Crow's Paradise

Chapter 239 The Dragon of Theseus?

It was a strange, ring-shaped plant with spikes that looked like a crown.

The "crown", an accessory worn by leaders, embodies various cultures and is itself a manifestation of culture and history.

The familiar "crown", the headband-like headdress, itself originated from the "garland"

Different regions have different symbols of royal power.

Even if it is the same headgear, different regions have different shapes and development histories, resulting in different appearances.

In early societies, the tools used by humans became symbols in themselves because they were few in number.

But after gradually being manufactured, as the tools of the rulers, because the rulers themselves gradually separated from production, they would gradually become symbolic and gradually transform into ornaments.

In most countries, the scepter comes from early cultures.

And because the early leaders and rulers themselves were the high priests of various primitive religions.

**** is an ancient and primitive governing structure.

In the country where he lived, wooden sticks wrapped in gold were unearthed from early cultural settlements like Sanxingdui, which were named Shang Jinzhang.

Ancient Egypt had flails and ankhs, and scepters with pear-shaped heads and saucer-shaped heads.

Until the time of his lifetime, a certain religious cult still retained a symbolic object like a scepter.

Most of the tools that were eliminated in the early stage were transformed into tools. In the development of cultures in different regions, the objects that were transformed into symbols of royal power were also different.

It is just a scepter, and some are symbolized and decorated with sickles used for harvesting.

Some are symbols and decorations of stone axes and hammers used to hunt animals in the Stone Age.

Some are symbolic and decorative representations of skeletons as trophies from killing certain large prey.

In the country and region where he lived, the scepter, a symbol of royal power, was abandoned very early, and the time of abandonment may have disappeared before the "country" was born, or when it was still a state or even a settlement.

But not necessarily. After all, according to the latest research results he learned during his lifetime, his country did not have a single origin, but multiple tribes developed at the same time, from settlements to states, from states to kingdoms, and then conquered each other to unify.

Some use containers of water and food as symbols of royal power, some use exquisite clothing as symbols of royal power, some use jade carvings as symbols of royal power, and some use carved totems and watches as symbols of royal power.

And the crown is one of the typical examples.

Origins include, but are not limited to, the practice of covering the head with the skulls or pelts of various prey animals.

The two most famous sources of the ring-shaped, headband-style "crown" known to Yaoyan are the ancient Persian tiara, a semicircular head crown.

One is often attributed to the "Greek" period when the laurel wreath appeared.

At least the shape of Yao Yan’s crown of thorns comes from ancient Rome.

A crown given by ancient Rome to leaders who returned in triumph.

It's a pity that Yao Yan didn't know whether this culture was inherited by ancient Rome from ancient Greece, or whether it was the culture that ancient Greece learned from ancient Rome, or whether it originated from the same primitive religious period.

Otherwise, it can be used as a basis for determining the source of the generation in a certain trial space later.

"Plant" is a patch shape that Yao Yan believes best matches the jungle dragon.

One is because their genetic template originates from demons, and they still retain the ability to photosynthesize like plants.

Using the ability to extend plants as a patch template is a better approach.

The second reason is that the fertility speed and desire of the dragons and dragon people are really not good enough to meet his plan.

Of course, it is not to let dragons and dragon-men reproduce like plants. Plants can only reproduce a few times a year, let alone meet his requirements.

What he wants is for dragons and dragons to cross-breed with humans and plants.

Let plants serve as reproduction tools for dragons and dragon people.

This is also his experiment to imitate the mechanism of those "producers" in the Demon City who specialize in producing Demon eggs.

If successful, then a new classification can be opened up among the giant dragons and dragon people, and it will be a type that can be accepted by the giant dragons and dragon people because it is produced among the giant dragons.

As for whether dragons and dragons will accept it?

The pursuit of strength, longevity, and status will make their biological instincts to pursue them with confidence.

However, in fact, this dragon's crown of thorns was a tool he used for "genetic adjustment" before.

An upgraded and improved version of the tool he used to create the dragon's genetic template.

It's just that he made this tool alive and made the tool itself into a biological genetic template.

A plant that is driven by his will and will wither as long as he removes the mother's shadow crows.

In the giant dragon's station, one by one, the giant dragons are watching a strange plant.

The strange ring-shaped thing and the slightly swaying branches and leaves made them sure that this thing was a plant.

As a demonstration, Yao Yan also used the dragon of wisdom, the collecting dragon he controlled, as a model to combine with this plant.

The dragon's crown of thorns worn on her head did not pierce her horny scales, but only hugged the scales on her head.

The head, because of vision, because of senses, and because of direction of movement, is the location where most biological senses are aggregated and processed.

Therefore, the head, as a key point, will be taken seriously.

Of course Yao Yan would take care to avoid being rejected by the dragons.

His original plan was that this plant could directly pierce the dragon's body with its spikes, obtain the dragon's cell genes, and conduct template modifications. When the dragon reproduces and lays eggs, the modified genetic template can be used to create a dragon. egg.

But then he made a change.

Depending on whether the dragon's crown of thorns is placed on the dragon egg or on the dragon itself, different effects will occur.

Transforming dragon eggs is the effect of placing the dragon's crown of thorns on the dragon eggs.

After the dragon wears it and forms a symbiosis, the dragon's crown of thorns will gradually combine with the dragon itself over time and become part of the dragon's body. Intervene in the cell replication process of the dragon's body and use Yao Yan's new template to replace the original genes.

This operation comes from the technology used by the artificial humans in the paradise to transform the demon hunters.

Demons need to develop to a certain stage and cannot continue to grow before they will undergo additional second, third, and fourth growth.

But the demon hunters in the paradise can directly enter the additional stage of development through manual intervention.

This technology is very mature. For Yao Yan, the main thing to do is actually to improve the dragon's genetic template and adjust the genetic tool sites.

There is also the issue of cell rejection.

But these are nothing in front of the Abnormal Shadow Crow's ability.

What needs Yao Yan's more attention is that at this stage, cells will start with new genetic templates and undergo another high-speed growth and metabolism.

It only takes half a month for this dragon of wisdom to complete the replacement of cells throughout his body:

"The Dragon of Theseus?"

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