Crow's Paradise

Chapter 242 The New King

To the west, in the stronghold of the dragon people.

In four years, the stable internal structure of the dragon has undergone tremendous changes, let alone the dragon people.

However, although the reproduction rate of dragon people is faster than that of giant dragons, their internal friction has caused their numbers to lag behind that of giant dragons at this time.

In this stronghold formed by huge trees, there are dragons with strange shapes entrenched everywhere.

There has not been any change in expressions like the dragon's deification and exaggeration of its own species.

The Dark Hunter Dragon Man is simply a Dark Hunter Dragon Man.

This group of dark green hunters hiding in the shadows of trees is staring at a group of targets.

That is

Dragonite Queen.

However, at this moment, the Dragon Queen Lige was wearing a strange thorn-like crown on her head.

And those gathered around her were not the dark dragon hunters, but another group of dragon people with strange postures.

This group of dragons have different shapes. Some of them are covered with solid armor of horny scales, and even their eyelids are covered with hard, exoskeleton-like scales.

Some have wide wings and streamlined bodies, making them obviously better at flying.

Some have dark bodies and sharp teeth and claws, just like dark dragon hunters.

They are the new children of the Dragon Queen.

The size of the Dragon Queen has not increased either.

However, her demeanor, her temperament, and her abilities are all different from the Dragon Queen in the past.

At this moment, she was looking at her daughters.

To be precise, they were the children she gave birth to before she wore the crown of paradise.

In the outside world, when the dark dragon hunters were watching all this with eager eyes, she whispered:

"Do it."

The next moment, the new dragons surrounding her launched an attack——

Not one of them disobeyed the order. Almost as soon as the Queen gave the order, their bodies rushed out and slaughtered all their "sisters".

In between, not even much sound was made.

But the queen of dragon people, Li Ge, had no feelings about this.

And Yao Yan had already known this result.

After all, the revised genetic template is closer to the demons in the demon city than to the dragon.

Yao Yan did not intend for the dragon people to apply the dragon's genetic template and social structure. Eggs could not be put in one basket. He wanted to test a new plan.

A cautious group of ambushers who can hide for years to achieve their goals.

Yao Yan saw with his own eyes that after being completely changed by the Crown of Paradise, the queen of the dragons gave birth to several new dragons that looked not much different from the dark dragon hunters. After these new dragons blended into the dark dragon hunters, After joining the group, let these new dragon people transfer the dragon eggs she gave birth to and mix them into the group of dark dragon hunters to raise these new dragon people.

It doesn't matter how you describe it, whether it's Jiu occupying the magpie's nest or Li Daitaojiang. However, in the past four years, the New Dragon People have essentially overridden the control of the top leaders of the Dark Dragon Hunters.

The new Dragonite is reshaped using the Majin City's Majin architecture system and the Dragonite's genes as the basic template.

Compared to the giant dragons, they are more like the group of demons in the demon city who have the overall benefit as their highest goal.

At this time when the dragons had formed a hierarchy and began to slowly differentiate, the dragon people, under the intervention of Yao Yan, moved towards a highly unified community society.

However, the disadvantage is that Queen Lige is the only ruler and decision-maker.

Of course, for Yao Yan, this can also be said to be an advantage, after all, he can influence the queen's decision-making.

Making the right decision leads to prosperity; making the wrong decision leads to death.

But the most important feature is still...

As long as one of the dragon's eggs is kept to complete hatching and does not die before maturity, then wherever the egg is placed, a stronghold population of dragons will soon be formed.

The giant dragon is developing towards the long-term, towards a long-lived population form.

Dragon people, on the other hand, are "quick to life and quick to die", which is the specialization of rapid development.

Yao Yan turned his gaze away, and the next moment, among the dark dragon hunters who were "watching" outside, new dragon hunters with similar shapes raised their sharp claws and opened their bloody mouths.

Cleaning up defective products is also an action to clean up rebellious products, starting at this moment.

Lige, the queen of the dragon people, had no mercy on this either.

The moment they realized that their children from the past were bewitched by the Dark Dragon Hunter and were about to start a rebellion, the fragile family bond between them and the Dragon Queen was severed.

Among the dragons, only one voice is needed.

On the other side, Kerry, who was traveling with Lijie, left a mark on the tree trunk under the gaze of his companion who had been traveling for nearly five years.

"Kerry, what are you doing?"

After five years of traveling together, she completely regarded Kerry as a close friend, a relative, and a companion.

However, it is a pity.

When Jiali, or Yaoyan, glanced at her, he was thinking:

"Ligil is too weak, and there is only one. It was originally a specimen left as evidence when looking for other humans, but now, it is no longer needed."

"Use it to complete the experiment."

"The thirty types of stepped templates made based on the genetic templates in the paradise can be used on her."

"Well, the self-replicating gene in the demon gene has also been added, so there should be no accidents."

Immediately, Yao Yan spoke out:

"Ligil, do you want to try it?"

"What are you trying?" Ligil blinked and looked at the girl who came to her side and seemed to want to whisper to her.

"Shh, don't make a sound. If you're too tired, you'll fall asleep."

"what are you saying."

Lijil heard the girl's voice and couldn't help but want to laugh. How could she be tired from talking?

Yao Yan stared at her gently rising and falling chest indifferently. From behind the tree trunk not far from him, a demon came out and said in the same tone as Jia Li:

"Come on, find the remaining humans for me and find paradise."

City of dragons.

A second-generation dragon king, Tyrer's child, looked into the distance.

Today, her mother, the Queen, made the decision.

Separate populations.

This area is no longer enough to support the huge appetites of the dragons.

It is necessary to take some of the dragons out and establish new strongholds further away.

As the leaders of the group, the children of the Dragon Queen need to shoulder this responsibility and this task.

And she, the new nest queen who chose the words "spring water" as her name, will embark on a journey today.

She has heard her mother's story, she has heard the story of Yongquan and Ensu.

She hopes, she longs, to be able to bring the dragon back to the legendary paradise.

She also wanted to go to a secluded place without the dragon's knowledge and attention, like a spring, to find news about the paradise.

She also wants to be like Ensu, follow Yongquan's footsteps, move in the direction Yongquan has never set foot on, and complete the great feat of bringing back the crown of paradise.

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