Crow's Paradise

Chapter 232 Dragon and Dragon Man, Different Situations

Perhaps primitive life does not need anything too complicated. It only needs to understand the natural landscape, the beasts, grass and lakes, the sun, the moon and itself.

After all, the world they perceive is not big enough, and there are not many things they need to know and understand, so their words do not have that much to express.

But, obviously, that's not the case with the dragon.

The dragons soon discovered the flaw in the dragon claw script, which could only visually express certain things.

The language system they cultivated from a mature writing system immediately made them aware of the lack of capacity and vocabulary of Longzhaowen at this time.

And the borrowed words and meanings that Yao Yan expected arrived.

Glancing at the stone stumps carried by the jungle dragons entering and exiting the warehouse, and looking at the familiar grammatical habits and patchwork semantics that appeared on them, Yao Yan turned his gaze back indifferently and landed on the tattered written records that he had pieced together in order:

[Paradise buried in darkness. Escape underground]

The broken sentences allowed Yao Yan to fill in the blanks with logic, and he filled in a variety of results.

Paradise is a vehicle for escaping from the dark underground, a tool for escape.

Or maybe Paradise is the center of darkness from which people escape.

Or maybe something buried underground escaped because of the darkness in the paradise.

There are so many ways to fill in the gaps, not to mention the other interpretations that can come from using another grammar because of the different word order conventions.

Thousands of fragments of human information carriers with plural characters left only unclear information to Yao Yan.

Shaking his head, Yao Yan turned his attention to the other crow.

Centered on a giant tree a hundred meters away from the river, tree houses stood on each giant tree.

The human body is not the best suited to living on the opposite side.

In other words, taking the "human form" as the starting point, within this category, the human form and structure have not yet developed to the most suitable form for the ground.

However, arboreal is a good direction.

Compared to the Jungle Dragon, the largest among the Jungle Dragons at this time was only three meters tall, and when added to the length, it barely reached four meters.

Moreover, the tail of the jungle dragon is different from that of the jungle dragon. For the jungle dragon, this long tail can help them stabilize their bodies in the trees and help them take off.

The different morphological structures allow them to choose different habitats.

But Yao Yan believed that they were more influenced by their predecessor, the demon who looked like a chameleon lizard.

Moreover, the materials used to create genetic templates in them have not been completely disassembled, and there are one or two extra genes at a certain node, causing them to form genes that are inconsistent with the genetic template expected by Yao Yan. form.

And although their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the huge jungle dragon, they are overall more flexible than the jungle dragon.

Flexibility does not equal agility.

The jungle dragon's body is densely covered with a large number of nerves, and there are many mid-range transmitting nerves. The stress reflex without going through the brain is even stronger than that of many small creatures.

Unfortunately, the perception that reaction is slow due to large size also exists in this world.

The understanding composed of people's superficial impressions also forms natural laws in this world.

Jungle dragons are only relatively flexible. With the same body size, their agility is not as good as that of dark hunting jungle dragons and messenger dragons.

after all

Without design, they have some "useless" gene expressions, and their overall efficiency is lower than that of jungle dragons.

Moreover, because they were genetically integrated rather than genetically recast, the more they grew, Yao Yan found that they were more inclined to be demons.

Some of them are even capable of integrating external genes.

Although they have a stronger tendency to collect items with complex patterns than jungle dragons, the template of their genes comes from a kind of demon who likes to collect toxins.


The complex patterned things they collect are mostly various poisonous items - items that can increase their toxins.

Fortunately, the education Yao Yan gave them at the beginning misled them and attributed their instinct to their liking for patterns.

Instinct is hard to erase, but easy to mislead.

Taking advantage of vague flaws in the judgment mechanism and misattribution were also common methods during Yaoyan's lifetime.

In the tree house used for storage, the jungle dragon man whose consciousness was occupied by Yao Yan put together the fragments with writing or related traces one by one.

However, Yao Yan soon stopped moving.

He had been trying to piece together valid information since a month ago, but their tendency to collect words resulted in what they collected being too fragmented.

His gaze turned to another tree house outside the tree house, the largest one in this forest of water-loving trees that resembled a mangrove.

The tree house is densely covered with horizontally intersecting branches, and the jungle dragons squat in a crouching posture with their tails wrapped around the branches, listening to the orders of the queen of the jungle dragons, Lige.

They are not like the jungle dragons. Their wings are entirely made up of leaf-like membrane wings. In some places, there are some light and dense feathers with cavities that make up the feathers.

It looks like it has more bird-like features.

Moreover, their tails are proportionally longer than those of the jungle dragons.

The overlapping of characteristics makes them obviously inclined to live in trees.

For Yao Yan, as the founder, it can only be said to be expected.

After all, when these jungle dragons were created, most of their genetic material came from other demons and animals in the forest.

However, Yao Yan soon diverted his attention from their discussion.

Because what they were discussing was also about the Demon City.

Lige curled her tail tightly around the branch, relaxed the muscles on her feet, and inserted her sharp claws directly into the claw holes formed by her long-term grip.

For them, the paws are originally clenched, and force is used to open the paws.

Of course, Li Ge's thoughts were not on her paws.

Looking at her people, who already had close to two hundred jungle dragon tribes, she said loudly:

"We also need to expand. The terrain downstream of the river is open and flat, with fewer rocks and a lot of woods."

"We want to build a city, and it would be most suitable to move downstream."

However, at this time, a jungle dragon man retorted:

"But, Queen, our combat power cannot match that of the demons downstream. They are too numerous and too strong."

One after another, various jungle dragons also spoke out.

Their heads, which still vaguely retain facial features similar to those of humans, bend left and right, and emit high-pitched sounds similar to chirping to form words for conversation.

Compared with the dominance of the jungle dragon leader, these jungle dragon people are not that afraid of the leader, and they will not completely surrender.

Even among them, several of the strongest dragon people have tried to challenge the king's position.

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