toughest enemies they encounter at night, in the shadows.

Under the power of the mountain dragon and the war dragon, no enemy could block their path, and their city was successfully established.

The Storm Dragon followed the map of the Wisdom Dragon, contacted the other New King's Dragon Cities, exchanged information, and then handed it over to the Dragon Cities.

Everything and everything, at the beginning, was so smooth.

It's a pity that not every area has enough trees for them to build a dragon city composed of dense tree cages.

Especially water sources.

Some dragon cities that were successfully built in harsh terrain soon had to change their construction locations due to water sources.

Some dragons that had successfully established Dragon City had to choose new homes due to lack of food.

Expansion is not that easy.

The wisdom dragons were not able to find various ancient texts related to paradise as smoothly as they imagined.

They dig and collect all the beautiful textures they can see.

Including human cities and human ruins.

However, not all is smooth sailing.

Not everything can be so "rational" either.

With a goal in mind, the dragons who left with a purpose, in order to find the best place to stay, even suffered total annihilation.

However, this did not stop the dragons.

Rational plans can produce irrational results.

Irrational plans can also reach the answers that reason longs for.

However, no one among the gamblers who placed bets because of these two sentences noticed how many they succeeded, how many failed, and how many died.

Habitually simplifying "unimportant" details and using "ideal" or so-called "rational" goals as guidance, the dragons began to expand regardless of all costs.

Then, one incident after another, with the "unimportant" details deleted, was recorded on the stone tablets and tree trunks left by the wisdom dragons, or as relayed by the storm dragons, in one In another "no problem modification", it became unrecognizable.



Ensu and Yongquan are heroes.

It is preached in the mouths of the wisdom dragons, in the mouths of the storm dragons, and in the mouths of the dragons.

In order to match their achievements, the new kings did not care about the deaths of their brothers and sisters and continued on the road to find paradise.

And "spring water" is the same.

She is strong, fair, brave, has a strong ambition and all the beautiful qualities that the dragons can describe, all appear in her.


She is dead.

Slaughtered by humans who also embarked on the journey.

The "spring water" crossed one area after another, and then came to the area where the Ligil people lurked and developed.

The Ligil people take their mother's name as their ethnic name.

However, this Lijire people will soon be divided.

The life of Lijir people is divided into three stages.

In childhood, they are "stalkers", and their keen senses allow them to track down most creatures that leave traces.

Teenagers, young people, they are the "enemy of the devil". Their bodies are completely specialized for fighting, and they have terrifying functions.

In adulthood and middle age, they have reached their peak and are "executioners". Those who are enemies of them will be executed by their sharp claws.

Yao Yan looked at the corpse of the Dragon King "Quan Shui" and watched hundreds of Lijire people quickly cut up her corpse and collect the materials for food.

Lijir is a qualified test subject.

It is a qualified "mother body".

During his lifetime, in various works produced in his country, people liked to use the name "Eve", a religious figure from a certain religion, as the mother of a certain race.

Perhaps it’s because of familiarity, or perhaps it’s the pleasure that comes from the brain’s reward mechanism that people get when they begin to learn about unfamiliar things.

However, it is only popular for a while. One of the core needs of the brain's reward mechanism is "novelty".

Repeat it a few times, and readers and moviegoers will see the title "Eve" a few times, and the freshness and refreshing feeling will gradually fade away.

Naming it after a famous figure is not in line with his values.

Compared with the naming method of "cup-like", it is more effective to use the common feature "container" as the category name.

Compared with "a system like the Zhou Dynasty", the "feudal system" is more effective.

Rather than "biological groups like anoles", nomenclature that extracts common characteristics such as "genus", "genus Iguana", "class reptiles", etc. will be more efficient.

Even if it is a type species, compared with other types, it will have some more characteristics that other types do not have.

The most effective nomenclature is to determine the greatest common denominator value for the characteristics of both parties.

Rather than "Ligilian", he wanted to name it "a third-level life form combat-specialized upright demon hunter".

However, rather than repeating "the third-order life form of combat-specialized Homo erectus" in every sentence, linking "Ligil Man" with it in the first sentence can reduce the redundancy of repeated mentions.

This is simplification.

It brings efficiency to human beings and life, but also brings disaster to human beings. It is one of the culprits of creating "rumors".

He didn't care about any disputes between Ligil and the dragons. He just wanted these creatures to help him find clues to the paradise faster.

Combat specialization?

Inferior quality.

Yao Yan turned his eyes and looked towards the Dragon City where Tiller was.

At the same time, in the library of Dragon City, a wise dragon was also staring into the distance.

She, Yao Yan withdrew his gaze, his eyes fixed on the broken text carriers in front of him.

Something has been gained.

"Humans cannot resist artificial beings."

In the city of dragonmen, a dragonman also squinted his eyes and stared at the spliced ​​words:

"They gave up their identity as humans."

In the Demon City, there was a similar scene. A bunch of combined words were read again:

"The androids call them demons."

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