Crow's Paradise

Chapter 225 Dead Cub

Although Yao Yan knew a lot about the relationship between genes and biological bodies and minds in the genetic process, in this world where genes determine everything, the role of this understanding has also been amplified.

However, Yaoyan himself had no idea about which gene corresponded to what.

However, fortunately, he has the [Draft] of the Shattered Shadow Crow, which has the ability to directly modify the target according to his target.

And now, the most critical question comes.

Looking away from the jungle dragon-born demon cubs that were imitating her as the "mistress", Yao Yan's eyes fell on the looming bird-shaped shadow on the body.

Then, Yao Yan walked a certain distance, flapped his wings, and the emerald green wings densely covered with blood vessels like leaf veins stirred up strong winds.

Even though he deliberately left a distance, several of those dragon-born devil cubs that were only the size of a palm were knocked over and tried to get up with a dazed expression.

Yao Yan ignored them and flew out from the shadow of several giant trees that were entangled with each other to form a cage-like nest.

He didn't fly far, he just avoided the sight of the dragonborn, and then

The next moment, a bird-shaped shadow flew out of her body.

Almost at the same time, the demon's body surface changed.

The original strange leaf wings disappeared, and the dense dismissal scales on his body also dissipated a lot.

From the posture similar to that of a dragon, it returned to the original posture that was somewhat similar to the chameleon lizard in his memory.

When the shadow crow grabbed the black page where the words disappeared, Yao Yan's perception was wandering over his body.

Yao Yan could see that the mass of "flesh and blood" he was holding in his hand had not disappeared or even changed in any way.

It still preserves those special cell tissues.

That was after he modified the body's genes, and it was the "Dragonborn Gene of the Jungle" that he deliberately retained in the process.

It should be a success.

He was already familiar with the Shadow Crow, the mechanism and consumption of the [Draft] ability.

When the Shadow Crow attaches to a target, a description of the target will appear on the black page.

What is described on the page can be changed.

Those directly changed by the Shadow Crow or the [Draft] ability will be restored to their original state after the Shadow Crow leaves the target's body.

But this time, what he modified was the "gene".

He described the genes he wanted in text on the draft pages to modify the devil's genes.

Cell replication, Yao Yan had already tried it.

When the cells modified by the draft ability are copied, but the Abnormal Shadow Crow leaves, both the original cells and the copied cells will lose their modified characteristics.

However, what is even worse is that the original cells that were directly modified will return to their original form after the Shadow Crow leaves, but the copied cells will have defects.

The gene locations that were modified were not present in the replicating cells.


In order to deal with this situation, he chose "imitation".

His Shadow Crow ability can create a gene out of thin air, but the "universal cells" are not that omnipotent and cannot create a gene out of thin air.

For this reason, he has been searching for genetic materials of various creatures during this period, and copied them based on the genetic structure that he modified through the ability of the Abnormal Shadow Crow.

And these imitated genetic templates will never disappear just because the Shadow Crow is unattached.

However, there is a big difference in performance between these imitated genetic templates and the genes he created using the Shadow Crow.

This plan was also abandoned by him.

After that, he used the ability of "Shadow Crow" to create a special organ——

An organ capable of assembling other genes into the Shadow Crow's modified template genes.

Basic knowledge related to genes. The process of DNA replication involves the participation of transcribed RNA. This is a group of inverted genes that are reversely molded using DNA as a template.

To explain in simple words, if a rectangle is regarded as a whole, the reverse mold of "concave" is translated as "convex".

He specially used the ability of the Shadow Crow to shape this inverted mold, shape these transcribed DNA, and then fill in the materials required for various genes, allowing it to be automatically assembled.

Although very different, it can also be considered an industrial casting method, the process of creating mold casting molds.

However, it would be more accurate to "build an assembly line based on the product and use this assembly line to copy the product."

In this process, the modified genes and intracellular materials are not used as materials for replicating cells.

Because when copying cells, he knew this because of the different conditions of the original cells and the copied cells after the Shadow Crow disappeared.

By not directly using modified materials for assembly, you can avoid the problems caused by the disappearance of the Shadow Crow.

Although this imaginary creation cannot achieve perfect results, so that the imitation gene template created through the inversion gene can achieve the effect of the Jungle Dragonborn gene modified by the Shadow Crow, but a vague estimate should be more than 70% of the original version.

Now, you just need to go back and confirm which jungle dragonborn demon cubs are alive.

The demon cubs he created were divided into three categories.

The first type is directly copied from the genetic template modified by the Shadow Crow.

The second category is the demon cubs that are directly copied from the genetic template, not to mention the assembly line, and do not even have molds.

The third category is the demon cubs formed from imitation genetic templates produced by mold-making assembly line tools.

According to previous expectations, the first type of demon cubs will basically die.

The second type of demon cub may have some unwanted genes hidden in it, but it may also bring unexpected gains.

The third type of devil cubs should be alive and well, but it is necessary to confirm which genes are not expressed in them, and carry out manual screening and subsequent optimization to remove inferior products.

Although these demon cubs are undoubtedly "life", in the eyes of Yao Yan at this time, in the eyes of him who has no empathy and no emotions, they are the definition of tools.

Created to serve his purpose, it will be erased to serve his purpose.

The color of his body changed, and Yao Yan looked down like a gecko, towards the group of cubs who were taking root in the soil in this huge tree hole, absorbing the sunlight from the outside.

And the answer was consistent with his expectation.

All the demon cubs formed from the genes directly copied from the modified genes have all died, with various defects on their bodies, and none of them survived.

Some of the offspring shaped by the imitation gene template of the second type absorb sunlight and carry out photosynthesis efficiency significantly lower than those of the third type, and

When the third type of devil cubs were performing photosynthesis because of his orders as the "mistress", and there was no change even if he left, some of the second type of devil cubs were already there because of his departure. And began to explore around——

The orders of the "mistress" have very little binding force on them.

However, Yao Yan did not intend to execute them.

They also have a role.

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