Crow's Paradise

Chapter 182 Arnold’s Goal

While waiting for the next target informed by Lao Jia, Yao Yan carried out his plan in various ways——

This includes, but is not limited to, inadvertently directly mentioning the person who wrote the letter while doing things, and inadvertently letting the people next to him hear it.

Deliberately bring up a certain book in memory involving the author, especially the passages in it that are closely related to or close to the author.

Or you may first mention something related to the person who wrote the pen, and then indirectly mention something about a person with the same name who was definitely identified as the person who wrote the pen in the past, so that the people who heard it will misunderstand it.

There are as many ways as Yao said to direct people's attention and attract attention.

However, while he was waiting for news from Lao Jia, he suddenly discovered the detective with the magic eye whom he had contacted before.

Because of this detective's habit of pursuing facts, the first time in his world that he spread rumors about the writer did not go smoothly.

Although it was successful in attracting Lao Jia.

However, the other party's actions caught his attention.

That is?

In the rain, Arnold, the magic-eyed man, came to the steam locomotive station again, preparing to take the train to the other side of Area 2 to confirm whether he had gained enough.

After getting on the steam locomotive, and when the steam locomotive began to travel on the ground track in the city, he held up an umbrella in his left hand and read the newspaper in his right hand.

While flipping through the pages, his eyes suddenly froze, and the pupils in the huge eyeball in the center of his head quickly shrank. The reason was the biggest news item on the first page:

"This newspaper reported that at 6:10 yesterday morning, two serious explosions occurred at the Siglin Crematorium located in the eastern suburbs of District 4. The explosion was suspected to be caused by a bomb. The explosion occurred in the room of the person in charge of the crematorium on the first floor. Long Hudrian died on the spot. We have now obtained clues that the person who carried out the terrorist attack was the arakkoa Nord, who..."

Looking at the photo published in the newspaper, Arnold immediately recognized the perpetrator of the explosion as his former client.

Nord...this is the arakkoa.

Why did Nord attack the crematorium? And it was a bomb? Terrorist attacks?

Nord looked at the words and photos in the newspaper with confusion and solemnity.

Although he wanted to investigate now, however, what was more important to him was the black market.

About yourself.

There is news about the black market where Arnold was born, which is illegal and non-compliant but has always existed, circumventing the courts, the police, and various detectives in various ways.

The unknown black market that he had been looking for for nearly twenty years but still couldn't get close to.

He knew that the black market would be very dangerous, and he also knew that he should return and tell his "sister" the news. It was also in the black market that a mother-body magic-eye person who should be called mother in biological relationships had earlier A three-eyed human female born of time.

However, what he also knows is how difficult it is to obtain information about that black market, and how dangerous it is to obtain information about that black market.

He had no intention of going back to tell her, and he had no time to ask her to move out of the detective agency and hide in the basement where he used to hide various spare parts and emergency supplies.

Sitting on the steam locomotive, he had already begun to disguise himself, wearing camouflage binoculars for his eyes.

He knew that investigating the black market would definitely bring considerable danger, but he did not give up on the goal he had been pursuing for the past twenty years, nor did he miss the opportunity that came after twenty years of basically fruitless pursuit. .

In the huge urban agglomeration, steam locomotives were driving. When the time came in the afternoon, on the other side of District 2, in the East District, the steam locomotive finally stopped.

On a long table outside the site, a short white-haired rat with deformed arms was glancing around furtively, and then took out something from his loose clothes.

This is a rat-shaped creature with a rat body, not a humanoid creature with humanoid limbs and a rat head.

And the thing he took out from his large clothes was not something strange, but food, a large piece of cake. After taking out the food, he immediately started to eat it.

However, just as he was happily eating the flatbread made of unknown grains, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder.

The white-haired rat couldn't help but shiver, and the pancake fell from his hand. Although he hurriedly grabbed it, he couldn't catch it before it hit the ground.

He hurriedly picked up the pie from the ground and wiped it twice with his clothes. Then he wrapped the pie back in his clothes, turned around and looked around. Then, he saw the "elf" in a windbreaker and a deerstalker hat. .

The "elf" raised the brim of his hat, revealing a delicate face wearing eyeglasses.

"Elf?" The white-haired rat was stunned.

"Shh! I'm Talon."

The white-haired rat himself only saw that the other party raised his index finger and put it in front of his lips, signaling that he should be silent.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the other party lower his voice, came closer to him, and said:

"I ask a question, you answer a question, and you get paid for each question."

Tempted by the money, the white-haired rat nodded repeatedly.

"Where is the female elf you saw holding the cub of some kind of humanoid creature before?"

The "elf" who called himself "Claw" asked in a deep voice.

The white-haired rat's brain, almost dominated by hunger, sluggished for a moment before he responded:

"In a, in a sewer that drains away, I watched the elf drown the cub in the sewer!"

Hearing these words, the face of the "elf" who called himself "Claw" changed slightly, and his vision suddenly became sharper:

"you sure!?"

"I am sure!"

The white-haired rat swallowed:

"I went to look for food in the sewer that day. Although I was a little drunk, I remember it very clearly. The elf almost fell into the water. I saw it!"

Upon hearing these words, the "elf"'s sharp eyes wandered around him for a few times, and then he immediately asked:

"Where's the sewer?"

"No, I don't know. It's a place like a dock."

In the eyes of the other party that suddenly became sharp, the white-haired rat tried very hard to remember:

"I swam after a fruit floating in the water. I remember that the starting point was near the sewer on the east side. The sewer there smelled of wine!"

The white-haired rat responded with some trepidation, making the "elf"'s eyes become more gloomy.

"What happened after that? How did you get to that place after that?"

Obviously, only the information "wine" cannot allow the elf to accurately locate it.

Hearing this sentence, a humanized crying face appeared on the white-haired rat's face:

"I, I really don't remember!"

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