With the voice of Li Yinfei, the lighting of the entire stage was concentrated on her body. Everyone saw the sound of Li Yinfei, but made a sigh of sighs throughout the scene. It turned out that Li Yinfei’s face was covered with a thin veil at this time, only showing her charming and beautiful Danfengyan eyes. Between the eyes, there was a meaning of a ghost, even if she did not see the truth, everyone All know that Li Yinfei must be a stunning enchantress.

When the song of never giving in sounds, Li Yinfei once again made the military school students move. This song is very powerful. Li Yinfei’s passion is sing, and it seems to tell the military students that the invasion of the enemy will not defeat the Chinese people. The iron bones, all the people present, stood up in the voice of the songs, and all the military school students clenched their fists with excitement, and the voices that echoed the chorus part never succumbed and sang loudly.

At this time, Ling Lan was even slower. He also knew that this Li Yinfei must belong to the military. Otherwise, it is impossible for the two songs to greet the war in the military school so closely. The military is really good, and Li Yinfei’s arrival, these two songs, will inevitably raise the hatred of the cadets to the invaders to an extreme. It is conceivable that all the cadets here must be the backbone of these invaders. power. This is Li Yinfei. There is a shocking voice that does not say, but also has the fascinating face of the charm of the whole people!

Li Yinfei’s true content shocked everyone on the scene, and the second row of Chaucer, who had a calm face. Seeing Li Yinfei's true feelings, the heart jerked up, he couldn't suppress the inner heart*: "This is the woman who is worthy of me, I must get her!"

Li Yinfei's peerless appearance also made Ling Lan stunned. As a girl, Ling Lan was also attracted by Li Yinfei's appearance. But Ling Lan is a girl after all. In addition to being tortured by the five-mented instructor in the learning space, her heart became firm and chilly. Will not be easily confused.

Ling Lan, who calmed down, once again looked at Li Yinfei's face of the fallen city, but found that the face made her feel uncomfortable, although beautiful to the extreme, charm to the extreme. It is unparalleled in the world, but Linglan feels a little weird. It is less natural and mellow. What is going on? Ling Lan was shocked and couldn't help but think of the invasion of the air raid. Li Lanfeng sat in the vice seat of her mech. A scene that happened. Is it a problem with the leopard's temperament?

Ling Lan, who was worried in her heart, couldn't help but extend her right hand and hold Li Lanfeng's trembling hands. This move made Li Lanfeng's body violently shake. He jerked back and looked at Ling Lan, his red eyes were full of despair and pain, and even a trace of madness, that look. It’s as if he was abandoned by the whole world...

"Leopard, are you okay?" Ling Lan felt that Li Lanfeng was not right. Asked seriously.

Ling Lan’s questioning seems to have saved Li Lanfeng, who is immersed in his own world. His eyes are clear and clear. Restoring the sensible Li Lanfeng backhand grabbed Ling Lan's right hand. He held it very tightly. Just like grabbing the straw, he refused to let go. The force actually made Ling Lan feel a bit of pain.

Ling Lan always hated to be intimate with human skin. She was thinking about whether to take off Li Lanfeng's big hand, but she felt that Li Lanfeng's palm was full of sweat. She thought of Li Lanfeng's crazy desperate look, and couldn't help but feel soft.

I think that my current status is a boy. It is normal to be caught by a male partner. Li Lanfeng needs the comfort of a partner... Well, just do a good job on the same day, contribute your right hand and comfort each other, anyway, anyway. The hand will not be a piece of meat. Ling Lan was very thinking about it.

In this way, Ling Lan forced herself to ignore Li Lanfeng's grasp of her hand. She continued to look at the stage with no expression, focusing on the problem she had just discovered... Hey, that is Li Yinfei, the beauty is so unnatural, really not Question?

Perhaps Ling Lan’s attention is on Li Lanfeng’s body. At the very edge, Li Yuyu, who was originally attracted by Li Yinfei’s voice, is so frightened at this time that this panic is not for the peer’s peerless face, but like See the devil in general...

"噌", Li Yiyu, who could not control himself, stood up and awakened Changxinyuan, who was also fascinated by Li Yinfei. Chang Xinyuan saw Li Yuyu’s frightened expression and immediately knew that something was wrong. Soon Li Yinfei After being thrown into the mind by Chang Xinyuan, he asked with concern: "Yu Yu, what happened?"

