Crow's Paradise

Chapter 119 The Disappeared “Record”

As the flames burned, the huge dark red fire crow had disappeared from their sight.

Correspondingly, it was the crack with traces of melting on the window of the airship.

The other party escaped from the airship.

The four men and women, except for the Firebird whose eyes were blown out, the other three immediately appeared at the corridor window.

The three people's eyes swept across the cracked window, but they did not see the dark red figure.


At this time, the white-haired man appeared next to several people.

In a limping movement, the white-haired man walked to the broken and molten window.

After the three of them retreated in awe, the white-haired man reached out and touched the molten spot.

It's true that it's the melting caused by the high heat of the flame.

And this trace is flying downward.

His hand grasped the lower edge of the soft heat that had not yet solidified.

He seemed completely unafraid of the hot molten glass.

Reaching out again, his hand touched the upper edge.

Although the temperature is almost the same, the temperature below is higher than the temperature above. Judging from the sliding extent of the molten glass from other locations, the time when the other party disappeared can be determined.


He poked his head out of the molten cavity that was larger than his entire body.

Below, the dark red flame cannot be seen.


Is it the other side?

The white-haired man's gaze turned to the other side of the airship. The downward perspective also showed that he suspected that the target was in that direction.

However, besides this direction, there is another possibility——

The white-haired man raised his head and looked upward.

top layer.

Many men and women were waiting for the auction to begin, and many people gathered on the top of the airship.

Triss walked around the third floor with the maid who was following her closely. She couldn't stand the maid following her, so she found an opportunity and climbed up to the fourth floor.

After leaving the maid, Triss also took off her gorgeous dress and high-heeled dancing shoes, and put on another outfit.

The outfit she chose was her maid's change of clothes - a maid outfit.

She emerged from the corner of the stairs, put on her headgear, and took a rough look at herself.

Her original dress and skirt covered a lot of areas, and this outfit was the same, with most of it covered. The change of hairstyle in conjunction with the headdress also made her face the only identifiable symbol.

"If I have the chance, of course I will choose a black robe~"

While cautiously climbing up the stairs to the top, wary of any eyes that might be cast from somewhere, she murmured:

"In the shadow that the sun can never touch, a mysterious and profound magician~"

Amidst the muttering that only she could hear, Triss held onto the escalator and stepped onto the top deck in the increasingly strong wind.

Then, she took a few brisk steps and stood still.

Her eyes swept over the men and women on the top floor.

Most people were leaning against the guardrail, enjoying the scenery in the air or the scenery overlooked from the air.

However, there is one exception.

It was a woman wearing a dark blue dress and she looked about thirty years old.

The other person was looking at her.

Being watched closely by others, Triss subconsciously took a step to the right to avoid sight.

And the fact was just as she thought, the lady in the dark blue dress was not looking at her, but at the stairs behind her, as if waiting for something.

However, this person

Triss looked at her, seemed to have thought of something, and walked towards her.

However, at this time, the other party suddenly turned around and looked to the other side.

It was a man wearing a stone gray coat, and he seemed to be silent.

However, when she saw the other party, Triss also subconsciously found a bunker to cover her body and only peeked her head secretly.

When Triss stood under the shadow, the woman in the dark blue dress, or Yao Yan, glanced at the man in the stone gray coat:

"Can you find me that accurately? Mr. Tamory?"

"The flame is unique. I have never seen your flame before."

The man in the stone gray coat, whom she called Tamori, responded.

The look in the other person's eyes made Yao Yan speechless. He turned around, controlled his body and walked to the railing. A female voice said:

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?"

At this time, Yao Yan also knew very well that the other party wanted to talk to him, and the purpose was not directly offensive or malicious——

Although he can agree with this behavior which is not his own opinion, and it may be a cat's habit of killing prey to escape and capture, it at least shows that the other party has some understanding of the relevant situation.

However, the other party's subsequent words suppressed his evil suspicion——

“Do you know the history of language?”

Different from the identity questioning questions that Yao Yan originally suspected, his words made Yao Yan pause for a moment.

Immediately, he responded:

"The history of language? You know a little bit about it."

"So, why do you think the evolution of language does not match history?"

Tamori stared at her.

Is the evolution of language inconsistent with history?

Yao Yan seemed to understand something. He looked at the man and asked:

"Which kind of mismatch do you mean?"

"It all doesn't add up."

Taimoli's voice was low:

“Through my understanding of the changes in languages ​​in various places over hundreds of years, I have summarized some rules.”

"These rules are relatively consistent when applied to other regions. When we find records of language changes, even if we don't know the history at all, we can use this rule to make reverse inferences and make assumptions, and we can find the corresponding historical periods. corresponding events.”

"However, at a certain point in time, this set of rules will no longer hold true."

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes:

"In other words, if we follow this set of rules of development, that period of history should have an impact on the current language."

"However, there is no reflection of that history in today's language."

The mapping of history on language and characters.

Hearing this, Yao Yan didn't react much.

After all, there are too many loopholes in this world, but he doesn't know much about the history of this world.

However, history has an impact on writing and language habits and will leave its mark. This theory itself has no problem.

Especially the country in front of him.

Chinese characters were originally ideographic characters, but by his time, they were fully ideographic characters, with ideographic and phonetic characters interspersed.

Surname, surname, the "surname" that people of the time he lived in often referred to originally meant "family name".

The surname is derived from the figure of a tree root. As for whether "root" means "origin" or the "residence" of a tribe, Yaoyan prefers the latter.

Family names are often related to place names, official positions, etc.

Later, the surname collective title was simplified, so that the surname covered the surname, but the title was the surname instead of the surname.

Why do you say this?

Because the emergence of new surnames can mostly be traced back to a certain major historical event, when a descendant of a family branched off independently due to conflicts with the main family or due to avoidance or refuge.

Zheng Zhuanggong's younger brother Gongshu Duan separated from the main family, and his descendants did not take "Zheng" as their surname, but "Duan" as their surname.

People of the time when he was alive, people with the surname Duan, might have descendants of his uncle Duan.

In ancient times when resources were scarce, whichever family prospered had more opportunities to branch out.

It was different from the situation during his lifetime when poor people had the opportunity to have offspring.

If you pay attention to which surnames are more common in an era, you can almost understand which family is more prosperous in that era and where it is prosperous.

While Yao Yan was thinking, he looked at the man in front of him again:

"What's missing?"

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