Crow's Paradise

Chapter 238 Dragon Crown of Thorns

After the body is separated from the so-called spirit, the process of making judgments must be different from when the body originally existed.

After changing the body, the decisions made will inevitably bring about changes in personality and habits due to different body details and different impulses.

In his previous life, he had read many works related to time travel. It had always been his biggest doubt that those who transferred their consciousness and changed bodies one by one could maintain their original personalities.

But that was only in the past.

Now, he himself has become a spiritual life independent of his body. This imaginary substance, this so-called "spirit", is itself a mystery.

Yao Yan repeatedly thought and studied various spiritual, psychological, and physiological issues, and he was also trying to increase his understanding of his own nature.

These reflections are not without meaning.

On the contrary, these thoughts, these analyzes of the self, the logic of his own actions, and the analysis of various spiritual relationships are tools for him to trace himself, and at the same time, to trace history.

Now, he is going to influence the actions of the dragons and dragon people through some interference.

As for how they viewed this intervention and how they described it, Yao Yan didn't care.

Another half month has passed.

Under the high platform built by tree roots, the heads of young dragons were shaking, and some young dragons asked questions to the "Storm Dragon" above:

"Does Paradise really have endless beautiful plants?"

"Can we find Paradise?"

"Are there really treasures there given by the sky and the earth?"

To be precise, this name has been gradually overtaken by the name "Storm Dragon".

A giant storm dragon that is less than three meters long and does not match the title of "giant" is opening its arms and telling the story it received from another giant storm dragon:


"Paradise has the most beautiful plants and the most suitable land for dragons. If we can find it, we may be able to build the most magnificent city there, and we will also be able to return to the original and obtain a city truly worthy of a giant dragon. The power of the title "Dragon".

"We don't know why we left Paradise. Maybe our ancestors were playful, maybe our ancestors forgot the location of Paradise, but if we can return to Paradise, then we will become an epic and be recorded as returnees. In the greatest chapter.”

While narrating this story, this storm dragon was also a bit trendy, and the scene described in the story made her yearn for it very much.

She smiled and glanced at the group of young dragons under the high platform of tree roots. Each of the young dragons also looked at him with longing and longing.

Even though she has told this story three times, the children's yearning has not faded much.

The source of her story is another wise dragon.

Unlike their storm dragons, they do not like to modify the content of the description, and are even disgusted with it.

That's why she trusted the story so much.

However, she has passed away.

However, the wise dragon encountered a demon when he went out and was hunted by a group of demons.

This made her extremely angry.

However, there was nothing she could do.

However, at this moment, a familiar figure flew over, leaving a roar in the sky:

"Gather, storms, the wise dragon has found the treasure."

Upon hearing these words, she immediately spread her wings and flew.

The Lake of Dragons, the Tree Cage of the Wise Man.

The caged tree house that was originally the residence of a certain mountain dragon is now a warehouse for storing various collected objects.

Inside, there are various items.

"We are not qualified to be called dragons?"

"Yes, it is recorded here that the growth of a giant dragon requires a very special substance. This substance is only found on the Dragon Tree in the Dragon Paradise. Without this substance, we cannot develop into a giant dragon."

"The dragons of the mountains are really as huge as the mountains, and the ones in our tribe can only be called dragons of the mountains."

"The same goes for us, the wise dragons. Our thinking, our thinking center, is in the head. The huge head allows us to record more knowledge and think more richly and broadly."

"The legendary wisdom dragon is also extremely huge, but we can only call it the wisdom dragon."

"We don't match the name 'giant'."

"Moreover, because of the lack of that substance, our life is much shorter than that of the dragon. Our life is only a few decades!"

"If we can find that substance and find paradise, we can extend our lives! Our thinking can also be broader and faster."

"This is the message left by 'Yingquan'."

The giant dragons who were a little unconvinced after hearing those words were suddenly stunned for a moment.

They know who the beautiful words corresponding to "Yingquan" are.

It was from the outside world that I found out about the origin of the dragon and the wise dragon described in the paradise.

Before that, they still called themselves "collecting dragons" after their mistress.

They did not realize that the dragon of wisdom was speaking in front of them, no, the dragon of wisdom, or what was shining in Yao Yan's dragon eyes.

Survival is the instinct of life.

Lifespan is a problem that no thinking creature can ignore.

And if there is a way to extend their lifespan, they will definitely pursue it.

Just curiosity about "Paradise" may be able to drive the collecting dragons to find clues about Paradise, but Yao Yan thinks it is not enough.

But if there are more benefits, then their motivation will also increase.

What Yao Yan has to do now is to give them more motivation and goals so that they can act faster.

However, that's not the only thing he has to do.

Then, he took out something.

That's the skull.

It was a skull that was huge even compared to the size of the "Dragon of the Mountains" present.

Every wisdom dragon can tell that this skull belongs to their kind, the remains of a certain giant dragon.

Nowadays, the largest mountain dragon has a body size of nearly seventeen meters.

However, this huge skull that can cover any storm dragon or even a dark hunting dragon is definitely the remains of a dragon with a body length of more than fifty meters.

Yao Yan knew very well that this thing was specially made by him, but these dragons didn't know.

He handed the dragon's skull to the wise dragons who looked curious and surprised.

"I found this skeleton based on the clues left by 'Yongquan', as well as some text clues."

"Unfortunately, those text clues were all soaked in the tree body under the water. After I read it, I tried to pick it up, but it rotted away."


"How can you!?"


Hearing these words, the dragons of wisdom were angry, angry and helpless.

I have used this method many times, and Yao Yan is no different this time.

However, the most important thing is not this, but:

"I also discovered strange life that was suspected to be that substance."

Jungle Dragon Jungle Dragon, just stick to the plants.

Then, he took out a strange-looking plant.

ps: As a southerner, it feels really different to see this kind of thick snow in the north. It is different from the thin layers of snow in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It feels really cold when you can lie in it.

Don’t try to commit suicide easily. If you have a bad cold, you’ll be checked back and forth to see if it’s COVID-19.

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