Li Yuyu's right hand slammed his mouth and seemed to be afraid of screaming. He finally calmed himself down. Then he put down his right hand and hurriedly replied: "New source, I suddenly remembered that something important was not completed. I have to leave right away, wait a minute, please help me to ask the captain for a vacation."

Li Yuyu’s grim expression made Chang Xinyuan understand that the other party must have something important. He nodded quickly and said that he must bring the words. Li Yuyu never had the patience to stay at the concert site and hurriedly ran out of the stadium.

As soon as I arrived outside the stadium, the fresh wind blew, so that Li Xiaoyu’s originally shocked head suddenly woke up a lot because the military school owners were all focusing on Li Yinfei’s concert, not watching the concert at the scene, or staying in their own accommodation. In the virtual world, I watched the live broadcast. At this time, there was no one outside the stadium.

Li Yuyu walked three steps and two steps. He quickly walked to a place where trees were everywhere and absolutely quiet. He couldn't wait to press a string of numbers on his liaison. In the past four years, he has never contacted him, but he has been deeply buried in his heart and has not forgotten it.

"Yu, I can't think of you when you have contacted me. I thought about it. I am going to accept Grandpa's arrangement and become the first heir of Li." On the virtual screen of the contact, a majestic old man suddenly appeared in it. The original serious face was with a smile at the moment. It seems that Li Yuyu took the initiative to contact him and made him feel very happy.

Li Yuyu could not understand the mind of the old man. When he saw the other party, he shouted angrily: "Grandpa, what is Li Yinfei?"

“Li Yinfei?” The old man’s original smile suddenly cooled down. “Have you seen her?” Suddenly, like a thought, the old man’s face appeared. “Also, she is now in the first men’s military school. You can see her at the concert, this is normal."

"Who is she?" Li Yuyu squeezing the five words out of the teeth.

The old man replied indifferently: "A younger brother of Li's family, by generation, is your cousin."

"What I asked was, how did that face come from?" The old man's indifferentness made Li Yuyu unable to control his emotions anymore, and could not help but whisper.

This question makes the old man's face more cold: "Is this what you should have for your grandfather?"

Li Yuyu slammed his eyes and wiped his face. Then he took a deep breath and pressed the anger in his heart. He blinked again. His eyes were no longer angry and he became more calm: " Sorry, Grandpa, I was too much. But I asked you to tell me, Li Yinfei’s face, what is going on?”...

Li Yuyu’s performance has eased the attitude of the elderly. He faintly replied: “What is wrong with that face?” It seems that I don’t understand what Li Yuyu meant.

"Grandpa!" Li Yuyu shouted again. "You know... know..." In the place where the old man can't see, Li Yuyu's low left hand, at this time has already clenched his fist, perhaps too hard, the back of the hand On the other hand, there was a violent violent violent rise. It was obvious that Li Yuyu was angry at the moment, but because the other party was his grandfather, he had to bear it.

"What do you know?" The old man even asked Li Yuyu. When Li Yuyu endured his endurance and broke his anger, the old man went on to say: "Do you want to say that Li Yinfei’s long brother and you are in the lobby? The same?"

This sentence made Li Yuyu calm down the whole person: "I want to know why you should do this."

"Why are you asking me?" The old man's expression was once again indifferent.

"Without your nod, Li Yinfei can't appear in the eyes of the public, and it is even more impossible to become a singer~www.ltnovel.com~ Li Jia is not allowed to have the same appearance in order to guarantee the status and dignity of the owner and the heir. The people of the world are now." Li Yuyu knows Li Jia too. Li Yinfei is so much like the lobby brother. It should not exist. Even if it exists, he has to change his face. This is the respect for the immediate family and the heirs.

"Li Muzhen is not yet a family owner." The old man answered this sentence after a few seconds of silence.

"The lobby brother is the heir to the first overall." Li Yuyu once again squatted, because of the body's sake, can not become a strong, can you step on the dignity of the lobby brother? For the first time, Li Yuyu hated the whole Li Jiayu, and Li Yinfei, who has the appearance of the lobby brother, was even more killing...

"Nothing to do stupid things, Li Yinfei's things are approved by the family elders' meeting, and I can't stop it." The old man seems to feel the killing of Li Yuyu's heart, and his voice is very strong.

"Is there no way?" Li Yuyu laughed mockingly. If Grandpa really wants to refuse, how could it really be impossible? He is too aware of his grandfather's means.

Ps: I didn't add more in October. My parents have always insisted on giving me a pink ticket. In order to thank my parents for their support, I will continue to do so for three consecutive days. Please look forward to it! `'()

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