Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 392: : No longer Li Muzhen!

Chapter 392: It is no longer Li Muzhen!

Li Yuyu’s extremely ridiculous smile made the old man’s face suddenly stiff, but he quickly returned to normal. The two men were relatively speechless for a few seconds. Finally, the old man sighed and showed a trace of exhaustion on his face. He whispered: "Although I am your grandfather, but also the owner of the Li family, I must be responsible for the entire Li family."

The meaning of the old man's sentence is very clear. Although he is the pro-grandfather of Li Yuyu's several people, he can't ignore the interests of the Li family. He has to act arbitrarily, and he has to make concessions.

The old man's expression made Li Yuyu's heart violently pumping. He seemed to feel the helplessness of his grandfather in the face of the pressure of Li's parents. His expression suddenly fell cold: "Elders?"

"Don't blame, they are also for the future of the entire Li family. Your brother's body is too bad, and..." The old man's majestic face leaked a trace of regret.

Unfortunately, the old man wants to explain again. Li Yuyu has already convicted the elders in his heart. He directly interrupted: "Grandpa, needless to say, I understand everything, one day, I will..." Li Yuyu said here, Will decisively interrupt the contact with Grandpa. For the first time in his eyes, there was a trace of **** suffocation.

Li Yuyu never wants to do everything. He always has a bright heart in his heart. This is his strength and shortcoming. Therefore, he can refuse to be the heir to the first order for the brother of the lobby, and this is also Linglan. The biggest reason for successfully turning him into the team.

But this time. The Li Yinfei incident directly shattered the innocence that he retained in his heart. He finally understood that there is no strength and no power has no use value. The family will abandon you without mercy... He felt the hatred for the first time, hated the elders who ruthlessly gave up the lobby brother and made insults to the lobby brother’s decision. It was also the first time that he thought of revenge, he definitely did not Will let go of those elders.

The old man saw the signal of interruption in his hand and could not help but shook his head. He sighed in a low voice: "Yu Yu, you are still too tender."

Li Yuyu, who hangs up the signal, can't bear his anger. Hurry back to his lab, shut himself down and shut down for more than a month.

Li Yuyu is very clear about the behavior of the elders. On behalf of my own lobby brother in the Li family has completely lost power, now in the Li family I am afraid that it has been difficult to move, if the grandfather can not resist the pressure from the elders group, it is only a matter of time to be abandoned. He must speed up, even if he can't develop a secret recipe for thoroughly solving the problem of the physical fitness of the lobby, he should also find a medicine that can be alleviated, and help the lobby brother to spend this crisis as much as possible...

Not to mention Li Yuyu's eagerness, Li Lanfeng here, originally desperately cold heart. Because of the warmth of Ling Lan's palm, I finally recovered. The originally trembling body gradually returned to calm, and the eyes became cold. The whole person looks calm and incomparable.

Ling Lan originally wanted to ask Li Lanfeng whether to go out and breathe fresh air, but it was stopped by Li Lanfeng’s cold eyes that looked at Li Yinfei.

Li Yinfei’s song is still going on. When Li Yinfei sings better and makes the entire stadium crazy, Li Lanfeng’s eyes are even more ruthless.

have to say. In order to build Li Yinfei, the soul singer, her brokerage firm did cost a lot. The five songs that were sung are the first classics, and the genre is all-encompassing, making the military school students feel intoxicated. Of course, Li Yinfei's peerless beauty also occupies more than half of the credit. Although this era, because of the genetic agent transformation and other reasons, everyone is very good regardless of men and women, but like Li Yinfei, the unique beauty of heaven and earth is still rare in a hundred years. Out.

This concert announced the success of Li Yinfei. Her singing and her appearance, through the spread of the virtual world, became the idol of thousands of soldiers and soldiers of the Chinese Federation and became one of the most well-known soul singers. And because her songs are almost all about the subject of war soldiers, so among the soldiers, it is highly sought after, and it has become another idol of the army after Ling Xiao.

In the concert, Ling Lan has been worried about Li Lanfeng's body, afraid that he can't support it, but Li Lanfeng is coming to the back, the situation is getting better and better. In the end, there is no difference with him at the beginning. However, Ling Lan, who feels sensitive, still feels that Li Lanfeng has obviously made a decision.

At the end of the concert, Li Lanfeng hurriedly said goodbye to Ling Lan. It seems that there is an urgent matter. When Li Lanfeng left, Chang Xinyuan came to tell Ling Lan that Li Yuyu had left at the halfway of the concert. This made the other members of the team curious. I don’t know who proposed it. Will Li Yinfei have a relationship with Li Lanyu and Li Lanfeng? After all, are they all surnamed Li?

Of course, this problem was quickly abandoned by everyone. Even if Li Yinfei and Li Yuyu have a relationship with them, what can they do? Although Xie Yi and Qi Long like to listen to Li Yinfei's song, but it is limited to this, there is no other idea. Well, Qi Long Xie Yi is still young, has been oppressed by Ling Lan boss, always want to become stronger, not yet when the beginning of love.

