Crow's Paradise

Chapter 120 “Indigenous”

These ideas of his were not just random thoughts.

Ethnic groups in different cultures and regions have different habits for self-identification.

In the countries and regions during his lifetime, the fusion of surname and surname symbols, as well as the fusion of "name" and "zi" symbols, were mostly simplified due to redundant meanings.

The frequently changing surnames and the rarely changing surnames, after the first names and characters were also integrated, basically followed the previous rules. Adding the characters to the name and generation gradually disappeared after the "modernity". It was also an event node and a reflection of the social changes at that time. reflect.

Originally, the order of generation was reflected in the "character", such as brothers, uncles, Jimeng, etc. This rule itself is also a reflection of history.

The disappearance of these generational markers is also a reflection of the historical events of an era.

In addition to what I said before, in which era there were more people with a certain surname, it means that relevant events occurred in a certain era, and it is a reflection of the prosperity of a certain tribal family or powerful person.

Going back to the early times before the Shang and Zhou dynasties, when a certain surname increased, it was probably because the population of a certain tribe had multiplied to the point that it needed to be separated, and the surname was used as a mark.

In the future, the unique history of "surname giving" in the country where he lived will be reflected if the family with this surname is prosperous and the number of slaves who are given the surname will multiply and have more children.

In his time, the surnames of Zhang, Wang, Zhao, and Li were in itself a reflection of the prosperity of a certain family or power in the historical dynasty.

Why specifically add a force? Because the surname "Zhang" is more closely related to Taoism.

Similarly, the avoidance of changing surnames because a certain family suffered a disaster or changed dynasties is inconsistent with the development of the number of people with corresponding surnames in the previous era. This is also a manifestation.

This is just a little bit.

Different cultures also have differences in the way of naming names and surnames.

In some areas, the name of the previous generation will be added to their own name. Each additional stanza is a generation.

Or, in some areas, surnames are only available to nobles. Common people and even slaves who did not have surnames had a very rough and primitive naming method when they obtained surnames.

For example, in Europe and other religions, famous religious figures add suffixes, or their parents add suffixes.

For example, the surname Jackson, jackson, jack+son, son of Jack.

They even used their appearance characteristics to make surnames, with white in certain parts and brown in certain parts dark.

Or various Panasonics and Kawakami from a certain island country.

In areas where there were no surname records originally, the emergence of such surnames on a large scale after a certain era represented the historical event that the rulers at that time carried out large-scale population registration for the first time.

From the changes in characters on this side, we can understand the situation of an era.

For another example, there were very few quantifiers such as "one", "one", and "one type" in the history of the country during his lifetime.

The descriptions "one" and "one" are themselves manifestations of the influence of the articles a and an in English during the modern vernacular movement.

There are many influences on this kind of writing. People who are careful about history and life will gradually notice these issues.

The influence of history and society is reflected in various aspects.

Therefore, these things themselves are highly related to history and can confirm history.

Even the emergence of certain characters is the product of the creation of certain surname characters to avoid disasters.

However, even the vast majority of historical works are unaware of this aspect.

Those works that claim to be consistent with history and historical dramas rarely pay attention to this problem.

There are also reflections such as pronunciation, such as the "awkward" speech and the fact that it is a borrowed word from the Wu dialect. The widespread spread of Mandarin is itself related to a huge social event.

Yao Yan's eyes fell on this man.

He only learned of this information by chance and began to pay attention to it. Moreover, these things were too many and complicated, and it would take many years to sort them out in detail.

Yao Yan himself was just picking up other people's wisdom, and it is not difficult to understand these in the Internet age.


Did you discover the man in front of you on your own?

Discovered independently within this worldview?

Have you also summarized a set of rules?

Regardless of whether the other party's conclusion was correct or not, no matter what the other party's conclusion was, Yao Yan's view of this man had changed somewhat.

"What's missing?"

Taimoli repeated the question, and then said in a deep voice:

"All is missing."

As he spoke, his expression became a little excited:

"The changes in social language and writing are inconsistent with history!"

"Our social writings do not correspond to history!"

"We are a different population, a population that is not even remotely related to this history."

As he spoke, Taimoli's eyes had vertical pupils like snake eyes, and they ignited with flames:


His somewhat excited expression and his snake-like changes in eyes gave Yao Yan some ideas:


His low voice reached the other party's ears.

This question with a questioning tone made Tamori's eyes cool down:

"This is not important."

His tone became gloomy:

"You are different from us, Aboriginal?"

This sentence was something that Yao Yan did not expect.

Perhaps because of preconceptions, he thought that the other party's guess was to question the world and think there was something wrong with it.

However, unexpectedly, the various inconsistencies found by the other party only led to the conjecture that they themselves were not aborigines.


Because if you find that there is no correspondence between history and social indirect records such as written expressions, you will feel that there is something wrong with the world. Such a situation is difficult to happen in the first place.

What's even more terrible is that the other party thinks that he is an "indigenous" of this lost civilization.

How to do it?

Do you want to pretend?

Follow the other party's guess and pretend to be a native?


Thinking of what he had just done, Yao Yan said:

"It's really strange to call fire eaters aborigines."

Living in a female body, he showed a look of resignation.

He didn't intend to lead the other party to think in the wrong direction of the world. After all, he didn't know what the consequences would be, so there was nothing wrong with giving it a try before leaving.

The worldview of this world is very strange, and he still hasn't figured it out until now.

His focus is on "Fire Eaters."

He didn't forget that he still had Mo Crow.

However, at this moment——

The man in the stone gray coat widened his eyes:

"Fire Eaters? Never heard of them. Are they also indigenous like us?"

The moment these words came out, Yao Yan realized that his first thought was not wrong.

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