Crow's Paradise

Chapter 231 Dragon Claw Text

When Tyrer, the queen of the jungle dragons, was thinking about how to deal with the expansion of the demon city, several smaller communication dragons, less than two meters long, flew to her side.

The dragons are all restless.

The genetic structure of competing for resources engraved in their genes gradually increases their desire to attack.

The vulnerable small demon forces located in the surrounding area cannot eliminate the accumulated desire to attack.

And the queen of the jungle dragons, Tiller also clearly understood all this.

She is the embodiment of the will of the dragons, and she is the guide of the will of the dragons.

She needs to protect the dragons, and she needs to meet their expectations.

She uses the prosperity of the dragons as the guiding goal of her strategy.

At this time, she suddenly remembered something, and then asked the dense forest dragon who sent the message:

"Where's the mistress?"

The dense forest dragon who sent the message thought for a moment:

"The mistress is still in the warehouse, she is organizing the warehouse."

Organizing the warehouse?

Tiller's brows formed by scale-like cuticles were slightly raised, seeming to be a little dissatisfied and a little relaxed.

She is the king, the king of the jungle dragons.

The position of the mistress that she originally feared and obeyed has gradually faded as she has grown older and as her thinking and wisdom has grown.

Now, Tiller, who has reached the third level of life, is even more so.

The "Mother" is still at the second level of life.

She is stronger than the mistress.

Just put the mistress in the warehouse.

After experiencing physical and mental growth, even after becoming a king, Thiele still felt uneasy about the existence of his mistress.

She was worried that her mistress would one day take away her position as Dragon King.

All of this has dropped a lot when she grew to the third level, but it still exists.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought:

To record it all.

We must record the legend that she, not the mistress, is the highest-ranking dragon king!

Tiller's eyes lit up slightly.

We must use the most wonderful symbols and words to show her greatness, her status, her wisdom and strength.

Use this to tell all the dragons that their king is the most worthy story to be told.

Yao Yan, who became a warehouse manager, watched indifferently as Tiller's cronies recorded in brand new words.

They did not even use the human-created words that Yaoyan taught them, but instead created new words that belonged to this world.

And the reason.

Yao Yan saw what they, or to be precise, Tiele was trying to do to erase the authority of his outdated mother of dragons.

We can also see Thielner's more or less decoupling of these strange text symbols from reality.

They created hieroglyphs.

They were simple drawings of various natural scenes carved with the dragon's sharp claws.

Simple drawings of the sun, stars, earth, rivers, lakes, and dragons.

The advantage of hieroglyphs is that they are intuitive and easier to understand. The learning cost is very low. You can directly understand the meaning of these simple drawings without even learning.

The disadvantage is complexity.

Seeing the strange hieroglyphs written by Tiller's cronies, Yao Yan silently named them "Dragon Claw Script".

Because the thickness of these words has obvious traces of claws pressing down with their sharp tips and then digging them out.

The characters created by different creatures and different races should have different glyphs and fonts. This is caused by the limbs that record the words.

During his lifetime, Yao Yan saw a lot of characters created by different races, but the character fonts were drawn according to the structural characteristics of a certain actual font.


These dragon claw scripts also have obvious grammatical characteristics and habits of humans in this world.

The arrangement of words and characters with different parts of speech such as subject, predicate, object, adjective, complement, etc. in a sentence is not accomplished overnight.

Different civilizations have different habits.

This is something Tiller himself didn't realize.

Trying to eliminate the traces left by Yao Yan as the "mistress", but retaining the most important feature.

Yao Yan had no idea.

He has no feelings of like or dislike for this jungle dragon.

Regardless of whether he rebelled or not, he had no emotions.

There are no such emotions as "bored" or "irritated".

After all, emotions such as boredom and irritability basically come from the biological mechanism's reward mechanism for acquiring additional resources.

For addicts, there is too much inhalation stimulation, and when there is no inhalation stimulation, it will appear "no ups and downs".

At this time, for them, the normal state of "no ups and downs" will become an object of boredom.

He has read too many works describing the creation of the world, where the so-called "Creator" will have various emotions due to the destruction of his creation, and will feel bored if he doesn't do anything.

However, this should not happen without emotion.

Without the human body, without the feedback of flesh and blood, how could there be such a thing as emotion?


No one stipulates that the Creator must be ruthless.

It just says that the Creator is cold and heartless and unconsciously expresses boredom.

He also knew the reason, which was essentially the creator's own emotional ups and downs.

Thinking of this, Yao Yan couldn't help but glance at the sky.

Regarding his own affairs, there may be some kind of thing, some phenomenon or some real individual to describe, but can they accurately describe what kind of state "no emotion" is?

If the writing is not accurate, then the describer also becomes the creator and disseminator of rumors.

After thinking about the subsequent spiritual scale level, his thoughts returned and fell on the text symbols he was sorting out.

Logically speaking, it is better to focus on the things you are organizing.

Dragon Claw Text, this brand new text created by Tina, the king of dragons, expanded among the dragons.

These words are easier to understand and remember than the words taught by the Mistress.

The efficiency of communication between the dragons has improved again.

The dragons cheered for the greatness of the new king.

Yao Yan just watched all this indifferently.

The development of a mature writing system has led to the degradation of the direct meaning part, but

The process of the development of written words and words is the process of continuous condensation of word meanings and continuous condensation of symbols.

When brand-new text does not need to express some complex things, relatively speaking, it is more efficient than mature text.

However, when it is necessary to express complex things, which can only intuitively express real things, it is necessary to extract and condense some non-intuitive meaning presuppositions through abstraction.

It won't take long for Yaoyan to see that Longzhao script borrows words and meanings from this mature human script.

After all, borrowing words and meanings is faster than condensing them on your own, and the dragons' own educational concepts are shaped by these words.

The influence of culture is not just those clear symbolic images.

Out of influence?


Even if the difference between the borrowed word and the original word is reversed, it cannot be concealed even if the opposite meaning is inserted.

but most importantly

This doesn't have much to do with him.

Yao Yan's eyes fell back to the various artifacts and fragments that recorded ancient texts recovered by the collecting dragon.

Barely, after two months, I can put together some sentences.

Although Tilerna's actions for self-expression and recognition from the dragons did not arouse his emotions, judging from his memory, that is


Oh, only for him.

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