However, the extroverted Xie Yi could not help but be curious, looking for Li Yingjie to explore the tone. Li Yingjie was confused at this. He did not know who Li Yinfei was, but Xie Yi’s reminder also made him wonder. Li Yinfei’s name is indeed like the Li family.

Li Yingjie’s answer made Xie Yi very despised, ridiculing Li Yingjie and even his family could not confirm whether it was, which made Li Yingjie very angry. He did not care much about Li’s mess, and finally decided to have a chance to master the Li family. The list of children, so as not to let Xie Yi this **** to despise...

Li Yingjie did not expect that because of Xie Yi’s inquiry, he had such a heart, and he even helped him find a big secret in the future...

When Li Lanfeng returned to his own accommodation, he went into his room and closed the door. After confirming that everything was safe, he dialed the communication with his grandfather. In the virtual screen of the contact, there is an image of an old man who is talking to Li Yuyu.

The old man saw Li Lanfeng on the opposite side. When he changed his conversation with Li Yuyu, he had a bitter smile on his face and sighed: "Yu Yu has contacted me. I am still thinking, when will you contact me? I thought that your patience is so good, it has been so long..."

Li Lanfeng looked very cold. He said straight away: "Grandpa, Li Yinfei, if I didn't guess wrong, it should be your manipulation." Compared with Li Yuyu, he knows his grandfather better.

The smile of the old man suddenly disappeared, and the whole face became very serious: "It really is the heir that I have carefully cultivated, and I immediately figured it out."

"Because I know too much about your grandfather's means, I can even speculate that your explanation of Yu Yu should be the decision of the elders group. The poor elders of the Li family have made your ghosts." Li Lanfeng's ridicule is better than Li Yuyu. It came more obvious, which made the old man's face look awkward. Compared with Li Yuyu, he was a ghost and couldn't help him.

Li Lanfeng ignored the embarrassment of the old man. He continued to ask: "I just want to know, Grandpa, why are you doing this?" Li Lanfeng had almost no temperature at this time.

"I have to do both hands." The old man's eyes suddenly sharpened. "I will never allow my grandson to become a phoenix. If it is true, Li Yinfei is your substitute."

The old man told Li Lanfeng the answer straightforwardly. For this matter, he had been planning for several years. He finally found Li Yinfei, who is similar to his grandson’s five or six points, in the Li family. The most important thing is the other parents. Both died, everything is under his control. In the past few years, he has used Li's latest transformation technology and repeated experiments. He finally transformed Li Yinfei into a similarity of 90%. With makeup, at first glance, in addition to temperament, there is almost nothing to do with his grandchildren. difference……

The old man’s answer made Li Lanfeng’s heart violently hurt. After all, he was still too weak. Therefore, his grandfather did not believe that he could really change his life, so he wanted to use this to make him feel shameful. Method, escape the phoenix life.

"I understand..." Li Lanfeng closed her eyes painfully and covered her inner pain. Even the most loved ones don't believe in their efforts. How can he prove himself? Moreover, this decision of Grandpa means that he will no longer be able to show his true appearance.

He thought of the rabbit, once thought about it with hope. In a few months, when he was 20 years old, he stood in front of the other side and told him all the truth, but all of this could no longer be. He can only live as Li Lanfeng, and even in his life can only do this.

The old man seems to feel the anger of Li Lanfeng. He sighed deeply: "The sinful things must be given up."

Li Lanfeng smiled fiercely. Did Grandpa think that his appearance is the existence of sin? It’s ridiculous. If the phoenix’s life is only for that face, can it be ruined? Why bother to make a Li Yinfei in one fell swoop? After all, Grandpa is just deceiving himself.

Li Lanfeng finally condensed his smile. He slammed his eyes openly. The sadness in the eyes flashed past and looked at the old man deeply. This said: "Grandpa, this is the last time I contacted you. I will not It’s Li Muzhen, but Li Lanfeng, and it’s only Li Lanfeng!”

The old man heard the words, his body jerked, his eyes quickly turned red, his mouth moved, and finally he nodded decisively: "Li Lanfeng, you are good at it!"

The old man took the initiative to press the stop button. He stared blankly at the virtual screen that had become dark. It took a long time to faintly say: "I can only do this. Next, I will see you, Mu Yan!" Then, the whole person squatted down, his back bent uncontrollably, and he was no longer as confident as he was when he faced two grandchildren on the screen. (To be continued)

Ps: Recommend a friend, the same love for pregnant women to eat pine nuts, a text, just put on the shelves soon, the text is wild and interested in this type of text can look. "Rebirth abilities Girl", ISBN: 3251901, author: eat pine nuts

Introduction: This is the story of a special-sex woman who did not have the ability to regain her abilities and change her family's destiny. ()

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