Crow's Paradise

Chapter 224 Jungle Dragonborn

This is part of Yaoyan's test.

When people do not understand the formation process and reasons, they often use the mechanism of association and imagination to make connections.

This is the underlying structure of human thinking logic and cannot be changed.

But Yaoyan didn't care whether people thought of an elongated piece of dough as a snake, or whether they thought of an oval with two holes as a human face.

What he wants to do is to identify eras based on the differences in people's original means of tracing the origin of something in different eras.

However, it goes without saying that Yao Yan was also more inclined to the "modern" and "contemporary" during his lifetime.

After all, "gene" is a product of modern research definitions.

After his thoughts fell, Yao Yan raised his hand.

There are only four fingers on the lizard-like palm.

Leather-like scales were spread all over her body.

To be precise, Yao Yan now changed the demon he was inhabiting into a "Dragonborn" through the power of "draft".

And now, she is "returning to her ancestors" through the ability of the "pretender".

Yao Yan's operation is to use the ability of the abnormal shadow crow to help this body "return to its ancestors", and then solidify and spread these genes, and add some characteristics that are conducive to his group rule.

Based on the genetic instincts of crows and wolves, the social structure of social animals and a "leader" is established.

It's just that although crows live in groups, there is no clear concept of "alpha wolf".

In this world where the role of genes is magnified and genes determine most traits such as personality and habits, using genes is a necessary and simplest method.

However, compared to a social structure like the wolf pack society that needs to continue to be added and modified, Yao Yan was not stupid enough to start from scratch——

Demon city.

Yao Yan obtained a lot of genetic material from Demon City.

Although he knew that the queen of the demon city did not have much dominance over the demons, he needed the genes of the demons to "value the queen", "rely on the group", and "cooperate and divide labor".

Now, it was time for Yao Yan to accept the results.

His eyes fell on the oval things that looked more like the eggs of reptiles than fruits.

His estimated time was correct.

Soon, he saw strange creatures hatching out of the light green demon eggs.

They were humanoid creatures the size of a palm, with their bodies obviously covered in scales and a soft long tail behind them.

Moreover, on their backs, there is a pair of wings.

From the moment they come into contact with the external environment, the light green on their bodies begins to change to green.

The soft long tail and wings covered with green patterns are slowly opening with trembling movements.

And, soon, he saw these demon cubs with inhuman features. After slowly opening their eyes, they looked towards him and tried to get closer to him.

At least it was partially successful.

Looking at their movements, thoughts flashed through Yao Yan's mind.

From the perspective of genetics and formation, various legends and myths, and the creatures of various legends and myths, not only have physical characteristics, but also possess supernatural abilities that are often related to natural things.

Thunder and lightning, sky, fire, water, sand and soil, day and night, flowers and trees, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

These are creative materials at your fingertips.

The dragon that uses thunder and lightning in various ways such as spitting, can even create a "dragon made of thunder and lightning", just like the ability of the Oriental Dragon in the country where he lived during his lifetime to "move clouds, spread rain, summon thunder and wind".

[Draft] Yao Yan would not put aside the power he "exchanged" with the lady in the hell world, whether it was "creation" or "association".

Yao Yan did not intend to make any drastic changes.

He has no intention of making any sky dragon, earth dragon, fire dragon, water dragon, sun dragon or night dragon.

After all, in this world currently, all power is integrated with genes and comes from genes.

Therefore, he did not intend to do any ability that could not be expressed in flesh and blood genetically.


Flowers, plants and trees, this demon has the ability that he will not let go of.

It can be called a green dragon if it is named after its color, or a forest dragon if it is named after its source.

Yao Yan selected several abilities for the group of dragon-born demons he planned to create.

The first is the ability of the individual to disguise itself.

Mainly based in forests, this group must have the ability to camouflage and be able to rely on topography such as flowers, grass and trees for camouflage and habitat.

The second is offensive and defensive capabilities.

Needless to say, the powerful size and strength bring attack power. For defense, you can choose to combine leathery skin scales and tree bark. For attack, you can also use plant-based toxins. At the same time, these dragon-born demons can also increase their ability to resist toxins.


Language and cognition.

Mo Crow's "rumoring" ability relies on communication and cognition.

For a race without intelligence and unable to communicate, its value will be greatly reduced to him.

Just like Majin City.

There is no "leisure" in Majin City.

This created race needs to reduce some communication efficiency and increase some "leisure".

Things like "culture" and "art" were difficult to produce in the previous demon city, and it was difficult to appear in the demon society that relied on pheromones to deliver all goals more accurately.

Yao Yan had no intention of recreating a highly efficient and truly social social race.

At this time, the demon cubs had crawled to his feet.




Amidst the childish cries one after another, Yao Yan stretched out his hand, crawled on his body, and the membrane wings that were folded behind his back and covered with veins like veins spread out to show them.

At the same time, her claws and tail dug into the ground and became thicker, just like the feet of a demon, and began to absorb nutrients with an almost root function.

And soon, the demon cubs, whose imitation and learning abilities had been deliberately enhanced by him, opened their eyes and began to spread their wings unsteadily, trying to imitate their "mother" and "king".

The tender wings were densely covered with blood vessels like plant conduits, which also helped them start slow photosynthesis.

However, among these genes, the demon cubs who instinctively respect, fear, and identify with the "mother" and the "king" do not know what the king they admire is thinking.

"We need to speed up their growth, otherwise they will grow too slowly and sacrifice their lifespan. A lifespan of ten to twenty years is enough. No, they can continue to be compressed. Five to ten years of rapid growth and rapid death will be enough. It doesn’t need to be much, but the only thing that needs to be ensured is the speed of reproduction, and the lifespan can still be extended. As long as they do enough ‘treasure collection’ and are in a good mood, they can extend their lifespan by ten to twenty years.”

"Fast growth and quick death can speed up gene replacement and optimization, and can also increase the speed of population diffusion and competition, but I need to control it to avoid the emergence of populations that do not meet my needs."

"Well, it's okay to rebel against my mother clan. What I need is for their race to spread quickly and use the 'treasure collecting' instinct injected into their genes to collect items with 'complex patterns' and then collect humans. various documents and items.”

"I hope this 'Dragonborn of the Jungle' and this group of demons can move faster."

"However, I retain some back-ups. These back-ups that can affect all jungle dragonborn may be erased and filled in during genetic replacement and mutation."

"Even if I choose to reproduce by myself in order to avoid mutation and remove the ability to mate with other individuals, I still need to pay more attention."

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