Crow's Paradise

Chapter 181 Action Mode

However, this trial space is still quite good as a place for testing abilities.

Yao Yan's eyes fell on the table where only the newspapers were left after the cards were put away.

The ability of the one-eyed crow is very suitable for operations such as hiding and conducting attacks. However, what Yao Yan needs to consider is what happens after these abilities are limited in the number of times they can be used.

This world has a limit of three uses.

Combined with the restriction of only one use opportunity and the unrestricted multiple situations encountered before

Yes, these conditions coincide with the difficulty of the game in "Crow's Paradise" for some reason.

Considering the situations that may arise in the future, in the world he goes to in the future, there may be situations in those trial spaces where he can only use them once. He needs to train to achieve his goals by "only using each ability once". The goal.

In this case, it is necessary to make use of the surrounding environment and the things that already exist in the world.

Guide these humans by spreading rumors and exploit their inherent physical flaws to use them to your advantage.

His muttering to himself was also heard by several diners at the surrounding tables.

Four of these diners ignored him, but the remaining three couldn't help but look at Yao Yan.

Two of them even quickly showed expressions of doubt and thinking, obviously starting to think.

It's a pity that Yao Yan's understanding of the world's worldview was not very high.

He still doesn't know how to cause a worldview conflict in this world.



Spreading various rumors should be a method that is not precise enough but tends to be moderately effective.

However, there is a difference between a rumor and a rumor.

Some rumors may have no effect at all, and some rumors may have an unexpectedly large effect just by spreading.

Yao Yan began to rethink this issue.

The reason why he wants to find the person who wrote the pen is because "Yan Ren is likely to control the person who wrote the pen, so the chance of finding Yan Ren is relatively high after finding the person who wrote the pen."

However, what specific impact does finding the author of the pen have on the worldview?

According to the news that Lao Jia sold to him before——

The world structure of the entire world, the current systems in all aspects of society, the power structure, and cultural ideas are themselves the condensation of a world view.

Changing the world structure and affecting social conditions is itself an impact on the worldview.

In this way, even if you don't know the principles and don't understand the corresponding spirit behind the formation of the world view, you can still achieve influence, causing the corresponding spirit in the trial space to conflict, causing some spiritual fragments to be squeezed out.

However, Yao Yan had another idea——

What is the effective principle behind this impact mechanism?

World view World view, the world view itself is a summary standard obtained from the world that people, as observers and experiencers, summarize based on their own experience.

As the world changes, people's ideas will slowly change.

The principle behind affecting the trial space and then being able to obtain spiritual condensation is "the change in the world structure itself" or "the change in the world structure that involves changes in people's concepts."

Although there may not be much difference between the two in terms of actual effects, the essence is vastly different.

In such a situation, the methods that can be used are also very different.

The former can only be carried out through brute force to destroy the social structure and affect the interests of all forces in the world.

However, the latter only needs to use people's hearts and through some media and other means to achieve their goals.

However, the two do have different advantages and disadvantages.

The former does not need to understand the thinking concept of the trial space itself and can be carried out directly.

The latter needs to be understood.

No, that's not right.

Yao Yan thought about it carefully. Rumors themselves are largely uncontrollable. Those who release and create rumors can only roughly control the direction, but cannot accurately grasp how every detail will change.

Of course, if it is aimed at a relatively small target, such as a company, a city, a person or a group of people, certain types of rumors can be specifically created in a certain media.

This is the so-called black public relations.

During his lifetime, many netizens knew little about black public relations, and would even simply label them in some way.

I don’t know much about what black public relations are, and I even think I understand them because I only know that they are rare.

He has studied many black public relations cases and has had contact with some black public relations practitioners. He even used black public relations and worked as a black public relations company for a few days.

The so-called "water army" is just the lowest level, the simplest and most brainless type.

After creating rumors yourself, if these rumors are allowed to spread on their own, they will trigger worries in certain aspects of society.

Then, if the stakeholders have certain experience, they will participate in this public opinion dispute related to their interests.

Not only the parties involved, but also competitors, potential opponents, and so-called "passers-by" with non-commercial interests who attack because of their preferences.

Rumors themselves are difficult to control, and Yao Yan knew this very well.

Most of his understanding of rumors focuses on the stage when rumors are generated. What happens after that, because the amount of calculation is too huge, is a chaotic system for Yao Yan.

For example, now, Yao Yan creates and attracts people's attention to the writer, hoping to find the writer through people's attention.

However, after these attentions and the rise of public opinion about the writer, many changes that are not Yao Yan's purpose will occur.

For example, the simplest one is that there will be many scammers who try to use the identity of the writer to commit fraud.

People with ulterior motives who use the identity of the writer to fish in troubled waters.

Moreover, the target of these people is not the writer himself, but the parties involved in the process of rumor propagation and change. Some people will use these people as targets and use the topic of the writer.

An example is church-related, such as the "Skeleton Church".

Pretending to be a believer, using the name of the Skeleton Church to carry out terrorist attacks and the like

Encountering "rumors", but only seeing the level of rumor content related is too superficial.

Rumors themselves are not pure things, but a complex changing system, but the social relations and interest relations involved are more complex and more difficult to quantify.

How to say it?

Yao Yan thought of his new ability.

Yes, the original rumor itself was an RNA virus.

However, the RNA virus is not the only thing involved in the process of spreading.

Compared with the actual actions, the rumors released by oneself are more cost-effective.

Ah, Yao Yan was stunned for a moment.

Releasing rumors is an operation with almost zero cost. What can be compared?

And we should not subconsciously think that we can only choose one of the two.

Releasing rumors and making rumors have no cost in themselves, and it is very good as an additional means.


What Yao Yan should consider is whether to focus on the action of interfering in the situation, and the means of coordinating is to release rumors.

Or to focus on releasing rumors and coordinating with interfering in the situation.

However, soon, this major decision was made.

It depends on the situation.

In a world where rumors spread quickly, change quickly, and are difficult to control, actions should be taken to coordinate with rumors.

In a world where rumors spread quickly, change slowly, and are easy to control, rumors should be taken to coordinate with actions.

He still knows how to adapt to local conditions, and it is not okay to read from the script rigidly.

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